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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/08/2020Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for Meeting on January 8, 2020 1. Call to order @ 3:06 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags • Marshall Burnes 4. Roll Call by Sylvia Wilson: Present: Richard Balli, Marshall Burns, Mary Bustos, Melanie Gomez, Anthony Navarrette, Vanessa Nisbett, and Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. Absent: Sabrina Ramirez. Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson, Hum. Resources Admin; Gene Delauro, Development Srvcs- Building Official; Mai Bernal, Engineering; and Lisa Aguilar, Legal. Staff Members Absent: Barton Bailey, Homeless & Housing Admin.; Lisa Oliver, P&R Community Relations & Engagement Superintendent; and Alex Gonzalez, CCPD Parking Enforcement Patrol. MOTION A. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — Marshall Burns out of town due to work and Mary Bustos also out of town. Motion — Marshall Burnes Second — Melanie Gomez Action — Motion Passed 5. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 11/13119 (No Quorum for 1214119 meeting) MOTION Motion — Anthony Navarrette Second — Dr. A. Zoccolillo Action — Motion Passed 6. Public Comments A. Mr. Chadden — former member of the Committee, thanked the group for serving with them, had fun, and informed group that he would be leaving for the Philippines in March. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. CC RIMZ presented by Carlos Cavazos and Joe Angel Dela Garza. CC Rims founded by Mr. Cavazos 4 years ago. They travel throughout the state and as far as Louisiana to compete in basketball tournaments. They are presenting today to ask the city, through the help of the CFPWD, to help with finding another gym to practice. Currently practice once a week at the YWCA. They would like to practice more than once a week in order to keep up with their high- level competitions and build a more cohesive team. The Houston team that they will compete with practice every day as they have access to a city rec center that allows them to practice every day. The city has offered the use of the Ben Garza gym but only for a couple of months and then will be charged for gym rental. Players are on a fixed income and cannot afford to pay fees. They have gone to the "cage", a fence enclosed basketball court, at Joe Garza Rec Center on Highland but state the basketball court is in bad shape with the rims looking like they are about to fall off. They are asking the city for a little support. If anyone knows of an indoor gym, or another enclosed court, where they can practice, please let them know. Said that some entities may feel like the wheelchair wheels will damage the floor, but that was not the case when they played at TAMUCC basketball court as their wheelchairs have non -marking wheels. If any damages are incurred the city has insurance to address those issues. Can not play in open court such as a park because if the ball goes outside the court, they would not be able to go out onto the grass ora field to get the ball. Chairman Balli said he is working with P&R, via Page 1 of 3, 01.08.20 Minutes the Accessible Recreational Park subcommittee on addressing this issue via another project, but that this takes time. Mr. Burns asked what other gyms would be ideal for the team. Response was Natatorium as it is a city facility, mentioned Miller gym associated with CCISD, CCISD maybe able to help but would charge $75 an hour which they cannot afford. Also mentioned Del Mar College and TAMUCC but that no one from either entity calls them back. Dr. Zoccolilllo said he would reach out to someone in the Athletic department at the university. As to access to the NASCC base gym, they said no even though one of their players is a retired veteran. Mentioned that city of Houston offers free use of its facilities to the Houston team, They need a place to practice for at least 2 hours a day. They are working on obtaining a 501 C3 status. Mr. Burns stated they will see what they can do in offering accessibility to citizens. Mr. Dela Garza said they are registered with the National Wheelchair Basketball Association and that 4 teams will be playing in a competition in Corpus Christi at the YWCA this weekend and is free to the public: CC Rimz, New Orleans Crew, Houston Hot Wheels (former national champs) and Harper Heights. More banter ensued between Chairman Balli and Joe Angel Dela Garza. B. Requests for Traffic/Stop Signs presented by Mai Bernal Professional Engineer. — Introduced Ms. Bernal to the group. Gave information on how to submit requests for Traffic Control Device Installation requests or concerns via email through the Traffic Engineering city web page. See attached form. Mr. Balli discussed concern at Ramsey and Houston in which motorists are not addressing the Yield sign. 8. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Introduced the 2020 CFPWD meeting calendar (attached), no comments, approved as is. Informed the group of the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ADA on July 26th ; suggested a proclamation or small event to recognize the anniversary. Announced changes to the Human Relations office that impact the monthly performance report. As of January, Ms. Wilson reports to the Human Resources office, 2nd floor of city hall, and Mr. Barton Bailey, Homeless Services Workforce Housing Administrator, will oversee he activities of the Human Relations office in addition to his duties pertaining to Homeless Services and Workforce Housing. Ms. Wilson will continue to address ADA and be the liaison to the CFPWD and Mr. Bailey will be the liaison to the Human Relations Commission. Mr. Balli stated he met Mr. Bailey and invited him to introduce himself to the committee during Public Comments, Mr. Bailey should be available to the group if requested. Provided information on the attached performance report. Informed committee of the February term limits, and that City Secretary's office was informed that Melanie Gomez, Anthony Navarrette and Vanessa Nisbet would be interested in continuing to serve. Mr. Burns is interested in continuing to serve and asked that I follow up with City Secretary's office as he may have met his 6 -year term limit. The seat vacated by Mr. Chadden will also be addressed. Mr. Balli inquired about his term and was informed his term limit is for next year. He also stated that he is considering stepping down as Chairman in order to concentrate on the baseball park for persons in wheelchairs but remain on the committee. Possibly take nominations next month for new chairperson. B. Development Services - provided report and information on the new ADA ramp ordinance that waives permit fees. Document will be provided to public regarding information on constructing an ADA ramp, site visits will be provided. Concerns that this information has not been published within the community. Will work with his department on how to promote this new information. Discussion ensued on how the communication will be implemented. Provided statistical information for December Development Services construction. Renewed focus on workforce housing. Implemented monthly workshops with the development community. Page 2 of 3, 01.08.20 Minutes C. Engineering Services — Introduced Mai Bernal as new Engineering liaison. Discussed ADA projects within Engineering, RTA grant, & always checking for ADA compliance with all city projects; provided info on the Ayers street project to include new sidewalks & within the SEA district. Will try to set up meeting by March for the engineering subcommittee. D. P&R Dept — no report due to absence of P&R liaison. E. CCPD — Ms. Wilson read the December statistics report on behalf of Officer Alex Gonzalez as he was not able to make the meeting, see attachment. 9. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Vanessa Nisbet had no update. Will get with Mr. Burns to proceed with activity. Possible PSA on different ways to promote voting. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee — No update. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccolillo spoke of the Rise School run on 9615/20 at Waters Edge Park. Dr. Z said he would be present representing the CFPWD. Working on Volunteer calendar. Toys for Tots, successful event, collected 4 boxes of toys, thanks to Workforce and Jennifer Ledford. 10. Chairperson's Report A. Round table discussion — Informational flyers regarding Morgan Land expanding their park to provide sports complex for children with disabilities. Similar parks in Rio Grand Valley. Attended two city meetings (2014 bond improvements, turn lanes on Ayers, and the Westside Area Development). B. Committee shirt logo; keep logo as is; remove from the agenda. 11. