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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts And Cultural Commission - 04/27/2021
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, April 27, 2021, 4:00 p.m.
Member Staff
Simone Butler- Youth Education A Shelly Rios P
Nick Gignac - Architect P
Dr. Abu Waheeduzzaman - Economic Dev/Tourism P
Carolyn Mauck - Higher Education P
Jim Moore - Performing Arts P Dr. Laura Petican- Visual Arts P Jody Hughes- Public Art P
Wade Echols- Marketing P
Sharon Sedwick- Business Dev/Corporate P
Meeting was called to order by Chair Dr. Laura Petican at 4:0 2 pm
No public comment.
ACC sponsored cultural events
Jim briefed the group on the upcoming Open Air event happening next month. He requested that
commissioners be in attendance, if possible. Three musicians from the CCSO are set to perform along
with 10 artists from the TAMUCC. Two food trucks and an exhibition on the Galvan family will be on view
in the Galvan House.
Community Center
Shelly told the group about the Parks and Recreation Master Plan meetings happening currently. Shelly,
Jim and Laura had the opportunity to submit a “wish list” for a cultural community center proposed for the
south side of town. The architectural firm proposed a multi-function center style of building. The PARD
Mast Plan is due for completion in 2022.
Star Awards update
Shelly let the group know about KEDT interviewing the Star Award winner Clarissa Gonzalez . The
interview will air during the community calendar show. Clarissa will also be delivering the finished artwork
this week. Awards will go out to awardees after the artwork is received.
Possible relocation of artworks from public collection at City Hall, Garcia Center, airport,
etc .
Percent for Art program eligible projects
Shelly discussed with the group the concerns she had with the Percent for Art program continuing to not
be addressed with PARD leadership. Sharon Sedwick suggested we press the PARD Interim director for
a meeting before the budget season ends. Shelly said she would continue to question her direct
supervisor about meeting with her and the city manager about eligible construction projects for 2022.
Ring of Time at Winrock Park
Shelly explained to the group that the Ring of Time sculpture had not been taken down because the item
never got on the City Council agenda, then business stalled because of covid. The item fell through the
cracks. Laura Petican suggested we speak with Leticia Bajio to see if she is still interested in working with
us on taking the piece down.
Next meeting scheduled for May 25 at 4pm.
Adjourned at 4:55 pm by Chair, Dr. Petican