HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Mechanical/ Plumbing Advisory Board - 06/08/2000 �2346g) 89,0 City of gut- ,h0 1r�y' r f 1�"�. CO US PLUMBING/MECHANICAL ADVISORY BOARD c a Fl Cf 4 " Christi MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ��' 2 June 8,2000 2Z LZ 0Z6N8� Board Members Present: Ronald Klepac, Vice Chairman Nick Llanes Sam Beecroft Clarence Neal Herman Johnson Bud O'Bryan Robert Knowles Patrick Scarpulla Board Members Absent: Ralph Pitzer, Chairman Abey Flores Staff Members Present: Lelland Kirbow, Chief Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector Elizabeth K. Butler, Executive Secretary The meeting was called to order at 2:09 p.m., in the Legal Department's Conference Room. The first item of business was roll call. Mr. Pitzer and Mr. Flores were absent. A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously to excuse Mr. Klepac and Mr. Beecroft from the previous meeting. The minutes of the February 10ih meeting were approved as submitted. The next item was the discussion of the adoption of the 2000 International Fuel, Gas, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes starting with Chapter 1-Administration. Mr. Kirbow stated that we do not adopt the Chapter 1 in the standard code. We are still short one member the home builder, Mr. Ansler decided not to serve, please keep that in the back of your mind in case you know of anyone interested in being on the board. He explained the marking on the hand out. He stated that there will be more added to this draft. Our target date is October for all the codes. We just adopted the 1997 but we are trying to get on line so that when they come out with a new code. The amendments will be on the intemet or you will be able to get it here. Members will be given the codebook and the amendments. One other thing that is being considered that you will not be involved in is the permit fee increase but that is done by the council but the Building Official wanted you to be aware of this. What he wants is for everyone to study it at length and we will discuss it in full at our next meeting. Under pending and/or old business Mr. Scarpulla asked about the status of on line permitting. A discussion followed concerning shorting the time you need to wait when you come in to get a permit. The board also discussed the possibility of changing the permitting process. They discussed having different days or hours for contractors and homeowners to get SCANNED P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000 Plumbing/Mechanical Advisory Board June 8,2000 Page 2 permits. They also discussed faxing permit request and the different ways to collect the permit fees. The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Arthur N. Sosa Building Official ANS:ekb Distribution: Board Members City Manager Asst.City Manager,Development Services City Secretary Director of Housing&Community Dev. Legal Department Chief Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector(6) 1994- 1997 SIGNIFICANT CODE CHANGES The following summary of revisions reflects significant Chapter 4-Special Occupancy changes made to the 1994 Standard CodeslM that appear in the 403.2 Clarifies where proscenium opening protection 1997 Standard CodesrM. The list is provided as a convenience is required. to code users and is not intended to be all inclusive. Summaries 407.1.3.1 Requires sprinklers to meet ordinary hazard must be compared to actual revised text to determine the full group 2 instead of group 3 for indoor storage, meaning of each revision. dispensing and use of hazardous materials for consistency with NFPA 13. REVISIONS TO THE 1994 STANDARD BUILDING 408.6.7 Deletes requirement for classifying an HPM CODE cutoff room as Class I, Division I hazardous location in accordance with NFPA 70. Chapter 1 -Administration 408.7.2(7) Deletes requirement for classifying electrical 101.4.6 Clarifies that the provisions of the Standard wiring and equipment located in piping space Plumbing Code apply to medical gas systems. of HPM as Class I, Division I hazardous loca- 101.4.10 Clarifies that the metric units are approximate tion. equivalents to the inch-pound measurements 409.1.1.1 Allow residential sprinklers in smoke compart- and provided for informational purposes only. ments containing patients in Group I 104.5 Adds "inspections" to the list of regulations to Unrestrained occupancies. which a contractor must comply. 409.1.6 Correlates fire alarm provisions with the 1995 Revisions to the Standard Fire Prevention Chapter 2-Definitions Code. Replaces "protective signaling system" 202 Moves all definitions from Chapters 3 through with "fire alarm." This global change also 34 to Section 202. revised parts of 409.2,412,415,416,902,903, 202 Adds definition of: 904,905, 1005 and 1109. Common Path of Travel 410 Adds special provisions for new occupancy Ground Floor Dwelling Unit group, Residential Care/Assisted Living Gypsum Backing Board Facilities. Multi-Story Dwelling Unit 409.2.18.1 Clarifies where emergency and standby power Type A Dwelling Unit is required to be supervised in Group I Type B Dwelling Unit Restrained occupancies and that required mini- 202 Deletes definition of: mum fuel supplies are for correctional facili- Platform,Temporary ties. 202 Revises definition of: 411.2.7 Adds exception to'sill requirement between R3 Aerosol buildings and attached garages. Recovering 414.10 Deletes section which addresses atria smoke Replacement -emoval and control systems inspections which Reroofing is addressed by section 603.19.12 of the Roof Covering System Standard Fire Prevention Code. Rooming House (transient) 415.4.2 Changes requirement for testing doors from ASTM E 152 to NFPA 252. ASTM E 152 has Chapter 3-Occupancy Classification been withdrawn by ASTM. 308.2.1 Classifies fireworks and special effects into various H subclassifications. Chapter 5-General Building Limitations 308.2.1 Adds exception from classifying buildings used 503.2 Adds statement to clarify that basements are to store or dispense CNG as Group H provided counted as stories for everything but Table they comply with NFPA 52. 500. 311.2 Adds provisions for special occupancy R4- 503.4.1 Allows buildings storing calcium phosphate to Residential Care/Assisted Living Facilities. use water sprinklers to meet unlimited area cri- teria. . 18 Southern Building July/August 1997 Chapter 6-Construction Types 705.1.2.6 Correlates SBC and SMC provisions for smoke 605.5 Change term "pressure" treated to "preserva- dampers in smoke barriers. tive"treated wood. 705. Deletes references to letter designations for the Table 600 Changes "� :pporting one roof only" to classifications of openings in walls to be pro- "Supporting roofs only"to clarify the provision tected by fire doors. is applicable to columns, beams, trusses, and 705.1.3.4 arches with a single roof system framing into Table 700 them at varying elevations. Table 705.1.3.6 Table 600 Changes Floor/Ceiling and Roof/Ceiling "con- 705.1.3.4 Allows 1-hour and 1 1/2-hour doors to not struction"to"assemblies"to better describe the meet temperature rise in sprinklered buildings. construction addressed. 705.4 Rewrites penetration protection provisions, Table 600 Clarifies the application of Note "p" regarding including reformat from table to text. the omission of the required roof or roof/cell- 705.7 Adds provisions addressing fire resistance of ing fire resistance protection. Does not include joints in fire resistant assemblies. omission of column protection. Section 701.3 708 Requires cellulose loose-fill insulation to corn- also revised for consistency. ply with CPSC 16 CFR,part 1209 and 1404. Table 600 Adds footnote to reference column fire resis- T709.2.4A Clarifies that in determining calculated fire tance requirements. resistance of concrete columns, the concrete column minimum dimensions may be reduced Chapter 7-Fire Resistant Materials and Construction when two parallel sides are at least 36 inches in 701.3 (new section) length. Adds provisions for classifying conditions of 709.3 Specifies the allowable materials for equivalent restraint for floor and roof assemblies to the thickness to be considered the actual thickness general provisions of Chapter 7. of CMU for determining calculated fire resis- 701.5 Requires the ceiling membrane to provide 1- lance. I hour fire resistance where the flooring is omit- T709.3.4 Increases minimum cover of longitudinal rein- ted in unusable attic space. forcement in reinforced concrete masonry lin- 703.10 Changes reference from ASTM E 163 to NFPA tels for fire resistance. 257 for glass block. 709.4.1.2 Changes units in formulas and table to be con- 704.1.2.2 Adds exception to occupancy separation for sistent and to give results of calculated fire 1 small Group B contained within large Group M resistance in hours. when open simultaneously. 709. Revises equation for determining calculated 704.2.1.3 Deletes redundant sentence requiring preven- fire resistance of steel columns protected by tion of the spread of smoke to the corridor. '( CMU to use ratio of weight to heated perimeter 704.2.1.4 Moves view panel provisions to 705.1.3.6 to be (W/D). included with provisions for approved fire win- 709. Clarifies that the provisions for spray-applied down. Requires view panels in partitions to be fire protection of steel beams and girders apply tested under positive pressure with 2/3 of panel only to"unrestrained"assemblies. above neutral pressure plane and meet NFPA T709.6.2.4 Clarifies that in wood framed fire resistant 257 including hose stream for 45 minutes. assemblies the unexposed side is not included 704.2.1.4 Allows other tested and labeled glazing materi- in the calculation and calculation is made from als to be used in lieu of wired glass or glass the least resistant side. block in view panels. 704. Moves smoke barrier construction require- Chapter S- Interior Finishes ments to a general section. 803.3.3.2 Moves provision allowing wood as an interior 704.2.3 Adds fire resistance rating of exit access corri- finish in churches to the general exceptions to dor provisions in tabular format. interior finishes. 704.3.1 Clarifies that the exception applies to Group B 803.5.2 Changes reference from SBCCI Standard Test and S occupancies whether they are in a single Method for Evaluating Room Fire Growth or multiple occupancy building. Contribution of Textile Covering to NFPA 265. 704.5.1.3 Updates NCMA-TEK bulletin. Deletes the 803.5.3 Adds acceptance criteria for textile wall cover- unnecessary word"all." ing testing. Table 700 Renumber as Table 705.1.2 to more accurately 803.6 Adds interior finish provisions for expanued reflect its location in the code. vinyl wall coverings. Also adds definition to 705.1.2 Rearranges and combines provisions to simpli- 202. fy the opening protection provisions for interi- or walls and partitions. Chapter 9-Fire Protection Systems 705.1.2 Correlates SBC and SMC for duct penetrations T903.7.4 Changes "Ordinary Hazard Group 3" to in smoke barriers, "Ordinary Hazard Group 2" in order to elimi- i 705.1.2.4 Deletes exception 1 which allowed penetra- nate conflict with NFPA 13. tions of 1-hour walls without fire dampers for 904.2 Relocates types of standpipe systems to exhaust systems serving a single story. Chapter 2 as definitions. July/August 1997 Southern Building 19 yap 904.3.6 Relocates provisions requiring standpipes for 1012.1.4 Clarifies the requirements for floor surfaces large area buildings to 904.3.2 to be near provi- and landings on each side of a door. sions requiring standpipes for buildings due to 1012.6.1 Correlates provision for special locking height. arrangements with NFPA 101 and adds an 904.4.1 Combines exceptions to the provision requiring exception addressing independent standby Class I wet standpipe to eliminate redundancy. power. 904.5 Deletes provisions for standpipe hose connec- 1012.7 Adds new section for access-controlled egress tions and references NFPA 14. doors. 904.9 Clarifies that the STANDPIPE CONTROL 1013.1 Changes exit "outlets" to "discharge" to use VALVE sign must be on the "door to the consistent terms. room" and the letter colors must contrast with 1013.6 Adds maximum ramp edge drop-off height the background. allowed without curbs, walls,etc. 905.1 Reorganizes section for clarification 1016 Changes section title from "EXIT ILLUMINA- 905.1.1 Adds "Not Transient" after"Rooming Houses" TION AND SIGNS" to "MEANS OF to correspond with 311.2. EGRESS ILLUMINATION AND SIGNS." 1016.1.1 Adds "stairs, aisles, corridors, walkways, Chapter 10- Means of Egress ramps,escalators,and exit passageways"to the 1001.3 Specifies where exit and exit discharge ramps list of means of egress components requiring are required to be noncombustible. illumination. T1003.1 Clarifies the method of determining occupant 1016.1.2 Moves to new section 1016.2 Emergency load for courtrooms with and without fixed Lighting and limits the delay from primary seating. lighting to emergency lighting to be not more 1004.1.3 Adds new section limiting common path of than 10 seconds. travel to 75 ft. Also adds defi.- tion for 1016.2.5 Clarifies that emergency power is required for Common Path of Travel to 202. exit signs based on occupant loads of Table 1004.1.4.1 Requires sprinkler activation prior to smoke 1016. and heat vent activation where systems are 1016.2.5 Allows self-luminous exit signs in lieu of con- installed to increase travel distance. ventional signs with independent and separate Table 1004 Revises table to allow reduction of corridor power source. width in Group F and not Group E. Table 1016 Changes table title from SPECIAL POWER 1005.4 Rewrites emergency egress opening provisions. FOR EXIT SIGNS to EMERGENCY POWER 1005.7 Moves section 1005.7 to 1005.5 and changes FOR EXIT SIGNS AND EMERGENCY title to SECURITY BARS, GRILLES and LIGHTING. GRATES to better describe the diversity of 1019.8 Incorporates the provisions that were previous- security devices. ly under 1019.8 Assembly, Stairway 1007.1.1 Clarifies requirements for constructing stairs Construction into reorganized 1019.10 with noncombustible materials. Assembly,Aisles and Seating. 1007.5 Raises minimum handrail height to 34 inches 1019.8.1 Clarifies the provision limiting the number of and editorially revises to proper Standard Code risers allowed in conjunction with Group A exception format. exit elements. 1007.5.3 Adds exception to permit noncircular handrails 1019.9.2 Clarifies that the section relates to cross aisles with graspability performance equivalent to and not aisle accessways. circular handrails for dwellings or within 1019.10 Rewrites seat stability provisions and correlate dwelling units. with SFPC. 1007.5.4 Adds exceptions permitting handrails within 1022.4 Allows 21-inch guardrail openings in areas not dwelling units to have newel posts at a turn or accessible to the public in Groups F, H, I a volute, turnout, or starting easing over the Restrained, and S. lowest tread. 1024.2 Includes area and number of occupant limits- 1007.5 Requires horizontal handrail extensions only at tions to alternating tread stairs used for staff in top of a stair flight. Group I Restrained. 