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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/01/2020 Page 1 of 2, 7.5.20 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for Meeting on July 1, 2020 1. Call to order @ 3:04 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags – n/a due to no flags via Zoom meeting 4. Roll Call - Present: Richard Balli, Melanie Gomez, Anthony Navarrette, Vanessa Nisbett, Dr. Zoccolillo, and Huxley Smith Absent: Mary Bustos, Christina Buttler, and Sabrina Ramirez Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson, Gene Delauro, and Mai Bernal Staff Members Absent: Lisa Oliver-P&R, and Lisa Aguilar-Legal. A. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences – Ms. Bustos, illness and Christina Buttler, work related. Motion – Ms. Nisbett Second – M Gomez Action – Motion Passed . 5. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 3/1/2020 – No meetings 4/1st, 5/6th, or 6/3rd due to COVID-19. Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Dr. Zoccolillo Action – Motion Passed 6. Public Comments – none. 7. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Emergency Evacuation Process During Hurricane Season, by Billy Delgado, Emergency Management Coordinator, City of Corpus Christi. Power-point presentation on the city’s evacuation process in the event of on-coming hurricane and an evacuation order has been announced by the Nueces County Judge and Mayor. Safety and precautionary measures addressed due to current COVID-19 safety guidelines. Partnered with community disability advocates known as the Functional Needs Support Team (FNST) to address the needs of persons with disabilities during the evacuation process. Power-point presentation attached. 8. Staff Reports/Comments A. City ADA Liaison – 8 Accessibility Grievance: availability of city beach restrooms at the Barefoot Mardi Gras versus the port-a-potty facilities provided by the organization; buckled neighborhood sidewalk; 2 incidents where local attorney inquiry about reporting non-compliant ADA ramps in their place of business however the patients were not refused service; caller complaint regarding employee customer service at a local store; caller states no curb ramps, however documentation showed ramps, further call to citizen for more information not returned; and no curb ramps at Lamont street, caller did not return call regarding specifics of location. 3 ADA Technical Assistance requests: new parking striping at Bill Whitt park; ADA parking at a Townhouse community with a Homeowners Association policy; and call from disabled vet with complaint against the judge handling his divorce and who addressed his service animal as a pet when determining custody of the pet; referred him local veterans office for assistance. Worked with the Functional Support Needs team in preparing the training for all city employees working the city evacuation hub. Q&A ensued. B. Development Services –Gene Delauro – public information regarding the new ADA residential MOTION MOTION Page 2 of 2, 7.5.20 MOTION permit waiver program has not taken place due to COVID-19 issues; however plans are still in place to meet with communications department to develop some sort of community communications. C. Engineering – Mai Bernal provided updates pertaining to Ayers to SPID; and Holly from Crosstown/Greenwood. D. P&R Dept – no report due to Lisa Oliver’s absence. E. CCPD – Mr. Gonzales reported stats pertaining to ADA parking related citations. 9. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee – No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee – has met with Jay Sanchez from South Teas Lighthouse for the Blind on updating the last ADA Parking PSA. Mr. Balli appointed Christina Buttler on the PSA sub-committee. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee – Mr. Balli stated splash pad at Salinas park not working properly and will report it to P&R. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee –Dr. Zoccolillo had no updates as most outreach evens have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation. 10. Chairperson’s Report A. Revision of ByLaws, corrections were noted, will discuss 2nd draft at August meeting. B. Has been attending various computer meetings regarding ADA issues and ADA 30th anniversary celebrations. Would like to continue discussions with P&R staff regarding accessible baseball field in the Salinas Park area. Possible presentation from Homeless and Workforce Housing office regarding Homelessness and COVID-19 impacts. 11. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda – continue with review of bylaws; Mr. Huxley to present on ADA and the Texas Standards on ADA. 12. Motion to Adjourn at 4:55 by Melanie Gomez and Anthony Navarrette. Motion Passed Minutes acknowledged/approved at the 8/5/20 CFPWD meeting and provided to City Secretary’s office on ______.