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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 11/02/2022 1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401
Meeting Minutes - Final
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Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday, November 2,2022 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race,color,national origin,sex,age,
religion,disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in
accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable
accommodation,contact(361)826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request,this information
can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format.
Dr.Jennifer Scott (ARP1,CVI) Dr.Anthony Zoccolillo(CVI') Nora Vargas—Neighborhood Srvs.
VICE CHAIRPERSON Angela Brengman (ARP1, PSA) Lisa Oliver—Parks& Rec.
Melanie Gomez(PSA1) Olivia Allan (ARP2, ENG2) Mai Bernal—Engineering Services
SECRETARY Imelda Trevino(PSA2) Michael Dice—Development Srvs.
Jennifer Gracia (ENG1) Jennifer Mirabel (PSA) Ricardo Rodriguez—CCPD
A. Call To Order
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m.
B. Moment of Reflection
Moment of reflection was conducted.
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States
Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
D. Roll Call
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the roll and verified that a quorum was met to conduct the meeting.
Members Present: Dr. Jennifer Scott, Melanie Gomez, Jennifer Gracia, Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo, ,
Olivia Allan,
Members Absent: Angela Brengman, Imelda Trevino, Jennifer Mirabal
Staff Present: Jennifer Buxton, Mai Bernal
E. Public Comment
No public comment.
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes November 2,2022
1. 22-1893 Approval of the October 5, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Olivia Allan made a motion to approve the Minutes, seconded by Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. The Minutes
were approved as presented.
Angela Brengman and Jennifer Mirabel requested an excused absence. Melanie Gomez made a motion
to approve the excused absences, seconded by Olivia Allan. The requests were approved.
G. Presentations (limited to 10 minutes)
Doug Wayland —Access Plus Ramp Ministry
Dough Wayland is a member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. He explained how St. Mark's decided to
be an outreach church when it was first established. Since then, 10% of their operating income has been
pledged to outreach projects outside of St. Mark's. Part of that outreach is the Access Plus Ramp
Ministry which started in 2001. The ministry was inspired by one of the church members who identified
the need for accessible ramps in the community. Mr. Wayland presented some before and after pictures
of some projects that have been completed by this ministry. Most of the projects are accessible ramps at
residential homes, however they have received some minor modification requests as well. To date, 281
ramp projects have been completed. 45 other minor modifications have been completed as well. The
ministry schedules one ramp every month to be completed the third Saturday of the month. There is
currently a waiting list with a turnaround of approximately 12-18 months. There is also no cost
associated for the resident requesting the ramp. Mr. Wayland provided business cards to the committee.
Conor Rice — Undergraduate student at TAMU-CC (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)
Conor Rice presented the committee with information regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. He is
currently an undergraduate student at TAMU-CC studying to be an educator and also works with the
National Speech and Debate Association. Mr. Rice is trying to find a better understanding of the role that
diversity, equity and inclusion has to play in our education system. His goal is to continue to reach out to
superintendents, educators, counselors and retired educators to update policies in the school district to
include diversity, equity and inclusion.
H. Staff Reports
Neighborhood Services —ADA Activity Report
Amanda Rodriguez provided the ADA activity report for October. Neighborhood Services received two
ADA calls. Both calls were regarding a concern that accessible parking spaces were occupied by
vehicles without ADA placards. The locations were at 6113 and 5440 Saratoga Boulevard. Parking
Enforcement was unable to issue citations due to the parking spaces not having proper ADA signage.
Letters have been sent to the property owners to comply with proper ADA signage. Both issues will
continue to be monitored until resolved. Ms. Rodriguez also reported that the School of Science and
Technology Bayshore Campus has resolved all ADA parking issues and is now compliant.
Development Services Dept. — Department Overview Impacting Persons with Disabilities
No update.
Engineering Services— Updates on Engineering Project(s) Impacting Persons with Disabilities
No update.
Parks and Recreation Dept. — Updates on Accessibility Services & Programs, Master Park Planning
No update.
CCPD Parking Control —ADA Citation Report
The citation report for October was provided in the meeting packet. Citations included 228 disabled
parking violations, 10 blocking the architectural design, and 38 blocking the sidewalk.
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes November 2,2022
I. Subcommittee Reports
Engineering Subcommittee (ENG)—Activity Updates
No update.
Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)—Activity Updates, Social Media Updates, Voting
Melanie Gomez shared information with committee members regarding voters with disabilities in Texas.
The information includes accommodations that can be made for persons with disabilities interested in
voting. Ms. Gomez also reported contacting the County Courthouse to confirm that those
accommodations can be made. She also reported that CCRTA provided free rides on October 24th for
early voting and will be providing free rides on November 8th on election day.
Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)—Activity Updates
No update.
Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)—Activity Updates
Dr. Jennifer Scott advised that the CVI report would be discussed during the Chairperson's Report.
J. Chairperson's Report
Round Table Discussion
Discussion of upcoming calendar events — Dr. Jennifer Scott reminded committee members that since
this committee is an advisory committee, there is no budget available to us, therefore, the committee will
not be able to have business cards available for distribution. If business cards are needed,
Neighborhood Services cards can be given out. The brochure will have to go through the City's process
and will not include a separate logo or separate information since it is not an advisory committee
requirement. The committee can create a tag line or slogan for the committee to include on the back of
shirts or the brochure. Dr. Scott advised that the committee must be represented under the City's banner
so there is no longer a separate Facebook page for the committee. She also advised that this decision
came from the City Secretary's office in response to questions being asked by committee members
relative to power and duties. The committee's Facebook page has been deleted. Dr. Scott advised that
any informational items that would like to be distributed can be sent to her and she will forward that
information to be shared on the City's Facebook page. Any events that the committee would like to
attend shall be sent to Dr. Scott so that she can forward to the appropriate parties for approval. The final
item discussed was the By-Laws revisions. Dr. Scott is still working on the red line document to be
brought to the next meeting.
