HomeMy WebLinkAbout20082 ORD - 11/24/1987AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF VARIOUS COSTS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING STREET: McNorton Area Streets, Phase B 1. McNorton Road, from Rand Morgan Road to Clarkwood Road, 2. Caroline Road, from McNorton Road to Clarkwood Road, 3. Marshall Road, from McNorton Road to Caroline Road, and 4. Blanco Road, from McNorton Road to Dead End DETERMINING THE PORTION OF SAID COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE PORTION TO BE PAID BY THE CITY; SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PRELIMINARY ROLL DURING A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 22, 1987, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 302 SOUTH SHORELINE BOULEVARD, CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, heretofore on the a yam, day of , 19 49 7 the City Council by enactment of Ordinance No. p2 p p / determined that it was necessary to improve the following by paving and sidewalks, as hereinafter more fully described: McNorton Area Streets, Phase B 1. McNorton Road, from Rand Morgan Road to Clarkwood Road, 2. Caroline Road, from McNorton Road to Clarkwood Road, 3. Marshall Road, from McNorton Road to Caroline Road, and 4. Blanco Road, from McNorton Road to Dead End WHEREAS, by the terms of said ordinance, specifications were ordered to be made by the City Engineer for the improvement of the aforesaid street(s), within the limits defined, as provided by said ordinance; and WHEREAS, the said plans and specifications have been prepared and are now submitted to the City Council for approval and adoption; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi is of the opinion that it is necessary to levy an assessment against the property and the owners thereof abutting upon the aforesaid street, within the limits defined, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said street, if any, for a part of the cost of improving said street, fixing a time for the hearing of the owners of said property, and the said railway companies, concerning the same, and directing the City Secretary to give notice of said hearing, as required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has theretofore, by ordinance ordered the improvement of the street and portions enumerated above. Any existing curbs, 204HG052.ord 20082 gutters in place, meeting the specifications set by the City Council, or which can be utilized, shall be left in place, if any, and corresponding credits to the property owners shall be allowed on the assessments; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer of the City of Corpus Christi has, in accordance with the law, filed his report with the City Council, setting forth the participation by the railway companies and street railway companies, if any, and the property owners, and the cost thereof, together with the names of the owners and the description of said property, and the work to be done adjacent thereto, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel and its owner and all other matters required by the applicable law: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the plans and specifications so presented to the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi by the City Engineer, having been carefully considered by the City Council, the same are hereby, approved and adopted for the improvements of said street hereinabove enumerated, within the limits defined. SECTION 2. That the City Secretary be, and he is hereby, instructed to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of the improvements called for by this ordinance, such advertisement for bids to be published in the Corpus Christi Times, the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi, which is a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Corpus Christi. The advertisement shall be published at least once in each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. All bids shall be received subject to the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of Corpus Christi, and shall be filed with the City Secretary on the date and hours specified and shall be opened and read in the presence of the City Council in a public meeting of the said City Council. SECTION 3. The City Council, in initiating this proceeding, is acting under the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of the said Session, together with any amendments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas. SECTION 4. That the report or statement filed by the City Engineer, having been duly examined, is hereby approved. SECTION 5. That it is hereby found and determined that the cost of improvements on the hereinafter described street, within the limits defined, with the amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed for such improvements against abutting property and the owners thereof, and against street and railway companies whose tracks occupy said street, if any, are as follows, to wit: 204HG052.ord 2 Preliminary Assessment Roll McNorton Area Street Improvements The McNorton Area street improvements shall include improvements to the following streets: McNorton Area Streets, Phase B 1. McNorton Road, From Rand Morgan Road To Clarkwood Road, 2. Caroline Road, From McNorton Road To Clarkwood Road, 3. Marshall Road, From McNorton Road To Caroline Road, and 4. Blanco Road, From McNorton Road To Dead End. These streets shall be constructed by excavation to a width and depth to permit the laying of a 6" standard curb and gutter section, 6" compacted subgrade, 8" compacted caliche base, and 11" Type "D" Hot Mix Asphaltic pavement. The streets will be 28 feet in width measured from back of the curb and constructed within the existing right-of-way. There will be 4' wide reinforced concrete sidewalks, 4" thick and 6" thick reinforced concrete driveways constructed as shown on the plans. The assessment rates have been calculated in accordance with the City's current assessment policy. Based on this policy and the low bid prices submitted by Haas Paving Company, Inc., the assessment rates are as follows: Bid Price Assessment Item Plus Engineering Cost Rate 28' Wide Street, BOC 6" Curb, Gutter & Pavement $13.16 L.F. $13.16 L.F. Sidewalk $ 1.46 S.F. $ 1.00 S.F. Driveway $ 3.02 S.F. $ 3.02 S.F. Residential, School & Church Property 6" Curb, Gutter & Pavement $ 9.75 L.F. Sidewalk $ 1.00 S.F. Driveway $ 3.02 S.F. VSM/al Total Bid Price Preliminary Assessments City Portion $1,076,854.55 244,112.43 $ 832,742.12 Victor S. Medina, P.E. Director of Engineering Services t Y - NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 1 DESCRIPTION TOTAL T ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED ( { 1 RUDOLPH W ROGERS RT 2 BOX 625 7.8408 LOT 1 BLK 4 ( MC NCRTON 2 SUED B-1, WELDING SHOP PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL MC NORTON SUBDIVISION STREET IMPROVEMENTS MC NORTON ROAD RAND MORGAN RD TO CLARKW00D RD BEGIN NORTH SIDE 2 ARTURO ARRIOLLA 9316 MC NORTON 7E410 LOT 3 BLY. 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 3 DOMINGO VALDEZ, JR 4714 BLUEBELLE 7E416 LOT 4 BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R -1B, VACANT LOT 4 XAIVER GONZALES 5440 EVERHART 8-8 78411 LOT 5 RLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 206.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 13.16 2,710.96 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 P8MT. -0- -0- 760.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 760.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 266.45 S.F. D/W 1-16C 3.02 804.69 -0- S.F. 0/W - -0- -0- 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 420.03 S.F. S/8 1.00 420.00 S/W -0- -0- 111.90 S.F. 0/W 1-17 3.02 337.64 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. 5/8 1.00 420.00 -Q- S.F. S/W -0- -0- - 0- _ S.F. 0/W -J- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 84.31 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 4,275.64 1,781.39 1,443.75 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( e ( ( 1,698.34 ( e t NOVEMBER 17, 1987_ __ __ PAGE DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 4A ANTINO R. GARZA 9396 MC NORTON 75409 LOT 6-A SLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SURD R-18, 1RSS UNIT 52.50 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 511.88 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - - -0- 210.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 210.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 943.25 5 MARTHA STARLIN 4413 SUTTON LANE 73411 LOT 6-8 BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 2 RES UNITS 52.50 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 511.88 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 210.00 S.F. 5/6 1.00 210.00 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.31 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 943.25 6 C A SALALAR - 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 1 9300 MC NORTON 7E409 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 7 BLK 4 420.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 420.00 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- $ R-18, 1 RES UNIT 72.37 S.E.