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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee for Persons with Disabilities - 09/13/2023 w 1201 Leopard Street City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi,TX 78401 Meeting Minutes - Final Committee for Persons with Disabilities Wednesday,September 13,2023 3:00 PM City Hall Executive Conference Room 6th Floor The City of Corpus Christi promotes participation regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or political belief. Reasonable accommodation is provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact (361) 826-3300 at least 48 hours in advance. Upon request, this information can be available in larger print and/or in electronic format. The committee for persons with disabilities is hereby established for the purpose of carrying on a program to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the city; to achieve maximum personal independence; to become gainfully employed; and to enjoy fully and use all public and private facilities available within the community. (Ord. No. 24364, ยง 1, 2-13-2001) A. Call To Order Meeting call to order at 3:02 pm B. Moment of Reflection Conducted C. Pledge of Allegiance Conducted D. Roll Call Present: 5- Vice Chair Melanie R. Gomez,Angela Brengman,Ashley Voggt, Olivia Allan, and Susan Tower Excused: 4- Imelda Trevino, Kelsey Dahlbeck, Sandra Flores, and Jennifer Scott E. Public Comment Judy Telge 3554 Santa Fe Ms. Telge works for the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living and is Chairperson on Transportation Advisory Committee. Wants to assist with making the city more accessible for persons with disabilities. Proposed a presentation to a future CFPWD meeting. City of Corpus Christi Page 1 Printed on 1112912023 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final September 13,2023 Disabilities F. Approval of Minutes and Action on Absences 1. 23-1283 Approval of the July 12, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Attachments: MeetingMinutes JULY 2023 Minutes were approved. G. Presentations None. H. Staff Reports Planning & Community - Juan Ramierez - No report/update Developmental Service - No report/update Engineering Services - No report/update Parks & Recreation - No report/update CCPD Parking Control - 105 parking violations were given in August. Parking enforcement will become part of economic development on Oct. 1 I. Committee Liaison Report Still pending shirt sizes for new shirt order. J. Chairperson's Report PSA-Vice Chair asked for a report on the closed-captioned/PSA Social media campaign that ran. Specifically for number of views across the 5 post and number of comments made.Jennifer Buxton will request a report from the Communications Department on views and feedback. Bike paths resolution was submitted to city secretary; currently not on any agenda. K. Subcommittee Reports Engineering-Angela Brengan asked for clarification on when subcommittee meetings should occur. Preferably on a monthly basis per Vice Chair. Olivia Allen gave a report of North Beach area of Corpus Christi. Specifically, Surfside Blvd lacking adequate sidewalks for persons in wheelchairs or needing walking aids, also a large plot of land that is being used as parking lot not having the required ADA spaces. Jennifer Buxton and staff will follow up on this parking lot. A section of sidewalk on Norton St, by Baker Middle school was reported to have large cracking and sinking causing the surrounding sidewalk to lift. Picture will be provided at next meeting. Jennifer Buxton and staff will follow up on this parking lot. City of Corpus Christi Page 2 Printed on 1112912023 Committee for Persons with Meeting Minutes -Final September 13,2023 Disabilities PSA- No report ARP - No report CVI - Driscoll Toy Drive-From September 15 to October 15, CRPWD will be collecting toys and craft supplies for Driscoll Children's Hospital. Items can be dropped off at Dr. Scott's office at Choice Living Center. Last year over 700 items were collected, we want to be that this year. L. Future Agenda Items Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Preventions: Dr Scott/Melanie will reach out to schedule. M. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 3:36 pm. City of Corpus Christi Page 3 Printed on 1112912023