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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 02/18/2020 - Special ARTS & CULTURAL COMMISSION Special Called Meeting, Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 4:00 p.m. MINUTES Member Staff Vacant- Youth Education v Shelly Rios P Nick Gignac - Architect A Dr. Abu Waheeduzzaman - Economic Dev/Tourism P Carolyn Mauck - Higher Education P Jim Moore - Performing Arts P Dr. Laura Petican- Visual Arts P Jody Hughes- Public Art P Wade Echols- Marketing P Sharon Sedwick- Business Dev/Corporate P TOTAL Meeting was called to order by Chair Dr. Laura Petican at 4:00 pm No public comment. 2020 Arts Grants update Staff Liaison, Shelly Rios, reported that fist payments for the 2020 Arts Grant have been processed and will be distributed in the next few weeks. Public Art condition assessment update The initial work for the Condition Assessment for outdoor artwork in the municipal collection was completed in late December. The final report is due mid March. Shelly will review the report and bring the results to our April meeting. RFP’s for maintenance and repair work will follow the report. Database update No report Phone App update No report. West Guth Public Art Funds/ Public Art Eligible Projects Shelly spoke to the Commissioners about the issues with the West Guth art project. Funds that should have been allocated by ordinance to the project were not. Shelly met with several City department heads and PARD leadership about this issue. It was decided that nothing could be done about past misallocated funds, but that going forward Percent for Art funds will be set aside for eligible projects. A meeting with the PARD director, ACC chair, City Manager, and Shelly should be arranged to identify eligible city construction projects from with the Percent for Art money should be applied. Commissioners offered their assistance with anything that could help the situation. Laura Petican said that she would be willing to meet with the PARD director to discuss this. Shelly asked that the Public Art Deinstallation bullet point under New Business be moved to the end of the meeting. Wilhelmi Mural Rededication Sharon Sedwick reported that she had not yet spoke to Mr. Wilhelmi about a rededication ceremony. The Art Museum told shelly that they would be willing to hold a joint ceremony after a City Council meeting toward the end of the exhibition in July. Shearon will report to the group next meeting to lay out more specific plans. Nueces County Victims Memorial Garden Shelly explained that PARD leadership asked the ACC not to involve itself with the Victims Memorial Garden organization at this time. There are some contractual/ legal issues that need to be resolved between the VMG group and the City. American Bank Center Public Art Deinstallation and Relocation Shelly described to the group the sudden directive from the City Manager’s office to remove the large 20’ x 10’ painting History of Corpus Christi from the American Bank Center. The painting depicts a Confederate flag in its composition. Shelly was able to quicky deinstall and transport the painting to the La Ratama library for future reinstallation on the 2nd floor History section. Library Director Laura Garcia told the group that she and Shelly had discussed the ideal area of the History floor to safely display the painting. Shelly explained that a plaque recontextualizing the piece could be displayed next to the painting. Shelly walked the group over to the potential display wall in the library. She and Laura Garcia showed the group the wall and the possible prep work needed to install the painting. Shelly said she’d continue to work with Laura in install the piece. The Commissioners agreed that the spot was the best place to display the work. The group then took some time to view the other pieces of the municipal collection displayed in the library. Next meeting scheduled for March 10. Meeting adjourned at 5:12 pm by Chair, Dr. Petican