City Survey Project— Receive and Discuss Project Updates
Dr. Jennifer Scott advised that the survey project can be removed from the responsibility of the
committee since TAMU-CC has agreed to take on the project and present the research study to the
committee once it has been finalized.
Closed Caption Project— Discussion on Resolution Recommendation to Include Letters of Support
Dr. Jennifer Scott asked committee members how they would like to move forward with this project and if
a recommendation for a resolution should be considered. Melanie Gomez recommended a PSA in an
effort to educate and bring awareness to Closed Captioning. Jennifer Buxton recommended reaching out
to City staffs Communications Department for suggestions on how to spread awareness and will provide
an update at the next meeting.
Committee Workshop—Continue Planning
Dr. Jennifer Scott tabled this item to discuss at next month's meeting.
Transition Plan — Dr. Jennifer Scott reminded committee members that the concern is that the City's
Transition Plan has not been updated. She reported having a discussion with Nora Vargas regarding this
and was advised that if there were major changes in ADA law, that the Transition Plan would be updated
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes November 2,2022
at that point. Dr. Scott has received a copy of the ADA Master Plan to review. Jennifer Gracia reiterated
her concern with it almost being 10 years since a Transition Plan has been released. Dr. Scott advised
that the ADA Master Plan took the place of the Transition Plan. Jennifer Buxton recommended having
City staff from Engineering and Public Works provide a presentation regarding how the ADA is being
addressed in current projects. Ms. Gracia reiterated her concern with an ADA compliancy issued brought
to the committee's attention several months ago. Ms. Buxton advised that City staff will be able to
address those concerns when they present however, she believes that the location that Ms. Gracia was
referencing has either been made compliant or is in the process.
Protected Bike Paths— Dr. Jennifer Scott asked committee members for their interest in writing a
resolution to address this subject. Jennifer Gracia asked for a template for writing resolutions and
Jennifer Buxton advised that the City Secretary's office does have an example of how resolutions should
be written and will share with the committee.
CVI Discussion —Objectives for events, elevator pitch for events, how to answer questions, speaking at
events, prioritizing events
Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo reported that CVI met recently to discuss the purpose of CVI and the evolution of
the subcommittee as well. He suggested that the committee come up with a process for adding events to
the event calendar, have a mission statement or elevator pitch for the subcommittee, how to answer
questions from community, speaking at events and prioritizing events. Jennifer Buxton confirmed that
obtaining information from a concerned citizen and forwarding to the staff liaison is within the realm of
the committee. Ms. Buxton explained the information on the draft brochure that City staff created. She
advised that any changes or recommendations can be given to Nora Vargas for changes to be made.
Once finalized, the brochure can be used for distribution. Dr. Zoccolillo asked members to review and
send changes or recommendations by November 18th. He also reminded committee members that
speaking at events should be decided as a committee and not as individuals but that if members are
asked to speak as a function of their role within the community that they do so as private citizens and
can mention the committee but cannot indicate representing or speaking on behalf of the committee.
Melanie Gomez suggested staying with the current object to educate the community about the
committee and its purpose. Regarding the events calendar, she suggested having two lists, one for
actual events and one for important months or weeks. Ms. Gomez also suggested that events that have
been tabled by the committee in the past should be standing events on the last and any future events be
brought to the committee for discussion and approval to table. Dr. Zoccolillo asked for recommendations
on prioritizing events and establishing criteria. Dr. Scott asked committee members to review and come
up with recommendations to discuss at the next meeting.
Subcommittee assignments — Dr. Jennifer Scott asked members to review the subcommittee(s)they are
on to discuss further at the next meeting.
22-1894 Vote on T-shirt color and slogan
Dr. Jennifer Scott reminded the committee of the two colors that were suggested for the committee. Tie-
dye was one and the other was blue. Committee members were unanimous in their decision to go with a
blue shirt. Regarding the slogan, Melanie Gomez asked the committee to consider "Accessibility for All"
as another slogan. Dr. Jennifer Scott had previously recommended the slogan "Bridging the Gap for
Persons with Disabilities." The committee was unanimous in their decision to go with "Bridging the Gap
for Persons with Disabilities" as their slogan. Next steps will be to purchase the shirts and get them
22-1895 By-laws revision draft
Dr. Jennifer Scott went over revisions that she made to the By-Laws and asked for additional input from
committee members. Melanie Gomez suggested a few recommendations and changes as well. Dr. Scott
asked committee members to continue to provide recommendations so that it can be discussed and
possibly voted on at the next meeting.
K. Future Agenda Items
Meeting Calendar, Brochure, Calendar of Events and By-Laws discussion and approval, City Staff
presentation regarding ADA Transition Plan and Closed Caption Project PSA. Additional requests can be
Committee for Persons with Disabilities Meeting Minutes November 2,2022
sent to Dr. Jennifer Scott.
L. Adjournment
Melanie Gomez made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. Meeting
adjourned at 4:50 p.m
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