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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 10/05/2022 1201 Leopard Street City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401 t �rr Meeting Minutes - Final p'1'NIYV Committee for Persons with Disabilities Wednesday, October 5,2022 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race,color, national origin,sex,age, religion,disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation,contact(361)826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request,this information can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format. CHAIRPERSON COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Dr.Jennifer Scott (ARP1,CVI) Dr.Anthony Zoccolillo (CVIl) Nora Vargas—Neighborhood Srvs. VICE CHAIRPERSON Angela Brengman (ARP1, PSA) Lisa Oliver—Parks& Rec. Melanie Gomez(PSA1) Olivia Allan (ARP2, ENG2) Mai Bernal—Engineering Services SECRETARY Imelda Trevino(PSA2) Michael Dice—Development Srvs. Jennifer Gracia (ENG1) Jennifer Mirabel (PSA) Ricardo Rodriguez—CCPD Open A. Call To Order Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. B. Moment of Reflection Moment of reflection was conducted. C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. D. Roll Call Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the roll and verified that a quorum was met to conduct the meeting. Members Present: Dr. Jennifer Scott, Jennifer Gracia, Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo, Angela Brengman, Olivia Allan, Imelda Trevino, Jennifer Mirabal Members Absent: Melanie Gomez Staff Present: Nora Vargas, Jennifer Buxton, Lisa Oliver, Mai Bernal, Michael Dice, Ricardo Rodriguez E. Public Comment Shirin Delsooz, 6030 Tapestry, emphasized the need for protective bike paths. She shared that Austin is completing a 400-mile protected bike path plan called All Ages and Abilities Bicycle Network. Ms. 1 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes October 5,2022 Delsooz mentioned that several individuals are unable to obtain a driver's license due to medical conditions but are able to ride a bicycle. Ms. Delsooz asked committee members to speak out in public comment since the City is currently revising the street standards. She reported that every street that is more than 25 miles per hour must have protected bike paths. Public comments will be accepted until October 16th and she asked for the committee's support. Yoshiko Boulan, Office Coordinator for Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization, signed up for public however declined to speak once called upon. F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences 1 22-1704 Approval of the September 7, 2022 Meeting Minutes Imelda Trevino made a motion to approve the Minutes, seconded by Jennifer Gracia. The Minutes were approved as presented. Melanie Gomez requested an excused absence. Imelda Trevino made a motion to approve the excused absences, seconded by Jennifer Gracia. The request was approved. G. Presentations (limited to 10 minutes) Meagan Jackson —Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CBCIL) Meagan Jackson is the Lead Navigator of CBCIL's Navigator Program which is a Certified Marketplace Health Insurance Navigator. Marketplace Health Insurance was previously Obama Care. All the plans in the Marketplace Health Insurance meet the Affordable Care Act qualifications. Ms. Jackson informed the committee that preexisting conditions no longer affect whether individuals can get health insurance. The Navigator Program provides assistance to individuals as they look for health coverage options. They can assist with completing eligibility and enrollment forms as well as looking for coverage for those who don't qualify for certain plans. Services are free. Ms. Jackson informed the committee that the special enrollment period is currently open and open enrollment begins on November 1St. The qualifying events for the special enrollment were explained. Ms. Jackson also mentioned several partnerships such as Corpus Christi Care Center, Amistad Clinic and Methodist Children's Home. H. Staff Reports Neighborhood Services—ADA Activity Report Juan Ramirez provided a report of one call regarding a request for an accessibility ramp to be built. Resource information was provided for further assistance. One call was regarding the lack of accessible parking spots at the School of Science and Technology (Bayshore Campus). The Finance & Operations Manager reported that a company would be on site to install the proper signage to become ADA compliant. Pictures will be sent to Neighborhood Services once that has been completed. Development Services Dept. — Department Overview Impacting Persons with Disabilities Michael Dice had no update but did advise that the ramp fee waiver flyer would be shared with committee members. Engineering Services— Updates on Engineering Project(s) Impacting Persons with Disabilities Mai Bernal reported that two projects that will be going into construction this month. Waldron Road, from S.P.I.D. to Purdue, is a concrete pavement repair and Wildcat Drive, from FM 624 to Teague Lane, is a reconstruction of the street and there will be ADA improvements throughout the project. Parks and Recreation Dept. — Updates on Accessibility Services & Programs, Master Park Planning Efforts Lisa Oliver provided an update on the C.A.S.T. event. Ms. Oliver also shared information regarding the community Truck or Treat event on Wednesday, October 26th at Salinas Park from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Ms. Oliver shared updates from the Bond 2022 project as it relates to the Parks and Recreation Department. One was the Bill Witt Aquatic Center which will include a recreational pool and a 2 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes October 5,2022 competition pool. The