HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Landmark Commission - 08/26/1999 ill+ V MINUTES LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING STAFF CONFERENCE ROOM — 1" FLOOR AUGUST 26, 1999 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Deborah Douglas, Chairman Mr. Alan Belcher Ms. Sharon Brower Ms. Betsy Chapman Mr. Michael Cleary Mr. Mark Luddeke Mr. Terry Orf Mr. Elmon Phillips Mr. Tom Stewart Ms. Bunny Tinker Mr. Jerry Wagoner MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Lisa Garza (Excused) Ms. Grandis Lenken (Excused) Mr. Kevin Maraist (Excused) Ms. Elizabeth Rentz (Excused) STAFF PRESENT: Michael Gunning, Planning Director Faryce Goode-Macon, City Planner Linda Williams, Recording Secretary Ms. Deborah Douglas, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The roll was called and a quorum was declared. INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMISSIONERS: Ms. Douglas stated she was excited to see the Landmark Commission's membership back to its full status and that all vacancies were finally filled. Ms. Douglas continued that five (5) new commissioners have been appointed and they were attending today's meeting. Ms. Douglas welcomed the new commissioners and asked commissioners to Introduce themselves. The new commissioners are Mr. Michael Cleary, a state certified real estate appraiser with Frost Bank who fills the competency of a regular member. Mr. Mark Luddeke is an architect with the local firm of Wilson, Kullman, & McCord. Mr. Luddeke moved from San Antonio and has been in the city for ten years. Mr. Luddeke stated he is very interested in old historical buildings and being appointed to the commission is a great opportunity for him to get involved in local preservation efforts. Mr. Luddeke fills the competency of an architect. Mr. Terry Orf is an architect, formerly with Wilson, Kul!man, & McCord, and recently opened his own firm three weeks ago, also fills the competency of an architect. Mr. Orf SCANNED .. ..i Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 2 continued he has been involved with the Old Nueces County Courthouse for about eight years ago, and more recently, serves on a committee that is working with the the Dusty Durrill Foundation. Mr. Orf stated he has a general interest in historical preservation and is excited to be part of the commission. Mr. Elmon Phillips, a retired engineer, stated he currently serves as chairman of the Nueces County Historical Commission and is also a member of the Nueces County Historical Association. Mr. Phillips continued he has always had an interest in history and was looking forward to serving on the Landmark Commission. Mr, Jerry Wagoner, retired from General Motors after thirty-five (35) years, and Is very active in the Oso Bay Neighborhood Association and is looking forward to the opportunity to work with the Landmark Commission on different historical projects. ACTION ITEM(5): APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MARCH 25, MAY 27. AND JULY 22. 1999 MEETINGS: Minutes for the March 25 and May 27, 1999 meetings were approved as distributed. The July 22, 1999 minutes were approved with the following corrections: Page 5: Second paragraph, second and last sentences of the paragraph "Southwell" was misspelled. The minutes read "Southwall." Page 5: Fourth paragraph — second sentence read "Ms. Tinker also suggested sponsoring a contest through the school district . plaque. Sentence should read "Ms. Tinker also suggested sponsoring a contest, not limited through the school district. . . . plaque: Request for Owner to Classify and List Property as "Potential Landmark" at 1410 Comanche Street for Forwarding to Planning Commission and City Council: Ms. Faryce Goode-Macon, Staff Liaison, addressed the commission. For benefit of the new commissioners, Ms. Macon provided brief background information about the commission's efforts in getting property owners involved in historical preservation. The Landmark Commission initiated an ordinance listing twenty-seven (27) properties as "potential landmarks." Of the twenty-seven properties, four are designated with the "HC" zoning overlay. In this process, approximately 150 property owners were contacted to participate which resulted in twenty-seven properties being listed as "potential landmarks." This process was completed in 1998. In July 1999, Mr. Hinojosa contacted staff stating he wanted his property to be listed as a "potential landmark." Mr. Hinojosa stated the reason for the delay in returning the information to staff was because he lost the information and had just recently found it. Ms. Tinker stated she went by and looked at the structure. Ms. Tinker continued she would like to talk with the owner before the Commission makes a decision on whether or not to forward his request. Ms. Tinker rr�1 Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 3 continued there have been so many modifications made to the structure and she felt the Commission should talk with Mr. Hinojosa to find out what his intentions are for the structure. Ms. Tinker stated part of the modifications include siding and a room addition. Ms. Macon stated that properties proposed for potential landmark status should be grouped together and forwarded yearly or every two years to the Planning