HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Museum Of Science And History Advisory Committee - 06/09/2011 RECEIVED
MINUTES JUL 2 9 2011
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Advisory Committee Meeting CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE
June 9, 2011
The Museum Advisory Committee met in the Museum's DeDietrich Conference Room at Noon
on Thursday,June 9, 2011. Members Present: Jonda Holcomb, Kathy Juneau,Tom Kimes,
Shannon Madden, and Jim Moloney.
- Upon motion by Tom Kimes and seconded by Kathy Juneau the minutes of the May 5,
2011 regular meeting were approved as presented.
- Upon motion by Jim Moloney and seconded by Shannon Madden,the absence of Kathy
Juneau was excused.
a.Upon motion by Kathy Juneau and seconded by Tom Kimes,the Committee unanimously
approved the deaccession and disposal of broken and deteriorated artifacts and a number of
artifacts that do not fit within the scope of the Museum collection.
b.Jonda,Tom, and Jim reported on the meeting with the AAM accreditation visiting committee.
1 - Sustainable Funding/Long Range Planning: The visiting committee questioned continuing
funding reductions by the City, sharing their observation that the Museum was approaching a
point where collection care obligations and public programming commitments might not be
maintained. It being the City's legal responsibility to provide proper support for the Museum or
develop an alternative plan to privatize its operation,they questioned how urgently the
Committee felt it was to develop a plan to ensure the Museum's sustainability.
2 - Visualized Concept Study Implementation: Visiting Committee members were concerned
with the findings of the Appelbaum study that found that unless the City addressed visibility,
accessibility, and marketing issues the Museum would be unlikely to earn enough revenue to
contribute significantly to its support. They also concurred with the Appelbaum study that the
exhibits needed to be updated and reorganized around a discernable storyline. With the
elimination of the Columbus ships from the Museum mission by the City Council, they asked
about plans to develop an alternative to the Study proposal centering the development of a new
exhibit concept around the Columbus ships.
3 - Succession Plan: They also asked about the development of a succession plan to address the
recruitment of a new director when Rick retires in two years. Given the financial uncertainties
and Rick's long tenure, proper advance planning for new leadership might be critical to the
sustainability of the Museum.
Although these issues might not be of immediate concern, failure to address them would make
future accreditation problematic. On the other hand the visiting committee members were
complimentary of Museum leadership,the quality and care of the collection, and the
professionalism of the staff and volunteers. The Museum facility is excellent and well
c. Upon motion by Kathy Juneau and seconded by Tom Kimes the Committee unanimously
directed Committee Chair Jim Moloney to send a letter requesting that the Mayor and Council
Find the funds to continue the work of the Museum archeologist. His job is proposed to be
eliminated just as he is undertaking the analysis of the materials and data acquired from 10 years
of field research.
d. Staff Reports
• The restroom renovation project is completed.
• Journey Week and the traveling exhibit From Earth to the Solar System at La Palmera
Mall were both successful. There were 108 classroom presentations by visiting space
scientists and three public family nights.
• The Museum will participate in Artwalk on July 1 with free admission through the
• The Museum offered a special two for one ticket purchase opportunity through Deals! on
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.