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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 12/07/2022 w 1201 Leopard Street City of Corpus Christi td� � Corpus Christi,TX 78401 �I b, 4 Meeting Minutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities Wednesday, December 7,2022 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format. The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, § 1, 2-13-2001) A. Call To Order Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. B. Moment of Reflection Conducted C. Pledge of Allegience Conducted D. Roll Call i. Committee Members Present— Dr. Jennifer Scott, Melanie Gomez, Jennifer Gracia, Angela Brengman, Imelda Trevino, Jennifer Mirabal ii. Committee Members Absent—Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo, Olivia Allan iii. Staff Members Present— Jennifer Buxton, Mai Bernal, Michael Dice, Ricardo Rodriguez iv. Staff Members Absent— Nora Vargas, Lisa Oliver b. Requests and approvals for Excused Absences—2 absences Motion - Melanie Gomez Second - Imelda Trevino Action — Motion Passed E. Public Comment City of Corpus Christi Page 1 Printed on 11512023 4 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes December 7,2022 Disabilities None F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences Minutes approved 1. Approval of the November 02, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments: CFPWD Meeting Minutes 11.02.22 A motion was made that the Minutes be APPROVED. The motion carried by a unanimous vote. G. Staff Reports a. Neighborhood Services—Stephanie Garcia provided the NSD ADA report. There were 4 calls. November 8, 2022, at 6050 S.P.I.D., 78412. Citizen called stating there were ADA signs missing at location. Pictures were taken at on-site visit and a letter was mailed to property owner to provide a resolution plan in writing by January 6, 2023. November 10, 2022, at 6125 Saratoga Blvd., 78414. Citizen called stating there were no proper ADA signs at location. Pictures were taken at on-site visit and a letter was mailed to property owner to provide a resolution plan in writing by January 7, 2023. November 11, 2022, at 626 Port Ave. Citizen called our call center concerned about the sidewalk raising up about 2ft. & made the sidewalk impassable for people in wheelchairs. The call center placed a work order with Code Enforcement for Care of Premise in case the property belongs to Vicks Burgers. November 29, 2022, at unknown park. Citizen was visiting a local city park and had ADA accessibility concerns. Staff called the citizen to inquire about location of park and concerns. Citizen was not available and no option to leave a voice message. Imelda Trevino asked if the property owner has time to fix the rising sidewalk by Vicks at 626 Port Ave. Stephanie Garcia advised that she followed up with Code Enforcement and Code Enforcement mentioned that they send an officer out to the location to inspect the issue, they will send the property owner a notice to fix the sidewalk giving them to time to fix the issue. Stephanie Garcia stated it is the responsibility on the property owner to maintain the sidewalk and if found to be in non-compliance, Code Enforcement will handle the issue. b. Development Services Dept. — No update. c. Engineering Services— No update. d. Parks and Recreation Dept. — No update. e. CCPD Parking Control — Ricardo Rodriguez provided the number of citations issued for the month of March. Citations included 137 citations for disabled parking violations, 3 citations for blocking the architectural design, and 27 citations for blocking the sidewalk. Ricardo mentioned they have been receiving complaints on business that are in violation City of Corpus Christi Page 2 Printed on 11512023 5 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes December 7,2022 Disabilities of the ADA law and has been working with NSD to resolve the complaints. Melanie Gomez stated she noticed the decrease in the issuance of citations and asked if it had anything to do with vacations during November. Ricardo stated yes. H. Presentations No Presentations I. Committee Liaison Report a. Finalized Brochure: Jennifer Buxton reported on the brochure and took everyone's comments into consideration and has worked with Communications. Ms. Buxton stated they will print the brochure and get copies made for distribution to be sent to Libraries, Senior Centers, City Hall, and to each member. Melanie Gomez asked if they will be getting more copies when they go to an outreach event. Ms. Buxton stated yes. b. Reappointments and New Appointments Dates and Deadlines: Dr. Zoccollio's seat will be opening in February and a couple that are up for reappointments. Ms. Buxton stated she is working with the City Secretary's office to get a press release out to spread the word. Applications are due on the 14th of every month. Proposing a special meeting on February 16th. Ms. Buxton stated the committee members will review the applications and provide recommendations to City Council on who the committee would want to support. Ms. Buxton stated the Committee would receive applications from January to February 14th. Special meeting on the 16th. Then go before City Council to review the appointments on February 28th. Ms. Buxton stated it is for any member whose term is up for reappointment and for any vacancies. c. 2012 ADA Master Plan: Ms. Buxton has talked with the Engineering and Streets Departments to get an update on the list of streets that have been identified on the master plan with the status of improvements were. Also, to get the plan and how to incorporate accessibility for citizens who use the streets and sidewalks for improvements. d. By Law Revision Update: By Laws have been sent to the Legal Department. Will provide a draft copy for discussion. May put as a voting item in January or vote in February. J. Chairperson's Report a. Round Table Discussion — i. Closed Caption Project— Dr. Scott mentioned this is an important project and put it on the agenda to discuss PSA language. Last meeting