`D/W 1-10 3.02 218.35 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1,662.10 i 7 GUADALUPEE RAMOS 5333 BOWIE 78415 LUT 8 BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, VACANT L0' 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -O- -0- - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 1,443.75 t 8 JACK E PHYLLIS PURNELL 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 i 9204 MC NORTON 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 9 8LK 4 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 MC NCRTON 2 5000 -0- 5.F. 5/W -0- -0- i R-18, 1 RES UNIT 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.J2 254.59 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1,698.34 C 1 1 13 • c t c C e C L L e 1 L t ( NOVEMBER 17, 1987. PAGE 3 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ( ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED G. - 9 FRANK M. MENDEZ ET UX 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PV8T. 9.75 1,023.75 I 3308 HOUSTON 78411 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 10 BLK 4 - 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 410.00 MC NCRTON 2 SURD -0- S.F. 5/8 -0- -0- "i R -1B, VACANT LOT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- _-_ - -0- S.F. D/W _ -0- -o- 1,443.75 10 NELLIE D. MANLOVE ET AL 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 ( 9200 MC NORTON 78409 -0-L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 11 BLK 4_ 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 1 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 100.80 S.F. D/W 1-15 3.02 304.42 ( ,_ _--- -- -0-- S.F. D/W - -0- -0- 1,748.17 ( ( 11 MARV M. TREVINO - y 126.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,228.50 I. 800 NANCY DR -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ( ROUND ROCK TX 78E64 504.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 504.00 LOT 12, BLK 4 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- ( MC NCRTON 2 SUBD 84.30'5.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- { 1,987.09 12 PAULA M. VARGAS 125.00 L.F.C.G.E P8MT. 9.75 1,218.75 i 9114 MC NORTON 7E409 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0 C. - LOT 13, BLK 4 _ 500.00 5.-. S/W 1.01 500.00 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.Y. S/W -0- -o- R-.18, 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 e - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 13 KAREN S. KINCAID 9110 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 14, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 105.31 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,026.77 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 421024 S.F. 5/W 1.00 421.24 -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. 0/9 1-12 3.02 254.59 - 0- S.F. 0/1, -3- -0- 1,940.12 1,702.60 L L L e L .NOVEMBER 17, 1997 _ PAGE 4 DESCRIPTION TOTAL 1 ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT N0. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 1 14 1 ROBERT A. GARCIA 9106 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 15, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 15 BERTHA TISCHLER 9102 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 16 BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 106.57 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,039.06 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 426.28 S.F. S/W 1.00 426.28 -0- S.F. S/4 -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 104.56 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,019.46 - 2- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 418.24 S.F. S/W 1.00 418.24 12.00 S.F. S/W EXT 1.00 12.00 84.33 S.F. D/W 3.02 254.59 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1,719.93 1 1,734.29 16 BERTHA TISCHLER 9102 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 17 BLK 4 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 1 R -1B, VACANT LOT 17 JESSIE E ELAINE LAING 1 10022 LEOPARD 78410 LOT 18, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT t ( ( ( 18 JAMES E GINGER HUDDLER 9026 MC NJRTON 7E409 LOT 19, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SURD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 100.11 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 976.07 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 400.44 S.F. 5/11 1.00 400.44 -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- - 0- `S.F. 0/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -3- -0- 92.04 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 897.39 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 363.16 S.F. 5/11 1.30 368.16 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 92.09 L.F.0.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 366.00 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W 103.80 S.F. DA. 1-15 -0- S.F. D/W 9.75 -u- 1.00 3.32 397.00 -o- 368.00 -0- 304.42 1,376.51 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( e ( ( 1,569.42 L 1,486.92 i e L L L i NOVEMBER 17, 1987 __ _ PAGE 5 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NC. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED ( ( 19 BAN E. PARKER 9022 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 20, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SURD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 366.00 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 111.90 S.F. D/W 1-17 -0- S.F. 0/14 9.75 1.00 -0- 3.02 -0- 897.00 - 0- 368.03 - 0- 337.64 - 0- ( 20 WILLIE R. CANTRELL 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 397.30 { 5725 BOBALO 78412 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ( LOT 21, ELK 4 368.03 S.F. S/W 1.00 368.00 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/8 -0- -0- Z 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -o- ( ( 21 JAMES D. MIKEAL 9014 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 22. BLK 4 MC NCRTCN 2 SUB/ R-18, 1 RES UNIT 92.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 897.00 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -o- 360.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 368.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.30`S.F. D/W 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 1,519.59 ( 1,486.37 ( ( 22 MARK SANCHEZ 9010 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 23, BLK 4 MC NCRTON 2 SU0I R-18, 1 RES UNIT 23 ROBERT 050016NO, ETUX '{ 10513 BANOERA 78410 LOT 24, BLK 4 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT ( 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 897.03 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 368.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 368.03 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 42.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 368.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 21.00 G.F. S/W EXT 1.00 95.30 S.F. D/W 1-14 3.02 - 0- S.F. 0/W -3- 897.00 - 0- 368.00 21.00 237.31 -0- ( ( 17 C •NOVEMBER 17, 1987._ PAGE 7 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 1 29 JOYCE ANDERSON 8906 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 5 BLK 1 MC NCRTON 1 SURD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 3;. FELIX VASQUEZ 8902 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 6 BLK 1 MC NCRTON 1 SUBO R -1B, 1 RES UNIT 31 ROBERT E JANIE SMITH 8814 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 7 BLK 1 MC NCRTON 1 SUBO ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 897.00 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT• -U- -0- 368.00 S.F. 5/4 1.00 369.00 -0- S.F. S/H -0- -0- 73.30 S.F. 0/4 1-10 3.02 221.37 -0- S.F. 3/9 -0- -0- 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 368.00 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/H 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 -7- S.F. D/H 9.75 -0_ 1.00 -0- 3.02 -1- 897.00 - 0- 369.00 -0_ 221.37 92.00 L.F.C.G.E P8MT. 9.75 897.00 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 368.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 369.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 73.30 S.F. D/9 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. D/6 -0- -0- ( 1,486.37 ( ( C ( - 1,486.37 C 32 REYNALDO LOPEZ ( 8810 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 8 BLK 1 MC NCRTON 1 SUBD R-10, 1 RES UNIT 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 368.00 S.F. 5/H - 0- S.F. 5/H 95.37 S.F. 0/9 1-14 -0- S.F. 0/9 9.15 1.00 -0- 3.02 -0- 897.00 - 0- 368.0000 _0_ 287.81 ( 1,552.81 t Z 33 REYNALDO LOPEZ 8810 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 9 BLK 1 MC NCRTON 1 5UBD 8-10, VACANT LOT 92.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 368.00 S.F. 5/H -0- 3.F. S/9 -0- S.F. 0/W - 0- S.F. D/4 9.75 -0- 1.00 -7- 897.30 - 0- J63.00 -0_ -0- ( e L 1,265.00 C I NOVEMBER 17, 1987 __ PAGE 5 DESCRIPTION TOTAL Q ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMUUNT ( NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 34 MAXIMIANO RUIZ 92.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 897.00 ( 8302 MC NORTON 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -o- LOT 10 BLK 1 368.00 S.F. S/W 1.01 368.00 MC NCRTCN 1 SURD -0- S.F. S/W -5- ( R-18. 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 ( -0- S.F. 0/W -0- 1.486.37 ( .( 35 VICTCR M. HERNANCEZ. JR. 210.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 13.16 2.763.50 ( 9301 MOONBEAM 75410 -0- L.F.C.G.L PVMT. -0- -0- ( LOT 13 BLK 1 840.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 840.00 MC NCRTCN 1 SUED -0- S.F. S/W -0- k I-3, JUNKYARD -0- S.F. 0/W - - -0- ____ -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- i 3.603.60 CLARKW00D ROAD END MC NORTON ROAD END NORTH SIDE ( ( MC NORTON ROAD RAND MORGAN RD TO CLARY.WOOD RD 1 BEGIN SOUTH SIDE ( 1 36 GARY HAIDEN ET UA 206.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 13.16 2.710.96 ( 9975 LECPARD 78410 -7- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 1 SLK 3 643.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 846.00 S. MC NCRTGN 2 SUED -0- S.F. 5/3 -0- -0- e 8-11 VACANT LOT -D- S.F. D/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 1. 