1007.5 Requires handrails within 30 inches of all por- 1025.3 Allows 21-inch guardrail openings in areas of tions of required stair width. Group M not accessible to the public and not 1007.5 Separates handrail and guardrail provisions. serving A, E, and R. Requires guardrails along open-sided stairs to be not less than 36 inches high. Chapter 11 - Accessibility for People with Physical 1007.5 Reduces allowable opening sizes in guardrails Disabilities to reject passage of a 4-inch sphere. 1101.1.1 C iariftes that the provisions of Chapter I I are 1010.1 Deletes the word "lobby" from list of elements not applicable in areas where state mandated allowed between the exit and public way. accessibility requirements are in effect. 1012.1.2 Permits the use of horizontal sliding doors for 1101.1.2 Clarifies that exception for Group R3 buildings horizontal exits. applies only to three or less dwelling units in a single structure. 20 Southern Building July/August 1997 1101.1.4 Allows Type B dwelling units to only follow 1509.6 Requires slate shingles and underiayment to CABO/ANSI A 117 where specific compo- comply with ASTM material standards. nents are required by 1 1 10. 1509.7.1.2 Clarifies that the tile manufacturer's written 1103.2.1 Adds exceptions for entrances to spaces not application specifications must identify mortar required to be accessible and loading/services set systems. adhesive set systems. mechanical- entrances ly fastened systems, and compliance with 1105.3 Specifies that passenger loading zones are required Chapter 16. for Group 1 unrestrained occupancies only. 1509.7.1.3 Establishes pass/fail criteria for root tiles tested 1105.4.2 Adds scoping for the number of Type A and according to ASTM C67. Type B dwelling units to be provided in Group 1509.9.2.1 Requires concrete roof decks to be primed R2 and R3 occupancies. before applying built-up roof membranes. i i06.1 Adds new section requiring all building fea- 1509.9.3 Deletes required application of 1/2-inch fiber- tures and facilities to be accessible except Type board insulation to nonnailable decks for built- B dwelling units complying with 1 1 10. up roofs. 1106.10 Adds unisex toilet and bathing room provisions T1509.9.7C Adds maximum roof slope for coal tar pitch for accessibility. with organic felts. 1110 Adds new section with provisions for Type B 1509.10.1.3 Deletes reference to obsolete nomenclature dwelling units. "type 46"roofing. 1509.14.6.4 Deletes prescriptive requirements for the Chapter 14-Exterior Wall Covering "stripping" of gravel stops and refers to manu- 1403.1 Deletes anchored masonry veneer provisions facturer's instructions. and references ACI 530. 1509.14.8 Requires a cricket or saddle on the ridge side of 1403.6.5 Deletes fiberboard as a siding material. chimneys greater than 30 inches wide. 1403.6.6 Deletes reference to ANSI/AHA A135.4 and ANSI/AHA A 135.5 which are only pertinent to Chapter 16-Structural Loads interior hardboard and prefurished paneling. 1605 Adds Figure 1605 for ground snow loads and 1403.6.7 Revises particleboard nomenclature to be con- updates snow load reference standard from sistent with ANSI A208.1. ASCE 7 -88 to ASCE 7-95. 1403.7 Changes"plywood"to"wood structural panels." 1606.1 Permits use of AF&PA Wood Frame Construction Manual for One and Two-Family Chapter 15-Roofs and Roof Structures Dwellings for wood framed buildings of Group Ch. 15 Reformats Chapter 15. R3 occupancy. 1507.2 Clarifies that coping for parapet walls should 1606.1.3 Moves section to 1606.2.2.3 and clarifies that be sloped toward the roof. the design force is acting in either direction 1507.4.3 Changes "roof deck" to "roof surface." Requires normal to the surface. scuppers to be above "roof surface" instead of 1606.2.2.4 Adds section clarifying that the minimum 10 "roof deck" to avoid roof covering material from psf wind load applies to main wind force resist- interfering with scupper performance. ing systems. 1509.1.1 Adds reference to 1509.3 to clarify that roof T1606.2 Revises footnote 12 and adds footnote 13 to coverings must be installed to meet design B &C account for the reattachment of the airstream loads including wind. Also clarifies that appli- associated with transverse and longitudinal cation must meet code and manufacturer's wind. instructions. 1606.3.3 Adds reference to 1707.5 to permit the lift 1509.1.5 Deletes "composite"flashing and"wood or fiber" coefficient to be determined by testing. Deletes cants to permit any type of material. Deletes last "loose laid or mechanically fastened"to clarify sentence to allow other"nailer"materials. that adhered systems respond the same as loose 1509.3.5 Changes "self-seal asphalt strip shingles" to laid and mechanically fastened systems. Adds "asphalt shingles with self-seal strips." additional provision to address roof tiles using I 1509.3.6 Adds reference to wind load provisions mortar set or adhesive set systems. (1606.3.2) for clay and concrete tile coverings. T1606.3.3 Changes title from LIFT COEFFICIENTS 1509.4.1.3 Adds section requiring asphalt shingles to corn- FOR LOOSE LAID OR MECHANICALLY ply with ASTM materials standards. FASTENED ROOF TILE to LIFT COEFFI- 1509.4.1.3 Adds section requiring felt underlayment to CIENTS FOR RIGID ROOF TILE. comply with ASTM D226, Type I or ASTM D 1607.1.1 Permits use of Section 9 of ASCE 7-95 as an 4869,Type I. alternate for seismic design. 1509.4.2 Deletes outdated nomenclature (Type 15) for 1607.6.3 Adds exception for the contents of storage this type of felt underlayment. Permits "self- racks. adhering polymer modified bituminous sheet" T1607.6.4B Clarifies the code requires a higher amplifica- in lieu of"two layers of cemented asphalt felt." tion only when the natural period of the equip- 509.5 Requires mineral fiber shingles to be installed ment is near the natural period of the structure with underlayment complying with ASTM by changing"or"to"and." material standards. July/August 1997 Southern Building 21 1608.1.1 Changes title from "Basement Walls" to 1904.1.1 Adds expansive cements and silica fume to the "Foundation Walls." Requires all foundation list of acceptable cementitious materials. Also, walls to be designed to resist applicable lateral directs user to ACI 318 for conditions involv- soil loads. Adds Table 1808.1.1 for Soil Lateral ing concrete exposed to deicing chemicals. Loads. Change also applies to 1904.1.2. 1904.2.3 and 1609.1.1 Permits allowable stress design to be increased new Table 1904F. according to appropriate material design stan- 1904.4 Clarifies that corrosion protection applies to all dard. concrete containing reinforcement, not just 1609.1.2 Clarifies the "one-third increase" used in work- reinforced concrete. Introduces other sources of ing stress design. Adds safety factor for harmful chlorides. Change also applies to anchorage to resist "sliding forces" due to 1904.5,Table 1904B and Table 1904E. wind. T1904D Clarifies which cement type is ASTM C 150 1609.2 Adds reference to AF&PA 16-95, LRFD for sulfate-resistant and which is ASTM C 595 sul- engineered wood construction. fate-resistant. 1612 Adds section for determination of ice loads by 1905.4 referencing Section 10 of ASCE 7-95. T1905.4 Deletes table listing the water-cementitious materials ratios used when no field experience Chapter 17-Structural Tests and Inspections or trial mix data are available. For concrete 1709 Changes title from INSPECTION OF with specified compressive strength of less SPRAYED MATERIALS FOR FIRE RESIS- than 4000 psi, the code will permit concrete TANCE to INSPECTION OF SPRAY- proportions to be based on other experience or APPLIED RESISTANT MATERIALS information provided, the required average 1709.1 Changes title from "Thickness and Density" to compressive strength of the concrete is at least "General." 1200 psi greater than the specified compressive 1709.1.1 Requires "cohesion/adhesion" of spray-applied strength. fire resistant material. 1905.6.2.3 Clarifies the intended meaning of "average of 1709.1.4 Adds new section with performance specifica- all sets of three consecutive strength tests." tions for the cohesion/adhesion of spray 1907.2 Clarifies that most of the requirements only applied fire resistant materials. apply to slabs and beams,except those support- ed on the ground. Requires contractor to devel- Chapter 18-Foundation and Retaining Walls op a procedure and schedule for removal of 1804.2 Requires compacted soils to be tested to a min- forms and shores and installation of reshores. imum 95% Modified Proctor in accordance 1912 Change title from SEISMIC PROVISIONS to with ASTM D 1557. SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR CONCRETE. I804.6 Deletes 1804.6.1, 1804.6.2, : ), 1912.1 Changes title from "General" to "Reinforced 1804.6.2.2, 1804.6.2.3, and Tate 1804.6. Concrete Components." Substitutes new provisions which will allow 1912.1.1(9) Changes the reference for ACI Section the user to select an appropriate equivalent "" to Section "" and refers to fluid pressure based on the backfill material. "design" strength instead of "nominal" 1804.6.2.4 Moves to 1804.6.1.5. strength. 1804.6.2.5 Moves to 1804.6.1.6. 1912.2 Relocate provisions from 1912.2 to 1914. 1913 Changes title from "Seismic Requirements for Chapter 19-Concrete Plain Concrete" to "Plain Concrete compo- 1901.1.2 Clarifies that concrete slabs cast on stay-in- nents"and makes it subsection 1912.2. place, non-composite steel form decks must 1913.3.1.1 Adds exceptions to clarify that, for detached comply with Chapter 19 and ACI 318 and one and two family dwellings, plain concrete composite concrete on stay-in-place form deck footings, without longitudinal reinforcement must comply with ANSI/ASCE 3. are permitted in areas where Av is less than 1901 References ACI 318 for both plain and rein- 0.15 and dwellings three stories or less with forced concrete and deletes reference to ACI stud bearing walls. 318.1. The provisions of ACI 318.1 have been 1913.3.1.2 Adds provisions for isolated plain concrete incorporated into ACI 318. footings supporting columns or pedestals. 1903.2 Adds reference to ASTM C 595 and ASTM C 1913.3.3 Add requirements for reinforcement around 845 for blended and expansive cements. openings in plain concrete from ACI 318-95. 1903.5 Changes title and other provisions referring to 1913.4 Allows Seismic Performance Category D or E "metal reinforcement"to"steel reinforcement." one and two family dwellings, three stories or Change also applies to Sections 1903.6.3, less and constructed with stud bearing walls to 1908.3.1 and 1908.3.2. have isolated plain concrete footings support- 1903.5.2 Requires that welding of reinforcing bars corn- ing columns or pedestals. ply with AWS D1.4 procedures. 1914 Adds new section for shotcrete. 1903.6.1 Requires concrete admixtures comply with .ACI 318. • 22 Southern Building July/August 1997 Chapter 20- Light Metal Alloys Chapter 23- Woo 2003.2 Changes "Aluminum Construction Manual. 2301.2.4 Eliminates particleboard as defined by ANSI Section 1" to "Aluminum Design Manual, A208.1 as a structural sheathing material for Part I." roofing and sublooring applications. Related changes were made to 1403.7, 2301.4.5. Chapter 21 - Masonry 2305.1.5, Table 2306.1, 2307.6.1, Table 2101.3.2 Permits the support of exterio- masonry 2307.6C, Table 2308.IC. 2308.2.1. Table veneers on wood construction meeting cer- 2308.2.2B.2309.3.1.Table 2309.3B and 2311. tain criteria. 2301.2.5 Adds reference to AF&PA/ASCE 16 LRFD 2101.3 Clarifies that deflection limits for wood sup- Standard for Engineered Wood Construction. porting masonry in the exception includes dead 2301.2 Updates AITC standards. and live loads. 2301.2.5 Changes "American Plywood Association" to 2103.1 Clarifies that masonry columns must be rein- "APA-The Engineered Wood Association." forced with a minimum of four bars and refer- 2301.2.5 Changes "Design Specifications for Metal Plate ences BIA Building Code Requirements for Connected WoodTrusses"to"ANSI/TPI 1." Engineered Brick Masonry. 2301.3 Updates USDOC PS 20 standard and clarifies 2104.11 Deletes section because standard for grout is wording in 2301.4.1. already referenced in 2104.7.2. 2301.4 2113.3 Requires chimney lining systems to be listed 2301.4.6 Requires pressure treated material to bear the according to UL 1777. quality mark of an inspection agency which has 2113.3.10 Adds new section prohibiting use of space been approved by an accreditation body which around lining system or vent installed within complies with the American Lumber Standard a chimney to be used for venting any other Committee. Adds definition of "accreditation appliance. body." 2113.5 Rewrites requirements for separation of chim- 2301.4.5.1 Eliminates Type 1-M-1 and Sanded Type 2-M- neys from combustibles. W particleboard as an underlayment. 2113.6 Requires cleanouts in every masonry chimney. 2301.4.5.2 Deletes section addressing particleboard sub- 2114.3.2 Deletes requirement for the throat opening floor and combination subfloor/underlayment. to have a minimum width equal to the fire- 2301.4.6 Adds details of what information should appear box opening. on a quality mark on pressure treated wood. 2114.3.3 Clarifies that the minimum flue size must be 2301.4.10 Deletes reference to "parallel chord" wood the net cross-sectional area shown in Figure trusses and changes "Design Specifications for 2114.3.3. Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses" to 2114.3.3 Adds new section for minimum thickness of "ANSI/TPI 1." the throat and smoke chamber assemblies for 2304.1 Adds requirements for foam plastic used in masonry fireplaces. close proximity to ground. F2114.3.3 Clarifies that the flue sizes for masonry chim- 2305.1.5 Eliminates particleboard as a fireblocking ney shown are "minimum cross-sectional material. area." Adds cross-sectional area for nominal 2305.2.2 Adds an exception clarifying that draftstopping is size square,rectangular and round flues. not required in a floor/ceiling assembly with an 2115 Changes title from SEISMIC REQUIRE- area of less than 500 sq.ft. MENTS to SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR T2306.1 Adds fastening schedule for connection of MASONRY. band joist to sill or top plate. T2306.1 Eliminates particleboard subflooring and roof Chapter 22-Steel sheathing. 2206 Changes reference from AISI Criteria for T2306.1 Adds 7/16 inch wood structural panel subflooring. Structural Application of Steel Cables for T2306.1 Clarifies product designations and differences Buildings to ASCE 19-95 Structural between non-structural and structural applica- Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings. tions of fiberboard wall sheathing. 2211 Changes "ASCE Specification for the Design T2306.1 Adds"single floor"to note 7 to clarify that ter- and Construction of Composite Slabs" to minology. "ANSI/ASCE 3." T2306.1 Adds footnote permitting 12 inch on center 2212 Changes title from SEISMIC REQUIRE- intermediate nailing for 1-inch wood structural MENTS FOR STEEL STRUCTURES to panels. SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR STEEL. 2307.1 Changes title from "Sill on Foundation" to 2212.3 Deletes wording addressing braced steel frames "Sills on Concrete or Masonry Foundations." and references 2203.2, which references the Increases the embedment of anchor bolts from AISC Seismic Provisions. 