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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 03/04/2020 Page 1 of 3, 3.4.20 Minutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for Meeting on March 4 , 2020 1. Call to order @ 3:05 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas flags –Special Hearts in the Arts Students 4. Roll Call - Present: Richard Balli, Mary Bustos, Melanie Gomez, Anthony Navarrette, Vanessa Nisbett, Dr. Zoccolillo, Huxley Smith, & Christina Buttler Absent: Sabrina Ramirez Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson, Gene Delauro, Mai Bernal, Lisa Oliver Staff Members Absent: Alex Gonzalez-CCPD Parking Control, Lisa Aguilar, Legal. A. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences – none. Motion – na Second – na Action – na 5. Reappointments – Mr. Navrrette and Ms. Gomez terms expired January 2020 and were reappointed by Mayor and City Council for another term at a February City Council meeting. Ms. Ramirez provided Mayor and City Council reasons for absences and was also reappointed. New Appointments – Replacing Marshall Burns who served the maximum 3 (year) terms is Huxley Smith, Architect and registered accessibility specialist. Replacing TC Chadden who resigned is Christina Buttler who is employed by Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living in their Mobility Options Project. 6. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 2/5/2020 Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Anthony Navarrette Action – Motion Passed 7. Public Comments – none at time of agenda. At end of Chairperson’s report, motion made by Mr. Navarrette and approved by group to have public comment made by a person who came into the meeting after Public Comment section of the agenda. 1 public comment by Alma Garcia, Ms. Wheelchair Texas Ambassador/Advocate addressing the need of more accessibility ramps at beach and into the beach water and more accessible parks. 8. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) by Anthony Ross, Community Outreach Coordinator. TCDD is a state entity funded by federal funds from Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD). The TCDD mission is to create change so that all people with disabilities are fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. Partnered with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s Family and Community Health (FCH) unit to help Texans better their lives through science-based educational programs designed to improve the overall health and wellness of individuals, families, and communities. Primary objectives are to advocate, promote capacity building, and systems change. Discussed multiple grant opportunities provided to address: leadership and advocacy training; sexual assault prevention/response; assist service providers with assisting persons with disabilities with employment and community activities; B. Muscular Dystrophy Association by Jennifer Aleman, Development Specialist. Involved with local MDA chapter since 2019. Funds from local events such as Fill the Boot and from Citgo Gala go MOTION MOTION Page 2 of 3, 3.4.20 Minutes to program at Discroll Hospital, Summer Camp in Rockport, and equipment assistance programs. Her 4 year old son diagnosed with MD in 2019 and spoke about how the symptoms surfaced, how they were acknowledged, and were addressed medically and educationally. Encouraged everyone to participate and appreciate the local Fire Fighters Fill The Boot campaign. They raised not only over $120,000 last year, but hope on improving outcome of MD. C. Community Options Inc by Samantha Cutler, Executive Director. A non-profit organization who has been in existence since 1989, locally since 2009, and provide employment and residential services for persons with disabilities. Disabilities could be physical, mental, or intellectual. Ages of current residents are primarily from 20 to 78, but may take in younger residents. Program offered gear towards life skills and transportation education such as how to use a public bus transit system. Currently have 7 homes which are 4 bedroom and house 4 residents. Have 24/7 staff support, provide transportation to appointments, day trips, communities outings and some out-of- town travel. Partnered with Texas Workforce to provide job coaching and employment education skills. Funds are primarily through Medicaid. Currently over 67,000 people on waiting list in Texas and 21,000 in the progrdam. Encouraged the committee to request a tour of one of the homes to learn more about the program and its services. 9. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division – no ADA report update. Provided copy of bylaws from 2017 and recommended updates (ie: removal of Human Relations office) to the document. Suggested committee review the bylaws and at next meeting make recommended changes/modifications. Will email bylaw documents (current and the one with proposed changes) to committee. B. Development Services –Gene Delauro reported on residential Accessibility Ramps project and how to communicate the information to the public. The new process has eliminated the customary permit fee. Having a community meeting on 3/19th at 6pm. with the material providers and potential labor workforce (faith based groups and non-profit groups) on the how the process will work. Provided pamphlets to the group and will be given out at CFPWD outreach event. C. Engineering – Mai Bernal provided the group a powerpoint report on upcoming project from 2012 bond pertaining to Holly Road from Crosstown to Greenwood. D. P&R Dept – Lisa Oliver states she is in contact with Carlos Cavazos of CC Rimz regarding the use of Ben Garza Gym as their practice site on Mondays at 5pm. Still looking to see if the $45 an hour fee can be waived due to their non-profit status. Mr. Balli mentioned concerns from public regarding bad condition of basketball court equipment at Joe Garza gym. Discussion of the softball fields by Salinas park ensued. A meeting was requested to discuss the accessible baseball field. Community adaptive and Inclusive programs are to be added at least once a month. Will also offer Sensory Saturday programs at Lindale Recreational Center; Bingo event, but no one attended. Hooked on fishing sensory day camp 3/12 9-noon, learning about fishing at Lindale Rec Center. Attended conference last week and will study programs pertaining to programs specific to inclusiveness programs and awareness. E. CCPD – Mr. Gonzales absent but emailed report to be given to the group. 10. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee – No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee – meeting next week with Jay Sanchez, STLB C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee – no update, will set up meeting with P&R. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee –Dr. Zoccolillo on the Rise School event; Page 3 of 3, 3.4.20 Minutes MOTION good participation. April Eggstravaganza (egg hunt for children with visual disabilities) at the Aquarium and Special Olympics event; need volunteers to work shifts. 30th anniversary of the ADA proclamation, per Ms. Buttler, may want to partner with CBCIL. 11. Election of Officers – nominations for Chairman were for Mr. Balli by Ms. Bustos and Mr. Navarrette by Ms. Gomez. Mr. Bailli was elected by 5 votes; Mr. Navarrette received 2 votes; one abstained; and one member was absent. Nominations for Vice-Chair were for Ms. Gomez by Mr. Navarrette; Mr. Navarrette by Dr. Zoccolillo. Mr. Navarrette elected by 6 votes, and Ms. Gomez received 2 votes. Nominations for Secretary were for Mary Bustos and Melanie Gomez; Ms. Bustos received 6 votes, Ms. Gomez received 1 vote, and one person abstained. 12. Chairperson’s Report A. Round table discussion – Info on annual Walk n Roll event on 9/26/20, always last Saturday in September to promote employment for persons with disabilities. B. C. Presented Marshall Burns an Appreciation Certificate for serving the maximum of 6, 2-year terms; his term expired with this meeting. Information presented on terms expiring for Mr. Navarrette and Melanie Gomez, and their request to continue to serve will be addressed at one of the February Council meetings, in addition to addressing two vacancies held by Marshall. Burns and Mr. Chadden. Appointments are for two years. Mr. Burns thanked everyone for assisting in his service. 13. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda – Bylaws review and adoption; and sub-committee assignments. 14. Motion to Adjourn at 5:06 by Ms. Nisbet with second by Dr. Zoccolillo. Motion Passed Minutes acknowledged/approved at the 7/1/20 CFPWD meeting and provided to City Secretary’s office on ______.