HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Transportation Advisory Commission - 03/25/2002 TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES (Meeting of March 25,2002) Members Present _ NY tt' f t r ":r C� Anthony Alejandro Clif Moss MAC Karla Bennett` c' �f-E+y`S ru Grace Marie Gonzales Orlando Noyola Israel Ybarra `6G ti \ \� 1P Members Not Present Robbie Foster,Don Davenport and Stuart Sher CALL TO ORDER- Chairperson Alejandro called meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF"MINUTES"- Chairperson called for approval of minutes for meeting of February 25,2002. Motion made by Mr. Moss, seconded by Mr.Ybarra to approve minutes as presented. III. COMMENTS BY CHAIRPERSON and/or VICE-CHAIRPERSON - None IV. MONTHLY TRAFFIC FATALITY REPORT(ATTACHMENT"A") - Capt. MacDonald reported on the monthly fatality report year-to-date of three(3)fatalities. V. MONTHLY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE REPORT FEBRUARY,2002), (ATTACHMENT"B") Traffic Accident Experience for the past two(2)show an 5%increase,Alcohol/Drug Related Accidents up 5%, Injury Accidents down 5%;Total Injuries down 15%,Fatal Accidents down 25%and Fatalities down 25%. Confirmed Alcohol Related Statistics for 2002 is 0%.all compared to same time last year. Of the Top 27 High Accident Locations thru February,2002 Everhart/SPID and Staples/SPID show less than same time last year. Everhart/SPID had 126 accidents for 2001. Highest number City has recorded at an intersection in a one-year period. Greenwood/SPID has recorded eight(8)accidents compared to zero(0)accidents at the same time last year. Exit ramp from Crosstown Expressway southbound to Ayers Street was closed off about a year ago,therefore,all traffic must use an alternate route of the Greenwood turnaround to double-back to Ayers Street or use Kostoryz Road. The accidents are occurring in the U turn-around westbound to eastbound. This will continue until more progress is made on the Crosstown project. The Ayers Street exit will never be reopened in its previous location from the Crosstown Exchange once the interchange is built. Fewer accidents are occurring on the frontage roads. VI. RECOGNITION of Audience/Public Concerns not scheduled on Agenda-None VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS REQUIRING COMMITTEE REVIEW A. Recommendation to establish a curbside parking restriction at all times for both sides of Kostoyz Road between Tiger Lane and Saratoga Boulevard. This parking restriction zone is justified primarily as a result of the recently completed Kostoryz Road widening project,which has created a typical five-lane street section,including curbside on- street bicycle lanes, along which curbside parking is to be prohibited. Mr.Seiler briefly stated that Kostoryz Road between Saratoga Boulevard and Holly Road is now a completed five-lane roadway section, therefore, Staff is recommending to establish a curbside parking restriction on Kostoryz Road between Tiger Lane and Saratoga Boulevard. Mr.Moss inquired if the bicycle lane was separate from the motorist lane. Mr.Seiler replied that the bicycle lane is a dedicated lane,marked separately for bicyclists. Mr.Moss further stated that he feel that bicycles on dedicated lanes pose a far greater risk than pedestrians. Mr.Seiler stated that this opinion is shared by many,however,this street was included in the Bicycle Sub-Committee Master Plan and which connects to Holly Road which is wide enough to be marked as a separate bicycle lane(which has not yet been marked)as Kostoryz Road. Holly Road will be the main ��� �® east/west bicycle route. Mr. Seiler further stated the speed limit is 35 mph in answer to Mr. Moss's quesnnO Ybarra asked if Ennis Joslin will be a separate designated lane. Mr. Seiler answered in the affirmative and stated • further that Enni,L.,.;Min had always been a provision of the State for',v„as A&M-Corpus Christi to have on-street bicycle lanes on Ennis Joslin Road for bicyclists travelling to and from the University. Motiormade be Mr.Moss,seconded by Mr.Ybarra to establish a curbside parking restriction at all times on both sides of Kostoryz Road between Tiger Lane and Saratoga Boulevard. Motion passed. B. Recommendation to establish a curbside parking restriction at all times for both sides of Everhart Road between a point 750-ft.south of Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard. This parking restriction zone is justified primarily to allow the striping of a center continuous left turn lane between Cedar Pass Drive and Yorktown Boulevard,and to prevent the incident curbside parking of vehicles on the remaining four-lane section between