6 inches to 7 inches into concrete and decreas- 2213 Adds section for lateral resistance of steel stud es the embedment from 8 inches to 7 inches wall systems. into masonry. • July/August 1997 Southern Building 23 2307.1.1 Moves provisions for piers supporting girders T2309.3A Expands table references to all wood structural to 2307.2. Adds the term "concrete or mason- panel types. ry"to clarify intent. recognizing that provisions T2310.2A Corrects formatting error in the 1994 code and for wood foundation systems appear elsewhere changes working under "Wood Structural in the code. Changes "foundation walls" to Panel Grade" to conform to wording in PS 1 "foundations" to recognize slab-on-grade con- and PS 2. struction. Adds "minimum"to clarify that larg- 2310.3.2 Drops the species group terminology and refers er bolt sizes are acceptable. Moves an excep- to specific gravity. Also changed Sections tion contained in the code sentence to a new 2310.4.3, 2311.3.2, 2311.4.2. 2312.4.5.1 and section 2307.1.2. 2312.4.5.2. 2307.3.2 Deletes section allowing increased spans due to 2310.4.4 Clarifies that wider framing is required only at field glued wood structural panel lumber floor locations where two panels share a common systems. framing member and large diameter nails are T2307.6B Changes "long dimension" to "long panel used at close spacings. dimension" in title. Corrects footnotes for in 2311 Changes title from PARTICLEBOARD the floor column for sheathing grade. Changes DIAPHRAGM to PARTICLEBOARD "t:-Lming space"to"frame spacing"in note 4. SHEAR WALLS. Rewrites section on particle- 2307.6.1 Eliminates particleboard as allowable structural board shear walls. subflooring. 2312 Changes title from SEISMIC PROVISIONS to T2307.6C Deletes table for allowable spans for particle- SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR WOOD board and combined subfloor/underlayment. 2312.4.7 Deletes reference to 2311.3 for particleboard T2308.1C Deletes "Not Exposed to the Weather, Long diaphragms and changes reference from 2311.4 Dimensions of the Panel Parallel or Perpendicular to 2311.1 for particleboard shear walls. to Studs." Deletes "2-M-W"and changes "2-M-1 2313 Adds section to address two methods for the and 2-M-2"to M-S Exterior Glue." design of wood shearwalls; the traditional 2308.2.1 Deletes 2-M-W particleboard as corner brac- method and perforated shearwall method. ing. 2313.2.2 Adds language to clarify shearwalls versus 2308.2.2.2 Adds new section to address the installation of shearwall segments. wood boards used as wall bracing. T2308.2.2B Changes "2-M-1 and 2-M-W particleboard" to Chapter 24-Glass and Glazing M-S Exterior Glue particleboard." 2405.3 Rewrites provisions for determining the glass 2308.2.3 Adds section for 32-inch wide prescriptive wall requirements for specified wind, snow, and bracing as an alternate to the 48-inch wide dead loads. requirement. T2308.2.3 Updates table to reflect the appropriate ANSI Chapter 25-Gypsum Board and Plaster nomenclature and fastening descriptions neces- Table 2503 Requires accessories for gypsum products to sary to achieve the stated shear capacities. comply with ASTM 1047. 2308.2.3.2 Clarifies maximum wood stud spacing for Table 2503 Adds reference to standards for glass mat gyp- Regular fiberboard and Structural fiberboard. sum products. 2308.2.3.3 Changes terminology to "fastening" instead of 2505 Deletes Table 2505 and references ASTM C "nailing." 754-95 for height limitation for nonbearing 2308.3.2 Deletes prescriptive provisions for wall studs partitions of gypsum wallboard and steel studs. supporting the ends of headers and references Tables 2308.3A,2308.3B,and 2308.3C. Chapter 26- Plastic T2308.3A Deletes Table 2308.3A thru Table 2308.3H and 2603.3 Corrects reference from 2603.2 to 2603.3 in through adds new Table 2308.3A thru 2308.3C. exception #3 to clarify that insulation meeting T2308.3H FM or UL tests need not meet thermal barrier 2308.5.3 References Table 2308.5 for headers in one requirements. and two family dwellings. 2603.3 Adds exceptions which exempts garage doors T2308.3I Deletes Table 2308.31 thru Table 2308.3J and from thermal barrier requirements. through adds new Table 2308.5. 2603.4 Deletes foam plastic test procedures for T2308.3J and ignitability of exterior wall assemblies and 2309.1.3 Adds requirement for minimum bearing sur- 2603.5 references NFPA 268. face of ceiling joists on top plates. 2603.7.1 Changes reference from ASTM E 152 to 2309.1.10 Adds provisions for framing openings in ceil- NFPA 252. ings or roofs identical to those for floors. 2309.2.2 Changes "TPI 85 and addendum,and TPI PCT Chapter 30-Elevators and Conveying Systems 80"to ANSI/IPI I. 3003.7.2 Adds provisions for gaining access across roofs 2309.3.1(4) Deletes particleboard as allowable roof sheathing. to machine rooms or machinery spaces. T2309.3B Deletes table for allowable loads for particle- Chapter 31 -Special Construction board roof sheathing. 3103.1 Includes accelerated weathering test for tent materials tested-according to NFPA 701. 24 Southern Building July/August 1997 3105 Adds reference to ASCE 17-96 for Air H105.2 Adds definition of PERMANENT FOUN- Supported Structures. DATION. 3105.4 Deletes reference to small and large scale tests H105.3.1.1 Adds provisions for location and installation to coordinate with NFPA 701. Also revised in of tiedowns. 3106.2,3204.2 and F102.2.8. H105.3.1.2 Requires a diagonal tie at each vertical tie 3106.2 Adds exception which allows materials other location. than textile coverings to be installed as canopy H105.4 Changes "Class B" to "Finish B" and covers provided they have a flame spread index "Federal Specification QQ-S-781-F" to not greater than 25. "ASTM D 3953." 3108.5.3 Clarifies the method to determine the maxi- Appendix X Adds appendix for design and attachment of mum area of plastic surfaces of less than 2000 shutters for wind-borne debris window pro- square feet. tection. Chapter 32 - Construction In The Public Right Of Way REVISIONS TO THE 1985 STANDARD AMUSEMENT 3204.3 Reduces fixed awning, canopy and marquee DEVICE CODE clearance above sidewalks. Adds exception to Appendix A Updates reference standards. 3204.5 REVISIONS TO THE 1994 STANDARD SWIMMING Chapter 33-Site Work,Demolition And Construction POOL CODE 3313.3 Determine deterioration of buildings to be Chapter 3-Mechanical Requirements moved based on current value instead of origi- 315.2 Allows a swimming pool with safety cover in nal building value. lieu of perimeter fencing. 315.2.1.9 Deletes reference to power safety covers for Chapter 34-Existing Buildings pools. 3403.4 Clarifies that the provisions of Chapter 34 are 316 Rewrites provisions for ladders and steps. not applicable where state mandated accessibil- ity requirements are in effect. REVISIONS TO THE 1988 STANDARD EXISTING BUILDINGS CODE WITH 1991/1994 REVISIONS Chapter 35- Reference Standards Chapter 4-Means of Egress 3502 Adds,deletes,and updates reference standards. 402.5 Adds provisions for key locking device on the 3503 Updates referenced standards writing organiza- egress side of the main exterior exit doors in tions titles and addresses. Group B, M, and S occupancies. Adds provi- sions for night latches, deadbolt, and security Appendix Chapters devices on the exit door for a dwelling unit, Table Al hotel guest room or suite. Table A2 Changes "plywood" to "wood structural 409 Adds provisions of accessibility for people panel." with physical disabilities. E102.1 Requires conformance to ASHRAE 90.2 instead of 90A and 90B. REVISIONS TO THE 1994 STANDARD HOUSING E102.2 Deletes section regarding calculation proce- CODE dures using the PCA, Simplified Thermal Chapter 1 -Administration Design of Building Envelopes for use with 101.4.3 Clarifies that if the occupancy classification of ASHRAE 90A. an existing building is changed from R1,R2,or E102.3 Deletes section referencing CABO R3 to any other occupancy classification, the "Recommended Requirements to Code building shall be made to conform to the intent Officials for Solar Heating, Cooling and Hot of the technical codes for the new occupancy. Water Systems." 103.1 Rewrites the right of entry provisions to agree E103 Deletes section on Skylights. with the Standard Building Code. E105 Requires reflective insulation installed in con- 103.2.2 Reduces the time allowed for correcting major cealed spaces to comply with ASTM C 1224. violations from 45 to 15 days. F102.2.8 Adds exception which allows materials other 307.5 Places responsibility for extermination of than textile coverings to be installed as canopy insects, rodents and other pests including covers provided they have a flame spread index wood- destroying organisms on the building not greater than 25. owner instead of the occupant. H 103 Changes the length in the definition of a manufac- tured home from"32 body feet"to"40 body feet." REVISIONS TO THE STANDARD FOR EXISTING HIGH HI05.1 Changes "over the top tiedowns" to "vertical RISE BUILDINGS SSTD 3-84 I ties"since some vertical ties do not go over the Chapter 4- Referenced Standards top of the home. Chapter 4 Updates reference standards. H105.1.3 Clarifies that piers are also required under the longitudinal main frame members. July/August 1997 Southern Building 26 REVISIONS TO THE STANDARTFOR HURRICANE 204.4.2 Deletes section. RESISTANT RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SSTD 10- 205.2.2 Adds masonry as an acceptable material for 12 93 AND 10-96, FOR 1994-1997 in. high bond beams. 205.3.3 Requires 1 #5 bar at all locations where girders All Adds concrete walls to acceptable wall con- or girder trusses bear on masonry walls. strucuon types. Changes "to the building official by the beam manufacturer"to "by the beam manufacturer Chapter 1 -General and approved by the building official." 101.1 Updates to new edition and section of code. 205.3.4 Requires vertical reinforcement at the end of 102.1 Clarifies that the maximum unsupported floor- each shearwall segment. to-ceiling sidewall height is 20 feet for con- Table 205C Clarifies note 5 that vertical reinforcement not crete masonry construction and l0 feet for Table 205D tied to the foundation with dowels must reach wood-framed construction. within 12 inches of the floor slab. 102.2.1 Allows three-story masonry buildings with cave heights up to 30 ft. Table 205C Deletes tables and substitute with tables that 102.2.2 Allows construction on sloping or uneven lots Table 205D are updated to the more restrictive require without additional engineering. Table 205F ments of ACI 530-92. 103 Adds definitions for: BLOCKED Table 205G DIAPHRAGM. RUNNING BOND, SHEAR- WALL PIER,SHEARWALL SEGMENT 205.4 Clarifies that either full height masonry end AND STACK BOND. Revises definitions for: walls are required or a ceiling diaphragm is BOND BEAM,FACE SHELL,INTERIOR required. SHEARWALL,and STANDARD 90 Table 205E New table specifies anchor bolt spacings for DEGREE HOOK. Deletes definitions for: attaching 2x wood nailers to rake beams. MORTAR BED JOINT and MORTAR HEAD 205.8 Clarifies that"lintels"are"pre-engineered JOINT. assemblies." Table 205P1 Changes"PRECAST CONCRETE LINTELS"to Chapter 2-Buildings With Masonry Exterior Walls "PRE-ENGINEERED ASSEMBI.IFS SPAN- 202.1.1 Permits use of Type N mortar for higher NING OPENINGS OF."Adds footnote to clarify strength concrete masonry and clay units. that uplift ratings are only required if the pre- 202.1.2 assembly is used to directly support a roof. 202.3.3 Clarifies that the splice lengths are for Grade Table 205P2 Deletes"(Lintel not cast integrally with bond 40 steel. Clarifies that Grade 40 lap lengths Table 205P3 beam)"from title. even where Grade 40 steel is used. 202.6.3 Requires cells containing reinforcement or 205.5 Revises shearwall segments to use classical anchor bolts to be grouted solid. Table 205H pier method rather than cantilevered shear 203.1.2 Deletes section addressing soil or waste pipe or Table 205J walls. building drain passing under or through a foun- Figure 205K dation wall. Figure 205N 203.3.1 Adds three more locations where footing dowel bars are required. 206.2.2 Adds section for wood I-joist systems. 203.3.2 Deletes section. 206.3.1 Clarifies the method to determine the length of 203.3.3 Clarifies that footing dowel bars 1 #5. gypsum wallboard diaphragms and adds provi- 204.3.2 Adds section for wood I-joists. sions for framing around interior walls. 204.3.3 Reduces minimum thickness of floor sheathing Figure 206B from"19/32 inch"to"17/16 inch." Figure 206C 204.3.6 References the Standard Building Code for fas- Figure 206G Replaces the text"concrete block"in the figure tening schedule instead of showing prescriptive with"masonry wall"to clarify that the figure is requirements. applicable to both clay brick and concrete 204.3.7 Deletes "pressure treated."Adds 7 inch mini- masonry units. mum embedment length for anchor bolts into 206.4 Changes title from CEILINGS SYSTEMS to masonry walls. ATTIC FLOOR OR CEILING SYSTEMS. Table 204E Changes title from ANCHOR BOLT SPAC- Clarifies method to determine the sheathing WG LEDGER BOLTED TO MASONRY and fasteners for attic floor and ceiling WALL to ANCHOR BOLT SPACING FOR diaphragms. LOAD BEARING LEDGER BOLTED TO 207.2.5 Adds method for calculating drag strut's MASONRY WALL. required lateral capacity. Figure 204F Deletes the prescriptive size of the bond beam 207.5.1 Clarified method to determine the sheathing indicated in the figure to correlate with Section and fasteners for roof diaphragms. 205.2.2. 207.5.2 Deletes section. 204.4.1 Deletes commentary type language and adds language for the design of floor diaphragms. • 26 Southern Building July/August 1997 207.5.3 Clarifies that continuous ridge vents are per- 304.3.1 Des commentary type language and adds mined where roof diaphragms are unblocked. language for the design of floor diaphragms. Table 207C Adds notes to accommodate roof slopes up to Table 304B Deletes table and substitutes Tables 304B 1 and 45 degrees and changes roof slope terminology 304B2 from degrees to actual slope. Table 304C Deletes tables and substitutes Tables 304C1 Table 207D Adds 1.5W and 2.5W; deletes 3W and 4W. Table 306F and 304C2 to include additional materials, nail Adds notes to accommodate roof slopes up to Table 3071 spacings, and species groups. 45 degrees and changes roof slope terminology 305.1.3 Deletes section. from degrees to actual slope. Table 305A Expands table to take into account a systems Table 207E Revises note#2 to clarify that No. I hip truss factor that reflects the increased strength of the and endjack connections may be reduced by wood stud when sheathed with a wood struc- 20%(multiply by 0.80)for 11-ft endjack sys- tural panel. tems and 10% (multiply by 0.90)for 7-ft end- 305.3.7 Clarifies that double act as drag struts and pro- jack systems. vide me minimum length of lap splices. Table 207E Replaces the upli::loads in the existing tables Table 305L1 Changes "Maximum Building Length(L)"to Table 305F1 with uplift loads that incorporate the full dead Table 305L2 "Building Length or Distance Between Table 307A load of the roof,with the stipulation that no Shearwalls. connector is to be rated for a capacity less than 305.4 Clarifies intent of section. Deletes tables and 100 lbs. Uplift loads are added for roof and Table 305P1 substitutes tables that addresses shear capacity ceiling dead loads of 5 and 7 psf. Assumed Table 305P2 in both directions and two methods of design dead loads for specific assemblies were for shearwalls. reduced. 