HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Mechanical/ Plumbing Advisory Board - 09/14/2000 a
City of
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September 14, 2000
Board Members Present: Ralph Pitzer, Chairman
Abey Flores
Herman Johnson
Ronald Klepac
Robert Knowles
Nick Llanes
Clarence Neal
Bud O'Bryan
Patrick Scarpulla
Board Members Absent: Sam Beecroft
Staff Member Present: Arthur N. Sosa, Building Official
Lelland Kirbow, Chief Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector
Susan Cable, Dir. of Communications& Quality
Norbert Hart, Director of Housing & Community Dev.
E. Kay Butler, Executive Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. in the Committee Room on the first
floor of City Hall. The first item of business was roll call. Mr. Beecroft and Mr. Klepac
were absent.
A motion was made by Mr. Knowles, seconded by Mr. Scarpulla and passed
unanimously to excuse the absent members from the previous meeting.
Motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Knowles and passed
unanimously to approve the minutes of the previous meetings.
The next item was the discussion on Focus Group for Development Information
Center. The meeting was recessed.
The meeting reconvened at 2:55 p.m.
The next item was the discussion on the adoption of the 2000 International Fuel,
Gas, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes starting with Chapter 1-Administration. The first
item to be discussed was to limit the use of the 2 PSI system to outdoors because of the
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• Plumbing Mechanical Advisory Board
September 14, 2000
Page 2
additional safety hazard created with a pounds system within a homeowner's walls and
attic space.
Representatives from the Gas Department explained this item, after a brief
discussion Chairman Pitzer suggested that staff propose wording, with the approval of the
Legal Department that would restrict medium pressure gas piping to purely commercial
installations. (restrict medium pressure gas piping to strictly commercial construction for
medium pressure)
Mr. Sosa suggested that the Gas Department and the Building Inspection staff get
together and come up with wording that will be included in the Gas Code amendments
that Lelland will bring to the Board.
After a brief discussion concerning the possibility of passing a temporary
restriction to locate regulators outside. A motion was made by Mr. Llanes, seconded by
Mr. Flores and passed unanimously to make the changes if the Legal Department agrees
to this change in procedures prior to approval by City Council of the code change.
Chairman Pitzer postponed further discussion on item 5 until after item 6 was
Item 6 was the discussion and action on a decision of the Building Official. Mr.
Sosa stated that because we did not have a quorum last month we were not able to discuss
putting exhaust fans in rated ceiling situations. He stated that there had been a request
and by ordinance he can make the decision but he needs the Board's concurrence. He
explained that because the owner needed to move forward with the installation staff had
telephone polled the Board members and discussed the issue. Mr. Sosa stated that he
would like to bring it before the Board so that a formal vote could take place. Chairman
Pitzer stated that he had made the request for a client. He stated that it was a two-story
hotel with fire rated ceiling and cabinet type ceiling fans in each one of the toilets with
the duct extending down to the roof to exhaust fans. He stated that because the fan itself
creates an opening in the fire rated ceiling membrane they proposed to meet the intent of
the code by enclosing the fan in a rated gypsum board box typical of what is done with
light fixtures in rated ceilings.
Mr. Knowles was appointed temporary Chairman.
A motion was made by Mr. Flores, seconded by Mr. Scarpulla and passed
unanimously to concur with the decision of the Building Official.
Chairman Pitzer went back to item 5, which was the discussion on the adoption of
the 2000 codes. The Board agreed to continue discussion on this item. Mr. Sosa
reviewed the major changes in the Administrative Chapter. He stated that next month the
• Plumbing Mechanical Advisory Board
September 14, 2000
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Board would receive a copy of the Administrative Chapter with all the changes for the
Board's review and discussion at the subsequent meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m.
Sniff 4)1
Arthur N. Sosa
Building Official
Distribution: Board Members
City Manager
Asst.City Manager.Development Services
City Secretary
Director of Housing&Community Development
Legal Department
Chief Plumbing/Mechanical Inspectors(6)
O I MP-021