3/558.96 ( 37 SALANON C. RETA 105.00 L.F.C.G.L PVMT. 9.75 1.023.75 C 9713 MC NORTON 7E409 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -J- -0- LOT 3 SLK 3 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 ( MC NCRTGN 2 SU80 -5- S.F. S/W -0- -0- ( R-18. 1 RES UNIT 84.33 S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 1 11919.71 L ( e ( L NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM NC. { { t i 12 OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT PAGE 9 RATE AMOUNT 38 MAURICD RAMIREZ ET UX 9313 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 4 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SUB() AD/W TIE QTY R-18, 1 RES UNIT 39 ROBERT E. WALDROP 9303 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 5 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 40 JAMES L. YANCEY 9305 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 6 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 41 WILLIE NOMINICK, JR 9301 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 7 BLK 3 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 42 JOSE M SALAS 9213 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 8 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 420.00 S.F. S/W 138.03 S.F. 5/W 117.30 S.F. DA. 1-18 -0- S.F. D/W 105.00 L.F.C.G.G PVMT. - - L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W -0- 106.37 S.F. D/W 1-16 -0- S.F. D/W -0- 9.75 - 0- 1.00 .30 3.72 - 3- 9.75 1.00 3.02 175.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E. PVMT. -0- 420.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 84.33 S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.02 S.F. 0/0 -3- 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W - - S.F. S/W 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 73.30 S.F. D/4 1-10 9.75 1.00 3.02 3.02 1,023.75 420.00 108.00 354.25 -0- 1,023.75 420.00 -0- 321.03 -0- 1,023.75 -0- 420.00 -0- 254.59 -0- 1,023.75 -0- 420.00 221.37 221.37 105.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 - 3- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -C- 420.03 S.F. 5/0 1.00 420.00 - 0- S.F. 5/W -3- -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.72 121.37 3.02 221.37 TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 1,906.•00 1,764.78 1,698.34 1,886.49 1,886.49 i •NOVEMBER 17, 1997 i ITEM N0. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 10 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY CF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED J.W. LAWRENCE 210 WAGONWHEEL 7E410 LOT 9 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 8-18, VACANT LOT 44 J.W. LAWRENCE 210 WAGONWHEEL 78408 LOT 10 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 2 SURD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 45 MARCCS HERNANDEL 9201 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 1 BLK 7 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT 46 MRS GEORGIA HOWELL F 9117 MC NORTCN 7E409 5-101 LOT 2 BLK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT *SIDE CAROLINE .7 MARVIN C ODUDDELL F 9113 MC NORTON 7E409 S-72 LOT 1 BLK 8 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT *SIDE CAROLINE 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,023.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 - 0- S.F. 5/W -3- -0- - - S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. 0/4 -0- -0- 105.00 7927. 9.75 1,023.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVM7. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 420.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 100.80 S.F. D/W 1-15 3.02 304.42 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 1.443.75 1,748.17 ( ( ( ( ( ( 105.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT., 9.75 1,023.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 420.00 S.F. S/W 1.70 420.00 -0- S.F. S/W -3- -0- 04.30 'S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.02 054.59 ( - C- S.F. 0/4 -0- -0- 1,698.34 100.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 975.00 * 173.71 L.F.C.G.E PV97. 4.88 847.70 403.00 S.F. 5/9 1.00 400.00 * 694.84 S.F. S/W .:0 347.42 73.30 S.F. 0/4 1-10 3.02 221.37 * 73.30 S.F. D/4 1-10 3.02 221.37 CAROLINE R0. INTERSECTS 90.02 L.F.C.G.E 7887. * 193.70 L.F.C.C.E PVMT. 350.00 S.F. S/W * 774.80 S.r. S/W 89.80 S.F. D/W 1-13 -0- S.F. D/W 9.75 4.20 1.00 450 3.02 -0- 277.50 945.26 360.00 387.40 271.20 ( ( 3,012.86 ( ( l 2.841.35 e L 1 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 11 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 48 T.E. STUCKEY 17 08 6002 KILLARNEY 7E411 LOT 2 BLK 8 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 05/W EXT 49 PAULA M VARGAS 9114 MC NORTON 78439 LOT 3 BLK 8 MC NORTON 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 100.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.15 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- 400.03 S.F. 5/W 1.00 O 12.00 S.F. S/W EXT 1.00 6..30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 -7- S.F. D/W -0- 107.50 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- 402.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 - 0- S.F. S/W -3- 84.33 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 -0- S.F. D/W -0- 975.00 -0- 400.30 12.00 254.59 - 0- 979.88 -3- 402.00 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 50. WILLIE GARZA 105.70 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,030.58 F 9101 MC NORTON 78409 0 171.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 4.88 834.48 S-156 LOT 4 BLK 8 40 530.80 S.F. 5/W 1.00 530.80 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD O 684.00 S.F. 5/W .50 342.00 R-18, 1 RES UNIT 117.30 S.F. D/W 1-18 3.02 354.35 OSIDE MARSHALL RD -0- S.F. 0/W -J- -0- **INC D/W TIE QTY 108 S.F. 51 AUGUSTINE ANGUTANO F 1616 MARSHALL S-153 LOT 1-1 BLK 9 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT OSIDE MARSHALL RD 52 ELMER W GILLETTE J4 9027 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 2 OLE 9 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT MARSHALL RD INTERSECTS 755.33 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. O 114.30 L.F.C.G.0 P987. 323.52 S.F. 5/W O 455.00 S.F. S/8 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 -3- S.F. 0/8 9.75 764.21 4.88 556.32 1.00 313.52 •50 228.90 3.32 221.37 - 0- 84.03 L.F.0.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 519.00 - 3- L.F.C.G.E P487. -0- -0- 336.33 S.F. $/W 1.00 336.00 -0- S.F. 1/8 -0- -,- 90.33 S.F. 0/9 1-14 3.02 287.51 - 0- S.F. 0/0 -3- -0- ( ( ( ( ( ( 1,641.59 ( ( ( 1,636.47 ( ( ( 3,092.11 ( e ( 2,083.42 L L 1,442.81 e L L NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAG3 1Z _ DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEM 36NER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 53 ARTHUR D BRCWN 9025 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 1 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 11-10, 1 RES UNIT 9S/W EXT 74 RAUL GUZMAN ET UX 402 SHAWNEE 78425 LOT 2 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD R-16, VACANT LOT 55 BAN E. PARKER ET UX 9022 MC NORTCN 78409 LOT 3 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 56 TORIBIA HERNANDEZ PO BCX 921 ROBSTOWN TX 73350 LOT 4 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD R -1B, 1 RES UNIT 57 DELMER BETTOE 9009 MC NORTCN 7E409 LOT 5 SLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD R-18, 1 ASS UNIT 54.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 33o.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 O 18.90 S.F. S/5 EXT 1.00 94.30 S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.02 - 3- S.F. D/W -..- 819.00 - 0- 335.00 13.00 254.39 -0- 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 519.03 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 335409 S.F. 5/8 1.00 335.00 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 33-.00 S.F. S/W 1.07 - 0- S.F. S/W - - 106.30 `S.F. D/W 1-16 3.02 -0- S.F. D/W -0- 819.00 336.00 - 0- 3221.03 84.00 L.F.C.G.E P0MT. 9.75 819.00 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 336.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 335.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 84.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E P9MT. -0- 336.00 S.F. 5/W 1.80 - 0- S.F. 5/1.1 -1- 34.39 -5...33 S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.02 -0- S.F. U/5 -G- 919.00 - 3- 335.00 -n- 254.59 -0- C C 1,427.59 L 1,155.00 C c 1,476.03 e 1,409.59 1,439.59 e L •NOVEMBER 17, 1987_ PAGE 13 ITEM OWNER AND NC. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION SUANTITY CF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOLNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 58 LESLIE R. BUTLER 9005 IIC NORTON 7E409 LOT 6 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 5U80 R -1B, 1 RES UNIT 59 FELIX VARGAS F 9301 MC NORTON 7E409 S-147 LOT 7 BLK 5 MC NORTON 2 SUBD R-18. 1 RES UNIT a5IDE ON BLANCO ST **INC 24 5.F.S/W EXT 60 JOSEPH E LUCY BROCKWAY F 1040 POST 784)5 S-138 N 1/2 LOT 1 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD 0-18, 1 RES UNIT a5/DE BLANCO ST 61 DELORES ZEPEDA DELEON 8915 MC NORTON 7E409 LOT 2 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUED 0-18, 1 RES UNIT 62 DIOCESE OF CC 620 LIPAN 70401 MARY HELP OF CHRISTMAS LOT 3 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD 0-18, CHURCH a0 0 84.00 L.F.C.G.G PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 336.00 S.F. 5/8 - 0- S.F. 5/8 34.30 S.F. 0/W 1-12 - S.F. 0/W 88.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 137.