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda • Mr. Navarrette requested information on how Mr. Bailey's efforts regarding the homeless is impacting services to the disabled community. Mr. Balli asked that Mr. Bailey make a presentation at next meeting • CC Rimz request for use of enclosed Basketball Court. Mr. Balli said he would be MOTION speaking with P&R about their request and possible letters to community partners regarding use of basketball courts to CC Rimz. 12. Motion to Adjourn at 4:26 by Mr. Burns, Second by Ms. Bustos, Action — Motion Passed Page 3 of 3, 01.08.20 Minutes Rese4 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE INSTALLATION REQUEST INFORMATION: Complete and turn in this form to request that a traffic control device be installed. You can submit this request online or you can call the City's Call Center at (361) 826-2489 to request more information. Be aware that traffic control devices are not automatically installed when requested, but each request will be evaluated. NOTE: School Zone Studies can only be requested by a school principal. "Requested Street Information" includes the name of the street for which a traffic control device is requested as well as the boundary streets. For example, requesting a stop sign on Smith Street from 1 st Avenue to 5th Avenue. Please do not use street block ranges. Name: Address: School Name: Phone #1: Phone #2: i E-mail: Device: ❑ Speed hump (residential streets only) ❑ Stop Sign F1 Traffic Signal ❑ Crosswalk Installation School Zone Study (School Principal request only) ❑ Parking Restrictions Requested Street Information: Requested Street: For example "Smith St." Signature From: 1 st Ave. To: 5th Ave. FY2020 Human Relations Monthly Performance Report MISSION AND SERVICE STRATEGY: Fostering a diverse and inclusive community environment with respect and professionalism, the Human Relations Division will conduct and enforce a positive program of non-discrimination in Fair Housing, Public Accommodation, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the City of Corpus Christi. The office will also make reports and recommendations to the City Council and others , toward the betterment of group and inter -group relationships within the community. Dec -19 ADA Tech Asst: rvwd Engineering technical plans for the South Oso Pkway from Staples to Oso Pkway; and provided information on community entites who construct ADA ramps. Public Accommodation: Citizen complaint against TAMUCC and DMC regarding denial of service and/or staff. EEOC Inquiries: 46 K:\HumenRelallons\SVW_SHARED\Pelf Measures\Perf Meas FYI 2_thru FY20\Pert Meas Master op a on roc on roc for t FY t or FY PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVES Oct'18 - Dec Jan. 12020 Feb March YTD YTD % Human Relations Sept' 19 2019 2020 2020 Total of Goal A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Services to include intake, investigation, conciliation, & monitoring of conciliations in Fair Housing, Public Accommodation, & Persons with Disabilities. HUD - Fair Housing Inquiries 6 0 - HUD Fair Housing Investigations (July - June). Goal is 13 13 July 13 100% Closed Cases thru June 3 Measures : Effectivenesss 0 HUD FH Inquiries addressed within 3 days 100% 3 3 100% HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed within 100 days 90% 3 11 85% B. bERVIUL Ljvvj&L—UHjhU LIVE: Irrovicie Community Outreach, Education, and Number of training sessions, community meetings, and 0 informational events. 30 0 Homelessness Initiative and Workforce Housing Information ??? C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access., Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Request resolution ADA - Citizens' Accessibility Complaints 0 0 Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 1 1 ADA Technical Assistance 2 2 Plan Reviews/Site Visits 0 0 Dec -19 ADA Tech Asst: rvwd Engineering technical plans for the South Oso Pkway from Staples to Oso Pkway; and provided information on community entites who construct ADA ramps. Public Accommodation: Citizen complaint against TAMUCC and DMC regarding denial of service and/or staff. EEOC Inquiries: 46 K:\HumenRelallons\SVW_SHARED\Pelf Measures\Perf Meas FYI 2_thru FY20\Pert Meas Master Calendar Year 2018 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 60 6 185 251 Feb 62 2 253 317 Mar 56 5 181 242 Apr 60 2 273 335 May 34 2 356 392 Jun 48 2 283 333 Jul 55 3 449 507 Aug 51 3 314 368 Sep 79 1 216 87 Oct 57 3 314 Nov 132 10 207 E4238 Dec 147 7 320 Total 841 46 3351 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Scooter Complaint Total Jan 112 4 277 0 393 Feb 74 8 300 p 382 Mar 108 9 280 0 397 Apr 72 12 330 0 414 May 43 6 208 0 257 Jun 103 6 274 0 383 Jul 50 23 270 0 343 Aug 87 2 238 0 327 Sep 38 1 148 0 187 Oct 4 0 34 0 38 Nov 11 2 51 0 64 Dec 46 4 200 0 250 Total 748 1 77 1 2610 0 3435 Morgan's Wonderland Sports COMING IN 2020 66 Located next door to Morgan's Wonderland and Morgan's Inspiration Island, Morgan's Wonderland Sports will be a 3 -acre ultra -accessible TM sports complex, offering fitness and fun for athletes of all ages and all abilities. 