Commission and City Council. After further discussion, the following action was taken: IT WAS MOVED BY MS. TINKER AND SECONDED BY MS. CHAPMAN THAT THE LANDMARK COMMISSION TABLE MAKING A DECISION ON THE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY MR. HINOJOSA TO LIST HIS STRUCTURE AT 1410 COMANCHE STREET AS A "POTENTIAL LANDMARK" UNTIL HE IS CONTACTED AND CAN ATTEND THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION PASSED. APPOINT ADDITIONAL MEMBERS TO THE SUBCOMMITTEE FOR HISTORICAL BROCHURE & UPDATE: For benefit of new commissioners, Ms. Macon provided brief background information about the historical brochure project. Ms. Macon stated that the Landmark Commission applied for and received grant funding through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to create a historical brochure featuring local historical resources as well as provide historical information. Ms. Macon referenced an example of a brochure used in Fairbank, Alaska. Ms. Macon continued any commissioner who is interested in writing history and wanting to encourage and educate the local community regarding preservation are requested to serve on this committee. Ms. Douglas asked what other commissioners were on this committee and it was answered that Lisa Garza, along with Ms. Douglas, were the only members of the committee. Mr. Wagoner stated he was very involved in a similar project in the city where he lived before he moved to Corpus Christi and he would like to serve on the subcommittee. Mr. Wagoner stated he lived in indianoplis, Indiana and the area where he lived was at the northwest corner of indianopolis. Mr. Wagoner continued that the whole area was quite historical and the local church he belonged to was established in 1834. Mr. Wagoner stated he received an e-mail from the church requesting some of the historical data that he had compiled. Mr. Wagoner stated he has always had a love for history. Ms. Macon stated that copies of the referenced example would be provided for any members who wanted to serve on the committee before the next meeting. Ms. Macon continued that the example is a starting place for the committee to use and it can be expanded. Mr. Phillips asked if any of the "potential landmark" properties were marked and Ms. Macon answered that none of the properties had markers. v4 Landmark commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 4 Mr. Phillips asked if the markers would be a local designation or state and Ms. Macon answered that the "potential landmarks" are city designated as well as the "HC" designated properties. Ms. Macon continued that the "HC" designated properties carry a 180-day stay of demolition/removal and the "potential landmark" properties carry a 30-day stay of demolition/removal. Ms. Macon continued that the plaque program was another project that was funded through CDBG and she would expound on it later since it was also an agenda item. Mr. Wagoner asked if there were any NAS properties on the "potential landmark" list and Ms. Macon answered no, but if he knew of any properties that could be researched and possibly proposed for future listing, please let Staff know. Mr. Wagoner stated that the old electrical building; which was used to control the airbase during the war is still located In about the 9300/9400 block of South Padre Island Drive. Mr. Wagoner continued that a soccer field is currently located at that site. Mr. Wagoner stated he was stationed at NAS in the late 1940s. Ms. Macon stated that since this particular structure is not listed on the "potential landmark" list or designated "HC," another section could be possibly added to the brochure that could be titled "Historical Points of Interest. Ms. Tinker stated that a survey was done of NAS properties several years ago, but she did not remember if that structure was part of the survey. Mr. Wagoner continued that the old Peary Place complex, located on the south side of the equipment building, was used as housing dorms for married personnel and the facility is still at that location. After discussion concluded, Mr. Wagoner and Mr. Phillips volunteered to serve on the committee. Ms. Tinker stated if the "potential landmarks" were designated, how would they be differentiated between the "HC" designated properties and Ms. Macon responded that it is possible that a second plaque could be designed for the "HC designated properties. Appoint Additional Members to Subcommittee for Historical Plaque Program & Update: Ms. Macon stated that the Landmark Commission also applied for and received grant funding through CDBG to establish a plaque marker program for "potential landmark" properties. Ms. Macon continued that staff has been looking at several companies that can provide cost estimates to design and make the plaques. Ms. Macon stated that at this point, the design has not been finalized. Ms. Macon continued that the information provided for today's meeting was retrieved from the Internet. Ms. Macon stated the information was on the Erie Landmark Commission out of Chantilly, Virginia, and she spoke with their representative, Richard Bamberger. Ms. Macon stated this company it Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 5 provides plaques for the city of Dallas' marker program. The wording for the plaque is very standard and