305.4.2 Requires all shearwall segments to be connect- 207.6.1 Revises values for anchorage of truss/rafter to ed by double top plate drag struts. bond beam. 305.4.3 Allows double sided shearwalls to be sheathed 207.6.4 Refers to Table 207D for values to determine with dissimilar materials. direct truss to masonry connection. 305.4.4 Deletes section. 208.1.5 Clarifies the difference in requirements for 305.4.5 Deletes section. lightly loaded posts and more heavily loaded 305.4.6 Deletes section. columns. 305.5.3 Allows double-sided shearwalls to be sheathed 208.1.7 Moves provisions to 208.1.5 since the require- with dissimilar materials. ments apply to columns. Table 305N Deletes table and substitutes Tables 305N1 and Table 208A Expands table to 24 feet and clarifies use of 305N2. table in notes. 305.7 Clarifies that holddowns must be continuous or a Figure 208B Clarifies the difference in requirements for continuous load path must be maintained to the lightly loaded posts and more heavily loaded foundation. Clarifies that holddown connectors columns. may be fastened to or through double studs. Figure 208D 306.2.2 Adds section for wood I-joist systems. Figure 208F 306.3 Provides description of the prescriptive Table 208E Deletes Note 4 regarding maximum column detailing requirements which permit the use spacing. of a gypsum wallboard ceiling to brace Table 208G New table that specifies maximum spacing of gable endwalls. posts based on post size and gravity loads. Table 306E Deletes tables and substitutes tables that Table 306G expand the required ceiling/attic floor Chapter 3 - Buildings With Wood-Framed Exterior Walls diaphragm shear capacity requirements for 303.1.2 Adds hollow and solid clay masonry units for additional roof angles. footings and foundation walls. 307.2.5 Adds method for calculating drag strut's 303.2.2 Adds provisions and details for foundation walls required lateral capacity. I of 6 inches.Hollow clay brick or 3 inches solid 307.5 Clarified method to determine the sheathing clay brick and 4 inches hollow concrete masonry and fasteners for roof diaphragms. units. 307.5.3 Clarifies that continuous ridge vents are per- 303.2.3 Increases bolt size, washer size,and bolt spac- mitted where roof diaphragms are unblocked. 303.2.4 .ng.Tabulates anchor bolt spacing. Table 307H Deletes table and substitutes tables for endwall Deletes sections. and sidewall. 303.2.5 303.3.2 Increases bolt size, washer size,and bolt spac- ing.Tabulates anchor bolt spacing. Chapter 5 Adds chapter to address asphalt shingles and 303.3.3 Deletes section. concrete roof tiles. 304..2.2 Adds section for wood I-joists. Tables 502K- 304.2.7 References the Standard Building Code for fas- 502P Deletes fastener requirements from note 4 for tening schedule instead of showing prescriptive horizontal batten(1996). requirements. July/August 1997 Southern Building 27 Appendix A Updates the referenced masonry design stan- STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE dard to the 1995 edition. Chapter 2-Definitions Appendix B 202 Moves all definitions to chapter 2. Revises B3.2 Updates the referenced masonry design stan- definitions of Absorption System, dard to the 1995 edition Flammability Classification,Refrigerant Classification, TLV-TWA,and Toxicity STANDARD GAS CODE Classification. Chapter 3-Gas piping Installations Chapter 3-General Requirements 305.6.3 Requires that the maximum pressure drop from 301.10 Relocates to section 1101.7. Requires that the the point of delivery to any appliance, in deter- #4 building official be notified when the refriger- mining building pipe sizes in lieu of the ant in a system is changed to one of a different method described in 305,does not fall below designation. the minimum pressure required for proper 303.1 Applies to all Heating,Cooling and equipment operations. Refrigeration Appliances regardless of fuel Table 305.4F Adds nominal steel tubing sizes to the table. type. Requires label to include the 306.4.1.3 Adds "copper alloy"and"bronze"to the exist- amount and type of refrigerant and system ing copper and brass fitting materials accept- design pressure. able for use on copper or brass tubing. 304.2.4 Requires accessibility to all indoor equipment 306.10 Adds ANSI/UL 842 for shutoff valves. installed at a height greater than 20 feet. 308.6 Requires all gas tubing to be installed with a Allows portable means of access for equipment striker plate and in single nuts in accordance installed lower than 20 feet. with existing 902.4(LPG). Duplicates protec- 304.5.1 Adds service area for underfloor installations of tion criteria in 1005.3(2psi). 30"from the edge of the equipment x 36"high. 311.1 Allows piping systems undergoing"minor 304.5.2 Revises access to exterior grade equipment repair"or"additions"to be tested only in the from 36"x 22"to 36"high x 30"deep. altered area. 304.6.2 Revises roof slope"greater than 3:12"to"4:12 or greater." Chapter 4- Appliance Installation 304.7.2 Revises service space for condensing or com- 402.4.2 Adds appliances installed in garages to the list pressor units from 24"to 30"and deletes of appliances that section 402.4 is not intended requirements for illumination. to apply to. 304.8.2 Deletes requirement for verification of the con- 402.4.3& Allows one combustion air opening, with the densate disposal line's seal for all operating 402.4.4.3 following criteria: 1.sizing Iin2i3000Btuh.2. conditions. minimum duct dimension is 3". 3.consider 304.8.3 Allows indirect connection of the condensate blocking effects of louvers.4.opening covered drain to a sanitary sewer. with minimum 1/4"mesh. 304.8.4 Requires minimum condensate drain line at 403.1.2 Allows shutoff valves to be installed in the least as large as the equipment drain line size. firebox of fireplaces serving listed gas decora- 304.8.6.2 Deletes requirement to prevent ingestion of air tive appliances. and gases from outside the system where the condensate drip pan operates in a region of Chapter 5-Installation Requirements for Specific negative pressure. Appliances 309.2 Clarifies that a service receptacle can not be 504.2 ' Requires metallic water heater safety pans. wired from a circuit greater than 20 amps. 505.1 Allows unvented heaters up to 10,000 Btuh in bedrooms and up to 6,000 Btuh in bathrooms. Chapter 4- Ventilation Air Supply 505.1.2 Deletes section on unvented closed front type 401.1 Revises title and scope of Chapter 4. heaters. 403 Revises ventilation rate calculation of occupan- cy and content from SBC classifications to Chapter 6-Venting of Appliances those of ASHRAE 62. 608.6.1 Prohibits common venting with a solid fuel 406 Requires fan shutdown by smoke detection for appliance. systems in excess of 2000 cfm with exceptions. 611 Replaces existing single appliance vent Tables Requires automatic shutdown for systems 2000 611.2A through 611.2E and multiple appliance cfm and lower serving egress areas. vent Tables 611.3A through 611.3F with 409 Adds section for required distance from cook- updated single appliance vent tables and multi- ing appliance to return air intake for recirculat- ple appliance vent tables. Adds several exam- ing air conditioning system. pies of gas pipe sizing to Appendix D. Chapter 5- Exhaust Systems 503.3.1 Revises exception to include windows with 3 ft2 of openable space and deletes a listed or approved air treatment system for the air exhaust. 28 Southern Building July/August 1997 505.9 Revises requirements for grease duct enclo- T1104A Revises footnote 3 to address systems above sure. and below 100 HP. Deletes table reference to 507.1 Deletes spnnkler exception for hoods equipped footnote 8. with listed grease extractors. 1105.2.2 Allows penetration of machinery room walls 508.1 Adds 30 gage designation for minimum by ducts and air handling equipment with 0.0157"residential range hood ducts. sealed access openings. 509.3 Adds 30 gage designation for minimum 1105.3 Revises section to clarify that it is the sampling 0.0157"residential dryer exhaust ducts. location,not the detector location, that is tied 509.4 Adds 26 gage designation for minimum to the area"where refrigerant is likely to con- 0.0217"commercial dryer exhaust ducts. centrate"and that sampling tubes to draw air to sensors are allowed. Chapter 6-Duct Systems 1106.4 Requires that access doors and panels in ducts 603 Adds standard NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct and equipment be gasketed. Liner Standard,First Edition. 1994 and clan- 1107.5 Excludes systems with refrigerant pump out fies that UL 181 A includes parts I- III. Adds and storage from stop valve requirements. UL 181 B parts I&II. 1108.2.4 Revises requirements for refrigerant test and 605.1.1 Deletes specific duct sealing methods. adds exception to allow use of air to test R-717 605.1.2 Deletes section on UL 181 duct closure sys- (ammonia)systems. tems. 605.5 Deletes section on exposed residential ducts. Chapter 16-Referenced Standards 609.1.2 Adds exception for fiber optic cable raceway to 1601 Revises specific referenced standards to the lat- be used in plenums. est editions. 609.1.3 Prohibits installation of certain plumbing items in room used as plenum spaces. SBCCI Standard for Hurricane Resistant 612 Deletes the area requirements of low velocity Residential Construction type filters. SSTD 10-96 ;/ Deet y(y_9 Chapter 7-Combustion Air All Adds concrete walls to acceptable wall con- 704.2 Allows one combustion air opening,with the struction types following criteria: 1. sizing lin2/3000Btuh.2. minimum duct dimension is 3". 3.consider Chapter 1 -General Requirements blocking effects of louvers. 4.opening covered 102.2 Allows three-story masonry buildings with with minimum 1/4"mesh. eave height up to 30 ft. Chapter 8-Chimneys and Vents Chapter 2-Buildings with Masonry Exterior Walls 801.8 Adds section for minimum and maximum size 202.1 Permits the use of Type N mortar for clay of chimney or vent and revises requirements masonry units. for connections to fireplace. Figure 204F Deletes the prescriptive size of the bond beam 806.2.6 Deletes section and substitutes that chimney indicated in the figure to correlate with 205.2. lining systems be required to be listed and 205.2.2 Adds masonry to types of 12 in.high bond installed to UL 1777. beams. 806.2.7 Deletes section. Table 205E New table addresses anchor bolt spacing for 806.2.8 Adds section to prevent the space surrounding attaching 2x wood nailers to rake beams. the flue lining to be used for venting any other Figure 206G Replaces the text"concrete block"in the figure appliance. with"masonry wall"to clarify that the figure is 806.4 Revises requirement for the minimum air space applicable to both clay brick and concrete required between any portion of a masonry masonry units. chimney and combustible material. Table 207E Replaces the existing table with a new table that 807.4 Revises requirement for the minimum air space contains uplift values which incorporate the full required between any portion of a masonry dead load of the roof,with the stipulation that no chimney and combustible material. connector is to be rated for a capacity less than 814.8.4 Revises requirements for residential appliance 100 lbs. Uplift loads are added for roof and ceil- connectors to clarify intent. ing dead loads of 5 and 7 psf. Table 208E Deletes Note 4 in Table 208E. Chapter 11-Refrigeration Table 208G New table to prescribe maximum posts spac- 1103 Revises the refrigerant section to move code ings for open unattached structures. language from definitions section to code text and revises standard to reflect specific addenda. Chapter 3- Buildings with Wood Framed Exterior Walls T1103 Revises chemical names and formulas in Table 303.1.2 Adds hollow and solid clay masonry units for 1103 to correct inconsistencies with footings and foundation walls. ANSI/ASHRAE 34 and UPAC and limits the 303.2 Adds provisions and details for foundation maximum allowable concentrations of group Al walls of 6 inch hollow clay brick or 3 inch refrigerants to 6.7%. Requires refrigerants not list- solid clay brick and 4 inch hollow concrete ed to be classified by ASHRAE 34 and addenda. masonry units. July/August 1997 Southern Building 29 Table 305F1 Replaces the existing table with a new table that 700 Test Reports contains uplift values which incorporate the full 700 Clarifies and specifies the date required to dead load of the roof,with the stipulation that no accompany the test reports. connector is to be rated for a capacity less than 100 lbs. Uplift loads are added for roof and ceil- SBCCI TEST STANDARD FOR DETERMINING IMPACT ing dead loads of 5 and 7 psi. RESISTANCE FROM WINDBORNE DEBRIS 305.7 Clarifies that holddown connectors may be fas- SSTD 12-97 tened to or through double studs. Table 307A Replaces the existing table with a new table that Emphasizes impact protective systems and contains uplift values which incorporate the full clarifies the intent of the standard. Devotes dead load of the roof,with the stipulation that no separate chapters to test procedures and substi- connector is to be rated for a capacity less than tution criteria, large missile impact test proce- 100 lbs. Uplift loads are added for roof and cell- dures,small missile impact test procedures, ing dead loads of 5 and 7 psi. and post impact cyclic pressure loading test. Chapter 5- Roof Coverings Chapter 4- Large Missile Impact Test Tables 502K Deletes fastener requirements from Note 4 for 401 Requires different impact protection values fir. through 502P horizontal batten. corresponding different windbome debris haL- ard locations. Allows the use of large missile Appendix A- Reference Standards cannons, pendulums,or any other nationally Updates the referenced masonry design stan- recognized test device which produces the dard to the 1995 edition. same energy and impact area. Appendix B - Design Load Assumptions Chapter 5 -Small Missile Impact Test B3.2 Updates the referenced masonry design stan- 501.1 Requires glazed openings where the glass was dard to the 1995 edition. not fractured by the large missile,to be subject- ed to the small missile impact test. SBCCI TEST STANDARD FOR DETERMINING WIND RESISTANCE OF CONCRETE OR CLAY ROOF TILES Chapter 6 - Cyclic Pressure Loading Test SSTD 11-97 602.1.1 Excludes impact protective systems from the cyclic pressure loading test when the impact Table of Contents protective system is not penetrated during the Expands the standard to address adhesive and missile impact test and is designed to withstand mortar set systems and hip/ridge roof tiles. the design wind pressure Adds new sections,300 Mechanically Fastened Systems.400 Adhesive Set Systems,500 Mortar Set Systems,600 Hip/Ridge Roof Tiles. 200 Overturning Resistance .