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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 02/01/2023 w 1201 Leopard Street City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401 Meeting Minutes - Final Committee for Persons with Disabilities Wednesday, February 1,2023 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format. The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, § 1, 2-13-2001) A. Call To Order Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. B. Moment of Reflection Conducted C. Pledge of Allegiance Conducted D. Roll Call Present: 5- Chair Jennifer Scott, Olivia Allan, Imelda Trevino,Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez, and Angela Brengman Absent: 1 - Jennifer Gracia E. Public Comment None F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences Minutes approved as amended. City of Corpus Christi Page 1 Printed on 3/31/2023 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final February 1,2023 Disabilities 23-0242 Approval of the January 04, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments: CFPWD Meeting Minutes 01.2023 This Minutes was approved as amended. G. Staff Reports Neighborhood Services: Juan Ramirez reported on three ADA calls. First call was located at 545 N Upper Broadway concerning more ADA parking. Staff inspected property to confirm if there were adequate ADA parking spaces on the public street. Neighborhood Services team will meet with Public Works if this is something the City can add. Second call was related to 4946 Ayers as a citizen wanted an ADA ramp in front of the business. The business had one ADA ramp in the back of the entrance. Letter will be mailed out to citizen that the business is ADA compliant. Third call was located at 1638 S. Staples St. regarding a property owner being sued by a third party and wanted the City's input on being ADA compliant. Will send the property owner information on the outcome of the onsite visit with recommendations. H. Presentations None I. Committee Liaison Report Update on Resolution Draft: Nora Vargas reported she has received the Protected Bike Path resolution and will compile it into a format the city uses. Once draft is finalized, it will be sent to the committee members to review. Ms. Vargas also reported on the Parks Master Plan which she will come up with some potential language for the committee members to review and state their desire to act in support of the plans from Parks & Recreation. J. Chairperson's Report Round Table Discussion 1. Closed-Caption Project—continued discussion on PSA language. Committee requests for the city to submit a request to Communications as a starting point for the PSA. 2. Committee Workshop —continued discussion. 3. Protected Bike Paths— pending updated template from Committee Liaison. 4. Adding Events and speaking engagements to the calendar— Dr. Scott added Special Olympics to March 25th and April 15th. This includes the eggstravaganza in April. 5. Goals for 2023 discussion —Completing the Protected bike path resolution and closed captioning PSA. K. Subcommittee Reports • Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) - no update. City of Corpus Christi Page 2 Printed on 3/31/2023 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final February 1,2023 Disabilities • Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA)- no update. •Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)- no update. • Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)- no update. L. Future Agenda Items None M. Adjournment Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo made a motion —Olivia Allen seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m. This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.045. City of Corpus Christi Page 3 Printed on 3/31/2023