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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/07/2021COMMITTEE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES
Summary of Minutes for Meeting on April 7, 2021
Via WebEx
Anthony Navarrette (ENG, ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (CVI) Tracey Lawson – Human Resources
VICE CHAIRPERSON Christina Buttler (ARP) Lisa Oliver – Parks and Recreation
Vanessa Nisbet (PSA) Huxley Smith (ENG) Mai Bernal – Engineering Services
SECRETARY Jennifer Gracia (CVI) Michael Dice – Development Serv.
Melanie Gomez (PSA) Dr. Jennifer Scott (CVI) Kristyn Dixon - CCPD
Dirk Hillard (PSA) Lisa Aguilar - Legal
1. Call to order @ 3:02pm
2. Moment of Reflection – Conducted
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States and Texas (waived due to WebEx)
4. Roll Call:
a. Roll Call:
i. Committee Members Present Anthony Navarrette, Melanie Gomez, Vanessa Nisbet, Christina Buttler, Jennifer
Gracia, Dr. Jennifer Scott, Dirk Hillard
ii. Committee Members Absent – Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo, Huxley Smith
iii. Staff Members Present – Tracey Lawson (Human Resources); Michael Dice (Development Services); Mai Bernal
(Engineering Services); Lisa Oliver (Parks and Recreation); Kristyn Dixon (CCPD Parking Control)
iv. Staff Members Absent – Lisa Aguilar (Legal)
b. Requests and approvals for Excused Absences – Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo
Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Vanessa Nisbet Action – Motion Passed
5. Minutes – Minutes approved
Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Christina Buttler Action – Motion Passed
6. Public Comments – Alma Garcia spoke to the committee regarding making gyms more ADA accessible. She encouraged the committee to
bring awareness to gyms about tax deductions or programs available to obtain accessible items or make gyms more accessible. Also
informed the committee about a wheelchair tennis program provided by the Corpus Christi Tennis Association (CCTA) and encouraged
the committee to spread the word. Agreed to contact the representative from CCTA to share information with Anthony Navarrette.
7. Presentation (Limited to 10 minutes) - None
8. Staff Reports for the period:
a. Human Resources – Tracey Lawson reported 2 citizen requests who need assistance with setting out their trash and recycle
receptacles each week. Reported that the information regarding this accommodation has been posted on the City’s website.
Advised the committee that the flash drive with the Parking PSA video was located but had not been shared on social media
due to some audio breaks. Advised would forward the video to the appropriate department to assist with the recording.
b. Development Services Dept. – Michael Dice provided a follow up on the grant fee waiver program. Advised that a Proclamation
would be sent to City Council on April 27th, since May is National Mobility Awareness month. Will share draft with committee
c. Engineering Services – Mai Bernal provided an update on ADA improvements on Bond street projects including Alameda from
Louisiana to Chamberlain and Brawner from Carroll Lane to Kostoryz.
d. Parks and Recreation Dept. – Lisa Oliver reminded committee members about the Summer programming and upcoming events
such as the Safe Fun-Fit at the Bayfront on Saturdays. Safe Fun-Fit would be hosting Mayor’s Day on April 17th as well as a Fit
Family Feud Trivia event beginning April 10th.
e. CCPD Parking Control – Citation counts increased significantly in March compared to prior months due to increases in staff
coverage and Spring Break visitors and activity. Citations issued included 44 for disables parking violations, 20 blocking
architect, and 118 blocking sidewalks.
9. Subcommittee Reports:
a. Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) – No updates
b. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA) – Parking PSA is in the process of being placed on City website. Audio
needs to be enhanced. The subcommittee will meet soon to discuss new ideas.
c. Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP) – Open discussion regarding the purpose of this subcommittee and
focusing on sustainable, accessible parks for not only children but adults, as well.
d. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee (CVI) – Catch A Special Thrill (C.A.S.T. for Kids) will be coming up.
Information will be sent out to committee members. Open discussion regarding accessible beach chairs, aqua chairs and all-
terrain chairs available through the Beach Operations Division and the Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve. Need to provide public
awareness. Dirk Hillard recommended an event for the deaf community for ASL (American Sign Language) awareness.
10. Chairperson’s Report:
a. Round Table Discussion –
i. Welcome new committee members and introductions: New committee members were introduced and given the
opportunity to tell a little about themselves. Current committee members were also given the opportunity to
introduce themselves and speak of their involvement with the community and the committee.
ii. Review subcommittee assignments and reassign committee members to subcommittees, as needed – Anthony
Navarrette explained the subcommittees and asked committee members to select one or two subcommittees to
serve on. Each committee member indicated their interests. Anthony reminded committee members that assisting
other subcommittees is allowed and encouraged. Will continue to discuss at next meeting.
iii. Discuss options to increase awareness of COVID vaccination resources – Anthony Navarrette asked for any ideas to
help get vaccination information to citizens outside of social media outlets and City website. Dirk Hillard suggested
providing ASL for vaccination sites and/or resources.
iv. Discuss annual “Committee Projects” concept – Anthony Navarrette explained the intent with committee projects
and asked for ideas of projects that the committee as a whole can tackle. Suggestions included Closed Captioning,
bringing awareness and education of Persons with Disabilities, a survey to assess the needs of the disabled
community and a beach day event for the deaf community.
11. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda:
a. Discuss options to increase awareness of COVID vaccination resources – continued
b. Review subcommittee assignments and reassign committee members – continued
c. Discuss progress on potential committee projects.
d. Vanessa Nisbet requested a presentation by Dr. Jennifer Scott and her program, Choice Living Community.
12. Motion to Adjourn @ 4:50pm
Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Vanessa Nisbet Action – Motion Passed