HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Transportation Advisory Committee - 03/26/2012Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, March 26, 2012 Call Meeting to Order - Mr. Curtis A. Rock, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes - Minutes of February 27, 2012 were approved. III. Presentations and Discussions - a. Monthly Traffic Fatality Report: Capt. Vesely reported one (1) new fatality for the month, which brings the total to eight (8) for year 2012. He said fatality number eight (8) occurred on March 16 at the 6000 block of Yorktown Blvd. Capt. Vesely said a 47 -year old male was traveling on Yorktown Blvd. and for an unknown reason; he drove -off the roadway and struck a fence and a brick pillar. He said the driver was dead at the scene. They suspect this accident was actually caused by a medical condition and he might have suffered a heart attack. Mr. Jacobi inquired about the difference between injury crashes and total injuries because there is a significant difference. Capt. Vesely responded that injury crashes are accidents that are counted as an injury accident. He said there might be one to numerous cars in an accident and this is considered one injury accident. However, if there were four persons in one vehicle, this would be four injuries because of this accident. Mr. Jacobi commented the significant number is total injuries. Capt. Vesely said it depends on what you are looking for. He stated the most significant number is the number of injury accidents because that gives us a percentage of how many accidents are injury versus how many are not injury accidents. Whether, the vehicle had one to several persons, it does not make a difference to them when they look at accident rates and injury rates. b. Monthly Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee Report: Ms. Beard stated this item is being combined with Item e. Ms. Beard reported they are working closer with Parks 6t Recreation on some of their upcoming projects that deal with bicycles and pedestrians. This would improve the communication between the two committees as to what is being achieved by working together. Ms. Beard also mentioned that the committee has been working on a "Safe Passing" ordinance for 2 '/2 years. It was due to go to City Council last week but the committee met on Monday with Veronica Ocanas, Carlos Valdez and Mr. Dan Bites, Interim Director of Engineering Services, to discuss the "Safe Passing" ordinance. Ms. Beard mentioned the Legal Department was in opposition to the "Safe Passing" ordinance that was passed by the TAC but the committee decided to go ahead with it anyway. Ms. Beard mentioned Ms. Ocanas had rewritten an ordinance that they could live with. She stated it addresses pretty much everything the subcommittee wanted, the only thing they took out was harassing someone walking on the street. Ms. Ocanas said the reason why they wanted intimidation out of the ordinance is that it is already in the State law. It is already included as a violation. Ms. Ocanas stated a simple clear law is the best law. Ms. Beard commented they worked well with the committee; they first brought an ordinance with only the three feet distance. It was very important to the committee to keep the six feet distance for Page 1 of 5 commercial vehicles. Ms. Beard said this would be the ordinance that we can take to City Council and the Legal Department will not be objecting. She stated this ordinance pretty much covers everything the committee is requesting. Ms. Ocanas stated that they have talked to other cities about this ordinance and they agreed there was a constitutional issue in there; but they passed it anyway. She said this is a safer ordinance, which is the city's priority and it is the duty of this committee. Therefore, this is a simpler ordinance that is consistent with the law and will not be inconsistent when an officer can cite and enforce. c. Police Department Traffic Enforcement Complaints: Capt. Vesely reported there have been about 41 traffic enforcement complaints since the beginning of the year. Nearly 50 percent of the complaints have been speeding and cell phone usage in school zones. The next most popular complaints are speeding in general, not in school zones. Capt. Vesely said that finally the next complaints would be disregarding stop signs in various small neighborhoods. Ms. Cudd had a concern about the rumble strips on Alameda St. by the hospital zone. Mr. Cardenas stated that the hospital and school zone on Alameda St. is a very long zone. He mentioned the rumble strips is a very cost effective measure to place and is having a positive impact. People are noticing that they are within a zone or something is coming up. Mr. Cardenas said it is not made to slow traffic it is just a reminder. d. Top 20 Traffic Accident Locations for the Month: Capt. Vesely reported the Harbor Bridge at 2501 HWY US- 181 -SB is the number one location for the month with six accidents. He said all of these accidents were related to the weather, which may have