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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 03/02/2022COMMITTEE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Summary of Minutes for Meeting on March 2, 2022 Via WebEx CHAIRPERSON COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Dr. Jennifer Scott (CVI) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (CVI¹) Nora Vargas-Neighborhood SVCS VICE CHAIRPERSON Christina Buttler (ARP¹) Lisa Oliver – Parks and Recreation Melanie Gomez (PSA¹) Olivia Allan Mai Bernal – Engineering Services SECRETARY Imelda Trevino Michael Dice – Development Serv. Jennifer Gracia(ENG²) Jennifer Mirabal Ricardo Rodriguez, CCPD Dirk Hillard (CVI²) 1. Call to order: 3:08 pm 2. Moment of Reflection – Conducted 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States and Texas -Waived due to WebEx 4. Roll Call: a. Roll Call: i. Committee Members Present – Melanie Gomez, Dr Jennifer Scott, Jennifer Gracia, Jennifer Aleman Mirabal, Imelda Trevino, Christina Buttler, Olivia Allan ii. Committee Members Absent – Dirk Hillard, Dr Anthony Zoccolillo, iii. Staff Members Present – Nora Vargas, Lisa Oliver, Mai Bernal, Ricardo Rodriguez iv. Staff Members Absent – Michael Dice b. Requests and approvals for Excused Absences – Dirk Hillard requested an excused absence due to illness. Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Christina Buttler Action – Motion passed 5. Minutes – Minutes approved Motion – Christina Buttler Second – Imelda Trevino Action – Motion passed 6. Public Comments – None 7. Presentations (Limited to 10 minutes): a. Disability Book Week (DBW) – Mary Mecham/ Halli Castro - Halli Castro spoke about her experience as a local poet and published author. Her book is "Neuromuscular." She is a featured author on Disability Book Week (April 23-29). She mentioned Switchgrass journal abd would like to share mission to help people have a new perspective on the disability community. 8. Staff Reports for the period: a. Neighborhood Services – Stephanie Garcia reported one call from an 89 year-old resident, utilizing a wheelchair, about a piece of wood damaged on her ramp. Ms. Garcia researched and contacted Doug Waylon of St. Marks to help out. Mr. Waylon repaired the ramp at no cost to the resident. b. Development Services Dept. – No update. c. Engineering Services – No update. d. Parks and Recreation Dept. – Lisa Oliver provided an update on the ADA swing for West Guth Park. The swing does not meet the safety requirements. Another piece of equipment will be purchased and an update will be given to Ms. Oliver. There are also aqua and all-terrain wheelchairs for Spring Break. There will be two half day spark camps at Lindale Senior Center and Oso Recreation Center for elementary age students. For middle school age there will be two full day camps at Calallen and Galvan Elementary. e. CCPD Parking Control – Ricardo Rodriguez provided the number of citations issued for the month of February. Citations included 164 citations for disabled parking violations, 7 citations for blocking the architectural design, and 37 citations for blocking the sidewalk. 9. Subcommittee Reports: a. Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) – No update. b. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA) – Melanie Gomez suggested a Voters Awareness PSA. The social media page needs to be updated. Christina Buttler suggested linking up with League of Women Voters. Someone will reach out to someone in city’s AV department for headshots or new group photo. c. Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP) –No update. d. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee (CVI) – No update. 10. Chairperson’s Report: a. Round Table Discussion – i. City Survey – Dr. Jennifer Scott reported still waiting on follow up from the City Secretary. ii. Closed Caption Project– Jennifer Gracia asked about where to begin with language for the city. Lisa Oliver recommended to begin with a city resolution type of action. Nora Vargas asked to be sent the paperwork on what the closed caption project is and goal of project. iii. 2022 Committee Goals – Dr. Jennifer Scott suggested having accessible communication boards throughout the city to help persons with disabilities communicate with members of the community. Some examples would be Braille or ASL. Dr. Scott also suggested creating stickers to help emergency responders identify members of the community who may be non-verbal, have Diabetes, Autistm or other disability. Those stickers could be placed on vehicles, for example. Jennifer Gracia suggested submitting a proclamation for DBW (April 23-25) to City Council and have Halli Castro read a short poem or say a few words after the proclamation reading. A picture could be taken with this committee and City Council. Christina Buttler offered to assist with submitting the proclamation. Dr. Scott suggested hosting an event where Halli M. Castro could read at her facility, Choice Living Community. iv. Updating Photo – Nora Vargas will be contacting the city’s AV department to try and set up a date for pictures. v. Welcome New Committee Members – New members, Jennifer Aleman Mirabal, Imelda Trevino and Olivia Allen introduced themselves and shared their interests. vi. Timekeeper Discussion – Jennifer Gracia volunteered to be the timekeeper during presentations. Melanie Gomez volunteered to be an alternate in the event that Ms. Gracia is not in attendance. 11. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda – The PSA Subcommittee will begin looking into a Voting PSA. Dr. Jennifer Scott asked members to submit any other agenda items by email to her, as soon as possible. 12. Motion to Adjourn @ 4:31pm Motion – Christina Buttler Second – Melanie Gomez Action – Motion passed