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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 04/05/2023 w 1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi,TX 78401
Meeting Minutes - Final
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday,April 5,2023 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national
origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is
provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For
assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least
48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print
and/or in electronic format.
The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of
carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to
participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal
independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and
private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, § 1, 2-13-2001)
A. Call To Order
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 2:59 p.m.
B. Moment of Reflection
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
Present: 7- Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez,Angela Brengman,Ashley Voggt, Kelsey Dahlbeck,
Sandra Flores, Olivia Allan, and Jennifer Scott
Absent: 1 - Imelda Trevino
E. Public Comment
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
1. 23-0652 Approval of the March 01, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final April 5,2023
Attachments: MeetingMinutes MAR 2023
A motion was made that the Minutes be approved. The motion carried by a unanimous
G. Staff Reports
a. Neighborhood Services: Stephanie Garcia reported on six ADA calls plus one ADA
update. The first call was located at 3534 Lynwood. The caller wanted a curb ramp built
on Surrey Lane and Lynwood Lane. The address was not on the 5-year Infrastructure
Map (IMP) to be reconstructed and brought up to standards. The second call was
regarding the Art Walk downtown. The caller stated the scooters were parked in the ADA
spots or the architectural improvement areas. NSD staff contacted Downtown
Management District (DMD) and finance to make sure the third party does not park the
scooters in those areas. NSD staff also advised that citizens could call 311 on the app or
City's website to report the scooter violation. Third call was located at 4302 Yucatan. The
caller wanted a curb ramp built for her mom. CCISD was handling the reconstruction of
the curb ramps in that area. Not a city project. Advised caller to contact CCISD. The
fourth call was located at 2600 Ocean Drive (Cole Park). The number count was
amended from the last meeting and the park required seven parking spaces with two
needing to be van accessible. Parks and Recreation installed two ADA signs by the
playground. Fifth call was located at 3231 South Alameda at the Freedom Fitness. The
call was referred by Parking Enforcement. On-site was conducted and the property
needed five ADA accessible parking. The property only had one ADA accessible
parking. Compliance letter has been mailed out with a resolution plan needed by April
24, 2023. The sixth call was located at the Black Sheep Bistro. The caller mentioned
there was not a ramp to get into the restaurant. Pending to be investigated to get further
information on ADA accessible entry ways. Seventh call was located at the Lithia Dodge
on Staples Street. New cars were being parked in the ADA accessible parking spots.
Conducted on-site but need to seek further information on car dealerships and parking.
Melanie Gomez questioned to see if Parks and Recreation were going to make the
architectural improvements to the ground. NSD staff stated they will get with Parks and
b. Development Services— No Update.
c. Engineering — Mai Bernal reported on upcoming projects for Engineering. FM 624 to
Word River is going into construction in April or May of 2023. Ms. Bernal provided the
costs of$365,137.50 to construct and make improvements to 22,000 square feet of
sidewalks and 20 accessible ramps. Ms. Bernal also report on Trinity River from FM 624
to Wood River. Cost for the project is $210,000 with approximately 8,296 square feet of
d. CCPD Parking Enforcement: Ricardo Rodriguez reported on the ADA Citation report.
There were 147 citations for disabled parking, 7 citations were issued for blocking
architectural design, and 111 for blocking sidewalk. Mr. Rodriguez reported they are
looking to add another officer during the whole week for ADA. The high numbers were
due to spring break.
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final April 5,2023
H. Presentations
1. CCRTA—Jeremy Sirio and Derek reported on the Go Pass Mobile Update. Once a
driver downloads the app, they can select what agency they would like to use the Go
Pass app for. They can select various cities that the Go pass is included with, which
provides greater access for their transit needs. Individuals that use this CCRTA transit
system can now plan their trip in real time. They can plan it based on time and on
location. The app uses GPS to find nearby stops, how the stops are nearby, and
upcoming departure times. May also purchase passes on the app. App also includes
rider alerts (under announcements). When a rider boards, the rider shows the bus
operator their phone/pass and the bus operator keys it in and the rider is good to go. Dr.
Scott asked if riders could schedule their B-line routes on the app. Derek stated there is
a separate app they are working on for riders to schedule their routes. Olivia asked for
special events that the bus ride is free, will this option be listed on the app. Derek stated
they could add features with the city, County, or other businesses. Melanie Gomez asked
if they need the actual pass on their screen or would a screenshot suffice. Jeremy stated
yes, the rider needs to have their phone with them with the pass to show it in real time as
an active pass.
2. Special Olympics—Abbie James and Sebastian Rodriguez reported on the Special
Olympics and how to get involved. The Special Olympics is a year-round sports
competition and athletic training in a variety of Olympic style sports for individuals such as
adults and children with intellectual disabilities. The organization can give these athletes
an opportunity to grow personal and fitness health, demonstrate courage, experience joy,
and also have the athletes show their skills and gifts to their family and friends. Abbie
reported on their calendar for upcoming events on April 13th, April 22nd, May 5th, May
6th, and May 18th to the 20th for the Summer Games in San Antonio which be held at
Hero Stadium. Abbie stated the athletes become employed afterwards, as opposed to
28% of individuals with intellectual Disabilities who do not participate in our organization.
They encourage anyone to reach out and get involved.
I. Committee Liason Reports
1. T-shirts— Dr. Scott stated to the new members to send their size to the CFPWD
Liaison via e-mail.
J. Chairperson's Report
Round Table Discussion
1. Closed-Caption Project— No update— pending information from CFPWD Liaison.
2. Committee Workshop — No update.
3. Protected Bike Paths— No update— pending next steps for resolution plan from
CFPWD Liaison.
4. Adding Events and speaking engagements to the calendar— Dr. Scott notified the new
members about the event calendar.
5. New Committee members— Dr. Ashley Voggt, Kelsey Dahlbeck, and Sandra Flores
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final April 5,2023
made an introduction as new committee members.
6. New subcommittee assignments— Dr. Scott will provide the new assignments at next
month's meeting.
K. New Business
2. 23-0653 New Committee Secretary
•New Committee Secretary. Angela Brengman stated she was interested. Olivia Allen
stated she recommends Angela; Olivia Allen made a motion/Second Melanie Gomez
L. Subcommittee Reports
• Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) —Two intersections— Flour Bluff Drive and Co
drive? Received a write up from a nurse Olivia Allen works with. The write up stated there
are no cross walks at Purdue and Flour Bluff Drive. Children are unable to cross the
street to get to school because of rush hour. Half of Flour Bluff Drive does not have
sidewalks and kids are riding their bikes on the busy street or in the grass. Multiple
accidents due to no lights (no arrow). Olivia Allen also reported on Whitecap Boulevard.
Olivia Allan gave information to Mai Bernal.
• Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA) — no update -MG WAITING ON
•Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)— no update.
• Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)— no update.
M. Future Agenda Items
• Subcommittees Assignments
• Engineering update on intersections (FB Drive, CO Drive, Purdue Road, Whitecap)?
• Public comment to be held virtual for those that are unable to come in in-person.
N. Adjournment
Melanie Gomez motioned to adjourn/Olivia Allan second at 3:49 p.m.
This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or
other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body
presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this
meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code §
551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.045.
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