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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 07/06/2022 City of Corpus Christi 1201 Leopard Street
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File Summary
File Number Title Current Status
22-1367 Minutes To Be Introduced
Introduced: 7/28/2022 Controlling Body: Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Meeting Date: 8/3/2022
City of Corpus Christi Page 1 Printed on 8/1/2022
1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401
Meeting Minutes - Final
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Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 3:00 PM City Hall Staff Conference Room
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race,color,national origin,sex,age,
religion,disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable
accommodation,contact(361)826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request,this information
can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format.
Dr.Jennifer Scott (ARP1,CVI) Dr.Anthony Zoccolillo(CVI') Nora Vargas—Neighborhood Srvs.
VICE CHAIRPERSON Open (ARP1, PSA) Sergio Gonzalez—Parks& Rec.
Melanie Gomez(PSA1) Olivia Allan (ARP2, ENG2) Mai Bernal—Engineering Services
SECRETARY Imelda Trevino(PSA2) Michael Dice—Development Srvs.
Jennifer Gracia (ENG1) Jennifer Mirabel (PSA) Ricardo Rodriguez—CCPD
Dirk Hillard (CVIz)
A. Call To Order
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
B. Moment of Reflection
Moment of reflection was conducted.
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States
Pledge of Allegiance was waived due to hybrid meeting.
D. Roll Call
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the roll and verified that a quorum was met to conduct the meeting.
Members Present: Dr. Jennifer Scott, Melanie Gomez, Jennifer Gracia, Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo,
Olivia Allan, Jennifer Mirabal, Imelda Trevino (late)
Members Absent: Dirk Hillard
Staff Present: Nora Vargas, Sergio Gonzalez, Mai Bernal, Michael Dice, Ricardo Rodriguez
E. Public Comment
Daisy Reyes spoke regarding the iCan Shine Bike Camp. The event is July 18-22, 2022 and volunteers
are needed.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes July 6,2022
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
22-1193 Approval of the May 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes.
Olivia Allan made a motion to approve the Minutes, seconded by Jennifer Mirabal. The Minutes were
Dirk Hillard requested an excused absence and Imelda Trevino requested an excused tardy. Dr. Anthony
Zocolillo made a motion to approve the excused absence and tarty, seconded by Olivia Allan. The
requests were approved.
G. Presentations (limited to 10 minutes)
22-1190 Joyce Lopez—Texas Workforce Commission
Ms. Lopez did not attend.
22-1191 Shirin - I Bike CC
Shirin Delsooz- Director of IBike CC, spoke to the committee about protected bike pathways
, and spoke about her organization. She also spoke about the importance of safe public
transit and how it directly affects people with disabilities. She shared her website, a visual
presentation and access to surveys. Delsooz also discussed District 5, Staples and
Saratoga, also the Federal Highway Administration design guides for protected bike paths
and inclusive transit needs. Add as a discussion item for next agenda
22-1192 Hunter Coleman — ImmTrac Specialist
Mr. Coleman did not attend.
H. Staff Reports for the period
1. 22-0910 Neighborhood Services -ADA Activity Report
Nora Vargas introduced the new Director of Neighborhood Services, Linda Stewart.
Stephanie Garcia provided the ADA activity report for the month of May and June. Four
reports were made for damaged sidewalks and one for limited ADA parking at an apartment
2. 22-1194 Development Services Dept.-Department Overview impacting Persons
with Disabilities
Michael Dice did not have anything to report.
3. 22-1195 Engineering Services-Updates on Engineering Project(s) impacting
Persons with Disabilities
Mai Bernal did not have anything to report. Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo asked Ms. Bernal
about bike and pedestrian paths upgraded on Gollihar Road. There was further
discussion regarding bike and pedestrian paths.
4. 22-1196 Parks and Recreation Dept.- Updates on Accessibility Services &
Programs, Master Park Planning Efforts
Sergio Gonzalez did not have anything to report.
5. 22-1197 CCPD Parking Control-ADA Citation Report
Ricardo Rodriguez provided the number of citations for the month of June. Citations included
137 disabled parking violations, 12 blocking the architectural design, and 40 blocking the
sidewalk. For the month of May, 182 citations were issued for disabled parking violations, 9
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes July 6,2022
blocking the architectural design and 48 blocking the sidewalk.
