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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Arts and Cultural Commission - 09/27/2022Meeting Minutes Arts and Cultural Commission Septmeber 27, 2022 McCampbell House, Conference Room , Heritage Park A.Call To Order Meeting was called to order by Chair Jim Moore at 4:03 pm B.Roll Call Chair called roll. ACC is at quorum. Present: 9 – Jim Moore, Carolyn M. Mauck, Jody Hughes, Simone Sanders, Sara Morgan, Nick Gignac, Wade Echols, Emily Beardmore, Dr. Abu Waheeduzzaman Shelly Rios, staff liaison, Lisa Oliver, staff, Tyler Florence, staff Absent: 0 C.Public Comment None D.Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences 1.Approval of Minutes for the Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting 5.24.2022 E.Committee Reports; None F.Staff Reports; Introduction of new Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, Tyler Florence G.Unfinished Business 1.Jimenez relocation update Staff liaison Shelly Rios reported that she discussed relocating the Luis Jimenez sculpture, Southwest Pieta, with Jimenez’s wife, whom runs his estate and manages his collection. She asked that we use Michael Manjarris to direct the move of the sculpture since he was the original installer. She has a legal restraint on the company the city wanted to use. Mrs. Jimenez would like to honor her late husbands wish that his work remained untouched and age naturally, without conservation. The commission agreed to modify the plan of using the conservation studio and hire Mr. Manjarris instead. 2.Coppini sculpture/ plaque update Shelly reported that the Downtown Management District was filling in the Coppini fountain because of the problem with homeless persons urinating and bathing in the water. The DMD hired a landscaping design company and was already at work. The DMD did not consult with the Jim Moore, ACC chair, speak with Alissa at DMD. Jim and Shelly said they would call her after the meeting. It is unclear who has authority over the fountain. Shelly and Jim will look into the issue and report back to the ACC. 3. 2023 Arts Grants timeline Shelly handed out the Arts Grants timeline. ACC approved it. 4. Surfboard Art for airport Shelly reported that Gina Sanchez, airport staff, asked that the ACC consider purchasing surfboard art from local Artist Steve Wray. Shelly passed out copies of the art for the ACC’s consideration. The commissioned briefly discussed the pieces, but decided the work was not high enough quality for a Civic Art Collection purchase. Shelly will report the decision to back to Gina. I. Future Agenda Items 4.Jimenez relocation 5 Arts Grants 6.Coppini Update J. Adjournment Jim Moore adjourned the meeting at 4:58 This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.045. ACC prior to the plans. Several members of the commission asked that the work be halted until