Cedar Pass Drive and Middlecoff. Mr.Seiler stated that City Staff has been requested to allow the striping of a center continuous left turn lane between Cedar Pass Drive and Yorktown Boulevard and to disallow curbside parking of vehicles on the remaining four-lane section between Cedar Pass Drive and Middlecoff Road. There is enough width on this portion of the road to allow the left turn lane. Mr.Noyola asked if the recommendation could be extended to Oso Parkway. Mr.Seiler stated that consideration was given to extending the recommendation to Oso Parkway,however,since there are no side streets between Yorktown and Oso Parkway there is no need for curbside parking restrictions at this time. Also,the traffic volume is very low on this stretch of the road presently. Motion was made by Mr.Noyola,seconded by MAC Bennett to amend the Staff proposal to establish curbside parking restriction at all times on both sides of Kostoryz Road between a point 750-ft. south of Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard. Motion passed. Motion made by Mr.Noyola,seconded by Mr.Ybarra,to recommend Staff establish curbside parking restriction at all times on both sides of Kostoryz Road between a point 750-ft.south of Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Oso Parkway. Motion passed. VIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. (Continuances) On-Going Texas Department of Transportation-City of Corpus Christi issues-None IX. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT A. Northwest Planning("Charrette")-Stakeholders met to determine the highest priority is County Road 52 between US 77 and FM 1889 and safety factors concerning FM 624. The State, City, and other interested parties came to the conclusion that adding more lanes to FM 624 would not be feasible because the interchange at FM 624/US 77 would not allow their construction. County Road 52 was, therefore, concluded to serve as an alternate arterial and approximately$7.5 million(Metropolitan Planning Organization funds)would be expended to improve the roadway. The Interchange/US 77 exit will also receive funding for re-figuration and construction. B. JFK Causeway during Spring Break-TxDOT has lowered the posted speed limit. C. South Padre Island Drive Congestion Study(TTI)-Study will be presented in April,2002 for public comment.. D. On-going street construction projects-Kostoryz Road is now completed and open. Ennis Joslin has another 1 1/2 years of construction before completion. E. 2002 Beach-to-Bay Marathon - JFK Causeway construction will not be a factor; runners will be running in the construction lane. X. ISSUES FOR April 22,2002 Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting A. Amendments to Residential Traffic Management Program-In house initiatives. Xl. PREVIOUS CONCERNS - Mr. Seiler stated that Street Department has promised to have work completed in second week of April,2002. City has provided overhead signage at the Six Points interchange. XII. NEW CONCERNS -Mr.Ybarra-Traveling East/West at Yorktown/Staples-Signage says"Right Turn Lane Only"but there is no Right Turn Lane. Mr.Seiler stated he would report this to Mr. Ismael Soto. 00002 Mr.Ybarra-Crosstown L...ONLY is confusing to motorists. Mr.Seiler stated signs any lane that exits with signage per their regulations as optional lanes are not signed. Mr.Moss-Questioning the paving on South Staples from Everhart Road traveling North along with Robert Street show paving deterioration. Mr.Seiler stated that this street falls under the 2000 bond,bids notice for street overlay was posted March 18, 2002 for this section of street. Mr.Seiler also stated that there is some relief on the way with the extension of Yorktown Boulevard will be"punched through" all the way through Weber Road. When done, many of the residents in the surrounding areas, Oso Parkway, Yorktown Boulevard,and Everhart Road who use now use Cedar Pass Drive to get to Weber Road will use Yorktown Boulevard to Weber Road alleviating the congestion on Cedar Pass Drive in the Weber's Glen Subdivision. Mr.Noyola stated that on Cedar Pass Drive there are several serious cave-ins (subsidence) on the road. Mr. Seiler stated he would report this to the Street Department. Mr.Seiler announced to the Committee that he has resigned from the City of Corpus Christi effective March 29,2002 to take a position with the Regional Transportation Authority as Director of Transportation. Mr. Seiler stated that he has enjoyed working with the Committee very much. Mr.Alejandro on behalf of the Committee wished Mr.Seiler Good Luck in his new endeavors. XIII. ADJOURNMENT-Meeting adjourned at 2:22 p.m. • 000-" 3