was discussed to do a Public Service Announcement first. Dr. Scott stated Melanie will be assisting to put the PSA together. If there were any recommendations or comments, Dr. Scott stated for the members to be discussed now due to the project that may take 2 to 3 months to be completed. Dr. Scott stated she wanted to see information about what Closed City of Corpus Christi Page 3 Printed on 11512023 6 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes December 7,2022 Disabilities Captioning means and what it means to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Imelda stated she would like to see an interpreter if the PSA is going to be a video. Dr. Scott stated it should be a video. Written PSA should be a part of it. Ms. Buxton mentioned that if they would want a production, written materials, and a video made that could be an item for the Communications Department. Angela stated she would like to see the information highlighted would benefit the project and is important. Dr. Scott gave a date of March 2023 to review the project's progress. ii. Committee Workshops— Dr. Scott stated her, and Imelda are still trying to connect on getting workshop to educate the community on everything disability related. Will meet to get some progress started on these workshops. iii. Protected Bike Path — Dr. Scott stated they talked last month to start writing the resolution. Angela stated she would start writing the resolution. Melanie stated Angela might want to reach out to Olivia for having some knowledge in Austin. iv. Calendar of Events— Dr. Scott provided an event calendar and listing the events in a category order (a, b, and c) by months. Dr. Scott wanted to manage the events a little bit better. Category A is the events that are more disability focused to the events that are less discussed about disability. Angela commented on the idea of categorization of if the categories were focused on importance. Dr. Scott stated it was not about importance of the events, but rather which events will reach the most people with disabilities. Imelda questioned if they are submitting events to the list. Dr. Scott stated this is a discussion to put together as a group to submit to the CVI person to discuss the event as a group and categorization. Melanie asked who is responsible for the list. Dr. Scott stated she is maintaining the list and the other responsibility is on Neighborhood Services. Dr. Scott will list events underneath and the committee decides which category they should be in. Melanie suggested to put awareness dates on the list (ADA Awareness week, etc.) Imelda questioned if the City can recognize on their Facebook page any recognition. Dr. Scott stated that a request like that needs to be sent to Nora to get it approved through the proper channels to be put on the City's page or Facebook. Dr. Scott mentioned to plan out the events to be submitted and approved in a timely manner. Ms. Buxton commented on adding the events or acknowledgements of weeks to let Neighborhood Services know which events the committee would like Neighborhood Services to prioritize, they will do that to get it on the social media calendar in advance. Dr. Scott stated she wanted to solidify the list by March to present to the Committee for discussion. Angela asked if they can do outreach with other organizations such as Nueces County Mental Health. Dr. Scott mentioned to let her know in advance by e-mail and the committee will review the updated list. Dr. Scott stated they have not come up with an elevator pitch, but the brochure would help them advise the community what the committee does. v. Subcommittee Assignments— Dr. Jennifer Scott stated that Angela is not on a subcommittee. Dr. Zoccollio is not returning and the CVI will be open, but at the last meeting it was discussed to review the assignments and if the subcommittees were what City of Corpus Christi Page 4 Printed on 11512023 7 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes December 7,2022 Disabilities the members wanted. Dr. Scott also suggested if the committee should wait until new committee members join to decide where to be placed in the subcommittees. Angela stated if the committee could wait so the committee can decide all together. Dr. Scott asked if Jennifer Mirabal, Imelda, and Angela if they received the list of what the committee does for the subcommittees in the bylaws. All said yes. Dr. Scott stated the goal for the committee for next year is a work plan for each subcommittee because the subcommittees are designed to meet to bring recommendations to the committee. Ms. Buxton clarified that if the appointments at City Council on the February 28th are approved, the new committee members will not join the committee until April 2023 due to the swearing-in by City Council on March 7th. Dr. Scott asked if Angela would like to be with her on CVI. Angela stated yes. Dr. Scott asked the members if there are any other subcommittees that are open that need to be covered. Dr. Scott listed ARP covered (herself and Olivia), CVI is covered (Dr. Scott, Melanie, Angela), PSA (Melanie, Jennifer M, Imelda), ENG (Jennifer G and Olivia). K. Subcommittee Reports a. Engineering Subcommittee (ENG)— No update. b. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)— No update. c. Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)—No update. d. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee (CVI)— No update. L. Voting Items 2. T-Shirt Color Attachments: LST550 specsheet(6)Wo en's ST550 spersheet(9) Men°s This Unfinished Business was approved. Iron Grey (Mira's will come to January 2023 meeting) 3. 2023 CFPWD Meeting Calendar Attachments: 2023 CFPWD-Tentative 11.29.2022 This New Business was approved. M. Future Agenda Items No suggestions. N. Adjournment Adjourn @ 3:47 p.m. City of Corpus Christi Page 5 Printed on 11512023 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes December 7,2022 Disabilities This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.045. City of Corpus Christi Page 6 Printed on 11512023 9