HomeMy WebLinkAbout153 ORD - 03/14/1914AI ORDIVA CE ohcnying the nano of Chatham Street in the City of Corpus Chrieti,and naming ati. 5c2ignating tho same to 1,1ichar Ctroot and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COLR'NCIL DP TIIE CITY OF CORPUS Ch3ISTI: Section 1. that from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance all of hat certain street in the City of Corpus Christi heretofore known, named and designated s Chatham Street shall hereafter be known, named and designated as Blucher Street.. Secti-n 2. That all ordineInces or partsof ordinances in conflict herewith are ereby expressly repealed. Dection 3. The fact that there is great confusion as to whether or not said street s officially known as Blucher Street or otherwise, and the fact that said street is ecoming a well traveled thoroughfare and for the convenience of the public its name hould be made certain, creates a public emergency (aril an imperative public necessity hereby exists requiring the susrension of the charter rule providing that no ordi- ance or resolution shall be passed finally on the day it is introduced and that such rdinance or resolution shall be read tit three several meetings of the City Council, nd the Mayor having declared that such public and imperative public: necessity exists, d requested that said charter rule be suspended and that this ordinance be passed. inally on the date of its:, introduction, and that this ordinance take effect and be in ull force and effect from and after itsp`.os_;e; it is so ordained. PAUSED the 14th day of LIarch, A.D. 1913. Approved the 14th day of March, A.D. 1913. llei np0 ). ��ar77 PEASr, Lia; br o: ffie di ;y o± Corpus dhristi. SipeTed) THOS. 11. DT;,IT. ity Secretary of the City of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi, Texas, Liarch 14th, 1013. o the Members of the City Council, of the City of Corps Christi. ontlemcn:- For the reasons sot forth in tho emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance, public emergency and an imperative public necessity exists for the suspension of the harter rule or requirement that no ordinance or resolution shall be passed finally on the ate it is introduced, and that such ordinance or resolution shall be read at three everal meetings of the. City Council, I, therefore, hereby request thatyou suspend said harter rule or requirement and pass said ordinance finally on the date it is -introduced, r at the present meeting of the said City Council held this the 14th day of March, A.D. 913. Respectfully, (Sinned) -CLAW'. PEASE. Liayor of the Ciy. of Corpus Christi. The Charter rule was suspended by the following vote: Pease, Aye. Thompson, Absent. Priday, Aye. Miller, Aye. _ Uriffin, Absent. Tho ab(ve ordinance waspassed by the following vote, to -wit: Pease, Aye. Thomson, Absent. Priday, A4e. Miller, Aye. Griffin, Absent.