HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Landmark Commission - 10/28/1999 V MINUTES LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS OCTOBER 28, 1999 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Deborah Douglas, Chairman Mr. Alan Belcher Ms. Sharon Brower Mr. Michael Cleary Mr. Kevin Maraist Ms. Elizabeth Rentz Mr. Tom Stewart Ms. Bunny Tinker MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Betsy Chapman (Excused) Ms. Lisa Garza (Excused) Ms. Grandis Lenken (Excused) Mr. Mark Luddeke (Excused) Mr. Terry Orf (Excused) Mr. Elmon Phillips (Excused) Mr. Jerry Wagoner (Excused) `, STAFF PRESENT: Mr. Michael Gunning, Planning Director Ms. Faryce Goode-Macon, City Planner Ms. Linda Williams, Recording Secretary Mr. Alan Belcher, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. The roll was called and a quorum was declared. Ms. Macon updated commissioners on the progress of the plaque program project. Ms. Macon stated that the plaques for the "HC" and "Potential" designated properties have been ordered. A total of sixty (60) plaques were tar ordered — thirty (30) for each designation. The design and criteria approved at the last meeting were submitted to the Erie Landmark Company in Chantilly, Virginia. The plaques should be received by the first part of the new year. ACTION ITEM(S): APPROVAL MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 23. 1999 MEETING: The minutes were approved as distributed. CLG GRANT PROPOSAL TO TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION: Ms. Macon stated that several years ago, the Landmark Commission received a request from the Department of the Interiors to participate in a grant project offered by the Department, but at that time, the Landmark Commission opted not to far participate. Ms. Macon continued that the grant request presented today is similar to that of the Department of Interior and was the suggestion of SCANNED Landmark Commission Meeti October 28, 1999 Page 2 `r Ms. Tinker. The proposal is to provide historical resource information on the City of Corpus Christi and Nueces County through a web site. The web site will provide an additional avenue of educating the public on historical sites of this area, as well as providing a directory that the public, world- wide, may use when traveling and visiting throughout the area. Ms. Macon continued that she contacted the Texas Historical Commission to advise them that the grant request would not meet the October 28 deadline because the Landmark Commission had to act on the grant proposal and it would be presented at today's meeting. Ms. Macon continued that she was told that the proposal could be faxed if it was approved at a later date. After Ms. Macon's presentation of the proposal, the floor was opened for comments and discussion. The question was asked how much would the project cost and Ms. Macon answered that the total request was for $14,000 — which includes the match by the City through Planning Staff's in-kind services. At this point, Mr. Gunning voiced concern that staff needed to be careful in fulfilling the in-kind services because of time constraints and future projects. Mr. Gunning continued that Planning staff has decreased from twenty-one (21) to sixteen (16) people. Mr. Stewart asked Mr. Gunning if there would be a problem in fulfilling the in-kind service portion of the grant and Mr. Gunning answered he would have to look at the grant proposal, along with the other projects staff would be involved with. The question was asked what would happen to the grant if the City did not fulfill its obligation and Ms. Macon answered that the money would be returned and if there was a staffing problem, Mr. Gunning could always withdraw staffs participation. After all comments and discussion concluded, the following action was taken: IT WAS MOVED BY MR. BELCHER AND SECONDED BY MR. CLEARY THAT THE LANDMARK COMMISSION APPROVE SUBMITTING THE GRANT REQUEST TO THE TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION FOR FUNDING OF A HISTORICAL WEB SITE. MOTION PASSED. 4111, RESCHEDULE NOVEMBER MEETING TO NOVEMBER 18, 1999 AND CANCEL THE DECEMBER MEETING: Ms. Macon stated that in the past, normally the November and December meetings were cancelled because they fell during the holidays. If a meeting was needed for either month, an alternate date was selected. Ms. Macon stated the commission needed to meet in November to review and take action on the facade of the restoration plans for the Buddy Lawrence House. The commission will review the facade that faces the Mesquite Street right-of-way. The architect also has to meet with the Master Review Committee before the Landmark Commission meeting is held. Ms. Macon stated that if a meeting is not held in November or December, the commission does not meet Landmark Commission Meetin October 28,1999 Page 3 again until January 2000. After all comments and discussion concluded, the following action was taken: IT WAS MOVED BY MS. TINKER AND SECONDED BY MR. MARAIST THAT THE NOVEMBER MEETING BE RESCHEDULED TO NOVEMBER 18, 1999 AND THE DECEMBER MEETING BE CANCELLED. MOTION PASSED. DISCUSSION ITEM(S): BUILDING