HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Transportation Advisory Commission - 05/20/2002 f TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES (Meeting of May 20, 2002) Members Present Anthony Alejandro Clif Moss MAC Karla Bennett Stuart Sher Orlando Noyola Israel Ybarra Robbie Foster Members Not Present Grace Marie Gonzales, Don Davenport • CALL TO ORDER- Chairperson Alejandro called meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF"MINUTES"- Chairperson called for approval of minutes for meeting of March 25, 2002. Motion made by Mr. Moss, seconded by Mr. Ybarra to approve minutes as presented. III. COMMENTS BY CHAIRPERSON and/or VICE-CHAIRPERSON - None IV. MONTHLY TRAFFIC FATALITY REPORT(ATTACHMENT"A") - Sgt. Chris Lynch reported on the three fatalities that occurred in March and one fatality in April bringing the total to date of six fatalities. V. MONTHLY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE REPORT for March 2002), (ATTACHMENT"B")- Committee members were asked to peruse the monthly traffic accident report for this month. VI. RECOGNITION of Audience/Public Concerns not scheduled on Agenda - None VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS REQUIRING COMMITTEE REVIEW A. Request from Flour Bluff citizens to remove the open-span bridge over Tropic Isles Channel on Laguna Shores Road. Angel Escobar, Director of Engineering Services gave a brief report stating that during a public meeting on April 11, 2001 during assessment projects located on Laguna Shores; Azores Street; Catcay and Jamaica a number of citizens voiced concerns about the bridge and requested that it be removed during construction and not replaced. Their concerns included: Removal of the bridge so there is no through traffic making for a safer environment for the residents along Laguna Shores. Heavy traffic and high speeds are a problem in this area. The height of the bridge will not allow larger boats to pass underneath, denying access to the channels upstream for the residents of the Tropic Isles Subdivision whose property abuts the channel. Mr. Escobar further stated that this project entails work to be down in the entire Laguna Shores area. Existing plans are to have the existing multi-piling bridge replaced with a dual-span bridge that would have a support system in the middle of the channel. The bridge would be have the same elevation that exists now. Residents are opposing re-building of the bridge over Tropic Isles Channel on Laguna Shores Road. Residents have cited several reasons for not re-building the bridge such as safety and traffic volume. Also, now with Packery Channel in the planning stages, residents state that larger boats will be able to utilize the Tropic Isles Channel and allow passage to Laguna Shores and the Gulf of Mexico. Laguna Shores is a route that is utilized from SPID to Yorktown Boulevard. Concerns expressed by citizens what route would be taken without the bridge. Alternate routes were discussed by Mr. Escobar. SCANNED 0®e i Mr.Alejandro asked when referring to"citizens", who did this refer to? Mr. Escobar stated that notices were sent to every single property owner on Laguna Shores from Mediterranean to Caribbean, Catcay to Azores and Jamaica. Mr. Alejandro remarked that this included only those with waterfront property and not property owners beyond divisions closer to Yorktown Boulevard. Mr.Alejandro asked, did Bond 2000 specify replacement of bridge? Also, how much is warranted by speed and traffic safety versus access for the residents boats? Have any traffic studies been done on speeds and speed limits, and whether removal of bridge would hamper fire and police response time? Mr. Escobar stated that this presentation was for information purposes only to obtain an opinion from the Transportation Advisory Committee in which direction to proceed. Mr. Moss stated he was not familiar with this area, but is it necessary to replace bridge? Mr. Escobar stated that the pilings were old and deteriorating and does not have the correct guardrails. Mr. Moss personally stated that he felt that traffic would not be inconvenienced greatly if the bridge would be removed. Mr. Foster stated he was unfamiliar with the traffic flow at Laguna Shores but felt that motorists would be forced to travel Waldron Road which already has a traffic problem especially to the Flour Bluff schools. This issue needs to be looked at very carefully since a number of fatalities have occurred in this area. Mr. Escobar stated that speed humps have been installed on both the northern and southern sides with no relief to residents. Mr. Ybarra stated that he travels this roadway frequently. The speed humps do slow people down, and on the adjacent parallel street a NO THRU TRAFFIC sign is posted causing people to use Laguna Shores. Also, the bridge should be replaced, not removed. Also, will there be an TURN AROUND built on South Padre Island Drive immediately east of Laguna Shores as part of the JFK Causeway reconstruction project? Mr. Escobar stated this would have to be researched. Mr. Sher asked if prior to meeting held regarding Laguna Shores bridge removal, was bridge removal ever mentioned? Mr. Escobar stated no. Recommendation is to hire traffic consultant for traffic study, analyzation and with information gathered to conduct a Public Meeting for residents to express their opinion. B. Corpus Christi Unified Transportation Plan (DRAFT) Mr. Mic Raasch, City Planner with the Planning Department presented a Draft of the Corpus Christi Unified Urban Transportation Plan stating that this is the first phase of a three-year,three phase process to unify all elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan into a single volume. Phase II, in FY 02-03,will unify, into a single map,the future land use plans contained in the City's Area Development Plans. Phase III, in FY 03-04, will update and consolidate the City's Policy Statement and Area Development Plan Policies. In addition,a summary map of the City's Master Plans for Storm Drainage (under development), parks/open space (under development), Transportation, and future land use will also be incorported into a single volume. Issues to be addressed are.Traffic Congestion, Consolidation of Transportation Plans and Cross . Section Design (Sidewalks meeting American Disabilities Act Standards and Bikeways which meet the American Assocation of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTA) Standards , Street Cross Section Design; Street Alignment and Network Changes; Transportation Planning Process and Right-of-Way Comparison with other Texas cities. Mr. Ybarra questioned the lack of posted Bicycle Signage on Kostryz Road. Mr. Escobar stated that the City is working in conjunction with the State to have signs erected and at that time said signage is installed, City will accept project. 