HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Island Strategic Action Committee - 10/17/2018 Holiday Inn Express 15209 Windward Drive Corpus Christi,TX 78418 Island Strategic Action Committee Regular Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 17,2018 4:30 PM ISAC Agenda I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL Chair Brud Jones called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. City Staff Rozie Canales called roll. Present Members (10) Brud Jones, Libby Edwards, Jodi Steen, David Perry, Carter Tate, Cheri Sperling, Charles Knoll, Aaron Huffman, Jay Gardner and Jerry Watkins Present Ex-Officios (2) Cliff Schlabach and Dotson Lewis Absent Members (4) Stan Hulse. Kathleen L. Pratt, Rick Sowash and Stephan Noack Absent Ex-Officios (4) Bryan Gulley, Paulette Kluge, Keith McMullin and Dan McGinn Present City Staff(5) Keith Selman, Jay Ellington, Darren Gurley, Aimee Alcorn-Reed and Rozie Canales II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 Motion by Vice-Chair Libby Edwards to approve the minutes. Second by: Committee Member Carter Tate. Motion carried by unanimous vote. III. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Absences: Libby Edwards, Kathleen Pratt and Carter Tate were absent on September 4, 2018. Motion by Committee Member Jodi Steen to approve the excused absences. Second by: Committee Member Charles Knoll. Motion carried by unanimous vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment. V. ONGOING BUSINESS for Discussion/Possible Action 1. Recap of September Agenda Items a. TIRZ#2 Board Meeting Update —ACM Keith Selman informed the ISAC that the TIRZ#2 board had requested an update on the activities of the TIRZ. He stated that the only update or revision was the feasibility study required to renew the TIRZ. He added that the City was using the same company used in 2009, CDS Spillette, and they were scheduled to begin the study next month with a completion date of February 2019. Discussion ensued regarding the necessity of the study and it was noted that since the TIRZ#2 was expiring in 2022, a feasibility study was required to show it was economically feasible to extend beyond 2022. The Vice- Chair suggested a premeeting with CDS Spillette, possibly with the TIRZ#2 Subcommittee, to provide local insight of the Island and it's needs. b. Island Engineering Project Update — ACM Keith Selman informed the ISAC that the PR22 Bridge project was still online, funds were still in place to complete the project, and it would move forward once the canal connections were in good order and the development agreements were in place. A question arose regarding the wetlands and was answered by Paul Schexnailder that the wetlands were not a major issue, were easily changeable, and should not be a problem. Mr. Selman continued with the update on Packery Channel. He stated a small contract(below$50K)for the preliminary design has gone through the procurement and selection process to ensure reimbursement by FEMA. He reiterated that this project is a target project and will remain eligible for reimbursement by FEMA. A question arose regarding the RESTORE Bucket grants and Mr. Selman stated that an update would be provided to the ISAC via email format. Mr. Selman informed the ISAC that the update regarding North Padre Island Beach Facility would be provided by the Parks and Rec Director. The last update was on New Port Pass. Mr. Selman stated that some emergency repairs had been completed and that the design contract was going to Council for policy decision to use left over monies from Bond 2014 to repair other access roads. c. Beaches& Parks Update—Director of Parks & Rec, Jay Ellington, reviewed the items from the previous month's meeting. He updated the ISAC on the Restrooms. the Mobi-mats (wheelchair access to jetties), and the showers. Mr. Ellington stated that the mats would be put in place in a couple of weeks to a month, be maintained, swept off and watered frequently to keep them leveled and at the right slope. A question arose regarding the location and the sturdiness of the mats. Beach Operations Superintendent. Darren Gurley. stated that the mats were big and sturdy, 4 ft. X 6 ft., and would be bolted together and hard to float away, but would know more once they were put in place. As far as the location, Mr. Gurley stated that they would start on the South side because of the existing slope but again, would know more once they were put in place. He added, that people would be able to park a wheelchair accessible van and just roll out to the jetty. Question arose regarding the timeline of the showers and Mr. Ellington stated that the water lines were the delay, but discussion was underway to do some of the work inhouse. He added that the showers would be placed at Access 3A and Zahn Rd. The next update was on the Packery Channel Structural Restoration Project. Mr. Ellington referred the ISAC to the slide presentation and showed the areas that are part of the HDR contract, 4 areas where repairs are required, and stated that HDR has started the permit process. The last update was the Beach Operations Office. Mr. Ellington shared photos of the office, inside and out, and informed the ISAC that they were waiting on power and IT services for full operation. d. Maintenance Building —Mr. Ellington explained that the park by the Fire Station was the best location for the Maintenance Building due to certain requirements. After much discussion regarding the location, the outward appearance, and design requirements. Mr. Ellington assured the ISAC that Mr. Gurley would bring back to ISAC the architect's preliminary design for discussion and recommendations. 