HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Transportation Advisory Commission - 11/25/2002 JAN 2003 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE :`, 14t� MINUTES (Meeting of November 25, 2002) UrriCE 4 4 Members Present �tt0L 6$L,�� Don Davenport, MAC Karla Bennett, Stuart Sher, Orlando Noyola Grace Marie Gonzales, Clif Moss, Robbie Foster Members Not Present Anthony Alejandro and Israel Ybarra I. CALL TO ORDER-In the absence of Chairperson Alejandro, Vice-Chairperson Sher called meeting to order at 1:38 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF"MINUTES"-Vice-Chairperson called for approval of minutes for meeting of August 26, 2002. Motion made by Mr. Moss, seconded by Mr. Davenport to approve minutes as presented. III. COMMENTS BY CHAIRPERSON and/or VICE-CHAIRPERSON - None IV. MONTHLY TRAFFIC FATALITY REPORT(ATTACHMENT"A") -Capt. MacDonald reported that to- date fatalities total nineteen (19). V. MONTHLY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE REPORT for October,2002), (ATTACHMENT"B") Capt. MacDonald presented the Monthly Traffic Accident Experience Report stating that total accidents thru October, 2002 is 847 up 4%; with 19 being alcohol/drug related down 11%; 276 showing to be injury accidents with a total of 446 total injuries. Two fatal accidents resulting in two fatalities. Staples/SPID with a 6% increase and Everhart/SPID with 30% decrease remain the top two (2) high accident location thru October, 2002. Tiger/Weber shows a 140% increase and Cain/Staples shows an increase of 125%. Capt. MacDonald stated that more police enforcement will take place on complaints regarding aggressive drivers and perhaps controlling congestion associated with school activities, etc. Mr. Sher inquired about the increase in accidents at Cain/Staples. Capt. MacDonald stated he would meet with Traffic Engineering and investigate the area for possible clues. Mr. Noyola inquired about the status of the program of equipping police cars with radar equipment,etc. Is the study completed. Capt. MacDonald stated of the 37 patrol cars,eight(8) remain to be equipped. As the old cars are taken off the road, these will be replaced with new radars and 100 video cameras will be installed in the patrol cars in 2003. In regard to Mr. Foster's question regarding aggressive drivers, Capt. MacDonald stated that patrol cars are posted at the various school crosswalks and if a crossing guard is ill or fails to show,the police officer must"fill in"for the guard. i.e., today three (3) officers had to"fill in"for those absences. Mr. Moss inquired about the stripping on the City streets? Is it adequate? Capt. MacDonald stated that if the Police Department sees any inefficiencies,the Street Department is notified along with the Texas Department of Transportation for improvements or corrections. VI. RECOGNITION of Audience/Public Concerns not scheduled on Agenda - None VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS REQUIRING COMMITTEE REVIEW None SCANNED 300 . i VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Sam Crecelius, Pedal Shop,5439 Everhart,Corpus Christi, Texas-Owner of Pedal Shop, stated he moved to his present location two (2) years ago. During the occupancy of Venture Store, location now occupied by Best Buy traffic on Everhart/Corona/SPID was not an issue. The situation has become very serious. The issue is that motorists are attempting to use the left turn lane onto the Shopping Center blocking traffic traveling north and south. Mr. Crecelius suggests a concrete median be installed. Mr. Moss made motion, seconded by Mr. Davenport that Staff analyze this situation at the intersection and present findings to Council. No disagreements from the Committee members from his request. Mr.Foster stated that he frequents these intersections(SPID/Everhart)and SPID/Staples)and considers these to be the worst intersections for left turns violations by motorists. He suggests a traffic light at near the SPID/Everhart intersection similar to one at Moore Plaza on Staples or consider an alternate route. Mr. Escobar stated that Staff has met with TxDOT and has received very good cooperation on both of these intersections in helping to alleviate the traffic congestion. One is to adjust traffic signals to allow traffic to flow more freely and the City will be "piggy-backing" with the State on installing a type of barrier of significant height and strength to prevent motorists from driving over them. It is to be installed in the next two weeks. B. Status of Bond 2002,Traffic Signals- Bid Letting Deadline: November 25, 2002. IX. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT- Mr. Escobar distributed to the Committee Members a Public Meeting Flyer that has been mailed to all residents of Laguna Shores concerning the bridge across Tropic Isles Channel on Laguna Shores Road on Monday, December 2, 2002 6:30 p.m - 8:00 p.m. The purpose of the Citizens Meeting is to receive comments from the public. Mary Frances Teniente, Design Engineer for the City for this project introduced Kevin St. Jacques, City Traffic Consultant with Wilbur Smith &Associates. Mr. St.Jacques briefly stated that the study will look into alternatives for bridge and its impacts; no bridge and its impacts and bridge and alternate roadways. Findings will be brought back to the Committee in January, 2003 meeting. X. ISSUES FOR THE NEXT SCHEDULED TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING- December 23, 2002 meeting will be cancelled due to the holidays. Next meeting is scheduled for January, 27, 2003. XI. PREVIOUS CONCERNS - Mr. Davenport-Illumination of JFK Causeway-Approximately seven (7) lights on west end of south side of causeway are still not working. Mr. Noyola - Lipes Boulevard/South Staples -Video Detection at Rodd Field Road/Holly Road; Williams and Holly Road are still not working properly. Lights do not change to green when vehicles approach even though there is no traffic on opposing street. Mr. Escobar stated lights are activated after the vehicle approaches, light cycles through if vehicle is not detected. If no vehicle approaches light should override set cycle. Mr. Moss- Check traffic signals on Airline Road from Ocean Drive past Holly Road for better efficiency. 0OOF' 2 • XII. NEW CONCERNS`- wone KUDOS-Mr. Davenport-A great big thank you to the Engineering Services Department for all their help during the recent tornado. Damages to several school caused relocation of over 700 students. Mr. Escobar and Staff"pitched in"in alleviating the traffic congestion by erecting signage,painting curbs,etc. XIII. ADJOURNMENT- Meeting adjourned at 3:09 p.m. 000'3