CODE WAIVER FOR HISTORICAL PROPERTY: Ms. Macon stated that at an earlier meeting, the commission requested information on what kind of building code waivers are given to historical properties and Ms. Macon suggested that Mr. Art Sosa, Building Official, be invited to address their questions. Ms. Macon continued that Mr. Sosa is at today's meeting to provide answers to some of their questions. At this point, Mr. Sosa was introduced to commissioners. Mr. Sosa expressed thanks for being invited to today's meeting and hopefully he could provide the information the commissioners wanted. At this point, Mr. Sosa distributed a handout of the 1997 Standard Building Code for Historical Buildings. Mr. Sosa provided an overview of Section 3401.5 - Special Historic Buildings that states that: "The provisions of the technical codes relating to the construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocation or moving of buildings or structures shall not be mandatory for existing buildings or structures identified and classified by the state or local jurisdiction historic buildings when such buildings or structures are judged by the building official to be safe and in the public interest of health, safety, and welfare regarding any proposed construction alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration relocation, or moving of buildings within fire districts." Mr. Sosa briefly reviewed the chart by code section, description, and comments. Mr. Sosa stated that the City has taken the position, depending upon the occupancy size, and location, if modifications to the codes do not pose a hazard to the public welfare, health, and safety, most likely the modifications can be accommodated. Mr. Sosa continued that requests for waivers are handled on a case-by-case scenario. There are certain codes that cannot be modified because of the safety factor. Mr. Sosa commented that the ongoing waiver process is not favorably reviewed by the governing entity of the building standards and codes. Contemporary codes will be as resilient as possible, but we want to assure that historical properties are kept in its original context when possible. Mr. Stewart asked if the electrical panel had to be located outside and Mr. Sosa answered no. Landmark Commission Meet* October 28.1999 Page 4 Mr. Sosa continued that the electrical panels were located in closets of many of the old homes, and if the panel is located Inside, there must be adequate throwback space in case of an electrical flash. Mr. Stewart asked if there was any variance for lead paint and asbestos and Mr. Sosa responded yes, that the cases the City has handled were primarily for residential properties. Ms. Tinker stated that a survey on financial incentives was sent to council members and she wanted to know what types of incentives are currently available because one of the recommendations on the survey was a possible reduction In permit fees. Mr. Sosa answered that the City has a policy for taxing entities - a reduction of one-half (1/2) in permit fees; which could also be allowed for historical properties. After all comments and questions concluded, thanks were expressed to Mr. Sosa for attending today's meeting. Mr. Sosa stated if the commissioners needed further information or issues to discuss, he would be glad to come back and and address those issues. RESULTS OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVES SURVEY: Ms. Macon stated that after the September 23, 1999 meeting, the Financial Incentive Subcommittee, along with Planning Staff, sent a survey packet to council members requesting them to complete and return the surveys to the Planning Department. Ms. Macon went on to say that the packets were sent twice, and as a result, one survey was completed and returned by the requested date of October 15, 1999 by Council Member Henry Garrett. After Ms. Macon concluded her report, a brief discussion ensued regarding the best way to contact those council members who did not return a survey. Ms. Tinker asked if the subcommittee should go back to Mr. Utter or go directly to City Council and request to speak during the public hearing portion regarding the survey. After further discussion, it was the consensus that commissioners would contact their council representative and request them to complete and return the survey to the Planning Department. Commissioners will report at the November meeting on the result of their contacts. The following commissioners volunteered to contact a council member: Bunny Tinker - Betty J. Longoria, Deborah Douglas - Mark Scott, Michael Cleary - Melody Cooper, Kevin Maraist - Rex Kinnison/John Longoria, and Alan Belcher-Javier Colmonero and Mayor Loyd Neal. Ms. Tinker asked staff if any of the plans for the Gold Star Court had been stamped with the Landmark Commission's certificate of appropriateness and Ms. Macon answered she would follow up and report at the next meeting. Landmark Commission Meets October 28,1999 Page 5 ` Therre��being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Lin Williams F-ce Goole-M"•n, City Planner Recording Secretary Staff Llalso- to Landmark Commission S 4 (H:WORO\OCTMIN59)