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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 08/03/2022 1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401
t �rr Meeting Minutes - Final
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday,August 3,2022 3:00 PM City Hall Chambers
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race,color, national origin,sex,age,
religion,disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable
accommodation,contact(361)826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request,this information
can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format.
Dr.Jennifer Scott (ARP1,CVI) Dr.Anthony Zoccolillo (CVIl) Nora Vargas—Neighborhood Srvs.
VICE CHAIRPERSON Open (ARP1, PSA) Sergio Gonzalez—Parks& Rec.
Melanie Gomez(PSA1) Olivia Allan (ARP2, ENG2) Mai Bernal—Engineering Services
SECRETARY Imelda Trevino(PSA2) Michael Dice—Development Srvs.
Jennifer Gracia (ENG1) Jennifer Mirabel (PSA) Ricardo Rodriguez—CCPD
Dirk Hillard (CVIz)
A. Call To Order
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
B. Moment of Reflection
Moment of reflection was conducted.
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States
Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
D. Roll Call
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the roll and verified that a quorum was met to conduct the meeting.
Members Present: Dr. Jennifer Scott, Melanie Gomez, Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo, Olivia Allan, Imelda
Members Absent: Dirk Hillard, Jennifer Gracia, Jennifer Mirabal
Staff Present: Nora Vargas, Jennifer Buxton, Stephanie Garcia, Sergio Gonzalez, Mai Bernal,
Ricardo Rodriguez
E. Public Comment
No public comments.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes August 3,2022
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
122-1367 Approval of the July 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Imelda Trevino made a motion to approve the Minutes, seconded by Olivia Allan. The Minutes were
Dirk Hillard, Jennifer Gracia and Jennifer Mirabel requested an excused absence. Melanie Gomez made
a motion to approve the excused absences, seconded by Olivia Allan. The requests were approved.
G. Presentations (limited to 10 minutes)
Vanessa Vera—Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehab Services
Vanessa Vera, Business Relations Coordinator for Texas Workforce Solutions—Vocational
Rehabilitation Services (TWC-VRS), provided information regarding the VRS program. This program
helps people with disabilities prepare for, enter, engage in, or advance in competitive employment. The
program also helps businesses and employers recruit, retain and accommodate employees with
disabilities. Ms. Vera also provided contact information, brochures and flyers for a variety of services that
are offered.
Lori Garcia —Texas Health & Human Services
Lori Garcia, Volunteer Services Council (VSC) Manager and Community Relations Director for Texas
Health & Human Services, provided information regarding the VSC of the Corpus Christi State
Supported Living Center (CCSSLC). Kelsey Mitchell, Assistant Director of Community Relations,
assisted Ms. Garcia with the presentation. The VSC serves as a fundraising organization for CCSSLC
since funds are limited by the State. Board members serve as liaisons between CCSSLC and the
community. Ms. Garcia provided information regarding projects and initiatives as well as ways to help the
VSC. Ms. Garcia also provided additional information regarding services and activities they offer for their
H. Staff Reports
Neighborhood Services—ADA Activity Report
Stephanie Garcia reported a resident reporting a gentleman in a wheelchair traveling in the street due to
no sidewalks in the area of Blevins and Naples. The Infrastructure Management Plan map was reviewed
and determined that area will be rehabilitated in 2026. Ms. Garcia also reported a concern from a
resident regarding an unlevel transition from the street to a driveway at 5014 Wingfoot due to a recent
construction project. This is causing a barrier for her husband who is utilizing a power wheelchair. She
advised that Mai Bernal investigated the complaint.
Development Services Dept. — Department Overview Impacting Persons with Disabilities
No updated.
Engineering Services— Updates on Engineering Project(s) Impacting Persons with Disabilities
Mai Bernal provided a report from her investigation of 5014 Wingfoot. The resident is utilizing the
driveway of another resident to access the sidewalk in that neighborhood. After further investigation, it
was determined that recent maintenance work was done to repair pot holes and additional asphalt
created an uneven surface from the street to the sidewalk. It was determined that this was a failed curb
and gutter and as the street gets rebuilt it would have to be made ADA compliant at that time.