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 376.00 S.F. S/W 548.33 S.F. 5/8 138.30 S.F. D/W 1-20 - 0- S.F. D/W BLANCO ST. INTERSECTS 100.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 6 121.00 L.F.C.G.E P0MT. 400.00 5.F. 5/8 6 484.03 S.F. 5/W 84.33 S.F. 5/W 1-12 -3- 5.F. D/W 9.75 -0- 1.00 -0- 3.32 9.75 4.88 1.00 .50 3.02 -0- 819.00 - 0- 335.00 - 0- 254.59 858.00 668.56 376.00 274.00 387.47 - 7- 9.75 775.00 4.88 593.48 1.00 400.00 .50 242.00 3.02 254.59 81.00 1.F.5.0.8 PVMT. 9.75 789.75 - �- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 224.0) S.F. 0/8 1.00 324.00 - - S.F. S/W -U- - - B4.33 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.32 25•..59 - 3- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 81.00 L.F.C.G.E P0MT. - - L.F.C.G.E P0MT. 324.00 S.F. 5/0 - 0- S.F. S/W 84.33 S.F. D/W 1-12 84.33 S.F. D/W 1-12 9.75 739.75 1.00 324.00 3.02 254.59 3.02 254.59 1,439.59 2,564.03 2,462.07 c c c { t t c c e 1,363.34 c L L 1,622.93 e L ( ( L NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 14 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED r= G 63 MARGARET E. KRICK 6907 MC NORTCN 78409 LOT 4 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 81.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 324.00 S.F. 5/W -0- S.F. 5/W 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 - 0- S.F. D/W 9.75 1.00 -0- 3.02 o4 ADELINA 5. GONZALEZ 81.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1513 DAYTONA 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- LOT 5 BLK 2 _ 324.00 S.F. 5/N 1.00 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -U- R-1B, 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- 65 RAUL REYNA ET UX 8930 71C NORTON 7£409 LOT 6 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 66 GUILLERMO GCNZALES 8901 MC NORTON 78409 LOT 7 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 81.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 324.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 -0- S.F. S/8 84.30 'S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 - 1- S.F. D/W -3- 81.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F•C.G.E PVMT. -0- 324.00 Sofa S/W 1.00 - 0- S.F. 5/W -0- 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 -0- S.F. D/W -0- 07 JUAN N LOPEZ 61.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 8815 MC NORTON 7E409 -0- L.F•C.G.E P8MT. LOT 8 BLK 2 324.00 S.F. S/W MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W i R -1B, 1 RES UNIT 128.30 S.F. D/8 1-20 - 0- S.F. D/W ( l n 9.75 1.00 -e- 3.02 -0- 789.75 -0- 324.00 -0- 221.37 789.75 - 0- 324.00 - 0- 221.37 789.75 -0- 324.00 -0- 254.59 789.75 - 0- 324.00 -0- 254.59 789.75 324.00 3- 87.47 -0- ( ( 1,335.12 ( ( ( 1,335.12 ( ( ( 1,368.34 ( ( k 1,368.34 ( ( ( 1,501.22 ( L 1 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM CkNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 15 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOLNT ASSESSED 68 00MING0 G. MARTINEEZ { 4101 NOLFGRC 78410 LOT 9 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD 1 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT 09 GENARO E HORTENSIA VARGAS 1 1729 BERNANDINO 78416 L0T 10 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 SUBD 1 R-18, 1 RES UNIT 1 70 C.J. KUKLINSKI •j 1722 N CLARKN000 78409 LOT 11 BLK 2 MC NCRTCN 1 5U8D ( R -1B, VACANT LOT t 71 C.N. HAMMONDS ( RT 2 B09 915R 78469 LOT 12 BLK 2 MC NCRTON 1 SUBD ( 8-1, VACANT LOT 4 72 (1ARVIN Co AGUDDELL S 9113 MC NORTON 79409 F-47 LOT 1 BLK 8 L MC NCRTCN 3 SURD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 121 0 *SEE F-47 MC NCRTON RD 81.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 789.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 324.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 324.00 -0- S.F. 5/0 -0- -0- 73.32 S.F. 0/0 3.02 221.37 -0- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- 90.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 360.03 S.F. S/W 1.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 84.30 S.F. 0/8 1-12 3.02 - 0- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- 977.50 -0- 360.00 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 90.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 877.50 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 361.00 S.F. 5/8 1.00 360.00 -0- S.F. S/11 -U- -0- -0- S.F. 0/8 -3- -0- - 0- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- 110.00 L.F.C.G.E P9MT. 13.16 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 840.07 S.F. S/W 1.00 - 0- S.F. S/0 -0- - G- S.F. 10/8 -0- -0- S.F. 0/8 -0- CLARKH00D ROAD END (1C NORTON RD END SOUTH SIDE CAROLINE ROAD MC NORTON RU TO 515558OGD RD BEGIN EAST SIDE 2,763.60 -0- 845.00 193.7) L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -3- -S- --0--0- L.F.C.v.E PVMT. -0- -0- 794.80 S.F. 5/k -3- -3- - 0- S.F. 5/N -0- -0- - - S.F. D/8 -0- -0- -0- S.F. P/0 -0- G► 1,335.12 1,492.09 1,237.50 3,603.60 c ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( e .0 L •NOVEMBER 17r 1957 ITEM N0. 06NER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DEEESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT PAGE 16 C TOTAL AMOUNT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 73 GEORGE J STEVENS ET UX 9148 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 5 BLK 8 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 74 ETTA LEE 18AHAM 9144 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 7 BLK 6 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 90/8 TIE QUAN. 75 ALMA RENE ENGEL 4145 SIERRA 78410 LOT 9-A OLE 8 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 76 EDWARD L. SLATER f 9140 CAROLINE 78409 5-76 SOUTH PCR LCT 9 ELK 8 HC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT OINC 100 S.F. 0/6 TIE 77 E.R. ANDERSON F 4013 RICHWOOD 70410 5-159 LOT 10 810 8 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 1-18, DUPLEX OSIDE MARSHALL 95.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PV87. 380.00 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. 5/W 73.30 S.F. 0/8 1-10 - 0- S.F. D/W 9.75 926.25 - 0- 1.00 380.00 - -0- 3.02 221.37 - 0- 95.03 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. 9.75 726.25 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -3- -0- 380.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 380.00 a 120.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 120.00 128.30 S.F. D/W 1-20 3.02 387.47 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- 95.05 L.F.C.G.6 PVMT. -3- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 380.03 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W -0- 128.30 5.F. D/H 1-20 -0- S.F. 0/W 9.75 926.25 1.00 380.00 99.44 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 169.19 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 397.76 S.F. 5/8 772.76 S.F. 5/8 106.30 S.F. D/W 1-16 73.33 S.F. D/6 1-10 216.34 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. • 82.10 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 865.36 S.F. 5/8 O 330.83 S.F. 5/8 73.33 S.F. D/W 1-10 73.30 S.F. 0/8 1-10 3.02 387.47 -0- _0- 9.75 969.54 4.88 820.77 1.00 397.76 .50 366.38 3.02 321.03 3.02 221.37 9.75 2,109.32 4.08 403.58 1.00 665.36 .50 165.40 3.02 221.37 3.02 221.37 1,527.62 1,813.72 c 1,693.72 e 3,116.85 3,986.40 L L 4.. D NOVEMBER 17, 1987 _ PAGE 17 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NC. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED MARSHALL RD INTERSECTS 78 ARLIE L. DUDLEY 64.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 319.00 F 9334 CAROLINE 73409 0 27.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 4.88 1,107.76 S-155 LOT 3 BLK 9 336.02 S.F. S/W 1.00 336.00 MC NCRTCN 3 SUED *01,028.00 S.F. S/W .50 514.00 R-18, 1 RES UNIT 128.30 S.F. 0/8 1-20 3.02 387.47 *SIDE MARSHALL -0- S.F. D/W -0- **INC 120 S.F. 0/8 TIE 79 JOE GARZA 9032 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 4 BLK 9 SMC NCRTCN 3 SUED R-18, 1 RES UNI7 _ *D/W TIE QTY 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 819.00 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT: -0- -0- 336.03 S.F. 0/8 1.00 336.00 * 60.07 S.F. 1/8 1.00 60.00 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 80 JAMES W. P11NNA, ET U5 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PV8T. 9.75 819.00 9026 CAROLINE 73409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- • LOT 14 BLK 5 336.03 S.F. S/W 1.30 336.00 MC NCRTON 2 SUED 0 16.00 S.F. S/W EXT 1.00 16.00 8-18, 1 RES UNIT _ 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 *S/W EXT -3- S.F. 0/W -U- -0- 81 GEORGE DAVIS LEWIS III 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 819.30 9022 CAROLINE 18409 -0- L.F.C.G.E P8MT. -0- -0- LOT 13 113 5 335.00 S.F. S/8 1.00 336.00 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBU * 12.00 S.F. S/W EXT 1.00 12.00 R-18, 1 RES UNI! 84.33 S.F. 0/6 1-12 3.02 254.59 *5/8 EXT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 82 JOE E GRACE AYALA 9018 CAROLINE 13409 LOT 12 BLA 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SU80 R-18, 2 RES UNIT *5/W EX7 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 819.00 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -U- -C- 336.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 336.00 O 18.03 S.F. S/W 6XT 1.00 10.00 34.