HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Museum Of Science And History Advisory Committee - 01/06/2011 RECEIVED
MINUTES JAN 2 8 2611
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Advisory Committee Meeting
The Museum Advisory Committee met in the Museum's DeDietrich Conference Room at Noon
on Thursday,January 6, 2011. Members Present: Mona Baen,Jonda Holcomb, Kathy Juneau,
Tom Kimes,Jim Moloney, Luci Sosa, and Linda Tomo.
- Upon motion by Kathy Juneau and seconded by Tom Kimes the minutes of the December
2, 2010 regular meeting were approved as presented.
- Upon motion by Tom Kimes and seconded by Jim Moloney, the absences of Mona Baen
were excused.
a. Members reviewed a chart of attendance by calendar year that illustrated a long term (1991 to
present) decline. In the past year paid attendance declined while school attendance increased
slightly. Both the local and the statewide tourist audience declined significantly suggesting that
economic factors might be at play. The seasonal audiences remained distinct. Senior,
citizen/winter Texan/out of state (Minnesota,Oklahoma, Missouri, Colorado, Wisconsin,
Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa) audience came in greatest numbers in the January through March
period. The Texas audience came in greatest numbers in the tourist season (March, June,July,
and August). The largest percentage of our Texas visitors come from the local area, San
Antonio, Houston, Rio Grande Valley, Dallas/Ft/Worth, and Austin. The Rio Grande Valley is
a growing audience probably due to the decline in trips to Mexico.
b. Members received copies of the 2010 Annual Report that is filed with the City Secretary's
office. There was a brief discussion about the major issues of concern in 2010. Committee
Chair Jim Moloney asked that an electronic version of the Report be redistributed to Committee
members so that they could prepare for a discussion of the 2011 Plan of Work in February.
c. Rick Stryker spent some time reviewing the SWOT analysis done by the Advisory Committee
in 2003 and an updated SWOT done by Rick for a City Department Head retreat in 2006. A
SWOT analysis is a framework for coming to a consensus on organizational Strengths,
Weaknesses,Opportunities, and Threats. A review of the previous efforts clearly demonstrates
the dilemma in which the Museum finds itself. The Columbus ships, a central focus of the
Museum in 2003 and 2006, were removed by the City Council from the Museum's long range
plan. At the February meeting the Committee will continue the discussion of how the Museum
might work around this problem as the ship remain a part of the Museum operations for the
foreseeable future.
Some of the thoughts generated during this discussion include the opportunity:
• to find some way to electronically open up access on the exhibit floor to McGregor
collections (a narrated PowerPoint on the web site and in the exhibits).
• to develop a museum experience for secondary students
• to create internships for science students
• to develop a relationship with Del Mar using their students to create programming for
high school students.
d. Staff Reports
• Members received schedules for both of the lecture series offered in the Spring.
• The Land and Sea Odyssey providing reciprocal membership privileges among local
attractions will take place in February. Last year the Lexington and the Aquarium were
half-price to members while the other attractions were free. This year the Museum will
also be half price.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.