HomeMy WebLinkAbout13326 ORD - 08/04/1976A2d'T. Td8 TONING ORDINANCE OF ENE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI ADOPTED ON ENE 27TH DAY OF AUGUST, 193], AT FARING OF RECORD IN YOLUNE 9. PAGES 565, ET SEQ, AECINGS OF 11 PENN II6 TOATIID:�AND RDI—. NO. 6106, AE At�NOLD, PONAAPPLICATI0NYOF NARY SANE HENRY COWELL, BY CHANTING A SPECIAL PEWIT FOR A BEAUTY SNOT, ACCORDING TO TEN SITE PLAN APPROVED HY THE TLANNINC N, SUBJECT TO TEE CONDITIODS LOT 4 B CN 3, e& 11�MERITUATEDSZN FEE OF RPUS CHRISTI COENTY, TEXAS; RI'— IN —Cl ALL CIE. PROVISIONS OF THE EXISTING ORDINANCE AS AMENDED; REPEALING ALL GEDINANCBS IN CONFLICT HEREWIIB, AND DECLABIRG AN ENEEGENCY. NHEREAS, the Plmning Conmiasion has f—Pied to the City C-1 ile report. and reco®oeeda—e ee—g the application o£ Nary .lane Henry Dwell for m—tet to the zoning eep of the City of Corpee Chtietf; and GTOREAS, public heath maa bell at eti. hearing all petevne alehieN to appear and be heard — heard, to teteider the see before the City Coumil of the City of Corpus Chtietf, in acmrdmce elth proper mtice to the public, said public heating having bem held m August 4. 1976 Regular COmc11 Neetiag of the City Ceeetil fa the Council Chamber at City Ball it the City of Cows Chrdetl; NBEREA.S, by motion dely mad, secmded and carried, it vm decided by the City Council that to epprove the hereieefter set forth mendmmt would best serve public Fe—, aces ity and convenience and the Several v lfate of the City Of cet Cbrisfi and its eitlaeee; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF FEE CITY OF CORPDS CHRIETI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Zoning Ordimnce of the City of Carpus Christi. Texas. Passed on the 27th day of August. 1937. ap —Iea of mrard Sn Yalu 9. g 565, t seq, of the Ordivanca and Resvlutien Eecvrde, as ®ended from time to time, and in particular es amended by Ordi — No. 61N6, m emended, be and the same is hereby ®ended by eekieE the chmge hereinafter set out. MICROFILMED, 'JUN 171888 13326 SECTION 2. That a Bpecial Council Permit be granted on Lot 4, Block 3, Bel Air Paxk A1, situated ie the City of Carpus Christi, N stns Cowry, Teas, according to the sine plan, app e b, the Plowing Com- mieeion far a Beauty Shop for a period of time — to exceed five (5) years, or wtil each property is Bold ox leased, vhicM1evex occurs first, tying the nee to the cuxxene op a[Son of a ee eey BM1ap, all as more fully described w the site plan, attached hereto and made a part bereof marked Ezhibit "A", further that the acreevrvg fence regnlxement be waived, that no ideetificstion sign be pe fitted, end [hat the P....' paved driveway be recognized as adequate off - street parking and subject to all other conditions of "R -1B" One - Family —MIS eistrict. In the event the Board o£ Adjuatmevt gxwts wy p Sel --t- ­­. or vflriwce to the —.0 Ordinance, applicable to Ne pmpexey included ie the Special Permit bexefn granted, other than the we specified in this Special Permit, eat p cial Permit viii be void and of no fozce and effect vhatsvever SECTION 3. Thee the official ronivg map of the City If Cozpus Christi, Texas, be, and the same fie hereby, ®ended as herein ordained. BECfION 4. That the --in ordinance and Hap of 'fie CSty of Cozpue Christi, Texas. —I—d ov the 27th dey of August, 193), as —ended from time to time, except as herein cbm Id. shell rmaim io fell force and effect. BECTION 5. That ell ordinances or parts of ordinances in confllee herewith ere hereby expressly repealed. SEC£ION 6. Thet the necessity of i®edrately coaling afozesI'd chmge fox the purpose of eIleteinivg a all times a comprehensive zovlvg ordinance for the City o£ Corpus Cbristi creates a public emergency and ee Ivperecive public notes ty re9uiring tbo su pension o£ cbe Charter role [bat vo ordinance or resolution shell be passed finally on the date of its iveroduction end that such oxdiwnce ox reselntiee shell be read at three sevezal meet C of the City Council, and the Hay— bowing declazed [hat ee,, emergwcy end necessity ee—, and having requested tb. suspwslon of efie CM1ax[er rvle avd that tfiia ordivence he passed £Svally an the date of Ste intxoductivn and take effect end he in full faire and effect from and after i[e passe IT IS ACWMIECEY SO OMAINEe, tfils tfie L day of • 19� ATTEST: TEE CITY oP CSSISS .—II, TENAH APPMVEO: L111AY OP �AA.G, ^n�.19� S. HMCH AYCOQC. CITY ATTORNEY ey R(fa Aeeiatevt City Attotney �AA/A/APOL /S ST. S /TE PLAN /NA,Py,JA, IZZA ey GO,w L 676-5 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CIV —CIL C- ... C-- , T ... -- T- 11T 1*11" 1" T"E .. :E:"IT"I .. "'.T"T." . AC _ II .1 TII. �—T� "'E T"IT 11 -T :El IT IT I.— C.—EIT -1. -1-1111T 'E"';. IT '.II T.1 IT Is I— .... '.EET... or T.E- .—E 11 CITI CII ... Il. —OK M CM OF — CHRISTI, TEXAS .I C—T- nu Le IIA. sull Exoeo .1 I.E JAS.. L... on. BALL nliox E.—.. of R— GILL B- E .... L. SAMPLE 1*.l 111111 11 T 1-1 Jxsox Lu I C.. BILL T,,— E .... n. - Al /Y— Gilt W-1 G— L..A..,