2. Beaches& Parks Update No additional updates. 3. Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee Report—WBAC Chair Cliff Schlabach updated the ISAC on items discussed in their recent meetings. He informed them that letters had been sent to Nueces County and Port Aransas regarding the proposed increase in parking fees from$12 to$15 but had yet to receive a response from Port Aransas. He also stated that the WBAC received updates on how SHOT funds are allocated. Currently, he said, SHOT funds are 75%for beach needs and 25%for operations, and Beach Operations has asked for an additional 25% for operations. He also stated that the City is still working on the PC monitoring contract with Deidre Williams. Mr. Schlabach added that the WBAC was putting together a list of questions regarding ongoing issues with an invitation to the Interim City Manager to answer at their November meeting. He also informed the ISAC that City legal was reviewing proposed North Beach SHOT projects to recommend if they should or should not be funded under State Hot Funds. Lastly, Mr. Schlabach stated that the WBAC received a presentation from a group called R&R (Respect & Responsibility) because of the ongoing issue of water safety at Packery Channel. The group's aim is to educate people on water safety. Of late, there have been accidents and confrontations as more and more people are indulging in their sport, all in the same area. The R& R group, he added, would like to distribute literature on safety and ultimately advertise/educate on billboards. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. TIRZ#2 Renewal Update—PPT presentation by ACM Keith Selman to refresh the ISAC on the renewal process. Mr. Selman informed the ISAC that the taxing entities had been contacted but were not obligated to participate. He added that the hospital district is prohibited by statute and the other entities are asking questions the feasibility study will answer. He added that the City will use the same company that did the feasibility study in 2009, CDS Spillette. Again, it was suggested by Vice-Chair Libby Edwards that before the feasibility study gets underway that either the ISAC or the TIRZ#2 Subcommittee visit with the consultants to enlightened them on the history of the Island. Hearing no objection, the Chairperson waived the order of the meeting and moved to No. 4. 4. TIRZ#2 City of Corpus Christi Project and Financing Plans —Assistant City Attorney, Aimee Alcorn- Reed clarified language within the TIRZ#2 City of Corpus Christi Financing Plans that the ISAC had questioned. She informed the ISAC that after the feasibility study of 2009, the Project & Financing Plans were completely changed, revamped, and became the TIRZ#2 City of Corpus Christi Project and Financing Plans that exist today with amendments as the ISAC added new projects. Ms. Alcorn-Reed assured the ISAC that some of the language in the Project and Financing Plans were obsolete, but the City didn't have staff to update; however, added that after the current feasibility study is completed, City staff that works closely with TIRZ#2 would work on getting the document updated. She emphasized to the ISAC that when amendments are made to the Project and Financing Plans, those amendments are presented within the document underlined, in bold print, or given a distinct color. She added that the amendments always go through the ISAC, the TIRZ#2 board, then the Council. She ended with informing the ISAC that the last relatively substantial amendment was in 2013 to update the engineering projects. The 2009 update completely replaced the old one and she added that the City is hoping to do that again. Hearing no objection, the Chairperson returned to the regular order of the meeting to No 2. 2. Bond Project Update—ACM Keith Selman gave the ISAC an update of the Proposed 2018 Bond Program Information Guide and walked them through the design of the brochure, which was color-coded for quicker access to the Bond Propositions. He referenced Proposition B, No. 9 which affected the Island; however, encouraged the ISAC to review the entire brochure as all drive through the community and benefit from the improvements. 3. Derelict(Commercial) Buildings—Committee Member Carter Tate expressed his desire to have enforcement of code violations regarding abandoned buildings, among other items, and was reaching out to the City to see what could be done, specifically with the derelict commercial buildings. VII. IDENTIFY ISAC FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None VIII. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Date: November 14, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Jodi Steen to adjourn. Second by Committee Member Charles Knoll. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting Adjourned at 6:04 p.m.