HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Museum Of Science And History Advisory Committee - 01/07/2015 CORPUS CHRISTI MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & HISTORY ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 12:00 PM Museum Conference Room, 1900 N Chaparral Blvd, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 MEETING MINUTES 1) Call to Order: 12:03 by Jonda 2) Roll Call a. Absent: O.K. Smith, Scott Sutherland, Luis Cabrera (resigned) b. Present: Cary Kay Perales,Jonda Halcomb, Wes Pierson,James Kunau, Amanda Leal c. Also present: Carol Rhetmeyer,Jillian Becquet and Arlene Medrano (Staff Liaison) 3) Adoption of minutes a. Motion by Jim, 2nd by Cary.All in favor 4) Public Comment- None 5) Deaccession a. See attached January 2015 Deaccession Proposal b. Motion by Jim, 2nd by Cary.All approve. 6) Museum Director's Updates: • • Printed 4K New Doc McGregor calendar Kaboom playground complete • Over 38K FB likes • Children's Science Center-updated contract. Weekly promotions Goal end of summer 2015 • Daily spots on KEDT • Oil & Energy-concept development phase • • - 35 media outlets New Audio History of CC Collection Y • 500 ppl over Christmas weekendJonda will speak with history faculty ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ • 700 ppl on Noon Year's Eve • Create McGregor Coffee Table Book • • Added food sales (pizza, cookies popcorn) Electronic marquee on Hirsch St.- • See Spring Events Calendar attached City permission; Friends Funds New Membership Level: Director's LevelOrion drilling space launch at Evans Elem. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................:....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: 7) Museum Attendance numbers • - School group attendance doubled: FY12-13 3K; FY14 14 6K; Projections: FY15 12K; FY16 25K • Spring Break Camp- FY14- 45 kids • - - - - Summer Cam FY13 120 kids FY14 820 kids FY15 1,200 kids • - Homeschoolers Current 50 students. Goal: 100 students :................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: a. Cary taking Sarah to visit with principals. Use teacher testimonials to advertise museum services. b. Senior Outreach Programs (Mirador Retirement Community)-Senior lecture series decreasing. Seeking new ways to reach senior population. Cultivating relationships. c. Classes and party groups have not been counted accurately. Museum is currently considering new software to mitigate this issue. d. Converting visitors to members at rate of two per day. 8) Reevaluate Duties of the CCMAB a. How can committee members be more engaged? Ordinance generally states that the MAB will advise the Museum. Can also create sub-committees. Advisory can do anything, but run the show. b. Can increase the number of non-voting members. Museum Junior Auxiliary members as non-voting members of MAB. c. How many non-voting members do we want to add? Need to have official non-voting members approved by Council. Create sub-committees and have the Chairs of those committees be the non-voting members. Add 4 non-voting members to head the following sub-committees comprised of approximately three people each: 1. Event Committee- Kate Clower 2. Membership/Business Development Committee-J.J., Michelle 3. Volunteer Recruitment Committee-Amanda 4. Doc McGregor Book Committee d. Recommendations for committee chairs: 1. Coastal Community Credit Union-Amanda 2. TAMUCC Student Council-Jillian 3. Del Mar-Jonda 4. Student Teacher Program-Cary 5. Kate Clowers-Amanda 6. J.J. Hart-Carol 7. Carol Scott-Carol 8. Navy Army-Cary 9. Blue Cross-Cary 10. Jonas Chupa-Carol 11. Michelle Hinojosa-Jim 12. Cynthia Arbuckle-Jim 13. Jill Jacobson-Carol e. If they are not interested in being appointed, perhaps they will want to volunteer. f. Is it acceptable to vote via email? g. Can subcommittee meet without postings? h. Motion to seek Council approval to add four non-voting members to the Museum Advisory Board for Chairs of sub-committees- Moved by Jim, 2nd by Cary. All in favor. Passed. 9) Attendance Policy a. Board members are allowed to miss only 25%of scheduled meetings. For the MAB, which meets quarterly, only one absence is allowed. Any more attendances means automatic vacancy.The board can excuse member absences. b. Need to fill Luis Cabrera's vacant seat. 10) Items on Next Agenda a. Follow-up on committees b. Further engagement of advisory board c. Send agenda items in the interim to Arlene 11) Adjournment a. Next meeting-,Thursday, April 2nd at 12:00 PM at Museum b. Motion by Scott, 2nd by Cary, all in favor at 1:06 PM /v �l SUi Nb', CC Museum Director's Circle A premier level membership and travel Circle Annual dues: $SSCP $500, $10,00, .$20017 ulp $ '5Ci: Noakes Society $500. genedy Society $ CCC: McGregor Society $2000+. Director's Club $350 level- * Annual family membership (includes 2 guest passes) McGregor Calendar * Special invitations to members-only events and programming * Circle/Donor only invitations to preview of grand openings for new exhibits * Annual Circle/Donor reception with the director * 3 evening events/yr. -Behind the scenes tour with lecture -Bi-annual, distinguished lecture evening programs * Annual.Science & History travel (,at extra fee as determined by trip).. -Pllanned group trip with historic/educational and,enjoyment value $500 level-- All above plus- * 2 additional guest passes * 10%discount on rental of the museum $1000 level-- Ali above plus: • An annual "Guest+1" membership to use for visiting guests * Priority invitation to all programs and events(including camps that sell out early) * One,5"x10" Doc McGregor photo print of your choice(size upgrade available) $20010 and above— Awlll above plus- * Automatic upgrade to`QIP level for events and programming * 2 VIP tickets to Doc McGregor Gala stir iN K !RY FAQ about the Director's Circle program: What is the Directors wCircle? The Director's Circle is a premier membership and travel organization of the Corpus Christi Museum of Science& History that offers a social and educational forum for enjoyment and enrichment.. How does the Director's Circle affect the museum? The Director's