contributed to the accidents. The number two locations were at 5900 SPID at Airline Rd. and Everhart and SH358. He said these are some of the common locations that we have every month. Capt. Vesely continued to report some of the other top locations. Capt. Vesely stated he does not see anything out of the ordinary except for the Harbor Bridge. e. Discussion with Possible Action of Proposed Amended "Safe Passing" Ordinance by City Staff and Legal Dept.: Combined with item b. f. Urban Transportation Plan Amendments 1. Discussion with Possible Action of Master Ditch 27: Mr. Cardenas introduced Mr. Andrew Dimas with the Planning Dept. Mr. Dimas demonstrated an illustration of Master Ditch 27 to show the outlay of ditches in that area. He said they are working on an update for the master plan for hike and bike trails. The first step is taking in existing conditions. One of those first steps is inventory of the current master ditches to make sure all of them are on the current bike and hike trail map. This step incorporates it on the existing map that the MPO and the City have worked on together. Therefore, when creating a new master plan everything is included. Mr. Rock inquired when adding to a hike and bike trail, are there any additional improvements. Mr. Dimas responded they are protecting what currently exists. For that reason, if it is concrete, it is making sure that any equipment being used by the Storm Water Department will not damage it. Some of the subcommittees with Bold Future have actually asked to preserve green space and not add any type of crushed granite or concrete because the cross - trainers like to use grass versus any type of impervious surface. Mr. Cardenas asked if the new high school is a definite. Mr. Dimas answered it is not a definite, but they do add it into the equation just in case it goes through and it is recognized in the plan. Mr. Cardenas inquired if the pedestrian and hike and bike portion of the Urban Page 2 of 5 Transportation Plan be updated as well. Mr. Dimas responded yes, this would be part of the master plan hike and bike trail. Mr. Cardenas questioned if this would be coming as a separate item for the hike and bike trail or would it all be tied into one. Mr. Dimas stated that it all be tied into one as an amendment to the current Urban Transportation Plan. Mr. Rock stated that Master Ditch 27 is along Brooke Rd. and this is not a well - developed road for biking and hiking. He said this was the intent of his earlier question about adding sidewalks and things like that. Mr. Dimas mentioned the idea with the master plan is putting it in the books now and when developers start plotting and constructing the roads, they would set aside those portions. Mr. Dimas said it is easier to define it now then try to retro fit. 2. Discussion with Possible Action of Proposed Northwest Area Collector: Mr. Cardenas introduced Mr. Bob Payne with the Planning Department to discuss possible action against the Northwest Area Collector, which the committee voted on last month. Mr. Payne explained some maps of the proposed area and stated the red lines represent arterials. He said the purpose of the arterials is to bring traffic across town as fast as possible. Mr. Payne reported that River Hills Dr. would be extended all the way to County Rd. 52. The proposed collector is not on the ground and currently there is no right -of -way. Mr. Payne said at the last meeting the committee recommended removing this proposed collector and staff continued to study the issue after the meeting. He mentioned that staff could now determine the collector road could be connected to County Rd. 69. Mr. Payne said the reason this collector is offset is there is a drainage ditch and a high power transmission line along there. There were some concerns brought up by the committee members. After new information was provided by Planning Staff indicating that the proposed collector street could connect with County Road 69, the TAC reconfirmed their February recommendation to remove the collector street from the plan (between FM 1889 and Country Road 69). g. Unified Development Code (UDC): None to report. h. Discussion of No Cell Phone Use While Driving: Mr. Cardenas said this is going to be a reoccurring item in the agenda. He said the City Manager signed a city policy in November of last year where city employees are not to use cell phones or electronic devices while driving on city business. Mr. Cardenas stated the City of Corpus Christi employees are doing their part in making driving safe. Mr. Beard commented that this policy is outstanding. Mr. Jacobi stated he did not plan to pursue this item any longer because he thought the committee did not want to continue with this item at the last meeting even though at least 27 states have ruled against the use of handheld electronic devices in hundreds of cities. Mr. Rock stated he did not have a problem with Mr. Jacobi providing information for the education of the committee and the public. He said whether he agrees with it or not. The committee continued