HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Mechanical/ Plumbing Advisory Board - 04/10/2003 � V
City of
APRIL 10, 2003
Board Members Present: Robert Knowles, Chairman Red Akin
Mody Boatright, Vice Chairman Patrick Scarpulla
Herman Johnson, Jr. Scott Corliss
Sam Beecroft
Board Members Absent: John Tuckers, Jr. Daniel Graf
Staff Members Present: John Kendall, Acting-Building Official
Joseph Harney, City Attorney
James Pendleton, Backflow Preventor Inspector
• Joe Elliott, Chief Plumbing Inspector
Betty J. Hines, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Boatright at 2:10 p.m. The next item of
business was roll call. Mr. Graf and Mr. Tucker were absent.
The next item of business was approval and/or correction of the minutes from the previous
meeting(April 10,2003). Motion made by MR.. Beecroft,seconded by Mr. Akin and passed
unanimously to accept the minutes as submitted.
The next item of business was review, discuss changes to and adoption of Chapter 1
Administration. City staff will advised board when Chapter 1 is ready. The Legal
Department is incorporating the 2002 codes into the 2003 codes. The 2003 codes will be
ordered and city staff will call when they are in. The Legal Department also discussed how
the other boards drafted a letter to the Building Official, and City Council of their concerns
about eliminating the mechanical/plumbing board and having a superboard. After the board
voiced their concerns, the board also decided to write a letter.
The next item of business was the Building Official Report. Mr. Kendall stated that the
Legal Department is trying to the 2003 Code adopted. Order new 2003 codes book and if
• possible bring Mr. Kirbow back to help with the codes.
P O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi,Tcxas 78469-9277 • (361)880-3000
• Mechanical/Plumbing Advisory Board
page 2
The next of business was discussion of board members concerns regarding new business,
pending new business and items for future agenda. Mr. Boatright had a concern from an
engineer regarding the air conditioner code for a large multiple type room on fresh air
requirement. What is the normal procedure. Should we send out letters to HVAC asking for
comments. Mr. Knowles stated that we should contact the Energy Center in Kingsville.
Maybe letters should be sent out contacting other building official in other cities. Mr.
Pendleton with the Backflow Preventor was present to answer questions about Mr. Herman
Johnson concerns about writing the number on the vacuum val test. Some of the board
members voiced their concerns also. Mr. Pendelton also he received a letter from Mr.
Highberg of the Water Supply Division stating that the TCEQ does not require the water
meter number on the T&M form. Mr. Knowles would like to have Mr. Garana opinion on
this also. How can this be handle? The main issue is to let the public be aware about this,
suggestion maybe public awareness. Mr. Herman have contacted several cities, and they do
not use the number on their vacuum val test form. The Backflow Preventor would like to
keep the procedure as is. Mr. Boatright stated that we need to be advised by the Legal
Department on this. Comment from Mr. Elliott stated that the Backflow Preventor is
• working. The board have a recommendation for the city to come up with a plan or how we
can accomplish this 1) Does the Backflow have a vacuum val tester 2) Does it meet the state
and federal regulations. Mr. Corliss made the motion to get the Backflow and water
resolved, seconded by Mr. Knowles.
The next item of business was petitions from the audience. There were none. Motion was
made by Mr. Akin, seconded by Mr. Johnson to adjourned. Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
John P.Kendall,Acting Building Official
Posted:City Hall Bulletin Board
Distribution:Board members,City Manager
Asst.City Manager-Legal Dept.-City Secretary
Chief Plumbing Inspectors(4)
TCEQ — tax:512-239-0030 Aar 10 200410:43 P.01
EDATE: April 10, 2003
by ReduiMbd
Prevening Pailial
TO: Name Mr. Jim Pendleton
Organization C of Co •us Christi
FAX Number (381) 880-3006
Name 4p Jim Highberg, R.S.
Division/Region Water Supply Division
Telephone Number (512)239-6138
FAX Number (512) 239-0030
Mr, Pendleton:
In reference to your question concerning the requirement for w ter meter
numbers to be on the Backflow Prevention Assembly Test and M ntenance
Report(T&M).The TCEQ does not require the water meter num rto be on
the T&M form. 1
If I can be of further assistance let me know. T.
NUMBER OF PAGES (Induwnp this ooveraheet)
\ /%
Robert W.Knowles,P.E.,C.E.M.
Customer Sets Engine.,
P.O.Box 2121,Caps Cdi.Ri,Tens 76403
rv&now1esC 2ev.co01
May, 2003
Art Sosa, Director of Developmental Services
City of Corpus Christi
P. O. Box 9277
Corpus Christi, TX 78469
Re: Proposed Creation of a Technical Construction Advisory Board
Dear Art:
• The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the members of the Mechanical and
Plumbing Advisory Board are opposed to the creation of a Technical Construction
Advisory Board and subsequent elimination of all other advisory boards.
The Board discussed the role of the Technical Construction Advisory Board and its
ability to adequately protect the safety of the citizens of Corpus Christi. The different
codes are written to address best practices for the nation as a whole. The purpose of
the Mechanical and Plumbing Board (and the other Advisory Boards) is to advise the
Building Official when applying these codes in Corpus Christi. Many times it is not the
Board member's education, but the unique experiences in their field that allows a
considered and practical interpretation of the code.
This Board believes that the new Technical Construction Advisory Board would be
severely limited in practical experience in each of the trades. And we question its ability
to adequately advise the Building Official.
It is the recommendation of the Mechanical and Plumbing Advisory Board that the City
of Corpus Christi does not implement the creation of a Technical Construction Advisory
Board, but instead will continue the existence of all current boards.
• Robert W.Knowles, P.E.
Mechanical and Plumbing Advisory Board