Circle encourages engagement in the museum and its offerings. Membership fees from the Circle benefit the Friends of the Museum, the museums not for profit organization that supports the museum. How its one invited to become a part of the Directors Circle? Membership is open to the public. Museum, history and science enthusiasts are encouraged to participate. How do we join the Directors Circle? The Director's Circle membership will be available online at www.ccmuseum.com or by calking,the museum at 361-826-4667 How will the membership fee be used? All fees will be maintained by the Friends of the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History,the not for profit board for the museum and used for museum purposes that include: programming,exhibits and other enhancements for the museum How is payment made? Payment can be made by credit card, check online, in person at the museum or by hone. What about tax considerations? Membership in the Director's Circle qualifies as a contribution to the Museum for income tax purposes within the guidelines of the IRS regulations. For more information call museum Executive Director, Carol Rehtmeyer at 361-826-4664 www,CCmuseumXom www.facebook.com/ccmuseum 1900 North Chaparral Street Corpus ous ri ti, Texas 73401 361-8216-4667 lj KS C ATY SPRING EVENTS- EDUCATION DEPARTMENT--2015 • January 10: FFD:Texas Energy. Energy Powers our lives,and Texas made its fortune on oil. Today new sources of oil are still being found and used, but new energy sources are worth exploration as well. Discover as a family the various forms of energy available to us here in Texas and do some fun science experiments along the way.-Cost:General Admission—Tunes 11-4 January 16: Horne School Fray:Oceans. Life is always better under the seal Two-thirds of the earth is covered by water, and millions of creatures call the oceans their home. Come explore what many call the last frontier. -Cost: 5/members,$10/non-members—Times 10-1 • January 17: Mars Student Imaging Project begins • January 20:Teacher Preview Dight:Teachers are invited to check out all the new and exciting changes at the museum. There are new exhibits to explore and new programs to participate in the dight will include program them oins'tr'a'tions, 'fr'ee Lesson plains, and a,chance to,win 'a free field trip for your class.—Cost: Free—Times 5:30.8 • January 28:Science on Tap—Cost: Free—Time 7:00 • February 1.4: Family Fun Day:'valentine's Day. Bring your sweetheart to the museum for some romantic art and sciencel -Cost: General Admission —Times 11-4 • February 20: Home School Day: Sculpture. Some of the world's great art is sculpture. But how does it work? Learn the science behind the art and have a chance to make your,awn sculptures. -Cost: $5/members,$10/non-members Times 10-12 • February 5:Science on Tap • February 2 : Member Event • March 14: Family Fun Flay: Pi Day. It's Pi 1.3ayl Celebrate this mathematical constant in style with a museum party dedicated to this very special number—including a contest of who can accurately recite pi the furthestl -Cost:General Admission—Times 11.4 • March 16-Marchi 20�:'Mild Science Week • March 16-March 20:Spring Break Camp • March 25:Science on Tap • March 27:Sensory Might:Science and history will come alive for children withsensory sensitivities in a calm and friendly environment.This evening is an opporWnity for ch0dren, siblings, families and friends to explore theMuseum in a calmer environment,in their own way, at their own pace.There will be many activities for the night with a focus on inclusion and accessibility • March 28: FFD: Nano Days..Tiny Science deserves a Big Days Explore nanotechnology and how we use it every day. -Cost: General Admission—Times 1.1-4 • April 4: Egg Hunt • April 11: FFD: Wpcycle Cray, Reduce, Reuse, Recyclel The three r"s of conservation are on display this month as we celebrate Earth Day[ Bring in recyclables from home and learn how to reuse them to create amazing art projects, -Cost:General Admission—Times 1.31-4 i SO NCE April 17: Home School pay: Earth pay. Be a hero and help bring pollution down to zerol Taking care of our planet is a big job, and all of us need to pitch-in, learn haw on this Earth pay themed Home School pay. . Cost:$5/members, $10/nowmembers—Times 10.12. April 17:Stories by the'Sea:An oral history event at the museum, Cost.,$10? * April 29:Science on Tap May 2: Egg,Drop May 9: Family Fun pay: Mother's pay. Celebrate Mom with the museum. Take a look at mother's throughout the animal world and make a gift for mom as well.-Cost:General Admission—Times 11-4 • May 1S: Home School pay: Beading. Delve into a good book and discover a love of reading on this literary home school day. W Cost; 5/members, $10/non-members—Times 10-12 • May 27: Science on Tap • lune S::Summer Camp begins • lune 13: Family Fun pay: Moan. Voyage to the moon As NASA gears up to send astronauts to the moon again learn all about the moon and space travel. -Cost: General Admission—Times 11-4 • lune 19: Home School Day: Explorers. (.and Hol leo you know what it took to journey to the New World? Travel back in time as we hear the tales of how courageous explorers encountered new hands and people. -Cost:$5/members, $10/'non-members—Tunes 10-12 E t t ca cc Q da Cl �1 a � cel a crs � v o cj W a� a a c� U v c� z z z Q) a) m co ca co co cn a� to CL .® 3 C cn ; ca G to � tr4 e a's �a.pi ff OENU FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Sarah Choles sarahc@cctexas.com oii a II ,� �F The Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History Open House for Educators (Corpus Christi, TX- December 301, 2014) The Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History invites teachers and educators to spend an evening at the Museum from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. January 0 to check out new exhibits, discover new programs, and get the materials needed t make science cornu alive for students. The Free event will include program demonstrations, free lesson plans, and a chance to wan a free field trap for a class. To register contact Sarah Cat rahS@ccteLis.com www.ccmuseum.c+om