recreational pool will have a zero-depth entry which is important for accessibility. The HEB pool and Collier pool also have a zero-depth entry. In addition to the zero-depth entry at the Bill Witt Aquatic Center, the competition pool with have a chair lift. This, of course, is if the Bond 2022 project is approved by the voters. Some improvements to Cole Park are also part of the project, including a multigenerational play-for-all playground unit. Ms. Oliver also reported that the department is aware of improvements at Salinas Park Playground and those will begin soon. Notifications will be distributed once improvements are scheduled to begin, as the playground will have to be closed. CCPD Parking Control —ADA Citation Report Ricardo Rodriguez provided the citation report for September. Citations included 186 disabled parking violations, 12 blocking the architectural design, and 23 blocking the sidewalk. I. Subcommittee Reports Engineering Subcommittee (ENG)—Activity Updates, Protected Bike Paths Jennifer Gracia asked for an updated ADA transition plan from the City. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)—Activity Updates, Social Media Updates, Voting PSA No update. Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)—Activity Updates No update. Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)—Activity Updates, Driscoll Hospital Toy Drive Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo reported that the Driscoll Children's Hospital toy drive was completed and the donations were donated on September 16. Over 400 items were donated. He reported the upcoming events of C.A.S.T and the You Inspire Symposium which will be discussed further in the Chairperson's Report. J. Chairperson's Report Round Table Discussion —Budget, Business Cards, By-Laws Revisions, Facebook Page and CC Facebook Page, Logo, Attending events Dr. Jennifer Scott reminded committee members that since this committee is an advisory committee, there is no budget available to us, therefore, the committee will not be able to have business cards available for distribution. If business cards are needed, Neighborhood Services cards can be given out. The brochure will have to go through the City's process and will not include a separate logo or separate information since it is not an advisory committee requirement. The committee can create a tag line or slogan for the committee to include on the back of shirts or the brochure. Dr. Scott advised that the committee must be represented under the City's banner so there is no longer a separate Facebook page for the committee. She also advised that this decision came from the City Secretary's office in response to questions being asked by committee members relative to power and duties. The committee's Facebook page has been deleted. Dr. Scott advised that any informational items that would like to be distributed can be sent to her and she will forward that information to be shared on the City's Facebook page. Any events that the committee would like to attend shall be sent to Dr. Scott so that she can forward to the appropriate parties for approval. The final item discussed was the By-Laws revisions. Dr. Scott is still working on the red line document to be brought to the next meeting. City Survey Project— Receive and Discuss Project Updates (Discussion, Recommendations) Dr. Jennifer Scott reported that after several discussions with the City Secretary and City Attorney's office, it was recommended that instead of a formal survey that required the University's assistance to collect the data and research, that a more informal survey be conducted on index cards handed out at events. Angela Brengman voted for a more informal survey until more data can be collected to conduct a formal survey. Imelda Trevino suggested a QR code to complete the survey. Olivia Allan also voted for an informal survey on index cards. Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo asked if the University would be willing to 3 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes October 5,2022 conduct the survey on their own and have us use the data to create a resolution for the City to conduct their own survey. Closed Caption Project— Receive and Discuss Project Updates (Discussion, Recommendations) Jennifer Gracia reported that she has received letters of support however is not sure how to proceed with them since there are processes involved and does not want to do anything she's not supposed to do. Dr. Jennifer Scott did ask that the request for letters of support should go through the committee and City for approval to ensure wording is appropriate. Olivia Allan suggested that committee members provided their suggestions for a resolution to be brought to the next meeting. Committee Workshop—Continue Planning Dr. Jennifer Scott, Imelda Trevino and Olivia Allen discussed scheduling a meeting to discuss the planning of the workshop. T-shirts—Color and Slogan on back Dr. Jennifer Scott advised that the committee is allowed to have shirts and purchase them on their own but that a color and/or slogan or tag line needs to be voted on. The logo used will be the City's logo and the word 'Volunteer"will have to be on the shirt as well. Should the committee agree on a slogan, that will be included on the back of the shirt. Some of the suggested colors were ADA blue, light blue and tie- dye. Dr. Jennifer Scott suggested "Bridging the Gap" as a slogan. Other slogans will be recommended at the next meeting and the color and slogan will be voted on, as well. K. Future Agenda Items ADA Transition Plan, By-laws, subcommittees and voting on shirts. L. Adjournment Imelda Trevino made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. Meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code§551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code§ 551.045. 4