000('2 Mr. Foster quesuoned bicycle lane markings ending at ever-,wersection on Kostoryz Road. The bicyclist has no right-of-way and assumes all the liability. Lane markings are very confusing; lanes need to be built and marked properly or not at all. Prefers wide shoulder so bicyclist can move over, less confusing, safer and less dangerous. Mr. Rausch further explained that the Street Cross Section Design have not been comprehensively reviewed or updated since 1987, therefore the Unified Transportation Plan addresses several important revisions to cross section design. Requiring all sidewalks meet the width requirements in the American Disabilities Act(increased from four foot standard sidewalk to five feet; providing street cross sections that meet the AASTO width requirements for on street bikeways to 14.5 feet. In addition, one collector street and two arterail streets contain 5.5 foot wide dedicated bicycle lanes. Also, provide an increased amount of width for underground utilities in the parkway. An increase by one per street side on collector street and three feet per side on arterial streets. Mr. Rausch gave an overall review of the Unified Urban Transportation Plan Map which includes Nueces and San Patricio Counties. A more regional approach is being taken for continuity and working with the Metropolitan Planning Organization for a truly unified regional plan, not just a city plan. These entities included TxDOT, RTA, San Patricia and Nueces County. Some of the changes proposed are: Designating a vehicular crossing of the Cayo del Oso at the Holly Road Railroad Bridge; Extension of Paul Jones Road southward to connect with Oso Parkway; Gulf Beach Access Roads at 1 to 2 mile intervals; Designation of the Public Beach Wasement on the Gulf of Mexico Beaches as a special roadway; and South Loop Expressway Corridor- based on the MPO Study for relief of traffic congestion on South Padre Island Drive. Staff asked for comments/questions from the Transporatation Advisory Committee regarding this proposal to be brought back to next meeting. In response to Mr. Moss question when the Crosstown Interchange will begin handling traffic, Mr. David Casteel, District Engineer with the Texas Department of Transportation will began handling traffic in late 2003, completion in 2004. The Crosstown Extension will begin in 2004 out past Saratoga Boulevard. Mr. Casteel stated this will greatly decrease traffic on South Padre Island Drive and buys 8-10 years of congestion on SPID. VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. SPID Congestion Study - Mr. Ismael Soto with the Texas Department of Transportation in giving the presentation stated in October, 2001,TxDOT,Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) and the City of Corpus Christi took the task of studying the SPID Corridor fromthe 286/358 Interchange (Crosstown/SPID) to the Oso Bay Causeway. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the Freeway, develop ideas and concepts on operational, safety improvements and identify corridor bottlenecks. Then evaluate scenarios for possible development into short or long term infrastructure improvement projects for the SPID corridor. Some of the scenarios being studied (by computer simulation) are: + Adding additional through lanes on the SPID freeway main lanes; + Adding auxiliary lanes between on and off ramps on SPID; + Changing or eliminating on and off ramps locations on SPID; + Evaluating possible driveway access restrictions; + Evaluating traffic signal timing changes Twenty-four hour volume data were collected along the corridor in October 2001. Peak hour data were extracted from the 24-hour data and used for the operational analysis. Conditions were evaluated for existing peak hour volumes and projected 10 and 20 year peak volume. Traffic volumes for the 10-20 year time horizong were calculated using an annual growth rate of 2.5% per year. The traffic simulation model used to condut the analysis was the CORSIM-micro simulation model. The 00003 computer simulation S practical because it is: Less costly; results are obtained quickly; The disruption of traffic operations is completely avoided; Selection of the most effective cooncept and design will have a high probability of success. Preliminary Delay and Cost of Congestion Date for SPID and related arterials presently with existing condition with known improvements: Delay 1380 with a yearly cost of congestion of$20,700,000; 10 year existing conditions with known improvements: Delay 4001 with a yearly cost of congestion $60,015,000 and 20 year existing condtions with known improvements with Delay of 7550 at a cost of 113,250,000. • Total Yearly Crashes on SPID from SH 286 to Paul Jones for year 1997 (530); 1998 (579); 1999 (531); 2000 (647); 2010 (919) and 2020 (1222). Mr. Soto responded to Committee members questions. IX. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT - Mr. Escobar informed the Committee that Engineering Services has contracted with the firm (Maximus) to search for a new Traffic Engineer for possible employment by August. X. ISSUES FOR next Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Mr. Moss would like a presentation regarding update of Street Department (Traffic Signals) to meet transportation demands. State or City responsibility? XI. PREVIOUS CONCERNS - Channelization needs to be dedicated. XII. NEW CONCERNS - None XIII. ADJOURNMENT- Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. oo®n4