Parks and Recreation Dept. — Updates on Accessibility Services & Programs, Master Park Planning
Sergio Gonzalez introduced the new Assistant Director, Tyler Florence. Mr. Gonzalez also advised of an
upcoming misting fan giveaway at Broadmoor Senior Center on Saturday, August 6th from 11:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. Also, cooling centers are being provided during a heat advisory and RTA provides free
transportation to those centers.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes August 3,2022
CCPD Parking Control —ADA Citation Report
Ricardo Rodriguez provided the number of citations for the month of July. Citations included 160
disabled parking violations, 20 blocking the architectural design, and 19 blocking the sidewalk.
I. Subcommittee Reports
Engineering Subcommittee (ENG)—Activity Updates, Protected Bike Paths
No update.
Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)—Activity Updates, Social Media Updates, Voting
Melanie Gomez is doing research regarding the voting PSA. No other updates.
Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)—Activity Updates
No update.
Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)—Activity Updates, Driscoll Hospital Toy Drive
Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo confirmed the dates for the Driscoll Children's Hospital toy drive will be August 15
through September 15. The list of donation items will be distributed to committee members. Items can be
stored at Choice Living Community, if need be. A date to drop off donations to Driscoll will be determined
at the next meeting. Dr. Zoccolillo also reported that the annual C.A.S.T. (Catch A Special Thrill) event
that is usually hosted in September has been scheduled for October this year. Additional information will
be provided at the next meeting.
J. Chairperson's Report
Round Table Discussion —Brochure, Shirts
Dr. Jennifer Scott reported that Melanie Gomez found an old brochure for the committee and Dr. Scott
will work on updating it and presenting it to the committee next month. Jennifer Buxton advised that she
would check the budget for printing brochures. Dr. Scott asked committee members for their thoughts on
shirts. The members would like shirts made with the new logo. Jennifer Gracia will need to provide an
update on if the changes of the logo have been made. Dr. Scott also mentioned the committee picture
and if submitting individual pictures to create a collage for the meantime would be an option.
City Survey Project— Receive and Discuss Project Updates (Discussion, Recommendations)
Dr. Jennifer Scott reported that she is waiting on the City Attorney to finalize the wording on the survey.
Dr. Scott asked Nora Vargas to follow up with the City Attorney.
Closed Caption Project— Receive and Discuss Project Updates, Facebook Page (Discussion,
No update.
Committee Workshop—Continue Planning
No update.
Grants for ADA Compliance Issues or Capital Fundraiser— Update on Progress
Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo reported finding a few avenues for corporate funding of community grants if they
fall under the certain guidelines. Verizon was one of those avenues and Dr. Zoccolillo did reach out to a
community representative. Walmart is another avenue but offers small grants. The Meadows Foundation
would be a nice fit; however, they typically offer larger grants. Lastly, the Moody Foundation was another
option. Dr. Zoccolillo can get additional information if needed. Dr. Scott asked Mai Bernal for additional
information on how the grant process works. Jennifer Buxton advised that the committee does not have
the ability to apply for, appropriate or spend funds on behalf of the City but we are welcome to make a
resolution to City Council with a recommendation that the City apply for those funds. She further
explained the process for items such as this. Ms. Buxton recommended that the City Attorney's office
attend the next meeting and explain how some of these items work and proper procedures.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes August 3,2022
Committee Events—Continued Discussion on Events to Attend, Shoe Drive, Future ADA Celebrations,
C.A.S.T., Walk& Roll
Did not discuss.
New Committee Members
Dr. Jennifer Scott announced Angela Brengman and the new committee member and will be attending
the next meeting.
K. Future Agenda Items
Presentation from the City Attorney's office and voting on committee shirts and brochure will be added to
next month's agenda. Dr. Zoccolillo asked if any members could get information regarding the Walk &
Roll event. Melanie Gomez offered to reach out to a contact.
L. Adjournment
Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Melanie Gomez. Meeting
adjourned at 4:05 p.m
This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government
Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or other remote method
of meeting, then a member of this governmental body presiding over this meeting will
be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held
pursuant to Texas Government Code§551.125 due to an emergency or other public
necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code§ 551.045.