�- Reformats Section 200 in its entirety in provid- ,-,,t , •`���'1,=1�t[� �,� �� �Cµ�,�i� ing section titles. .. •.'Li =_+i t•s : 201 Increase the load up to which the triangulated Vi '': an.. • r'r;'S7,r framework and loading bar of the test appara • ® _ '.' 4,- ?F't�`is:, tus are to remain rigid to 500 lbs. Increases the +:r .t.' ® " '`' �` r':. calibration capacity of load cell. Requires the h k : ',•;- °; Jif:: r;,!• ' il;;, roof framing supporting the test specimen be r ' ' ow has`a new Gusto' er S secured so the loading bar does not lift the k• .� :,t,y Y specimen with its roof framing. ,..F_.• : toll free order.number'r �`' 202 Defines the location of the load transfer device *Fp( t" ' " t' ty.and clarifies acceptable load transfer devices. `� p88= cSBC l A 204 Increases rate of loading to 1 inch per minute. �_.: ,..„ c:z.. : _,;d`r-r1,,,figre •;4 A .• 207 Establishes that the allowable overturning 6ttiThe customeriors e, fi moment is never lower than the lowest over- 1. •; a a.:� �. 1. � affcan``�so a ` - o � � _ o` turning moment calculated using the lowest ,-f.. ^ ultimate failure load. - • at 2it.5o�'(o,7 j,„ . . faxQfl •• •.�>�> a. +�,+1 ; 300 Mechanically Fastened Systems �4 `� o�o_c: i 303 Requires that hot mopped underlayment be . .,.,....,,,.. :..r.,,,,, bui+• _ ., allowed to reach ambient temperature before t,..,.c.,.i. . .:.•,. _. 's`,•:sssiiJ ,i,.a,Js:;)=.� 4=li.WLkrti,?:,, ;.'.O' installation of roof tiles. Applicable to `r' =� +'" .. .... ...,,. ., ,.,. Sections 403, 503, and 603 also. 30 Southern Building July/August 1997 voule rl/r -1991-1994 SIGNIFICANT CODE CHANGES The following summary of revisions reflect significant changes made to the 1991 Standard Codes that appear in the 1994 edition.The list is provided as a convenience to the code users and is not intended to be all inclusive. Summaries must be compared to actual revised text to determine the full meaning of each revision. STANDARD BUILDING CODE 402.2.6.1 Allows open-air grandstands of Type I, II.and 402.2.9 [V to be unlimited height and area. The Standard Building Code©was reformatted in accordance with the CABO Common Code Format.The section numbers in 402.4.3 Clarifies that the I-hour construction applies this summary are based on the 1991 edition.The 1994 edition only to Type V construction. will include a cross-referencing index listing sections in the 1991 edition with the new section in the 1994 edition.This 402.4.8 Reduces the permanent open space from 60 ft to cross-referencing index will be included in a later edition of the 40 ft provided the tire resistance rating of the magazine. exterior wall is increased. Chapter 1 - Administration 403.I.1 Clarifies which provisions must be met in order to consider a mixed occupancy building as a sin- 101.5.2 Clarifies that change in occupancy subclassifica- gle occupancy building. tion requires entire building to conform to the 403.4.1 Clarifies that the exception applies to buildings intent of the technical codes. of Group B or S occupancies,not to Group B or Chapter 2 - Definitions S occupancies within a mixed occupancy build- ing. 202 Deletes definitions for: Amusement Device, 403.5 Clarifies townhouse separation provisions. Attic Space Ventilation,Attic Story, Condominium Dwelling Unit,Front of Lot, 403.5.1 Permits the use of an 18-inch parapet instead of Inner Court,Firestop, Fly,Lodging House, 403.5.2 the 4-foot horizontal projection. Rostrum Stage,Standard Fire Test,Temporary Seating,Working Stage. Adds definitions for: Aerosol,Aerosol- 404.1 Deletes reference to 100 persons as restaurant Container,Alarm Indicating Appliance,Awning, classification in Group A. Manual Fire Alarm Box, Fire Command Station, Fireblock,Automatic Fire Detection System, 404.2 Defines assembly use with less than 100 persons Gypsum Sheathing,Gypsum Wallboard, as Group B. Immiscible, Labeled. Miscible, Propellant,Roof Covering, Rooming House(Transient and Non 404.3 Changes title from"Occupant Capacity"to Transient).Multiple-Station Smoke Detector, "Occupant Content.':Moves provisions for occu- Single-Station Smoke Detector,Tenant,and pant content from Chapter 11 to 404.3. • Type X. Revises definitions for: Control Area,Corridor, 404.4.6 Adds exit enclosure provisions,which are Mezzanine.Common Property Line,and already covered in Note 2 of Table 700, for Through Penetration Firestop System. assembly occupancies. Chapter 3 - Referenced Standards 404.5 Moves Group A interior finish provisions to 704. Ch. 3 Updates reference standards. 404.6 Moves Group A supplementary lighting provi- sions to 1 1 17.1.2. Chapter 4- Classification of Building Occupancy 404.7 Rewrites stages and platforms section. Moves 402.2.2 Clarifies requirements for tloor/ceiling construe- live load criteria to Chapter 12. tion between parking garages and Group R. 404.7.3 Allows tire retardant treated wood for the con- 402.2.3.4 Provides reference to egress provisions in struction of permanent platforms in Types I, II, Chapter 11 for mezzanines. III,and IV construction. 16 Southern Building,March/April, 1994 tio *1110* • 404,1 1.1 Requires tents for public assembly to meet both 409.2.13.5 Deletes provisions for standpipes and hose sys- the small scale and large scale tests for(lame tems covered in 902. resistance in NFiPA 701. 409.2.18.2 Revises alarm terminology. 405.1.3 Defines assembly use with less than 1(X)persons as Group B. Includes various Group A provi- 41 1.1.2 Deletes the length of time of stay for a hotel or sions in smaller assembly uses,even though motel guest. classified as Group B. 412.I.6 Adds NFiPA 70 reference for storage battery 405.2 Revises definition of automotive service station provisions. to allow use of underground and above ground tanks. 412.5.4 Clarifies that automobile ramps are not allowed as exits in parking garages. 405.2.3 Deletes provisions for service station equipment adjacent to gasoline pumps, which are covered 412.5.6 Deletes Exception#2 which permitted a 20- in detail in 907 of the SFPC. minute door in any occupancy separation. 408.1.2.1 Moves control areas for Group H from exception 412.5.7 Allows small garages to be Type VI construe- list to 408.1.2.2. Refers explosives provisions to tion. Adds provisions clarifying the separation Standard Fire Prevention Codes.Clarifies prop- requirements between an automobile parking er use of batteries. garage and a room in which there is a fuel-fired appliance. 408.1.2.1 Adds Level 2& 3 aerosols to the definition of an H3 occupancy. Table 400 Increases allowable area for Group H4. Clarifies that the building area for determination of allow- 408.1.2.1 References the SFPC for exempt amounts of able areas is the"area, building"defined in 202. flammable liquids in Group M occupancies. . Chapter 5 - Special Occupancy Requirements 408.1.2.1 Clarifies that pesticides used on premises are exempt from 1-14 requirements. 505.2 Permits enclosed walkways to be of unprotected noncombustible construction. 408.1.2.1 Adds NFiPA 30B reference and categorizes Level 1 aerosol products as a Level III commod- 506.2 Rewrites provisions for smoke detectors in air ity. distribution systems. 408.1.2.3 Adds method of classifying buildings with 506.2 Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- mixed Group H uses. 506.3 enced standards and deletes provisions that are _ 506.4 specifically covered in the referenced standards. 408.3.5 Revises alarm terminology. 506.6.3 506.7.3 408.3.9.4 Requires emergency illumination for Group H 506.9.5 occupancies. 506.10.2 409.1.2.1 Requires smoke barrier doors to be in a publicly 506.10.3 Updates provisions to be consistent with 1206.1. accessible area. 506.10.4(3) Clarifies the sprinkler omission for areas in 409.1.2.5 Adds reference to 903 for installation of smoke telecommunication buildings. 409.1.3.2 detectors. 409.1.3.3 506.11 Restricts reduction of shaft rating to buildings less than 250 ft high. 409.1.5 Rearranges tabled hazardous areas for classifica- tion in Group I Unrestrained occupancies. 506.1 1(2) Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- enced standards. 409.1.6 Adds fire department notification option and 409.1.7 proper reference to sprinkler supervision. 506.1 1(5) Clarifies provisions for the stair pressurization 409.1.8 system. 409.2.10 Revises terminology to be consistent with 506.12 Deletes seismic provisions to be consistent with 409.2.1 I NFiPA 71, NFiPA 72,and NFiPA 72E. 1206.1. 409.2.12 507 Changes section title from "Covered Malls"to "Covered Mall Buildings." Southern Building,March/April, 1994 17 'tow 507.3.1 Clarifies occupant load calculations for covered Chapter 6 - Classification of Buildings by mall buildings and that anchor stores are not Construction included in the calculation of the leasable arca. 601.2.2 Moves 608.4 to 601.2.2 as an exception. 507.3.2 Deletes provisions which are not code require- ments. 601.3 Revises terminology from"tire protection"to "tire resistance." 507.3.4 Clarifies that the travel distance may be mea- sured from the tenant space entrance to the mall. 602 Adds beams,girders. trusses and arches to description of construction types. 507.3.5 Rearranges egress provisions from mall tenant spaces. 604.6 Changes"plywood"to"wood structural panels." 507.3.6 Clarifies that minimum widths apply to means of 608.4 Moves 608.4 to 601.2.2 as an exception. egress not just the exits in covered mall build- ings. 611 Moves 611 to 717 and eliminates testing for pan- els with noncombustible faces. 507.6 Clarifies that occupancy separation between adjacent tenants in covered mall buildings need 611 Adds test procedure for ignition of exterior only be I-hour. walls. 507.6.1 Adds Group B occupancy to the list of accessory 611.1 Adds minimum thickness for metal faced panels. uses permitted within covered mall buildings. Clarifies that accessory uses within covered mall Table 600 Changes title to"Fire Resistance Ratings." building are not permitted to exceed the sprin- kler area limitation or be located at a height Table 600 Clarifies that ratings are required for elements greater than that permitted for such occupancy supporting columns. for the type of construction being used. Table 600 Adds the terms"floors"to floor/ceiling con- 507.7 Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- struction and"roofs"to roof/ceiling construc- enced standards. tion. 507.8 Clarifies that a 2 1/2 inch fire department con- Table 600 Allows reduced fire resistance for structural ele- nection is required. ments in Group A with legitimate stages. 507.9 Deletes reference to the SFPC for fire exon Table 600 Divides reference note"e"into reference notes guisher provisions. "e"and"p." 508 Rewrites provisions for accessibility for the Table 600 Deletes the"exterior grade"requirement for fire physically disabled. Adds ADA and Fair retardant treated wood. Housing provisions. 509.6 Clarifies smoke detector location,permits pro Chapter 7 - Fire Protection Requirements jected beam-type detectors,and requires detec- Ch. 7 Changes"plywood"-to"wood structural panels." tors to be accessible for maintenance and testing. 510.3 Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- Table 700 Adds minimum fire resistance and opening pro- 510.5.3 enced standards. tectives for occupancy separations and exterior 510.5.4 walls. References entire 702.4 in note#4. 510.6 701.3.1 Clarifies that both Table 700 and the floor rating 510.7 510.10 applies to shaft enclosure fire resistance. 513.2 Adds reference to 903 for installation of smoke 702.1.4 Clarifies that the 25%rule applies to the separa- detector. Revises terminology to be consistent tion between individual tenant space and the cor- with referenced standards. ridor. 702.1.5 Clarifies that the signage is required only for 513.4.3 Clarifies that a public address system installed in fire rated walls which require protected open- accordance with NFiPA 72 is required. ings. I 702.2.2.1 Reformats exception for FRTW in Type I and II construction. 18 Southern Building,March/April, 1994 *PO 1111110 7022.. Clarifies provisions for partitions within a single 706.I Adds listing requirement fur all roof covering tenant space. systems. 702.4(1) Deletes item. 706.2 Allows an approved laboratory. inspection agen- cy.or other organization to certify performance. 702.4(2) Clarifies that the location of partitions is restrict- ed by the method of construction. 706.5 Moves rooting provisions to Chapter 32. 706.6 702.4(3) Changes "a tlamespread"to"an interior finish" 706.7 to agree with title of 704. 706.8 703.2 Moves provisions to 718. 706.6.1 Adds minimum grade requirements for hip and ridge units. 703.3 Revises section to correlate with 510 of the SMC. 707 Moves sloped glazing provisions to 2705. 703.3.2 Deletes redundant section on size of door open- 707 Relocates fire, party,and parapet walls from ings in rated walls. Table 600 notes to text in Chapter 7. 703.3.3 Adds fire damper choice for static or dynamic 708 Redefines allowable construction of dormers. test. 709.2 Relocates construction provisions for exterior 703.3.3 Deletes fire damper exception in shaft walls of balconies on buildings more than three stories in sprinklered buildings. height. 703.3.4 Changes"floor"to"story." 710.2 Clarifies that the textile covering fora canopy need only comply with NFiPA 701. 703.3.7 Clarifies that opening protectives are not required if the fire resistance is due to construc- 710.2 Requires textile canopy to pass both small and tion type only. large scale tests in NFiPA 701. 703.4.6 Permits the use of glazing materials,other than 717.4 Clarifies the applicable building construction 1/4 inch thick wired glass. types. 704.1.2 Requires wainscotting and panelling to meet 717.4 Moves foam plastic provisions for one story interior finish requirements. buildings out of multistory section. 704.2 Clarifies that interior finish provisions do not 718 Combines 703.2 with 718 to create a single sec- apply to floors. tion dealing with access through exterior walls for the fire department. 704.3 Exempts floor finishes from interior finish requirements. 718.1 Refers to SFPC for fire department access to high piled storage. Table 704.3 Reformats table to place less restrictive require- ments in footnotes. 719.4 Adds testing method and criteria for loose fill insulation. 704.4 Moves foam plastic interior trim provisions to interior trim section. 719.7 Moves provions of 719.I through 719.3 to this section. 704.4 Deletes low density foam from interior finish provisions. 719.7 Adds ASTM reference for cellulose fiber ther- mal insulation. 704.9 Adds provisions addressing the use of com- bustibles. 720 Moves plenum provisions from 704.10. 704.9.1 Moves provisions to 1004.1. 704.9.2 Moves provisions to 1004.2. Chapter 8 - Appurtenance Requirements Ch. 8 Changes"plywood" to"wood structural panel." 7O`3.10 Moves provisions to 720. 803.I Adds fireplace construction details to Chapter 8. Southern Building, March/April, 1994 19 Now Noe 804.3 Adds criteria Ior fireplace firebox depth and area Chapter 10 - Fire Resistance Standards' of throat. for Materials and Construction 804.3.4 Clarifies the method to measure the hearth. I00I.1.4 Deletes provisions prohibiting combustible materials from entering into the construction of 806.1.I Permits steam boilers to be installed in a Group assemblies. F occupancy without protection. 