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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 07/12/2023 w 1201 Leopard Street
City of Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi,TX 78401
Meeting Minutes - Final
Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Wednesday,July 12,2023 3:00 PM City Hall City Council Chambers
The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national
origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is
provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For
assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least
48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print
and/or in electronic format.
The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of
carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to
participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal
independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and
private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, § 1, 2-13-2001)
A. Call To Order
Meeting call to order at 3:03pm
B. Moment of Reflection
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Roll Call
Dr. Susan Tower was present at 3:19pm.
Present: 7- Imelda Trevino,Angela Brengman,Ashley Voggt, Kelsey Dahlbeck, Sandra Flores,
Jennifer Scott, and Susan Tower
Excused: 2- Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez, and Olivia Allan
E. Public Comment
F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final July 12,2023
23-1177 Approval of the June 07, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Attachments: MeetingMinutes June 2023
Minutes were approved.
G. Presentations
Kevin St Jakes, from Freese and Nichols, gave presentation on Bike Plan.
H. Staff Reports
Planning & Community Development -ADA parking space at a
McDonalds that was being covered by a billboard has been remedied. Moved closer to
van accessible space, ramp and door.
Developmental Service - No report/update
Engineering Services - No report/updae
Parks & Recreation- No report/updae
I. Committee Liaison Report
Disability Awareness Social Media campaign. City Communications team provide 6
PSA's for
committee to review. Several committee members made suggestions to change some
photos used and to add more positive verbiage on disability acceptance.
Bike paths resolution was submitted to city secretary
Per the Mayor, City Manager was instructed to ensure all future playground equipment is
ADA accessible.
J. Chairperson's Report
Moved to Voting items.
K. Subcommittee Reports
Engineering-Angela stated that she would like to break up sections of the City and look
for things such as blocked pathways, accessibility to city pools, utility poles blocking the
right of ways. Sandra had questions regarding her sections of the City of mom and pop
shops establishments and what they are required by law to have regarding ADA
No updates for PSA OR CVI since Melanie is absent.
L. Individual Voting Items for Consideration
23-1178 Social Media Campaign Graphics
Motion to approve changes made by Angela Brengman.
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Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final July 12,2023
Second by Kelsey.
23-1179 Departmental changes to be reflected on the Bylaws changing the department's
name from Neighborhood Services to Planning & Community Development.
Attachments: CFPWD Bylaws(002)
This Motion was approved.
M. Future Agenda Items
ADA accessible summer camps, subcommittee to meet with parks and rec
N. Adjournment
Motion to Adjourn - Motion by Imelda Trevino; second by Kelsey
Meeting adjourned at 4:05 pm.
This meeting may be held via videoconference call pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.127. If this meeting is held via videoconference call or
other remote method of meeting, then a member of this governmental body
presiding over this meeting will be physically present at the location of this
meeting unless this meeting is held pursuant to Texas Government Code §
551.125 due to an emergency or other public necessity pursuant to Texas
Government Code § 551.045.
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