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 554.59 94.33 S.F. 0/8 1-12 3.02 254.59 3,164.23 1,436.37 1,392.37 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( e L 1,421.59 ( NOVEMBER 177 1967 PAGE 18 ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASS1SSED 83 00REEN CRAVEN 9014 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 11 ELK 5 MC NCRTON 2 SUED 8-1B7 1 RES UNIT 84 E.J. HRCHEK 9010 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 10 8LK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 4-187 1 RES UNIT 85 JUAN S. GONZALES 9006 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 9 BLK 5 MC NCRTCN 2 SU80 R-187 1 RES UNIT 66 ROLANDO CASTANEDA F 9 0 808 527 1-149 PORT ISABEL TX 7E578 LOT 8 BLK 5 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-187 VACANT LOT *SIDE BLANCO RD • 67 JESUS G. LCZANO F 8934 CAROLINE 73409 8-142 LOT 2-27 BLK 10 ( MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R -1B7 1 RES UNIT *SIDE BLANCC RU 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.r.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 3-46.00 S.F. S/8 - 0- S.F. 1/8 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 -0- S.F. 0/W 9.75 84.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - - L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 336.3.3 S 5/8 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- 73.30 S.F. 0/71 1-10 73.33 S.F. D/W 1-10 1.00 3.32 9.75 1.00 84.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 336.07 S.F. 1/8 -0- S.F. 5/8 -0- 95.33 'S.F. 0/W 1-14 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- 3.02 3.02 9.75 1.00 3.02 88.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. * 227.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 352.00 S.F. 5/11 O 906.00 S.F. S/W * 84.30 S.F. 0/8 1-12 - 3- S.F. 0/8 BLANCO RD INTERSECTS 54.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 113.70 L.F.C.G.E P9MT. 216.00 S.F. 5/W 442.87 S.F. 5/W 73.39 S.F. 0/8 1-10 - 3- 0.9. 1/8 9.75 4.68 1.00 .50 3.02 -0- 9.75 4.86 1.00 .70 3.02 819.00 _0- 336.00 - 0- 221.37 - 0- 119.00 -C- 336.00 -0- 221.37 221.37 619.00 - 0- 336.00 - 0- 287.81 - 0- 858.00 17107.76 352.00 454.00 254.59 - 0- 526.50 .22 216.00 211.40 21.37 - 0- 17376.37 17597.74 17442.81 37026.35 C C C L e L 17725.49 e a .NOVEMBER 17, 2987 PAGE 19 i ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION t 4 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY CF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT 88 JESUS G LOLANO 8934 CAROLINE 78409 9LOT 2-8 BLK 10 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, VACANT 89 LUCILLE SEWARD 8916 CAROLINE 78409 E 60• CF 2 E ALL LOT 3 _ BLK 10 MC NGRTON 3 SUBD P, -1B, 1 RES C'VACANT LOT 90 MIGUEL GARCIA 8912 CAROLINE 76409 LOT 4 BLK 10 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT . 91 i t 92 THOMAS R. RIDDICK C/0 MATIAS LLAMAS 8909 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 5 BLK 10 MC NCRTCN 3 SURD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT LUIS ESPINOZA 8904 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 6 BLK 1C MC NCRTCN 3 SUDD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 76.10 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. _ 304.40 S.F. S/4 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- S.F. D/4 - 0- S.F. D/W 141.17 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G•f PVMT• 564.69 S.F. 5/4 - 0- S.F. 5/4 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 - 0- S.F. D/W 81.17 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 324.69 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. 5/W 84.30 'S.F. 0/4 1-12 -0- S.F. D/W 81.17 L.F.C.G.E PVMT• -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 324.68 5.9. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 84.33 S.F. 0/W 1-12 76.10 L.F•C.G.E PVMT• - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT• 324.40 S.F. S/4 -0- S.F. S/W 84.30 S.F. 0/8 1-12 - 0- S.F. 0/4 9.75 741.96 - 0- -0- 1.00 304.40 - 0- -0- - 2- - O- 0_-3- -0- 9.75 1,376.41 - 0- -0- 1.-0 564.66 -0- -0- 3.02 221.37 -0- 9.75 791.41 0_ -0- 1.00 324.68 -0- -0- 3.02 254.59 -3- -0- 9.75 791..1 -U- -0- 1.09 324.63 -0- -0- 3.82 254.59 3.02 254.59 9.75 741.98 - 0- -0- 1.00 304.42 U_ - 0- 3.02 254.59 - 0- -0- 1,046.38 2,162.46 1,370.68 c ( c ( C c C e 1.625.27 L e L 7.300.97 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 _ _ PAGE 20 DESCRIPTICN TOTAL ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NC. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 93 MIGUEL E. GONZALES, JR 76.10 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 741.98 8900 CAROLINE 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -O- LOT 7 BLK 10 304.43 S.F. S/W 1.00 304.40 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 0 60.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 50.00 R -1B, 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 8D/W TIE QTY _._ -3- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 94 MARIA HILARIA ELICALDI 2342 MC KINZIE APT 26 78410 LOT 8 BLK 10 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, VACANT LOT 95 JASPER F. BLUCHER C/5 EDWARD B. DERRY 110 JANIN CIR PORTLAND TR 78374 LOT 9 BLE. 10 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBC R-18, VACANT LOT 96 JIMMY N REYES 3912 CAROLINE 73409 LOT 10 BLK 10 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 74.30 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 724.43 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 297.23 S.F. S/W 1.00 297.20 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 71.00 L.F.C.G.E P5MT. 9.75 692.25 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 284.00 S.F. 5/4 1.00 294.00 - 0- S.F. S/4 -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -o- 700.70 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 689.33 - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 252.80 S.F. S/W 1.00 282.90 -0- S.F. 5/W -7- -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 -0- S.F. 0/W -0- 1,327.75 1,021.63 976.25 1,193.50 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( L NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 21 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 97 MARTIN E DOMINGA PENA 1560 I.H. 35 NO. 13 WEATHERFORD PARK SAN MARCGS TX 75666 LOT 11 BLK 10 SMC NCRTON 3 SUED _ 5-18, 1 RES UNIT aD/N TIE :TY 98 DORA Y. PIMENTAL 8814 CAROLINE 75409 LOT 12 BLK 10 ( MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R -1B, 1 RES UNIT ( 99 ELIZA GONZALEZ 8400 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 13 BL4 10 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD 5-18, 1 RES UNIT 3 100 C.N. HAMMONDS RT. 2 BOX 9155 78469 LOT 18 BLK 10 HC NCRTCN 3 SUBD B-1, VACANT ( t ( ( ( ( 101 MRS GEORGIA HOWELL 5 9117 MC NORTON 7E409 L F-45 LOT 2 BLK 7 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R -1B, 2 RE5 UNIT 70.30 L.F.C.G.E P0MT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 281.20 S.F. S/W 53.00 S.F. 5/8 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 - 1- S.F. D/W 65.10 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E P0MT. 260.40 S.F. 5/W - 0- S.F. 5/41 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 - 2- S.F. D/W 60.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 240.03 S.F. 1/8 - 0- S.F. S/W 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 -0- S.F. D/W 150.00 L.F.C.G.E P0MT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 600.00 5.F. S/W - 0- S.F. 5/W - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- S.F. D/W CLARKWOOD RD END CAROLINE RD END EAST SIDE CAROLINE RD ML NORTON RD 70 CLARKWDOD RD BEGIN WEST SIDE 173.71 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F•C.G.E PVMT. 694.84 S.F. 5/W - 0- S.F. S/W 73.31 S.F. D/W 1-10 -0- S.F. 0/W TOTAL TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 9.75 685.43 - 0- -0- 1.00 281.20 1.00 60.00 3.02 221.37 -0- -0- 9.75 634.73 - 0- -0- 1.00 260.40 -0- -0- 3.02 221.37 - 0- 9.75 585.00 -0- -0- 1.00 240.00 - 0- -0- 3.02 221.37 - 0- -0- 13016 1,974.00 - 0- 1.00 600.00 -0- -C- - 0- -0- C- -0- -0- - o- - 0- - o- - o- - o- -o- -0- _0_-0- -0- -0- -0- - 0- -o- -o- - 0- -0- -0- _0- -0- -0- -0- _0_ 1,248.00 ( ( ( ( ( ( 1,116.50 ( ( 1,046.37 ( ( e 2,574.00 ( ( . C L I .NOVEMBER 17, 1987 __ _ ( ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT PAGE 22 RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 102 ROLANDO RAMIREZ 9155 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 3 BLK 7 __ MC NCRTON 3 SU8D 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT 103 LESTER J. MCELWEE ET UX 9151 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 4 BLK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SU8D • 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 104 JOE I. CORRALES 9147 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 5 BLK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SUED • R-18, 1 RES UNIT 3 105 ALFREDO GARCIA ET UX 9143 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 6 8LK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SUM) • 8-18, 1 RES UNIT Z 100 LORENZO GARCIA ET UX 9139 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 7 BLK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SURD ( 8-18, 1 RES UNIT t. L B 0 70.0.7 L.F.C.G.0 P8MT. -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 312.70 S.F. S/W - 3- S.F. S/W 44.30 S.F.0/8 1-12 - 0- S.F. 0/8 90.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PYMT. 360.03 A.F. S/W -0- S.F. 5/W 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 - 0- S.F. D/W 90.30 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 360.00 S.F. S/8 -0- S.F. S/W 73.30 "S.F. D/W 1-10 122.80 S.F. D/W 1-19 70.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 242.09 S.F. 5/8 -0- S.F. 5/8 73.33 S.F. 3/8 1-13 -0- S.F. 0/W 78.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 242.00 S.F. 3/8 - 0- S.F. S/W 84.37 S.F. D/W 1-12 - 0- S.F. D/W 9.75 760.50 - 0- -0- 1.00 312.00 - 0- -0- 3.C2 254.59 - 0- -0- 9.75 377.50 -0- -0- 1.00 362.30 U- -0- 3.02 254.59 -0- -0- 9.75 877.50 -0- -0- 1.00 360.00 U- -0- 3.02 221.37 3.02 370.56 9.75 760.50 - 0- -0- 1.00 242.00 -0- -0- 3.32 221.37 - 0- -0- 9.75 760.50 -0- -0- 1.30 242.00 -0- -0- 3.02 254.59 1,327.09 1,492.09 1,829.73 1,223.87 1,257.09 NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM NG. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 23 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 107 FREDDIE W. BEVERLY ET UX 55.20 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.15 535.20 9135 CAROLINE 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 8 BLK 7 220.80 S.F. 5/8 1.00 220.80 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD -0- S.F. 5/8 -0- -0- R-18, 1 R25 UNIT 13.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 108 ALICE LAUGHLIN SNYDER 9135 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 9 BLK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SURD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 109 JACK E DORIS SNYDER C/0 R.G. 800910UEZ 9127 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 10 8LK 7 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-1Br 1 Res UNIT 110 DORIS SNYDER RtE 4 80X 40 CLYDE TX 79510 LOT 11 BLK 7 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-10, 1 RES UNIT 111 ROWEL 868098Z 9115 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 12 8L4 7 MC NCRTCN 3 5U90 R-18, VACANT LOT L 59.56 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 239.44 S.F. 5/8 1.00 - 3- S.F. 5/8 -1- 84.3J S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 -3- S.F. 0/W -0- 583.64 -o- 239.44 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 54.96 L.F.C.G.E PM. 9.75 534.89 - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 219.44 S.F. 5/8 1.00 219.44 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.30 %S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. D/W -U- -0- 70.63 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 688.35 -0- PVMT. -0- -0- 232.43 S.F. S/W 1.00 282.40 -0- S.F. S/W -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 70.44 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 656.79 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 291.76 S.F. S/W 1.00 281.76 -0- 5.-. S/W _ _ -0- -a- S.F. D/W - - -0- -2- S.F. D/0 -0- -0- 990.37 975.70 1,192.12 968.55 ( NOVEMBER 17, 1957 PAGE 24 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ( ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY CF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED t 1 1 1 1 1 112 ROMEL RIMIREZ 9115 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 13 8L6 17 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 113 AUGUSTTINE RCDRIGUEZ 9111 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 14 BLK 7 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 114 J.B. TALLEY JR ET UX 9107 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 15 BLK 7 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 115 RAUL SANDOVAL ET UX 10411 WEAVER EL MCNTE CA 91732 LOT 16 BLK 7 ( NC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, VACANT LOT 00/W TIE QTY 1 ;{ 116 MRS BILLYE COBB 9037 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 17 BLK 7 • MC NORTON 3 SUBD 8-11, 1 RES UNIT 0180 S.F. 0/11 TIE QTY 0 71.44 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 686.79 -0- L.F.C.G.G PVMT. -0- -0- 281.76 S.F. 1/5 1.00 261.76 - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 70.44 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 281.76 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 -0- S.F. D/W 70.60 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - - L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 282.40 S.F. 5/W - 0- S.F. S/W 04.37 "S.F. D/W 1-12 - 0- S.F. D/W 9.75 - 0- 1.00 - o- 3.02 -0- 9.75 -0- 1.00 -0- 3.02 684.79 - 0- 281.76 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 688.35 - 0- 282.40 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 100.20 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 970.95 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 400.80 S.F. S/W 1.00 400.80 90.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 90.00 100.80 S.F. 0/5 1-15 3.02 304.42 - 0- S.F. 0/W s -0- 75.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 300.07 S 5/W 100.00 S.F. S/W 100.80 S.F. D/W 1-15 100.30 S.F. D/W 1-15 9.75 - 0- 1.10 1.00 3.Q2 3.02 731.25 - 2- 300.00 180.00 30..42 304.42 1,189.92 ( ( ( ( ( ( 1,223.14 ( ( 1,225.34 ( e 1,772.17 C L 1,820.09 L e .NOVEMBER 17, 1957 _ - PAGE 25 ( ( DESCRIPTION TOTAL ITEN OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ( NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED ( 117 KYLE D. ROWLETT ET UX 75.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 731.25 1 9033 CAROLINE 78409 -C- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -O- -0- ( LOT 18 BLK 7 _ - - -_ 300.00 S.F. S/8 1.00 300.00 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD -0- S.F. S/8 -0- -0- i 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 73.33 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 - - - - - - -5- S.F. D/W -0- 1,252.62 ( 118 PETE 8. LUNA 73.22 L.F.C.G.E P989. 9.75 713.70 ( 9031 CAROLINE 78409 -0- ,.F.C.G.E P989. -0- -0- ( LOT 8 8LK 6 _ 292.80 3.F. 5/W 1.00 292.80 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -,- t 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 95.30 5.F. 0/W 1-14 3.02 287.81 ( -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- 1,294.31 119 MATILDE DIMAS 73.20 L.F.C.G.E P8MT. 9.75 713.70 j 9029 CAROLINE 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ( LOT 7 BLK 6 _ 222.80 S.F. S/W 1.00 222.80 MC NORTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- ( 8-18, 1 RES UNIT B4.30-S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 ( -_ -0- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- ( 1,191.09 ( 120 AGUSTINE ANGUIANC 73.20 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 713.70 ( 1616 MARSHALL 78409 -7- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ( LOT 6 BLK 6 292.80 S.F. S/W 1.00 292.80 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT 71.36 S.F. 0/W 1-108 3.02 215.51 e -G- S.F. D/8 -U- -o- ( 1,222.01 ( 121 CLARA SETTLE 73.20 L.F.C.G.E PV8T. 9.75 713.70 t C/0 LECNARN E E.E. WILSON -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 9021 CAROLINE 78409 292.90 S.F. S/W 1.00 292.80 LOT 5 8LK 6 -0- S.F. S/W -J- -0- ( MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD 98.56 5.-. 0/8 1-158 3.02 296.56 L R-18, 1 RES UNIT -3- S.F. D/W -U- -0- 1,335.06 ( L i e L L NOVEMBER 177 19E7 i ITEM NC. PAGE 26 DESCRIPTION TOTAL OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 122 f i M.L. E LOIS GRASHAM 502 8659066 PKWY 70411 LOT 4 ELK 6 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD R-187 1 RES UNIT 73.20 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 713.70 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 292.80 S.F. 5/6 1.00 292.80 - 3- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- 106.39 S.F. 0/17 1-16 3.02 321.03 84.30 S.F. 0/11 1-12 3.02 254.59 17582.12 123 MICHAEL ANTHONY NESRSTA 226.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- i S 1613 BLANCO 78409 -3- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- F-150 LOT 1 BLK 6 _ _904.33 S.F. 5/W -3- -0- MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/9 -0- -0- i R-107 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. DA -0- -0- *SIDES ON CAROLINE -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- C .00 i 12•. JOSE VIGIL SUAREZ • 5 10206 VALENCIA F-143 HOUSTON TX 77013 LOT 1 BLK 11 MC NORTON 3 SUBD R-187 1 RES UNIT *INC 1145 S.F. D/W TIE BLANCO RD INTERSECTS 195.13 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -3- -0- - 3- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -?- -0- - 0 894.43 S.F.S/9 -0- -0- -0- S.F. 6/9 -0- -0- 122.80 S.F. D/9 1-19 -0- -0- -0- S.F. D/9 -0- -0- i 125 MANUEL E FRANCISCA GAMEZ 60.90 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 593.78 RTE 2 BOX 148A -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- CRANGE GROVE TX 78372 243.60 S.F. 5/W 1.00 243.60 ( LOT 4 BLK 11 -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -O- MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 84.33 S.F. D/N 1-12 3.02 .:54.59 R-187 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- ( 126 BILL G. BUGG ET LX 00.90 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 593.73 0917 CAROLINE 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 5 ELK 11 243.63 S.F. S/W 1.00 243.50 ( MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 0 24.03 S.F. S/. EXT 1.20 2..23 L *S/W EXT 84.30 S.F. L/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 - S.F. 0/W -0- ( 17115.97 e .00 ( ( 17091.97 L ( L n. NOVEMBER 17, 1987 S ITEM OWNER AND NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION __ _ PAGE 27 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 127 PAULA GARCIA 8913 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 6 BLK 11 MC NORTON 3 SUBO 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 0S/W EXT 128 EMILIO CASARE2 ET UX { 8909 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 7 BLK 11 MC NCRTCN 3 SUED 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT Q 129 ROGELIO REYES t 8905 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 8 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SUBO • R-18, i RES UNIT t 130 LLOYD L. ANDERSON Z 8901 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 9 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD • 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 131 JOSE VILLARREAL C/0 REYNALDO N. REYES 8017 CAROLINE 78..09 LJT 10 BLK 11 MC NCRTCN 3 SUOD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 0192 S.F. D/W TIE QTY L 63.10 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- L•F.C.G.E PVMT. 252.40 S.F. S/W 16.20 5.r. 5/W EXT 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 -0- S.F. 0/W 65.90 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVM7. 