806.1.I Deletes input capacity for central heating boiler. 1001.3.2.3 Allows electrical outlet boxes in all fire resistant walls. 806.1.2 Deletes Group I occupancy to eliminate conflict 1001.3.5.2 Permits the use of concreteGrout.or mortar to with 409.1 and 409.2. ,seal the annular space around noncombustible penetrations of concrete and masonry assem- 806.3 Adds separation provisions for Level 2 machine blies. room. 1001.3.6 Requires listing for method E products. 8I I.1.4 Adds flashing, weephole location for masonry walls. Table 1001.3 Adds method C for noncombustible penetrations through three floors or more and through two 811.2 Adds minimum sheathing requirement for floors maximum but limits the pipe or tube to a 4 masonry attached to walls. inch nominal size. 81 1.2.2 Allows anchored veneer on wood foundations; 1002.1 1.2(4) Permits greater tolerances when installed in clarifies lateral support of anchored veneer. accordance with the publications listed in 1003.1.2. 81 1.2.3 Adds dimensional deflection limit for veneer supports. 1003.1.2 Adds SBCCI PST& ESI to the list of acceptable publications. 81 1.4.3 Corrects reference to moisture protection of wood supports for metal veneer. 1004 Moves provisions from 704.9. 813 Adds provisions for transformers installed Chapter 11 - Means of Egress indoors and transformer vaults by referencing NFiPA 70. Table 1103.1 Specifies whether mercantile areas are open to public or not. Chapter 9 -Sprinklers, Standpipes and Alarm Systems Table 1103.1 Changes the term"standing space"to"waiting space"and lowers the maximum occupancy con- 901.6 Revises provisions to eliminate conflicts with tent to 5 sq ft per person. 3501.1.2 of the SFPC.5-1 of NFiPA 88A,and 4.1 of NFiPA 88B. 1103.3.2 Clarifies that doorway clear width is meant to be 901.7.2 Adds criteria for sprinkler protection of stages. the clear width with no jamb or stop protrusion. 901.8 Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- 1103.3.3 Adds limitations for objects protruding into enced standards. usual walking areas. 902 Rewrites provisions for standpipes. 1103.3.4 Adds height restrictions from a walking surface to the lowest part of any structural member, fix- 902.3.2 Requires standpipes on stages larger than 1000 ture,or furnishing. sq ft. 1103.4.2 Clarifies egress width for exit stairways. 902.3.6 Requires standpipes on buildings greater than 10.000 sq ft per floor. 1103.4.5 Clarifies that the capacity of the exit from the intermediate floor need not exceed the sum of 902.4.I Deletes manual dry standpipe system. the required capacities of the upper and lower floor. Deletes last sentence to avoid duplication 903 Rewrites provisions for fire alarms. of the second sentence. 903.2.5 Requires battery backup for smoke detectors. 1103.5 Allows elevators to be used as an accessible means of egress for people with physical disabil- ities per 508. 20 Southern Building, March/April, 1994 *110 1110 1104:12 Clarifies that the exception applies only to I- 1108.5.I Editorial revision to handrail requirements when ' hour rated corridors. four or more risers. 1 I04.1.4 Applies separation to exits in general. not just 1108.5.3 Provides details of equivalent graspability for exit doors. handrails. 1104.2.1 Revises terminology to be consistent with occu- 1108.7 Clarifies measurement for headers at landings. pancy classifications. 1108.8.1 Increases minimum winder tread depth from 9 to Table 1 104 Moves Note 10 from heading to applicable occu- 11 inches. pancies. 1108.8 Places criteria for alternating tread stairs in one 1105.4.1 Requires emergency egress windows to open location. directly to the outside. 1110.1.3 Moves provisions from 11 10.3.2. 1105.7 Adds provisions for burglar bars. 1 1 10.3 Deletes provisions adequately covered in 1110.4 1106.1 Revises occupancies that allow unprotected exte- 1106.2 rior stairs. 1 113.1.1 Replaces exceptions for 32-inch doorway width for interior doors within a dwelling unit. 1106.1.1 Clarifies enclosure requirements for stairs in parking garages. 1113.1.1 Deletes 6'-8"doorway height to avoid duplica- tion of 1103.3. Deletes the exception for interior '1106.1.5 Deletes duplications of provisions in 1108.2. dwelling units. 1106.2.2 Clarifies permitted use of exterior stairs. 1113.1.2 Allows horizontal sliding doors in areas of refuge,smoke barriers and spaces with occupant 1106.2.7 Deletes section since it addresses stairway con- load less than 50 persons. struction and not stairway protection. 1113.1.3 Clarifies that number of room doors is based on 1106.2.8 Deletes ambiguous language in 1106.2.8 and occupant load,not occupant content. 1115.1.3 to avoid conflicts. 1113.1.4 Moves exceptions from level landings to include 1107 Deletes cross reference for monumental stairs. thresholds and small level changes. 1108.1.2 Restates that enclosed stairs cannot have open 1113.1.7 Adds provisions for landings on the exterior side risers. of egress doors in Group R3 occupancies. 1108.2 Deletes provisions. Moves provisions from 1113.3.2 Prohibits revolving doors from being located 1106.1.5,clarifies that section applies to all within 10 ft of the entrance or exit of a moving stairs. walk. 1108.3 Deletes redundant language for measuring tread 1114 Revises ramp provisions by transferring accessi- depth. bility provisions from ANSI A 117.1'into code language. 1108.3 Reformats special stair tread/riser provisions. 1108.4 1115.1.3 Deletes ambiguous language in 1106.2.8 and 1115.1.3 to avoid conflicts. 1 108.3.4 Adds provisions for measuring winders and tapered treads. 1115.1.5 Moves construction provisions for balconies from 709.2. 1108.3.5 Allows circular stairs in R3 occupancies to have a minimum tread depth of 9 inches and smaller I 116.1 Clarifies wording in exception#I. radius less than twice the stairway width. 1 1 16.2 Requires glass guardrails to comply with 2703.5. 1108.4.3 Requires guardrail at stair return even if 12 inch- es or less between flights. I 117.1.2 Clarifies that the emergency lighting require- 117.2.5 ments are based on occupant load, not 1108.5 Revises handrail provisions by transferring occupant content. accessibility provisions from ANSI A 117.1 into code language. Southern Building,March/April, 1994 21 `,w' 1 1 17.1.2 Requires emergency lighting capability for 11/2 1205.1.1 Permits use of ANSI FP 1001-90 for Design of, hours and revises lighting criteria. Metal Flagpoles. 1 1 17.2.2 Requires exit doors to exit stairways to have tac- 1205.2.3 Revises definition of Components and tile signage complying with ANSI Al 17.I. Cladding and clarifies that roof coverings must comply with 1205. Table 1 1 17 Adds emergency lighting requirements for Hazardous occupancies. 1205.2.4.1 Deletes 20-ft minimum end zone for buildings under 60 ft:deletes reference to end zone open- 1120.1.1 Reduces the requirement for sizing secondary ings in Group R3 buildings:clarifies applica- exit capacity for Group A from 2/3 to 1/2. tion of end frame load. 1120.2.2 Deletes requirements for foyer at same level at 1205.2.4.2 Clarifies that each wind load direction and tor- back of auditoriums. sion must be considered separately. 1120.4 Adds new exiting criteria for stages and plat- 1205.2.6 Adds simplified wind load design method for forms. enclosed buildings with vertically spanning walls. 1 120 7.2 Allows latch or lock on Group A and E occupan- 1122.2.1 cies with greater than 100 occupants only Table I205.2A Revises wind load velocity pressures. if doors are equipped with panic or fire exit hardware. Table 1205.2 Adds note to correct base shear values for wide B,C,B1,B2 buildings. 1120.7.2 Deletes 100 occupant restriction on Group A occupancy doors with panic/fire exit hardware, Table 1205.2B Adjusts MWFRS end zone coefficients for roof since fewer occupants do not constitute a Group angles 20°- 30°. A occupancy. Fig. 1205.2D Revises component and cladding roof 1 120.1 1.6.1 Clarifies assembly seating criteria. 1205.2E coefficients for open buildings. 1 120.11.10 Adds provisions for calculating egress width for 1205.3 Adds wind load provisions for tile roof cover- outdoor seating. ings. 1121.l Clarifies that Group B occupancy floor area less 1206 Revises earthquake loads to meet 1991 than 3500 sq ft can be served by a single exit. NEHRP. 1122.1 Clarifies that"nurseries and kindergartens"are Table 1206.3.3 Adjusts design factors(R and Cd)for ordinary educational occupancies for first grade children and intermediate frames of R and C. and younger. Table 1206.3.7 Increases allowable drift for multistory build- 1125.2.9.4 Adds Use Condition 3 to remote unlocking ings. waiver. 1206.6.4 Allows use of NFiPA 13 for earthquake protec- 1125.2.9.5 Deletes redundant emergency power provisions tion of sprinkler systems. for power-operated doors and locks. 1207.2.3 Clarifies that guardrail impact loads are for 1 127.1.1 Clarifies that common exit provisions actually automobile parking garages only. apply to RI and R2 occupancy categories. 1208 Allows use of allowable stress design for load 1 127.4.2 Rewords provisions for clarity. combinations including seismic loads. 1208 Rewrites provisions for load combinations Chapter 12 - Minimum Design Loads 1204 References ASCE 7 for snow loads. 1210.1 Adds deflection limits for secondary members supporting metal rooting or siding. 1205 Rewrites provisions for wind loads. Chapter 13 - Foundations 1205.1.1 Permits use of SSTD 10-93 for R2 and R3 build- ings. 1302.1 Requires removal of foreign materials from soil before construction of foundation. 22 Southern Building, March/April, 1994 *Pr 411110 1302.3.3.3 Clarifies that the only "accepted engineering 14I3 Adds seismic provisions for masonry construe- practices"are the WRI/CRSI and PTI docu- tion. ments referenced. 1413 Adds details for spacing of masonry reinforce- 1302.5.3 Expands provisions for foundation seismic ties. ment. 1302.5.4 Chapter 15 - Steel Construction 1302.6.2.4 Adds provisions for pier and curtain wall con- 1302.6.2.5 struction. Ch. 15 Changes structural steel seismic provisions to reference AISC specification:references AISI cold-formed steel design requirements for ASD 1302.6.3 Clarifies that the ventilation openings are to be and LRFD. of equal size totaling a minimum of 50%of the required openings. 1503.1 Revises terminology to be consistent with refer- enced standards. Adds reference to AISI LFRD. 1302.6.3 Moves crawl space criteria from Chapter 17 to Chapter 13. 1503.2 Corrects reference to ASCE 8. 1302.9 Adds seismic provisions. 1503.3 Adds seismic provisions for cold-formed steel. 1302.9.1 Expands provisions of soil report in Seismic 1503.4 Adds design provisions for steel deck Category D and E. diaphragms. 1303.4.3 Expands provisions for foundation seismic ties. 1505.2 Adds seismic design requirements for steel 1303.10.2 joists. 1305.4 1306.4.2 1506.2 Adds design provisions for structural steel 1307.1.4 cables. 1307.5.5 1308.3.6 1508 Revises referenced standards for high strength 1308.3.7 steel bolts. 1311.7 1512 Adds seismic provisions for structural steel con- 1305.2 Changes the allowable compressive design stress struction. for steel piles. Chapter 16 - Concrete Construction 1309.2.4 Changes timber pile treatment specification. Ch. 16 Changes the term"cement"to"cementitious Chapter 14 - Masonry Construction material"and revises section to correlate with ACI 318. Ch. 14 Revises chapter content and format to be consis- tent with ACI 530. 1601.2 Adds reference to 1611 and 1612 for seismic provisions of reinforced concrete and plain con- 1403.6.2 Corrects reference to ACI 530/ASCE 5. crete respectively. 1403.6.3 1603.6 Moves sections to correspond with ACI 318. 1405.3 Reduces minimum dimension between lateral Fig. 1603 Updates weathering probability map for con- supports from 45 to 36 times the nominal wall crete. thickness. Adds exception for cantilevered walls. 1608 Reformats concrete slab on ground provisions. 1408.3.I Deletes"attached in a manner to be self releas- 1608.2 Requires sealing rather than taping of vapor ing." retarders. 1409.4 Adds third exception for support of interior 1611 Adds seismic provisions for reinforced concrete. masonry veneer. 161 1.2.2 Adds additional design requirements for anchor 1409.7 Corrects reference to ACI 530/ASCE 5. bolts in concrete. 1411.1 1411.2 1612 Adds seismic provisions for plain concrete. Southern Building, March/April, 1994 23 Chapter 17 - Wood Construction 1707.2.2 Revises the scope of wall bracing requirements. ' Ch. 17 Changes"plywood"to"wood structural panels". 1707.2.22 Adds provisions for wood-framed building where seismic analysis is not required. 1701.3 Adds lumber standard USDOC PS 20-70 Tables Revises wall bracing and fiberboard shear wall 1701.4 Deletes reference to composite veneer flake- I707.2.2A table to reflect 1991 NEHRP. board framing. &1707.2.4 1701.4.5.1 Corrects Structural Board Association's name. 1707.2.3 Deletes section in its entirety. 1701.4.12 Adds reference to ASTM D 5055 for prefabri- 1707.2.5 Adds provisions for fiberboard sheathing. cated wood I-joist design. 1708.2.3 Updates truss bracing recommendations. 1701.8.2 Requires quality mark for fire retardant treated 1701.8.5 wood. Table I708.3A Revises roof sheathing table for wood structural panels. 1703.1.2 Deletes reference to National Pest Control Association standards. Table 1708.2B Revises shear wall table for wood structural panels. 1703.1.3 Adds provisions for soil treatment under con- crete slab on ground. Table 1710.2A Revises horizontal diaphragm table for wood structural panels. 1704.1.4 Clarifies that intersection of wood stud wall and floor systems requires firestopping. 1710.3 Revises and moves notes from Tables 1710.2A 1710.4 and 1710.2B. 1704.2.4 Exempts single family dwellings from cornice draftstopping. 1710.4 Adds 7/16-inch panel nailing schedule;updates text to reflect changes to Table 1710.2B Table 1705.1 Changes minimum thickness of particleboard siding from 3/8"to 5/16". 1711.3 Revises and moves notes from Tables 1711.2A 1711.4 and 1711.2B. 1705.2 Requires fasteners to be installed in accordance with a listing rather than a manufacturer's 1712 Adds seismic provisions for wood-framed con- instruction. struction. 1705.3 Revises terminology to be consistent with the 1712.3 Deletes strength design table for wood remainder of the code. diaphragms resisting seismic loads. 1706.1 Reduces bolt spacing from 6 ft to 4 ft. Adds exception for certain wood-framed buildings. 1714.4.6 Revises shear panel text to reflect wood struc- tural panels. Table 1706.6A Adds 24/16 span rating and single floor grade to roof sheathing. Chapter 18 - Lathing, Plastering,and Gypsum Table 1706.6A Revises span table for wood structural panel Construction sheathing. Table 1706.6C Adds 32-inch span rating for single floor grade 1805.(.t Requires panel size and arrangement of vertical subfloor/underlayment. gypsum board diaphragms designed to resist seismic forces to comply with 1712.4.8. Table 1707.1A Modifies wall sheathing table to include all Table 1805 Adds shear capacities for woven or welded wire wood structural panels covered in PS2. lath and portland cement plaster and gypsum 1707.1.5 Adds exception for certain wood-framed buildings. lath, plain or perforated. 