he suggested that the design on the plaque be something that is very unique for Corpus Christi. The architectural feature for the border could be waves or perhaps a pier with water under it. Ms. Macon stated that the price of the plaques decreases when twenty-five (25) or more are ordered. Ms. Macon continued she has provided four sizes for the oval insert of the plaque for consideration: 7"X5", 11"X8", 10"x7", and 12"x15." Ms. Macon stated the commission needed to decide which dimension would be the most appropriate one for the insert. After a brief discussion, It was the consensus that the 10"x7" dimension was the first choice and 7"x5" was second choice. Ms. Macon stated the grant funding would cover the cost for approximately sixty (60) plaques to be designed at 575.00 each. Mr. Stewart asked if the plaques would be attached to the actual structure and Ms. Macon answered yes as well as fence areas. Ms. Macon stated she has the toll-free number to the company and the representative to ask for is Mr. Bamberger. Ms. Macon continued she would provide all of the information to the committee. The question was asked who was on the plaque committee and Ms. Macon answered that Mr. Stewart agreed to serve as chairman, but other members are needed. After further discussion, Mr. Luddeke, Ms. Chapman and Mr. Wagoner volunteered to work on the committee with Mr. Stewart. Mr. Luddeke stated he might be able to provide a design sketch of the plaque before the next meeting. Mr. Wagoner stated he would get his information to staff next week. Mr. Wagoner asked if the Landmark Commission was committed to the company in Virginia and Ms. Macon replied that no definite decision or commitment had been made. Ms. Macon continued that she only gathered the information for the subcommittee to further pursue. Mr. Stewart added that he had been in contact with the Corpus Christi Stamp Works, which is part of the Southwell Company, which can provide the plaque. Ms. Tinker stated she wanted to remind the commission that it was briefly discussed at one of the earlier meetings about how controversial it could become in trying to select a specific building for the plaque design. Ms. Tinker continued that was one of the reasons she suggested using the loopy "L" as the design for the Insert. After discussion concluded, it was decided that the Plaque Subcommittee would meet on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department conference room. DISCUSSION ITEM(S): Update On Gold Star War Memorial Court: Ms. Macon stated that the Gold Star Committee has been working with the City Parks and Recreation Department in trying to revitalize the court to its original state. In the past %re vi • Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 6 year, this commission has reviewed the plans for the project and recommendations were submitted regarding placing the markers back against the wall, placing the Crepemyrtle trees back in its original configuration with each marker along the wall, and even installing a walkway. Ms. Macon stated that the Gold Star Court Committee has been in discussion with Park and Recreation about installing the walkway. Ms. Macon stated that Mr. Phillips had contacted her regarding what was going on in the park because he had seen the new Crepemyrtle trees being installed. Ms. Macon continued that after speaking with Park and Recreation staff, she found out they had coordinated with the Gold Star Court Committee to install the trees. Mr. Phillips asked if the markers were going to be placed back along the wall and Ms. Macon answered yes and Ms. Macon continued that this time, the markers would be imbedded even further into the ground so they wouldn't be easily destroyed. Ms. Tinker asked if the Texas Historical Commission had responded to the Landmark Commission's recommendations and Ms. Macon answered that THC submitted a memo to Planning and Park and Recreation regarding proposed usage of CDBG funds for the project. At this time, no CDBG funds are being used for the project, which would require further review by THC. All funds for the project are donations received by the Gold Star Court Beautify Corpus Christi Group. Mr. Phillips stated when he spoke with Ms. Wise she told him the only thing that THC had seen was a simple sketch hand drawn and they felt the plans should be done professionally by someone who is familiar with plan layout. Mr. Phillips stated that placing the walkway along the bluff does not leave very much room. Mr. Phillips also voiced concern about replanting the Crepemyrtle trees. Mr. Phillips stated the Crepemyrtle trees planted near the Central Library are dying, and if the trees are not going to be watered, maybe another type of tree should be considered. Ms. Macon stated that the Park Division will continue to maintain the area as currently provided. Ms. Tinker stated that she thinks the commission should get something in writing from the Texas Historical Commission further regarding the project. Ms. Tinker continued that she does not think that the State should require the Gold Star Court Committee to spend money on having the plan professionally drawn at this point. Ms. Macon commented that it was the City's desire to have the plans drawn professionally because at that time, Staff was unable to draw the plans for them. Staff is trying to work with the committee since they are showing a good faith effort in trying to place things back as they were. Ms. Macon referenced a copy of the plan that showed the proposed walkway. At this time, they will only install the upside down "C" design portion of the walkway. Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 7 Mr. Phillips stated that the city recently dug a large hole In the area to put in another manhole which kinds of fill in the top portion along the bluff. Ms. Macon stated she would take a field trip to see what work Park and Recreation is doing In the area and will report at the September meeting. Ms. Tinker stated that we need to be kept abreast of what is going on, and if the plans have changed, they need to be reviewed again by the commission. Ms. Macon emphasized that the commission is not being left out of the loop - she is keeping the, abreast of what is going on. Ms. Macon continued that only what the commission has approved would be installed. Mr. Phillips stated that the star figure came from the bluff with a big concrete base with a plaque on it. Mr. Philips stated that when the bluff improvements were made, the stars were cut from the base and placed in storage during the revitalization of the bluff balustrade. Mr. Phillips suggested that the commission request Park and Recreation to provide a revised plan of the improvements. Ms. Macon stated she would speak with Mike Gordon about it. Update On "Buddy Lawrence" House: Ms. Macon stated that about a year ago, the City relocated the "Buddy Lawrence House" to Mesquite Street. The house was originally located near a local refinery. The house has been sitting in its new location waiting to be restored. Ms. Macon stated that the City is reviewing a proposed contract with the firm of Gignac & Associates. The contact person is Carolyn James. Ms. Macon spoke with Ms. James concerning future exterior the architectural drawings of the house subject to review by the Landmark Commission. Ms. Macon explained that this commission has to review any exterior architectural plans that will locate in the two-block area behind Heritage Park. Before the plans can be presented to the full commission, the Master Review Committee has to review and discuss the plans. Members of the Master Review Committee are: Deborah Douglas, Mark Luddeke, Terry Orf, and Bunny Tinker. Mr. Phillips stated he went to the old site of the house at 1217 McBride Lane and reviewed the State marker that was on site, but the marker does not refer to the house. The marker reads "this was the site of the Theodore Merchant Home and Vegetable Farm," but the marker does not say anything about the house Itself. Mr. Phillips continued that he also reviewed the markers of the houses in Heritage Park, and for the most part, they tried to pick some feature of the house that was unusual. Mr. Phillips continued that he had spoken with several local people about the "Buddy Merchant House" and it was their opinion that the structure was typical In nature to other houses in Corpus Christi and there was nothing unusual about the house. Ms. Macon stated that several local historians have stated that the house is one of few such structures left. Ms. Tinker added that the Texas Historical Commission has really become more stringent in its guidelines regarding moving of structures. Mr. Phillips ti. .s Landmark Commission Meeting August 26, 1999 Page 8 stated that according to the rules, if a structure has been relocated, a state marker couldn't be placed on the structure. Mr. Phillips continued that the marker does not need to be changed and should not be replaced. Mr. Phillips continued that to keep in line with the other houses in Heritage Park, a marker would be placed also on the Buddy Lawrence House. The Nueces County Historical Commission will be requested to compile the necessary information for the marker. Ms. Chapman asked if it was known which group would be in the house and Ms. Macon answered that a final determination has not been made. Ms. Macon continued that several non-profit organizations are being considered, but to her knowledge, it was not final. Other Matters: Ms. Macon stated she wanted to ensure that the commissioners received a copy of the assessment report on the Nueces County Courthouse. Ms. Macon continued that if commissioners had any technical questions regarding the report, they could contact Art Sosa, Building Official, who was the coordinator, along with several other staff members, including Ms. Macon. Mr. Stewart asked if the commission was to take action on the resolution that was presented at the July meeting, but there was not a quorum present. Ms. Macon stated that for the record, action could be taken today to approve the resolution. Ms. Macon stated that a copy of the resolution was included in the August packet. After a brief discussion, the following action was taken: IT WAS MOVED BY MR. STEWART AND SECONDED BY MS. TINKER THAT THE LANDMARK COMMISSION APPROVE SUBMITTING A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE TEA 21 GRANT APPLICATION. MOTION PASSED. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. eau_ _ ' '}��` LI a Williams Fart'Faryce ode-Macon, city Planner Recording Secretary / Staff LI on to Landmark Commisslo IH:AUGMIN9.)