I. Subcommittee Reports
1. 22-0912 Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) - Activity Updates
Jennifer Gracia reported that she did assess the intersection of Killarmet and Schanen,
where the crosswalks are not ADA compliant. This follow up was due to a complaint
received in April. Ms.Gracia also requested a copy of the City's ADA Transitional Plan of
2. 22-1198 Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)-Activity updates,
social media updates, voting PSA
Melanie Gomez did not have anything to update.
3. 22-1199 Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)-Activity
No update provided.
4. 22-1200 Community Volunteer Involvement(CVI)-Activity Updates-Driscoll Hospital
Toy Drive
Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo provided additional information regarding the Driscoll Children's
Hospital toy drive. Dr. Zoccolillo recommended that the dates for the drive be changed to the
middle of August through the middle of September. No members were opposed to the
change in collection dates.
J. Chairperson's Report
1. 22-0913 Round Table Discussion: (Possible Action Taken)
1.1 22-1203 City Survey Project- Receive and Discuss project updates (Discussion,
Dr. Jennifer Scott reported that she is waiting on the City Attorney to finalize the wording on
the survey.
1.2 22-1204 Close Caption Project-Receive and discuss project updates (Discussion,
Jennifer Gracia reported the she and Dirk are still working on creating a social media page
regarding the project and hope to have it up and running by August.
1.3 22-1205 Committee Workshop-Initial Discussion and planning
Dr. Jennifer Scott advised that since Christina Buttler has resigned, she needs another
member to assist with the planning of the workshop. Jennifer Mirabal offered to assist
and Olivia Allen agreed to assist if needed, as well.
1.4 22-1206 Grants for ADA Compliance Issues or Capital Fundraiser- Initial
Discussion and planning
Dr. Jennifer Scott wanted to discuss this item since it has come up in several meetings.
She is looking for a member to do research on funding or grants that might help with
compliance issues that may not be addressed through bond projects. Dr. Anthony
Zoccolillo offered to start the research process.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes July 6,2022
1.5 22-1207 Committee Events- Initial discussion about what we will attend and what we
will be doing
Dr. Jennifer Scott and Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo want to determine what events committee
members will be attending on a regular basis and what exactly we will be doing during these
events. There was discussion of the new logo and getting it approved by the City so that
informational items can be made for distribution. Dr. Scott agreed to create a new brochure,
highlighting the committee and its mission. Jennifer Gracia will reach out to her colleague
who assisted her with creating the new logo and send it to Nora Vargas. Ms. Gracia also
suggested assisting the Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center with a shoe drive. It
will be added to next month's agenda for discussion. There was discussion regarding the
ADA's anniversary and any upcoming events or proclamations. Mai Bernal did speak on the
2013 ADA Transitional Plan and shared that the latest plan was from 2016, that committee
members are to work as advisory board with their councilman about the curb ramps being
installed. Nora Vargas stated that she had been told there is a certain process to go through
while trying to reach/work with city councilmen, she would send out emails to committee
members. The committee also spoke about contacting someone at CBCIL to see if they are
going to celebrate the Anniversary of the ADA, or have another proclamation reading. Imelda
Trevino shared that the hashtag#thankstotheADA will be implemented on some social media
campaigns to recognize the anniversary.
1.6 22-1208 Committee Resignations
Dr. Jennifer Scott advised the committee that Christina Buttler has resigned and therefor a
vacancy needs to be filled. Committee members discussed possible recommendations to fill
the vacancy. Committee members recommended Angela Brengman and Ruby Hernandez.
K. Future Agenda Items
Further discussion regarding protected bike paths, a shoe drive to benefit CCSSLC and committee
brochures, shirts and logo approval will be added to next month's agenda. Dr. Jennifer Scott reminded
members that effective immediately, all future meetings will be in person.
L. Adjournment
Melanie Gomez made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jennifer Mirabal. Meeting
adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government
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be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held
pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.125 due to an emergency or other public
necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code§ 551.045.