HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Museum Of Science And History Advisory Committee - 10/06/2015 CORPUS CHRISTI MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & HISTORY ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 12:00 PM Museum Conference Room, 1900 N Chaparral Blvd, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 MEETING MINUTES 1) Call to Order: 12:07 PM by Jonda Holcomb 2) Roll Call a. Present: Jonda Halcomb, Steve Arnold, Cary Perales, Scott Sutherland, Carol Rhetmeyer b. Absent: Amanda Leal, Anita Eisenhauer, Wes Pierson 3) Adoption of minutes a. Motion by Scott, 2nd by Arnold with spelling corrections. All in favor. Passed. 4) Public Comment- None 5) Deaccession Items a. List of 153 books prepared for deaccession. Duplicates of some that are being kept in the collection. Books purchased by auxiliary or friends. Permission to deaccession. Committee reviewed books. b. Recommendation from Cary to donate last book on list to Seaman Association. c. Motion to deaccession by Arnold, second by Scott. All in favor. Passed. 6) Museum Director's Updates: a. Doc McGregor event grossed 45K and net 23K. Talked about changing frequency of event to every other year and changing to 1940's theme instead of 1920's. b. Friends of the Museum paying for and are in charge of the Children's Science Center. Still on schedule to open in late February. Total cost is $2.5 Million. The Friends put up 1.2M. c. New Volunteer Orientation done monthly. 100 volunteers on the records. d. Home School Days- happened twice a month because of popularity. e. Sugar Skull for Family Fun Day- this Saturday. f. Sensory Nights are for special needs groups. Done 4 times per year. Autism Group sponsorship. g. Haunted Museum netted $9K last year. Last two weekends in October. Need a lot of volunteers ages 16 and up for this event. i. Cary Perales will send message to theatre arts group and key club and honors programs. ii. Flash light tours during the day for the little ones. iii. Outside is PG13 version. iv. Want to break $12-15K revenue, if possible. h. Carol is host and Chair for the Texas Association of Museum convention...April 6- 811want to see how PPP is working. Museum is in the spotlight. i. Have 22 members in Directors Circle. Trip to Chicago May 9-13. j. Museum has $4.6 million in grant requests out. k. 3 groups are interested in million dollar naming rights: HEB, Valero, and . Half a million dollar sponsorships: Citgo and Ed Rachelle I. Preschool- challenge because of management agreement. Have to set-up as separate entity or else will not be able to fund it. Needs staff, principal and teachers. m. Putting together a curriculum group- maybe Jonda and Cary will like to be in the group. i. When will curriculum committee be created? ii. Add curriculum to children's area (ie. Taking the cells and showing inhibitors and blockers.) 7) Museum Attendance numbers a. 92K outreach total. Huge increase from 26K. b. Hoping that Children's Science Center will triple those numbers. 8) Follow-Up on Committees a. Ruben is very interested but needs more information about when to start. i. Lock him in on Doc McGregor Book as Non-voting member. ii. Funding for Doc McGregor project is from Friends of the Museum b. With 100 volunteers and potential grant, perhaps the Museum doesn't need the additional committee members. c. Museum has no money to hire additional people. Friends of the Museum have offered to pay for a Development Director (writing grants and securing funding and working closely with Carol). Under CCMJV for management. All funds raised will go to the Friends. Reimbursed through the Friends. d. Museum does 200 events per year. e. Original intent was to engage committee more and to add non-voting members. f. Carol wants group to be as engaged as possible: Input, direction, assisting, helping with sales for tables, etc. Wants group to be empowered in a meaningful way. g. Consider Ruben to replace Shannon as an advisory member. h. Jonda called off the names that were mentioned at the January meeting. i. Not looking at committees, just 4 non-voting members. 9) Four Non-Voting, Advisory Members- discussed under Follow-Up on Committees. 10)Election of Officers- Jonda elected as Chair. Scott elected as vice-chair. 11)Items on Next Agenda a. Non-voting members b. Status of STEM area c. Next meeting schedule for January 5t", 2016. d. Cary- Idea: new position with instructional technology department. Google summit. Inviting Google to Corpus Christi. Two day event. Wants Museum involved somehow. Museum staff receive free comp tickets to attend. June 2016. Will provide more details at the January meeting. Hoping for 300 people. e. Carol requested that Cary help to reach out to more than just 1st graders to visit the museum. Maria Luisa Guerra- Deputy Superintendent. f. Reached 28K school kids in Corpus Christi. 3,300 are CCISD. 5th graders used to come to Museum. Dr. Janice Jordan wants every group to have a different experience. g. CCISD has new leadership. 12)Adjournment a. Motion by Scott, 2nd by Cary. All in favor. Passed.