1707.1.5 Clarifies the minimum thickness and width of Chapter 20 - Light, Ventilation and Sanitation the bottom plate. 2001.2.1 Allows 7-ft ceiling in storage and laundry 1707.2.1 Prohibits the use of wood spacers,backup rooms. • cleats,or other devices for wood stud walls which have a fire resistance rating or shear 2001.2.4 Applies minimum room sizes to net floor area. capacity. 24 Southern Building, March/Aprii, 1994 Iry Chapter 22 - Use of Public Property 2703.2 Deletes duplicated text and requires safety glass • on all ,winging doors. 2201.2.2 Clarifies that textile coverings are to conform to NFiPA 701. 2703.2.1 Requires safety glazing when used in pool wal Is/fences. 2201.2.2 Requires both small and large scale NFiPA 701 tests for textile coverings. 2703.2.1(1) Deletes reference to wire glass. 2201.2.2 Adds flamespread requirements for combustible 2703.3 Revises wind load factors for glass. awnings,canopies,& marquees. 2704.3 Adds provisions for structural silicone glazing 2201.2.4 Reduces the roof live load from 40 psf to 5 psf systems. for marquees or canopies. Chapter 30 - Fire District Chapter 24 - Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, Moving Walks Ch. 30 Consolidates tire district provisions into Chapter 30. Moves entire chapter to Appendix F. 2401.2 Requires passenger elevators to comply with ANSI Al 17.1 for accessibility. 3005(12) Adds exception for wood veneers conforming to 2402.1 Adds exit access and door locking requirements 811.6.8. for elevator lobbies. Chapter 31 - Calculated Fire Resistance 2402.8 Clarifies that change in use would require eleva- tor modification. 3102.4.2 Clarifies that the minimum cover is measured to the longitudinal reinforcement. Chapter 25 - Structural Tests Table 3103.1 References ASTM C 140 to determine equiva- 2505.3.1 Increases load duration criteria for wood fasten- lent thickness. Deletes ASTM C 145. ers not to exceed criteria in 2505.3.1,2505.3.2. and 2505.3.3. 3103.3 Adds methods for determining fire resistance of multiwythe masonry walls with or without air 2505.3.1 Requires labeling/listing of wood connectors and spaces. exterior window and door assemblies. 3103.4 Adds provisions for determining fire resistance 2505.5 Adds overturning test for concrete and clay roof of concrete masonry lintels. tiles by referencing a new SBCCI Standard for Determining the Wind Resistance of Concrete or 3103.5 Adds provisions for determining fire resistance Clay Roof Tiles. of concrete masonry columns. 2505.6 Adds wind tunnel test for concrete and clay roof tiles by referencing a new.SBCCI Standard for Table 3104.1 Updates existing tables with new fire resistance Determining the Wind Resistance of Concrete or ratings for masonry. Clay Roof Tiles. 3105.1 Changes the term"fire protection" to"tire resis- Chapter 26 - Light-Transmitting Plastics 3105.2 cant." 2602 Adds restrictions for plastic panels in exterior 3105.1.4.6 Adds provisions for determining fire resistance 2603 walls. of steel columns protected with concrete mason- ry units. 2614 Adds size and encasement requirements for inte 3105.2.4 Adds criteria for determining conditions of rior plastic signs. restraint. Chapter 27 - Glass 3106 Revises calculated fire resistance tables by changing"plywood"to"structural wood pan- 2703.I Clarifies that wire glass is exempt from CPSC els." testing when installed in fire doors, fire win- dows,or view panels. Chapter 32 - Installation of Roof Coverings 2703.1 Adds mirrors to hazardous location list,except 3201 Changes ret'erences from"Standard"to when attached to solid walls. "Chapters" for roof installation chapter. Southern Building, March/April, 1994 25 \fise *of 3202.1.3 Requires low slope roofs to have a minimum of 3208.5 Deletes prescriptive configurations for tire retar- 1/4 in/ft. darn shake and shingle roof coverings. 3202.2 Adds wind load provisions for roof coverings. 3209.1 Requires systems to conform with fire and design loads of Chapter 7 and 12.respectively. 3202.2.4.I Reduces threshold wind speed for six nails per as a minimum. shingle from 100 to 90. 3209.7 Reformats provisions for sloping built-up roofs. 3202.3.3 Defines nail location for composition flashing. 3212.1.2 Requires design for ballasted membrane roof 3202.3.4 Moves tin cap and nails to fastener section. coverings on R3 buildings. 3202.3.5 3213 Redefines reroofing and replacement and revises 3202.4 Deletes 25% requirement for roof covering verbiage according to the new definitions. replacement. 3213.1.4 Excludes slope requirements for reroofing when 3204.2.3 Requires asphalt shingles to be fastened along roof provides positive drainage. the rake. 3214.6.1 Clarifies that aggregate ballasted roofs require 3207.1.5.5 Adds copper to flashing materials and wood gravel stops. 3208.4.1 shake nails. 3214.6.2 Clarifies that nonballasted roofs require drip 3207.1.5.8 Deletes mortar standards already required in edges. Chapter 14. Appendix Chapters 3207.1.5.10 Adds standard for rubber eave enclosure. App A Revises waterproofing membrane dead load. 3207.2 Specifies minimum/maximum dimensions for 3207.4 concrete and clay tile 3207.3 fasteners. App E Adds ASTM C727 as a reference for the instal- 3214.6 E105 lation of foil insulation. 3215.2 App H Clarifies that the requirements apply to both new 3207.2.1.7 Requires felt fastening to be a minimum of 1 H101 and used manufactured homes. inch from edge of felt underlayment for cement- ed tile. H102 Requires that manufactured homes meet the Standard Housing Code©. 3207.2.1.7 Deletes restriction against hot mopping over plastic roof cement. 1-1105.1.1 Requires diagonal ties over top in accordance with the installation instructions. 3207.2.2.7 Revises tile fastening for better uplift resistance. 3207.4.4 H105.1.3 Adds pier location criteria. 3207.3.1.6 Revises cricket provisions. H105.5.1.2 Requires listing report to be filed with the agen- 3207.3.2.3 Requires sealing of metal flange edge. cy having jurisdiction. H Adds reference to Standard Method of Test for 3207.3.3.7 Requires felt fastening to be a minimum of 1 Manufactured Home Anchors by SBCCI. inch from edge of felt underlayment for mechan- ically fastened tile. H 106 Adds specific requirements for listing reports. 3208.1.1 Adds minimum grade requirements for shake H106 Defines additional installation requirements. and shingle hip and ridge units. App J Deletes Appendix in its entirety. 3208.1.1 Reformats requirements for shingle and shake grades. App M Deletes Appendix in its entirety. Table 3208.2 Clarifies use of yellow pine as treated shakes. STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE 3208.2 Adds spaced sheathing provisions to Chapter 32. The Standard Mechanical Code© was reformatted in accor- 3208.2.1 Adds reference to AWPA standard C2 for treat- dance with the CABO Common Code Format. The section ment of So. Yellow Pine shingles. numbers in this summary are based on the 1991 edition. The 26 Southern Building,March/April, 1994 411110 "1610 1994.edition will include a cross-referencing index listing sec- 305 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 10- tions in the 1991 edition with the new section in the 1994 edi- COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR. tion. This cross-referencing index will be included in a later edition of the magazine. 305.3.2 Removes storm window limitation from com- bustion air sizing. Chapter 2 - Definitions 306 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 11 - 202 Adds definition for: Refrigerant Classification, CHIMNEYS AND VENTS. Combination Smoke and Fire Damper, 306.1.6 Moves provisions from 303.8. Unusually Tight Construction. Revises defini- 306.15.1.2 tion for: Boiler. Brazing, Fire Damper,Smoke Damper. 306.17.3.4 Clarifies the method to measure the hearth. Chapter 3- Air Conditioning, Heating and 307 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 12- Ventilation Equipment VENTILATION SYSTEMS. 301.4 Adds provisions for seismic supports for equip- 307.4.1 Relocates requirements from 504.6 to this sec- ment. tion and adds minimum 1/2 inch mesh. 302.2 Adds labeling requirement for fuel burning 307.4.3 Reduces flash point from 350°F to 325°F. appliances,air conditioning and heat. 307.7 Adds provisions for subsoil ventilation systems. 302.4 Deletes reference to Chapter 9 and reformats text. 308 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 13- EXHAUST SYSTEMS. 302.4 Replaces reference to ANSI B9.1 with ANSUASHRAE 15. 308.1.3 Requires bath/shower room air to be exhausted to the outdoors. 302.8.2 Deletes clearance requirements for warm air 302.8.3 ducts. 308.4.3.1 Adds sign and access panel requirements for grease hood duct systems. 302.10 Relocates requirements from 504.7 to this sec- tion and adds minimum 1/2 inch mesh. 308.4.7 Adds shafts for horizontal part of grease ducts in two story buildings. 303.4.2 Deletes provisions for electrical outlets.lights 303.5(7) and switches. 308.4.8 Adds size for opening in shaft wall for access to 303.6.2 duct cover. - 303.5.1 Adds accessibility criteria for equipment 308.4.10 Adds enclosure criteria for penetrations through 305.5.2 installed on exterior grade. 2-hour walls. 303.6.4 Adds wall mounted equipment to access criteria 308.4.12 Clarifies that grease duct systems are required for roof equipment. even if air cleaning devices are installed. 303.8 Moves provisions to 306.1.6 and 306.15.1.2. 308.5.3 Requires access and clearance for exterior exhaust fans in accordance with 303. 303.9.1 Adds exception that clearances established in a listing cannot be reduced. 308.6 Adds exception for cabinet type ovens. 1 Table 303.9 Deletes footnote#7. 308.8.1 Adds gage requirements for single wall metal pipe for residential range hood exhaust for R-3 Table 304 Rewords existing note#8. occupancies. 304 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 9- 308.8.1 Deletes I inch clearance for single wall residen- BOILERS. tial kitchen vent. 304.7 Adds boiler room criteria from 806 of the 308.8.2 Allows reduced clearances for over the stove Standard Building Code©. cooking apparatus. 308.9.3.1 Deletes nonspecific clearance requirements for dryer exhaust. Southern Building,March/April, 1994 27 309 Moves provisions to create a new Chapter 14- 510.1.2 Clarifies the requirements for tire dampers in , SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION rated assemblies. 510.1.3 Delete lire damper Exception #2 for exhaust Chapter 4 - Refrigeration ducts to outside. Ch.4 Revises existing code provisions to add new 510.1.3 Delete tire damper exception in shaft walls of refrigerants that bring the Standard Mechanical sprinklered buildings. Code in line with ASHRAE 15 and 34. Adds minimum clearance around condensing units for 510.2.1 Requires dampers to meet UL 555 and be listed maintenance and inspection. as either static or dynamic. Chapter 5 - Installation Requirements for Specific 510.2.2 Changes"floor"to"story." Appliances 510.3 Deletes existing section and adds new criteria for 502 Adds TIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction smoke dampers. Standards. 514.5 Adds high rise provisions from 506 of the 502 Adds ADC Flexible Duct Performance Standard Building Code. Standards. 502 Adds ACCA Manuals D&Q to the list of stan- Chapter 6 - Piping dards. Ch.6 Changes existing title to Fluid Handling and 502 Changes the reference from TIMA to NAIMA Piping Systems. and adds UL 181A to the list of standards. 603.1 Adds provisions for the condensate disposal sys- tem. 503.2.1 Adds UL 181 test requirements to commercial duct systems. 603.2 Allows the use of ABSP�tPing in condensate lines,permits traps. 503.3.2 Reorganizes section;deletes Class 2 materials. 503.4 Moves 505 to 503.4, adds the term"duct,"and 603.4 Adds secondary drain system installation crite- 504.1.1 reduces the allowed length of connector material ria. to 4 ft. 603.4 Clarifies provisions for location of auxiliary 504.1.2 Requires duct closure systems to pass UL 181A. drain pans. 506.1.4 Reduces lining clearance from electric resistance 606 Adds provisions for water-source heat pump pip- and fuel burning heaters in a duct system. ing. 506.2.2 Separates externally applied and internally applied insulation. Adds minimum thickness for Chapter 9 - Reference Standards Class 0 and Class 1 rigid ducts. 901 Replaces reference-to ANSI B9.1 to 506.2.2 Adds minimum"R"value for air duct insulation; ANSUASHRAE 15, adds reference to UL 18IA. deletes conductance value. 902 Adds address for Air Diffusion Council,updates 509.1.2 Permits duct insulation complying with 506.1.l name and address of TIMA to NAIMA. and 506.1.2 in plenums. Appendix C - Procedures for Determining 509.2 Replaces the term"barrier"with the term Thermal Resistance (R) "retarder." Values for Air Distribution Ducts and Plenums 509.2.1.2 Deletes flamespread criteria and instead refer- ences 509.I.2. App.C Adds criteria for R value test on air ducts and plenums.Clarifies insulation testing require- 509.2.2.6 Updates thermal resistance formula. ments. 510.1 Deletes two tire doors for 3-hr walls. 28 Southern Building, March/April, 1994 • STANDARD GAS CODE 402.4.4.2 Requires 1/4 inch mesh screen to cover combos- lion air openings. Chapter 2 - Definitions 402.4.7 Requires additional combustion air opening for dryers regardless of energy source. 202 Adds definition for: Gas Convenience Outlet. Labeled. Unusually Tight Construction. Vented -103.I.I Requires protection for semi-rigid tubing enter- Appliance System.and Vent System. ing a motor operated appliance:allow listed gas Revises definition for Brazing. convenience outlets in addition to listed quick- disconnect devices. Chapter 3 - Gas Piping Installations 403.1.2 Allows listed gas convenience outlets to serve as 305.2 Clarifies section on building pipe sizes. a shutoff valve. Table 305.3.3 Revises tank capacity for water heaters, and adds 405.3 Correlates roof access provisions with the SBC BTU demand values for fireplace log lighters by permitting a portable means of access. and residential barbecue grills. Chapter 5 - Installation Requirements for Specific 305.4 Adds sizing criteria for corrugated stainless steel Appliance piping. 501.3 Adds provisions for seismic supports for gas 306.1 Deletes the word"consumer's"and substitutes appliance systems. the word"metallic." 504.2.2 Adds minimum dimension criteria for water 306.2 Requires corrugated stainless tubing systems to heater drain pans. be tested, listed,and installed in accordance with ANSI/AGA LC-1. 504.2.2 Revises location of water heater drain pans to be similar to 1213.7.1 of the Standard Plumbing 306.4.1.I Deletes the use of solder for pipe and tubing Code©. joints. 306.4.1.2 Deletes the use of solder for pipe and tubing 507.4.3 Correlates minimum clearances for horizontal joints. Adds exception permitting the use of type central furnaces with the SMC. metallic ball sleeve compression type fittings in 507.9 References the Standard Mechanical Code©for listed interior piping systems. 306.4.1.3 Prohibits different material on the same system. air duct design criteria. 308.3.2 Allows Schedule 40 PVC pipe meeting DWV 511.8 Revises units of the thermal resistance(R-value) standards to be used as encasement. equation. 