0 Subscribe to Email Updates 12/1712019,11:33 AM 1 of 4 Morgan's Wonderland Sports Gk 0 Designed with maximum flexibility, Morgan's Wonderland Sports can be nnnfini iron fn mnnf fhn nnnrlc of 2 of 4 12/17/2019,11:33 AM Morgan's Wonderland Sports vvnai io txpea.. hrips:// 12/17/2019,11:33 AM 3of4 AC)M-,"HVF Ai D PARA - SPORTS UNIFIED SF WITS The new $3 million With the addition of St't:(.;i/tL. L:�!'el�d l `'' facility will allow growth and greater Unified Sports, a Many programs, opportunity to South program rooted within including inclusion Texas Regional Special Olympics, clinics, music therapy, Adaptive Ft Para Sports Morgan's Wonderland movie nights, dances (STRAPS), an existing will roll out a new and community Morgan's Wonderland program called collaborations will also program, that "Morgan's Buddies." be available onsite administers a dozen The new initiative will throughout the year. Paralympic-style sport bring together people While not in use, programs to wounded of all abilities to build Morgan's Wonderland service members and friendships through Sports will also be veterans, alongside common interests like available to rent for other youth and adults Unified Sports, Unified private events and with physical Theater, Unified Dance community groups. and more. disabilities. COMINGSOON COMING SOON Learn about STRAPS 12/17/2019,11:33 AM 3of4 Morgan's Wonderland Sports gyral' PRESS RELEASE /k 1f i f WONDEREAND, 4 of 4 12/17/2019,11:33 AM Follow Morgan's Wonderland to stay in touch! 1f i f WONDEREAND, 4 of 4 12/17/2019,11:33 AM County unveils inclusive park for special needs children - The Monitor County unveils inclusive park for sp( children Francisco E. Jimenez - December 11, 2019 Members of the community gather in front of the splash pad area of the new IncrosIve park'u, Wednesday at Valley View Early College Campus in Hidalgo. Francisco Jimenez I The Monitor A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at Valley View Early College Campus to commemorate what is believed to be the largest inclusive park in Soutl The park will provide children and adults with disabilities an opportunity tb that caters to their special needs. 1 of 3 12/17/2019,11:16 AM County unveils inclusive park for special needs children - The Monitor https://www.themonitorcom/2019/12/11/county-unveils-inclusive-p... Dozens of people braved the frigid 51 -degree weather to bear witness to the park, the culmination of a year -and -a -half effort by the Capable Kids I County Precinct 2 and Valley View ISD. "The park's been a long time coming," said Precinct 2 Commissioner Edua had Capable Kids basically design it. I gave them carte blanche to design whatever they wanted. So they designed this beautiful park. We found thl partnered with Valley View and we built it. "We're happy. Hopefully this will bring more inclusive parks to the commu Cantu was visibly overcome with emotion, and at times struggled to get t addressed the crowd. He attributed this to his love for helping children. "Hopefully people will start building everything with inclusivity in mind, wl whether it's a facility, that they think about everybody instead of having p the park, the building, whatever it may be;" Cantu said During the ceremony, two checks were presented to the Capable Kids Fou Grande Valley Down Syndrome Association from Hidalgo County in the art contributing to the park was the Wounded Warrior Project, which donated inclusive park project. "Personally, as the president of Capable Kids, it's the end of a long road o praying and hoping for a partner to bring this inclusive playground to fruit Capable Kids said after the ceremony, as children frolicked about the new us are therapists. We work with kids who are now adults. They've never p They've sat on the sidelines and wished that they could join. "Now this playground changes that. It allows all kids to play together, to grow up together beside each other, and that makes such a huge difference in how people see each other." The park is a school and city shared park. It will be accessible to schools during school hours, and it will become open to the public after school hours and on weekends. 2 of 3 12/17/2019, 11:16 AM