to discuss this item. L Temporary Traffic Signal on Staples St. @ Moore Plaza: Mr. Cardenas reported this traffic signal has been doing well during this construction project. He said they tried placing it on flashing yellow and red but most traffic going into Moore Plaza is coming from the south turning left into the HEB. He stated this signal is doing the opposite effect of what he wanted it to accomplish. Mr. Cardenas said the traffic signal is back to normal again. Page 3 of 5 j. Update on Construction Projects: Mr. Cardenas reported the traffic is going very nicely on the Staples St. Construction Project. There have not been any back -ups on Staples St. and SPID. Mr. Cardenas said there have been some problems with RTA buses in this area but have coordinated with RTA to fix the concerns. He mentioned all the signals in this area are working fine. He said this project has been on construction for about a week and there are about 25 phases to this project. Mr. Cardenas said they are accommodating the businesses, traffic and pedestrians in this vicinity. He also reported that hot mix would be laid down today at the Staples St. Construction Project by Wal -mart and Wallbanger's. Mr. Cardenas mentioned by the Summer this project would be complete. k. One -way Traffic Issues on South Shores to Montclair Elementary: Item tabled until next meeting. I. Island Community Sidewalk Issues: Mr. Dudek said he had brought this up because he wanted the Police Department to answer a few questions about pedestrians walking on the side of the road and not using sidewalks. He inquired if the Police Dept. is enforcing pedestrian laws that are on the books. Ms. Ocanas responded she does not have the answer to this question but would ask the CCPD and would get back with Mr. Dudek. Ms. Cudd suggested keeping this item on the agenda; therefore, CCPD could discuss it at the next meeting. m. Ocean Dr. and Sinclair St.: Mr. Cardenas said this item would be removed from the agenda since it is a misprint. n. Structure of TAC Agenda: Mr. Cardenas reported that this item was placed on the agenda for Mr. Dudek but he has adapted quite nicely to the TAC agenda. o. Discussion of TAC Vacant Position with Possible Action Taken: Mr. Cardenas reported last time the committee had discussed Mr. Erik Villarreal but since then he has taken a position with the City's Landmark Commission. Mr. Cardenas discussed Mr. Dennis Miller's biography. He is a professional engineer with LNV Engineering and is very familiar with Traffic Engineering and roadway terminology. Mr. Rock stated that he thought Mr. Villarreal was going to resign the Landmark Commission to be part of the Transportation Advisory Committee. Mr. Cardenas responded that Mr. Villarreal would be contacted to see if this is the case. p. Discussion of Transportation Advisory Committee Member Reappointment with Possible Action Taken: Mr. Cardenas reported that Ms. Cudd is interested in being reappointed to the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). IV. Staff Recommendations requiring Committee Review for Recommendations / Actions - a. Appointments to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Sub - committee: None b. Motion to Approve Proposed Amended "Safe Passing" Ordinance by City Staff and Legal Dept. with Possible Action Taken: Ms. Cudd motioned to approve the new amended "Safe Passing" ordinance to take to City Council and remove the previous "Safe Passing" ordinance approved by the TAC. Committee seconded. Motion passed. Page 4 of 5 c. Recommendation to Add Master Ditch 27 to Existing Hike and Bike Trail System on Both Sides of the Ditch with Possible Action Taken: Ms. Beard motioned to add the Master Ditch 27 to the Master Plan. Mr. Dudek seconded. Motion passed. d. Recommendation that Collector be Retained on the Plan with Possible Action Taken: Mr. Jacobi motioned to stand with committee's previous motion that the proposed right -of -way be removed. Mr. Dudek seconded. Motion passed. e. Motion to Appoint Applicant for TAC Vacant Position with Possible Action Taken: Ms. Beard motioned to grant first option to Mr. Erik Villarreal to be appointed to the vacant position. If he declines, then move forward with the appointment of Mr. Dennis Miller. Committee seconded. Motion passed. f. Motion to Approve the Reappointment of Ms. Sheila Cudd as a Committee Member to the Transportation Advisory Committee with Possible Action Taken: Ms. Beard motioned to approve the reappointment of Ms. Sheila Cudd for another term. Mr. Jacobi seconded. Motions passed. V. Identify items to be placed on a future agenda - None VI. Public Comment • Freddy Ramirez - commented about the "Safe Passing" ordinance. • Mr. Mark Johnson with Bury + Partners Engineering Solutions - mentioned he was not sure there was much to add to their issues that were brought up at the last meeting. He said there has been a delayed with this project and everything at this point is on hold until a decision has been made. VII. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m. Page 5 of 5