263060 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W 100.80 S.F. 0/W 1-15 -0- S.F. 0/W 71.00 L.F.C.G.E P987. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 284.00 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. 5/W 84.33'5.F. D/W 1-12 - J- S.F. D/W 9.75 015.23 - 0- -0- 1.00 252.40 1.00 15.20 3.02 221.37 - 0- 7.75 1.00 -0- 3.02 - 0- 7.75 - 0- 1.00 - 3- 3032 - 0- 76.10 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- L.F.C.G.5 PVMT. -0- 3)4.47 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W -0-J 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 -0- S.F. 0/W -0- 75.20 L.F.C.G•E PVMT. 9.75 - 0- 1.F.5.1•1 PVMT. -3- 300.8; S.F. S/W 1.00 172.00 S.F. 6/75 1.00 95.30 S.F. D/W 1-14 3.72 117.30 S.F. D/W 1-18 3.02 642.53 -0- 63.60 -0- 304.42 - 0- 692.25 -0- 204.00 - 0- 254.59 - 0- 741.98 304.40 - 0- 254.59 733.25 300.90 192.00 287.01 354.25 c ( C 1,105.20 ( ( 1,210.55 ( ( C 1,230.84 C 1 e 1,330.97 C 1 1,868.06 (, L L NOVEMBER 17, 1957 ITEM NO. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT PAGE 28 RATE AMOUNT 132 JESSE G. REYES 8813 CAROLINE 76409 LOT 11 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SURD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 133 LUTHER W. BROWNING 4733 WYNONA 78411 LOT 12 8LK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SURD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 134 RODOLFO J. ALEMAN 8005 CAROLINE 78409 LOT 13 BLK 11 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 135 EMELIA LONGORIA 3626 RUSHING 78410 LOT 14 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT 136 HOMER POINTER ESTATE C/O LCDR H.S. POINTER JAG CFFICE HQ U S FORCES KOREA APO SAN FRANCISCC CA 96301 LOT 15 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SURD 8-1, VACANT LOT e 35.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 342.40 S.F. S/W -0- S.F. S/W 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 90.40 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 361.63 S.F. 0/8 - 3- S.F. 5/W 84.3) S.F. D/6 1-12 -0- S.F. 0/W 75.40 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -C- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 301.50 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 - S.F. 0/W 75.40 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 301.57 S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. S/W - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- S.F. 0/W 150.30 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. - 0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 600.00 S.F. 5/W - 0- S.F. 5/5 - S.F. D/W -0- S.F. D/W 9.75 834.60 -0- 1.00 342.40 p_ - 0- 3.02 254.59 3.02 221.37 9.75 881.40 -U- -0- 1.00 351.69 - 0- 3.32 254.5/ - 0- -0- 9.75 735.15 - 0- 1.00 301.60 - 0- 3.02 221.37 -0- 9.75 735.15 - 0- -0- 1.00 301.50 -1- -0- n_ -0- - 0- -0- 9.75 11452.50 - 0- 1.00 600.00 - 0- - 0- -0- _0_ -0- TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 1,o52.96 11497.59 c t C 1,258.12 C 1 e 1,036.75 L 2,061.50 L L f { NOVEMBER 17, 1997_ _ PAGE 29 DESCRIPTION TOTAL ( ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED CLARCKWCOD ROAD END CAROLINE RD 2ND 'WEST 5IDE BLANCC ROAD MC NORTON RD TO DEAD END 137 R000LF0 G. ALEMAN o 212.07 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -G- -0- S 8305 CAROLINE 76409 -0- L.2.C.0.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 1 BLK 1 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- MC NCRTON 1 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- j R-18, GROCERY STORE -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 095 IMPROVEMENTS .__ -3- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- .00 3 139 JOSEPH E LUCY I. BROCKWAY 121.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 1 S 1040 POST 5T 78405 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- F-60 LOT 1 BLK 2 484.00 S.F. S/W -0- -0- MC NCRTCN 1 SUN -0- S.F. S/8 -0- -0- • R-18, 1 RES UNIT -:- -S.F. 0/W -o- -0- 3., . 0/8 -3- -0- .00 t 139 ROLAND GIL ET UX 09.09 L.F.C.G.E PVMT., 9.75 672.75 ( 2724 PRESCOTT 78404 -0- L.F.C.G.E P8MT. -0- -0- N 63. OF S 1/2 275.30 S.F. 5/W 1.00 176000 LOT 1 BLK 2 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- MC NCRTON 1 SUBD -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 8-18, 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. 0/8 -0- -0- 948.75 i 140 JOE UVALLE 51.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 497.25 t 1624 BLANCO 79405 -0- L.F.C.G.e PINT. -0- -0- S 1/2 LCT 62 BLK 2 204.33 S.F. S/W 1.00 204.00 MC NCRTON 1 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- Z R-10. VACANT LOI -0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- -0- 3.F. 0/W -0- -0- L 701.25 C. L 13 • _ NOVEMBER 17, 1987 _ _ PAGE 30 DESCRIPTION ITEM OWNER ANO QUANTITY OF N0. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT 141 DOMINGO CASTANEDA JR. 1622 BLANCO 78405 LOT 1 BLK 10 _ MC NCRTON 3 SUBD 1-18, 1 ROS UNIT 142 JESUS G. LOZANO S 8934 CAROLINE 78409 F-87 LOT 2-A BLK 10 MC NCRTON 3 5U80 R-18, 1 RES UNIT OFRONT CAROLINE 143 JOSE VIGIL SUAREZ F 10206 VALENCIA S-124 HOUSTON TX 77013 LOT 1 BLK 11 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT *SIDE 144 JOSE VIGIL SUAREZ 10206 VALENCIA HOUSTON TX 77013 LOT 2 BLK 11 MC NCRTON 3 SURD R-1Br VACANT LOT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 104.20 L.F.C.G.0 PVHT. 9.75 1,015.95 -0- L.F.C.G.E P8MT. -0- -0- 416.80 S.F. S/W 1.00 416.80 - S.F. S/8 -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. 0/W 1-12 3.12 154.59 S.F. D/W -0- * 110.70 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- - 5- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 442.80 3.F. 5/N -0- -0- - 0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- CAROLINE RD INTERSECTS 122.30 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 1,192.43 O 195.13 L.F.C.G.E P997. 4.88 952.09 489.20 S.F. 5/9 1.00 480.20 O 894.40 S.F. S/N .50 447.20 73.30 S.F. D/N 1-10 3.02 221.37 O 122.30 S.F. 0/8 1-19 3.02 370.06 115.00 L.F.C.G.E PVHT. 7.75 1,121.25 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- 60.00 S.F. S/N 1.00 60.00 - 0- S.F. 5/N -0- - 0- S.F. 0/61 -0- -0- -0- S.F. 0/8 -0- 1,687.34 .00 3,673.15 1,181.25 C c c L e L 1 • 145 J.J. E ELIZABETH A. WILKEY 115.00 5.F.5.0.5 PVMT. 9.75 1,121.25 C 1002 BLANCO 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -U- -0- LOT 3 BLK 11 460.00 S.F. 5/N 1.00 460.00 ( ,RC NCTCN 3 5U8U -0- S.F. 5/N -0- -0_ 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3..32 221.37 -0- S.F. 0/6 -0- -0- ( 1,832.62 e L L EI r NOVEMBER 17, 1987 PAGE 31 DESCRIPTION TOTAL X ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 146 BENJAMINE GCNZALEZ a 212.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- 9002 MC NORTGN 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 25 BLK 4 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -C- MC NCRTON, 2 SUBC -0- S.F. S/0 -3- -0- 8-18, 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- ( *N0 IMPROVEMENTS -3- S.F. D/W -0- -0- 000 DEAD END END EAST SIDE ( END BLANCO RD (_ BLANCO ROAD MC NORTON RD TO DEAD END I BEGIN WEST SIDE ( 147 FELIX VARGAS 135.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- S 9001 MC NORTON 7E409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- F-59 N 137A LOT 7 BLK 5 940.00 S.F. S/W -0- -0- ( MC NCRTON 2 5U8D -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT 128.37 S.F. D/W 1-20 -0- -0- :. *FRONTS MC NORTON -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- L .00 ( ( 148 HOYT LEE GRASHAN 100.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 975.00 ( 502 BRAWNER PKWY 78411 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- LOT 7 BLK 5 400.00 S.F. S/W 1.03 400.03 1 MC NCRTON 2 SUDD -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- e R-18, 1 RES UNIT _ -0- S.F. D/W _ -0- -0- - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- -0- ( 1,375.00 ( i 149 ROLANDO CASTANEOA 227.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0-(.. -0- 5 P. 0. BOX 627 -0- L.F.C.G.E PV88. -8- -0- F-86 PORT ISABEL TX 78579 900.00 S.F. S/W - - -0- ( LOT 8 'ILK 5 -3- S.F. S/W -0- -0- MC NCRTON 2 SURD 94.33 S.F. 0/8 1-12 -0- -0- - 0- S.F. 0/8 -0- t .00 L 4.e L. NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM NO. ONNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 32 DESCRIPTION TOTAL QUANTITY OF AMOUNT ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED CAROLINE RD INTERSECTS ( 150 MICHAEL ANTHONY NESRSTA 149.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,452.75 ( 0 1613 BLANCO 78412 ' 226.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 4.88 1,102.88 ( S-123 LOT 1 BLK 6 536.30 S.F. S/W 1.0J 535.00 MC NCRTCN 2 SUBD a 904.00 S.F. S/W .50 452.00 ( R-18, 1 RES UNIT 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 ( *SIDE CAROLINE _ -0- S.F. 0/44 -0- -0- 3,798.22 ( 151 WILLIAM FRANKLIN 100.09 L.F.C.G.E 0987. 9.75 975.00 L 1607 BLANCO 78409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- ( LOTS 2-8 E 2-8 BLK 6 400.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 400.00 MC NORTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- i 8-18, 1 RES UNIT 73.30 S.F. 0/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 ( _-0- _ S.F. 0/W _ _ -0- -0- ,( 1,596.37 ( 152 ELMER GILLETT 106.42 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 1,037.60 i 1603 BLANCO 79409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0( - _ LOT 3 BLK 6 425.54 S.F. S/W 1.00 425.63 MC NCRTON 2 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- i 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT 94.3J S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 ( 73.30 S.F. D/W 1-10 3.02 221.37 3 1,939.24 ( DEAD END '{ END WEST SIDE e END BLANCO ROAD i ( MARSHALL ROAD MC NORTON RD TO CAROLINE RD 3 BEGIN EAST SIDE ( ( 153 AUGUSTIN ANGUTANC a 114.