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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 05/03/2023 w 1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi,TX 78401
Meeting Minutes - Final-revised
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday,May 3,2023 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national
origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is
provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For
assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least
48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print
and/or in electronic format.
The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of
carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to
participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal
independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and
private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, § 1, 2-13-2001)
A. Call To Order
Chairperson Dr. Jennifer Scott called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
B. Moment of Reflection
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
Present: 7- Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez,Angela Brengman,Ashley Voggt, Kelsey Dahlbeck,
Sandra Flores, Olivia Allan, and Jennifer Scott
Excused: 1 - Imelda Trevino
E. Public Comment
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
Present: 7- Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez,Angela Brengman,Ashley Voggt, Kelsey Dahlbeck,
Sandra Flores, Olivia Allan, and Jennifer Scott
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final-revised May 3,2023
Excused: 1 - Imelda Trevino
1. 23-0787 Approval of the April 05, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Attachments: MeetingMinutes APR 2023
This Minutes was approved as amended to excuse Imelda Trevino's absence.
G. Staff Reports
a. Neighborhood Services: No Reports
b. Development Services: No Reports
c. Engineering Services: No Reports
d. Parks & Recreation: No Reports
e. CCPD Parking Enforcement: Ricardo Rodriguez reported on the ADA Citation
report. There were 130 citations for disabled parking, 7 citations were issued for
blocking architectural design, and 59 for blocking sidewalk.
H. Presentations
1. Dustin Cronan — Mr. Cronan is in the verge of becoming a nonprofit owner for autism
acceptance called Creating Connections Piece by Piece and then, so it's vision and
mission is to improve the lives of those with autism through education and advocacy and
educate the non-autistic community the equipped autistic community with resources and
the influence those lawmakers to ensure justice and equality for those with autism. Dustin
Cronan's phone number is 512-217-3986 and email Mr.
Cronan's Facebook page is called Creating Connections Piece by Piece and his
YouTube channel YouTube at Dustin Cronan in 2787.
Mr. Cronan has been meeting with a lot of law enforcement Commission officials with
chief Markel and today he also got this pin from the CCISD Police Department from the
chief foreign key and his staff at CCISD. Mr. Cronan went to the board meeting City
Council Mr. Cronan also has been giving presentations at the McKinsey jail probation
officers met with chief Markel and even gave him one with them at the Police Academy.
Mr. Cronan also got an upcoming meeting in June 2nd with the CCISD therapist which
Mr. Cronan believes Dr. Scott's going to be in. Dr. Scott's has been in a couple of those
meetings with the Judge Connie Scott and Sheriff Hooper and the meeting with Anthony
Saunders who is the Deputy Chief at CCISD the police chief. Mr. Cronan also has been
making videos on his YouTube channels to create awareness on his Facebook page
creating connections piece by piece. Mr. Cronan has about 41 subscribers so far on his
YouTube channel and about 1100 views on his YouTube channel. Mr. Cronan also met
with the Fire Chief and they're also working on getting the presentation going and been
trying to educate the whole community in especially even in CCISD or law enforcement
fire department all our first responders are health in clinical and Councilman Michael
Hunter also sent him help up this nonprofit organization. Mr. Cronan met with his aunt
who's also helping him as well to set it up and they brainstormed. Mr. Cronan just got to
go and recruit some board members also to get it going.
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final-revised May 3,2023
I. Committee Liaison Reports
Closed Caption Project: Nora Vargas stated communication staff still has this project
radar, so it's on their list for their To Do List.
Protected Bike paths Resolution Next Steps: Mrs. Vargas stated we have provided
feedback on your resolution and it's what you have in front of you. The red is what we are
recommending, and we've also added a comment on there so you can review this, and
this can be put on next month's agenda as a voting item if you if you would like to review
this on your time.
T-shirt Size: Mrs. Vargas stated So, I've received everybody's T-shirt sizes those have
been submitted and placed an order with Mira's Sports, hopefully we have those to you
by next month.
Bylaws: Mrs. Vargas stated you have a hard copy of your bylaws in front of you these are
these were approved at the previous committee meeting I was just telling Doctor Scott
that these can be changed at any point if you want to review them and want to make
changes to them.
Recommendations for the Vacancy: Mrs. Vargas stated your committee does have you
all should have received an e-mail from me with the applications so if you did have a
chance to review those applications what you can do is make a public comment at the
council meeting that will be taking place next week on May 9th.
J. Chairperson's Report
Round Table Discussion
1. Committee Workshop — Dr. Scott stated she still working trying to work with the Imelda
on getting a committee workshop put together.
2. Adding Events and speaking engagements to the calendar— Dr. Scott stated they'll
just move that forward again if you're adding any events or speaking engagements to the
calendar, please e-mail them to me. Under a specific timeline.
3. Subcommittee workplans - Dr. Scott stated she gave committee members an outline
of the subcommittee assignments that we have now it'll be updated on the agenda for
next month.
4. New committee assignments - no update.
K. New Business
L. Subcommittee Reports
• Engineering Subcommittee (ENG) — no update.
• Public Service Announcement Subcommittee (PSA) — no update.
•Accessible Recreation Playgrounds Subcommittee (ARP)— no update.
• Community Volunteer Involvement (CVI)— no update.
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final-revised May 3,2023
M. Future Agenda Items
• T-shirts
• Introduction of new committee members
• Subcommittees
• Protected bike path resolution
N. Adjournment
Adjourned at 3:34 p.m.
This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or
other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body
presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this
meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code §
551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.045.
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