308.7 Clarifies that gas piping is allowed in inaccessi- 513.4.2 Adds location details for heating equipment in ble non-plenum type ceilings or crawl spaces. aircraft hangars. Table 305.4A Corrects inaccuracies in tables. 529 Adds provisions for the installation of com- Table 305.4B pressed natural gas fueling systems. ' 305.9.2 Clarifies that gas piping is prohibited from inac- Chapter 6 - Venting of Appliances cessible plenums. 607.15 Prohibits vent connectors from connecting to a 309.6.3 Allows listed gas convenience outlets in addition chimney in an attic. 309.7.2 to listed quick-disconnect devices. 608 Clarifies that section applies only to Category I 311.3 Clarifies that test instruments with increments appliances smaller than 1/4 lb are acceptable. 611 Adds venting provisions for Category I appliances. Chapter 4 - Appliance Installation Table 611.2 Change Note#7 to reduce chimney liner deduc- tion from 35%to 20%. 402.4.3 Deletes storm windows from unconfined space note. 612 Clarifies that gas vent sizing for Category II. III. and IV appliances is to be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Southern Building,March/April. 1994 29 Nor visf Chapter 9 - Installation Requirements for 407.3 Establishes minimum piping material for pipe . Undiluted Petroleum Gases sleeves. (Butane and Propane) 407.7 Requires protection to prevent nail punctures. 902.I.I Permits the use of plastic pipe for outside under- 407.7 Eliminates protective plate requirement for cast ground locations. iron,steel,and stainless steel pipe. 902.2.1 Deletes the use of solder for pipe and tubing 415.2 Prohibits toilet rooms in public kitchen areas. 90_._._ joints. 902.4 Defines LPG tubing criteria for installation in Chapter 5 - Materials walls. 501 Updates name of National Sanitation Foundation Chapter 10 - 2-PSI Gas Piping Testing Laboratories, Inc. to NSF International. , 1003.4.1 Adds sizing criteria for 5 psi systems. Table 500 Adds,deletes,or updates standards for plumbing materials. 1005.1 Allows nonmetallic pipe to be installed under- ground outside. 502.7 Deletes composite shower pans. Adds PVC shower pans. Appendix D - Example Problems 504.8 Adds requirements for air admittance valves. D305.5 Corrects example problem to agree with revised Table 305.4A;corrects figure number by Chang 504.8.4 Clarifies the minimum clearance above insula- ing it from E305.5 to D305.5. tion and testing requirements for air admittance valves. Appendix E 504.8.5 Adds prohibited use of air admittance valves. App E Adds sizing table for 5 psi systems. Chapter 6-Joints and Connectors STANDARD PLUMBING CODE 602.14.1 Adds ANSI designation to NSF 14. The Standard Plumbing Code©was reformatted in accordance 602.14.1 Clarifies solvent joint requirements. with the CABO Common Code Format.The section numbers in this summary are based on the 1991 edition.The 1994 edition 602.15 Adds new procedures for joints in polyethylene will include a cross-referencing index listing sections in the water piping. _ 1991 edition with the new section in the 1994 edition.This cross-referencing index will be included in a later edition of the 602.15.1 Adds fitting types for plastic water pipe. magazine. 603.7 Adds provisions prohibiting the connection of Chapter 2 - Definitions dissimilar materials. 202 Adds definitions for: Pressure,Trap Primer, 604.9 Deletes aluminum DWV and components. Trap Seal Primer Valve,and Unstable Ground. 606.1 Requires the closet flange to be attached to the Revises definitions for: Interceptor and Plumbing. outside diameter of the drainage piping. Chapter 3 - Basic Principles Chapter 7 - Traps and Trap Cleanouts 301.5 Clarifies that the water-seal trap is required only 701.2.2 Adds new requirements for washing machine for sanitary drainage systems. standpipes. 703.2.1 Deletes provision for fixture traps to be"readily" Chapter 4 - General Regulations accessible. 401.1.2 Clarifies fitting designations for plastic and 703.5 Updates section to add mandatory language and metallic piping. allow baffle traps. 401.2 Clarifies directional changes for short sweep fit- tings. 30 Southern Building, March/April, 1994 *le *11110 704.2.4 Revises cleanout locations. 1211.10 Adds requirements fur siring manifolds. ' ' 705.1 705.2 1213.1 Prohibits the use uI'relief valves to control ther- mal expansion in storage tanks. 705.2./ Increases distance between manholes from 3(X) ft to 4(0 ft. 1213.7.I Requires water heaters in remote locations have a safety pan. Chapter 9 - Plumbing Fixtures 1213.7.I Revises requirements for safety pans. 901.2 Adds provisions for water conservation. 1213.7.4 Revises requirements for T and P relief valve Table 901.2 Revises water conservation requirements. termination. 914.4.2 Requires floor drains in elevator pits. 1213.8 Requires shower temperature control devices in all buildings. 921.3.2 Prohibits water heaters in rooms used as plenums. 1213.9 Requires thermal expansion control devices. Table 922.2 Revises table concerning restaurants,clubs and Chapter 13 - Drainage Systems lounges. Revises number of lavatories required for theaters,auditoriums,churches,waiting 1301.3.1 Deletes aluminum DWV and components. rooms at transportation terminals and stations. 1301.4 Chapter 10 - Hangars and Supports 1302.2 Clarifies type of fill material. 1002.8 Deletes aluminum DWV and components. 1302.6 Changes minimum building sewer pipe size to 4 1003.8 Table 1305.1 inches. 1004.3 Adds provisions for seismic supports for plumb- Chapter 14- Vent and Venting ing. 1401.3 Chapter 11 - Indirect Waste Piping and Special 1401.4 Deletes aluminum DWV and components. Wastes 1403.3.1 Clarifies that a main stack may be a stack vent. 1104 Revises title to reflect text by deleting"or back- flow preventer." Table 1408.1 Corrects drawing to accurately show a sanitary tee. Chapter 12 - Water Supply and Distribution 1414.1 Adds exception to permit the omission of relief 1204.4.3 Permits vacuum breakers I inch above flood vents. level of fixtures. Table 1420.4 Rewrites individual and branch vent sizing table. 1209.I Requires water supply control for each dwelling unit;describes valve boxes. Chapter 15 - Storm Drains 1209.3.1 Allows the fixture shutoff valves to be located at 1502.3 Deletes aluminum DWV and components. the manifold. 1502.4 1209.3.3 Adds requirements for location of shutoff valves 1507.2 Requires that the secondary roof drain system at fixtures. discharge in a visible location above grade. 1210.1.1 Allows PEX for hot and cold water distribution 1508.3 Adds word"additional." 1210.1.2 systems. 1211.3 Changes fixture supply pipe sizes for manifold Appendix Chapters distribution systems. F101.1.1 Clarifies intent with regard to pressure by adding F102.1 the word"static." 1211.4 Clarifies minimum pressure required. Table F101 Revises load values assigned to fixtures. 121 1.9.1 Clarifies maximum pressure. Southern Building, March/April, 1994 31 F103.I Clarifies intent with regard to pressure by adding STANDARD EXISTING BUILDINGS . the words"residual"and "flowing." CODE Figure F103A Deletes existing figure and substitutes three fig- ures(i.e.Type K. L.and M copper). Chapter 1 - Administration App. J Deletes without substitution. 101.7 Adds a reference to the accessibility criteria in 508 of the Standard Building Code©. App. K Corrects Figure#2. STANDARD SWIMMING POOL CODE Chapter 2 - Definitions 202 Revises the definition for Existing Building. Chapter 3 - Mechanical Requirements Chapter 4 - Means of Egress 304.1 Updates public swimming pool standards and references new standards for residential and 408.1 Requires 42-inch high guardrails on existing aboveground pools. buildings of all occupancies except R3. • 304.4 Revises section on heater plumbing. STANDARD FIRE PREVENTION CODE 306.3 Requires check valves to be either swing or ver- tical check pattern. Chapter 2 - Definitions and Abbreviations 315.2 Updates standard for spas with safety covers. 202 Adds definitions for: Aerosol,Aerosol 315.2.1.6 Increases maximum mesh size for chain link Container,Compressed Natural Gas,Fire Lane, fences to 2 1/4 inches. Illumination Uniformity Ratio, Immiscible, Miscible,Propellant,Remote Solvent Reservoir, 315.2.1.9 Allows power safety cover instead of alarmed Residential Aircraft Hangar,Shall,and Smoke door for dwelling unit pool plus example of Protected Assembly Seating. "other means of protection." Revises definition for:Control Area,Cryogenic Fluids,Existing Building Chapter 4 - Private Pools Chapter 3 - Recognized Standards and 402.3 Adds provisions for new types of pressure fil- Publications ters. Ch. 3 Adds and updates recognized standards. STANDARD HOUSING CODE Chapter 4 - Permits and Certificates Chapter 2 - Definitions 402.1.1 Exempts residential aircraft hangers from permit requirements. 202 Adds definition for: Inoperable Motor Vehicle. • Deletes definition for: Abandoned Motor 402.33 Adds permit requirements for aerosol products. Vehicle. Chapter 5 - General Precautions Against Fire Chapter 3 - Minimum Standards for Basic Equipment and Facilities 504.1 Editorial change by adding"and." 302.5 Deletes minimum temperature for heating habit- 505.1.2 Expands list of items considered interior finish. able rooms. 505.2 Exempts flooring from ASTM E 84 test. 305.13 Requires a closing device on screen doors. 505.3 Deletes interior finish rating for new buildings; references the SBC for interior finish require- ments for new buildings. • 505.6 Revises criteria for the use of textile materials on walls and ceilings. 32 Southern Building, March/April, 1994 , :5157Allows the tire official to develop an emergency Chapter 9 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids management plan for large assembly spaces. 901.9 Deletes existing 901.8.2 and adds new require- Chapter 6 - Fire Protection ments for cleaning with flammable and com- bustible liquids. 603.1.2 Updates language from"tire alarm system"to "protective signaling 603.1.5 system." 902.2.3 Deletes portable foam tower language. 603.1.3 Adds alternative water supply and maximum 904.2.2 Adds requirements for the storage and display of distance between tire hydrants. flammable and combustible liquids. 603.1.5 Requires water based extinguishing systems to 907.3 Permits storage of Class I liquids in thermally be inspected,tested,and maintained in accor- protected aboveground tanks. dance with NFiPA 25. 907.4.5 Clarifies reference for requirements of dispens- 603.2 Updates language from"fire alarm system"to ing devices located within buildings. "protective signaling system." Revises section to specify recommended replacement parts. 907.6 Requires electrical equipment in proximity to Class I flammable liquids to meet NFiPA 30A. 603.6.1 Updates language from"fire alarm system"to 907.8 Permits the storage of combustible and "protective signaling system." flammable liquids inside service stations in 603.6.1 Requires smoke detectors in new dwellings. accordance with NFiPA 30A. 603.7 Updates language from"fire alarm system"to 907.10.6.2 Specifies a minimum rating for fire extinguish- "protective signaling system." Revises fire ers at marine service stations. alarm requirements to correlate with SBC requirements. Chapter 10 - Application of Flammable Finishes 603.13.2 Increases temporary standpipe water flow 1002.1.1 Requires 1 hour separation of spray finishing requirements from 100 GPM to 500 GPM. operations from other occupancies. 1002.10 Permits the use of approved spray gun equip- 603.15.5 Updates language from"fire alarm system"to ment cleaning machines. "protective signaling system." 603.18 Allows the fire official to require key boxes. Chapter 13 - Manufacture of Organic Coating 1303.2 Updates language from"fire alarm system"to Chapter 8 - Maintenance of Exit Ways "protective signaling system"and references Chapter 3 for the appropriate NFiPA standards. 804.1.2 Increases height of partition from 5 ft to 6 ft before it is considered a corridor. Chapter 14 - Oil-Burning Equipment 807.1.2 Specifies detailed requirements for emergency 1401.4 Permits the burning of crankcase oil in Group S lighting. and F occupancies. 807.1.4 Establishes requirements for the testing and recording of tests for emergency lighting sys- Chapter 17 - Compressed Natural Gas tems. Ch. 17 Adds new chapter for the storage and dispensing 807.1.5 Adds requirements for the testing and mainte- of compressed natural gas. nance of emergency generators in accordance with NFiPA 110. Chapter 17 - Liquefied Petroleum Gases Table 807 Adds Group H occupancies to table with an exception for small spaces. Ch. 17 Rewrites chapter to agree with NFiPA 58. 809.2.2 Revises terminology to be consistent with stan- Chapter 22 - Hazardous Materials dard terminology. 2201.1.2 Exempts pesticides used on premises from haz- ardous storage requirements. Southern Building, March/April, 1994 >3 rI 2201.1.2 Deletes requirements in Chapter 22 for explo- 3502.2. Changes title from "Handling of Gasoline anti • . sives and refers to Chapter 19;exempts emer- Oils"to"Flammable and Combustible Liquids." gency power. UPS and telecommunications bat- Allows the use of approved storage tanks. teries from Chapter 22. whether they are aboveground or underground. 2203.1.11 Adds reference to NFiPA 72E. Chapter 36 - High-Piled Combustible Stock 2203.6.10 P 2203.1.12.2 Adds exception to permit automatic shutoff con- 3604.I Includes aerosol products in the commodity clas- trot of ventilation. sitications. Table Chapter 39 - Tents and Air Supported Structures 2203.6.I A Increases exempt amounts of Class I oxidizers. 3902.3 Requires tents,decorative materials and Table tarpaulins to pass both small and large scale tests 2203.13.1A Increases exempt amounts of compressed chlo- in NFiPA 701. rine gas. 2802.2 Revises the requirements for the diffusion of Chapter 40 - Wrecking Yards,Junk Yards or ammonia refrigerant. Waste Material Handling Plants 4008 Adds provisions for outdoor tire storage yards. Chapter 30 - Airports, Heliports and Helistops 3001.6.l Clarifies requirements for fire extinguisher at Chapter 41 - Decorative Materials airports and heliports. 4102.1 Adds reference to both small and large scale Chapter 31 - Assembly Occupancies tests of NFiPA 701. 3101.6 Correlates SBC and SFPC requirements for Chapter 44 -Aerosol Products assembly seating. Ch.44 Adds new chapter to address aerosol product Chapter 32 - Automobile Tire Rebuilding Plants storage. 3204.1 Rewrites protection and ventilation provisions Appendix D - Hazardous Materials Classification 3204.2 for recapping operations. 3205 D 102.1.4 Deletes sawdust from list of flammable solids. Chapter 35 - Garages D Changes classification of trichloro-isocyanuric acid to Class 1 oxidizer. 3501.1.1 Adds exception for private garages. We Now Have The 1993/94 Update To The SBCCI Associated Codes and Standards This update consists of the 1993 Interpretation Manual, 1992/94 Revisions to the Housing Code, 1993/94 Revision to the Swimming Pool Code and the 1993 Edition of the Standard for Roof Tile Test. These documents are printed to be inserted in the book of standards. The update sells for $7.50 to nonmembers of SBCCI and for $5.00 to members. To order, call SBCCI's Order Department at 205-591-1853. Ask for item number STDCR94. 34 Southern Building, March/April, 1994