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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 08/05/2020 Page 1 of 2, Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for Meeting on August 5, 2020 Via Zoom 1. Call to order @ 3:17 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags – n/a due to no flags via Zoom meeting 4. Roll Call - Present: Richard Balli, Anthony Navarrette, Melanie Gomez, Huxley Smith, and Christina Buttler Absent: Mary Bustos, Dr. Zoccolillo, Vanessa Nisbett, and Sabrina Ramirez Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson and Mai Bernal-Eng Staff Members Absent: Lisa Oliver-P&R, Gene Delauro-Dev. Svc, Alex Gonzalez-CCPD, and Lisa Aguilar-Legal. A. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences – Ms. Bustos illness, Dr. Zoccolillio prior engagement, and Vanessa Nisbet work. Motion – Ms. Gomez Second – Mr. Navarrette Action – Motion Passed . 5. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 7/1/2020 – July minutes, item 5, stated “Approval of Regular meeting Minutes of 7/1/2020” and should have stated “Approval of Regular meeting Minutes of 3/4/20”. Minutes approved with noted change to correct the date. Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – A. Navarrette Action – Motion Passed 6. Public Comments – none, no one in Zoom waiting room. 7. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) None. 8. Staff Reports/Comments A. City ADA Liaison – 3 July incidents: 1 Public Accommodation question from Library regarding enforcement of their policy/practice in allowing patrons to enter with restrictions on how many items they may bring into a Library. Reason for question was due to an alleged homeless person wanting to enter with oversized backpack in addition to other bags. Library has posted information, upon entering, as to the size and what items are allowed. The process has been in place for several years. 1 Sidewalk accessibility concern in which work order to submitted and addressed by Street department. And 1 ADA technical assistance to Park & Rec regarding a patron wanting to have their pet puppy with them at a P&R tennis court; provided department staff information on what constitutes and the definition of a Service Animals and written information on the subject published by the Department of Justice B. Development Services –Gene Delauro – not present. C. Engineering – Mai Bernal provided updates 3 Street projects. Venice, Stony Brook, and Hampshire, Residential Street Rebuild Program (RSRP) and Ayers Pedestrian Improvements. Power-point attached. D. P&R Dept – no report due to Lisa Oliver’s absence. E. CCPD – Report on July ADA citation made by Sylvia Wilson, per report provided by Mr. Gonzales; report attached. 9. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee – No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee – report by Ms. Gomez PSA committee and have MOTION MOTION Page 2 of 2, MOTION spoken with Jay Sanchez from South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind who produced and edited the original ADA Parking PSA. Working on updating the PSA and hope to show at September meeting. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee – no update, trying to get a hold of P&R staff. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee –no update. 10. Chairperson’s Report A. Revision of ByLaws approved, motion by Mr. Navarrette and seconded by Mr. Smith. B. Round Table Discussion – Mr. Balli mentioned that he had attended several ADA 30th anniversary webinars including the one from the Texas Governors Committee on Persons with Disabilities. Mr. Smith spoke about the new TDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Registration) standards regarding Accessible parking spaces that entail the words “No Parking” at the end of a stripped access aisle. Mr. Navarrette asked about the absences pertaining to Sabrina Ramirez and Ms. Wilson said she would discuss the issue with the City Secretary’s office. 11. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda – Mr. Huxley to present on the Texas Accessibility Standards on ADA; and a speaker from the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) to present on Accessible Transportation During COVID-19. 12. Motion to Adjourn at 4:47 by Mr. Smith and Christine Buttler, Motion passed. Minutes acknowledged/approved at the 9/2/20 CFPWD meeting and provided to City Secretary’s office on ______.