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- C S 1616 MARSHALL 70409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- F-51 LOT 1A BLK 9 456.00 S.F. 5/W -0- -0- ( MC NCRTON 3 SUED -0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- C R-18, 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- *FRCNTS ON MC NORTON -0- 5.0. 0/9 -0- -0- L •90 e C L 11:1© L { C i S NOVEMBER 17, 1987 ITEM NC. OWNER AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAGE 33 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY OF ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ASSESSED 154 AUGUSTIN ANGUTANC 1616 MARSHALL 78409 LOT 1-8, BLK 9 MC NCRTCN 3 SUED 11-16, 1 RES UNIT 155 ARLIE L. DUDLEY S 9034 CAROLINE 78409 F-76 LOT 3 BLK 9 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD R-18, 1 RES UNIT *D/W TIE 17Y 120 S.F. 119.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT., 9.75 1,160.25 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- _476.00 S.F. 5/W 1.00 476.00 - 0- S.F. 5/W -0- -0- 87.37 S.F. D/W 1-12.0 3.02 263.65 84.30 S.F. 0/6 1-12 3.02 254.59 227.00 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- - 0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- -1,028.00 S.F. S/W -0- -0- - 0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 128.30 S.F. D/W 1-20 -0- -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- CAROLINE ROAD END MARSHALL ROAD 880 EAST SIDE MARSHALL ROAD MC NORTON RD TO CAROLINE RD BEGIN WEST SID -c i 156 WILLIE GAR2A o 171.07 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 0 9101 MC NORTON IE409 -0- L.F.C.G.E PVMT. -0- -0- F-50 LOT 4 BLK B 664.07 S.F. 5/9 -0- -0- 1. MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 8-1B, 1 RES UNIT -0- S.F. D/W -0- -0- FRONTS MC NORTON -0- S.F. D/W -0- 1. Z 157 J.H. SHUPTRINE 1601 MARSHALL 73409 LOT 6 BLK 3 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT *D/W TIE OTY CI 95.03 L.F.C.G.E PVMT. 9.75 926.25 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -U- -0- 390.00 S.F. 5/6 1.00 380.00 * 96.0) S.F. S/W 1.00 96.00 136.30 S.F. U/1. 1-16 3.02 321.03 - 0- S.F. 0/6 -0- -0- ( ( ( 2,154.49 .00 e .00 L 1,723.28 L L r-� Goo- -NOVEMBER 17, 1987_ __ _ PAGE 34 _ DESCRIPTION TOTAL [ ITEM OWNER AND QUANTITY OF AMOUNT _NO. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ASSESSED ASSESSMENT RATE AMOUNT ASSESSED 158 J.B. WHITEHOUSE ET UK 1605 MARSHALL 78409 LOT 8 BLK 8 MC NCRTCN 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RcS UNIT 159 E.R. ANDERSON S 4013 RICHW00 73410 F-77 LOT 10 BLK 8 :1C NCRTON 3 SUBD 8-18, 1 RES UNIT *FRONTS CAROLINE 95.00 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. 9.75 926.25 -0- L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -0- -0- 380.00 S.F. S/W 1.00 380.00 -0- S.F. S/W -0- -0- 84.30 S.F. D/W 1-12 3.02 254.59 - 0- S.F. D/6 -0- -0- 02.70 L.F.C.G.0 PVMT. -C- - 0- L.F.C.G.0- 330.80 S.F. S/6 -o- -0- S.F. 5/W -0- - 0- S.F. D/W -0- - 0- S.F. 0/W -0- CAROLINEE ROAD END MARSHALL RD END WEST 5IDE END PROJECT - 0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- 1,560.84 .00 ( ( ( ( ( TOTAL ASSESSMENTS *** 244,112.43 e ( ( L All assessments, however, are to be made and levied by the City Council as it may deem just and equitable, having in view the special benefits in enhanced value to be received by such parcels of property and owners thereof, the equities of such owners, and the adjustment of the apportionment of the cost of improvements so as to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed. SECTION 6. That a hearing shall be given to said owners of abutting property, and of railways and of street railways, if any, or their agents or attorneys, and all persons interested in said matter, as the amount to be assessed against each owner and his abutting property and railways and street railways, and as to the benefits to said property by reason of said improvement or any other matter or thing in connection therewith, which hearing shall be held during a meeting of the City Council on December 22, 1987, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 302 South Shoreline Boulevard, in the City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, at which time all the said owners, their agents or attorneys or other interested persons are notified to appear and to be heard, and at said hearing said owners and other persons may appear, by counsel or in person, and may offer evidence, and said hearing shall be adjourned from day to day until fully accomplished. The City Secretary of the City of Corpus Christi is hereby directed to give notice of the time and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session, together with any amendments thereto, now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which said law, as an alternative method for the construction of street improvements in the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, has been adopted by said City. Said notice shall be by advertisement inserted at least three times in a newspaper published in the City of Corpus Christi, the first publication to be made at least 21 days before the date of such hearing. Said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the said Act. The City Secretary is hereby further directed to give additional written notice of the hearing by depositing in the United States mail, at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing, written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the owners of street or highways to be improved, as the names of such owners are shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, and at the addresses shown, or if the names of such respective owners do not appear on such rendered tax rolls, then addressed to such owners as their names are shown on the unrendered tax rolls of said City at the addresses shown thereon; and when a special tax is proposed to be levied against any railway or street railway using, occupying of crossing any highway or street, portion or portions thereof to be improved, such additional notice shall be given by depositing in the United States Mail, at least fourteen (14) days before date of the hearing, a written notice of such hearing, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the said railway or street railway as shown on the then current rendered tax rolls of said City, at the address so shown, or, if the name of such respective 204HG052.ord 3 railways do not appear on such rendered tax rolls of the City, then addressed to such railways or street railways as the names shown on the current unrendered tax rolls of said City, at addresses shown thereon. Said notice shall describe in general terms the nature of the improvements for which assessments are proposed to be levied, shall state the highway, highways, streets or portions thereof to be improved, state the estimated amount or amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against the owner or owners of abutting property and " such property on each highway, or street or portion thereof with reference to which hearing mentioned in the notice shall be held, and shall state the estimated total cost of the improvements on each such highway, or street, portion or portions thereof, and, if the improvements are to be constructed in any part of the area between and under rails and tracks, double tracks, turnouts, and switches, and two (2) feet on each side thereof of any railway street railway or interurban, shall also state the amount proposed to be assessed therefor, and shall state the time and place at which hearing shall be held; provided, however, that any failure of the property owners to receive said notice, shall not invalidate these proceedings. SECTION 7. That upon written request of the Mayor or five Council members, copy attached, to find and declare an emergency due to the need to take immediate action to preserve and protect public property by expediting the construction of public improvements, such finding of an emergency is made and declared requiring suspension of the Charter rule as to consideration and voting upon ordinances at three regular meetings so that this ordinance is pas ed and shall take qffept upon first reading as an emergency measure this the day o WITIIAPh 1, 198.1 . ATTEST: City Secretary `-' MA OR THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS APPROVED: /96 DAY OF Ateve,,,her , 19 S7 HAL GEORGE, CITY ATTORNEY By iey Assis ant ity attor�ney 204HG052.ord 4 Corpus Christi, Texas //'. day of Cf (D)-1— YISuh1987 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corpus Christi, Texas For the reasons set forth in the emergency clause of the foregoing ordinance or resolution, an emergency exists requiring suspension of the Charter rule as to consideration and voting upon ordinances or resolutions at three regular meetings; I/we, therefore, request that you suspend said Charter rule and pass this ordinance or resolution finally on the date it is introduced, or at the present meeting of the City Council. Respectfully, Respectfully, Council Members The above ordinance Betty N. Turner David Berlanga, Sr. Leo Guerrero Frank Mendez Clif Moss Bill Pruet Mary Rhodes Mary Pat Slavik Linda Strong 99.045.01 R THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS was passed by the following vote: 20082