HomeMy WebLinkAbout029769 ORD - 03/19/2013Public Hearing on proposed assessments for Vaky Street from Swantner Drive to Reid Drive, Ivy Lane from Gollihar Road to Horne Road and Clare Drive from South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road (the "Project "); Ordinance finding and determining that the property abutting said streets will be specifically and specially benefitted and enhanced to an amount at least equal to the cost to each property owner; levying and imposing assessments totaling $191,716.44 against property abutting the improvements for the Project; fixing corresponding liens on property and charges against property owners; adopting the attached Preliminary Assessment Roll; providing for subsequent adjustment of assessment amounts and the corresponding liens and charges based on as -built conditions; specifying assessment payment terms and lien enforcement measures; amending the FY 2013 Capital Improvement Budget adopted by Ordinance No. 029565 to transfer $99,217.38 in unspent Storm Water funds and $48,592 in unspent Water funds from the Rodd Field/Yorktown Intersection at Airline Road project to the Project; increasing expenditures in the amount of $147,809.38; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a construction contract with Bay, Ltd. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $2,381,270.55 for the Project for the Base Bid and Additive Alternates 1 and 2. (Bond Issue 2008) In its Resolution No. 029738, passed on January 29, 2013, the City Council determined that it was necessary to improve and order the improvements of the following roadways in Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas: Vaky Street from Swantner Drive to Reid Drive, Ivy Lane from Gollihar Road to Horne Road, and Clare Drive from South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road (the "Project ") In that resolution, the City Council also noted that street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk improvements were to be paid for partly by the city and partly by assessments. Driveway improvements were to be paid for entirely by assessments. On November 26, 1996, the City Council passed Resolution No. 022767, which specified rules which apply to the city street improvements assessment process (the "Assessment Process Rules Resolution "). These rules concerned assessment hearing notice and the assessment hearing itself. In Resolution No. 029738, passed on January 29, 2013, the City Council scheduled a public hearing on proposed assessments for the Project. The City Council directed that hearing noticed be published and mailed in accordance with the Assessment Process Rules Resolution. Thereafter, notice was published on the following dates: February 4, 2013, February 11, 2013, and February 18, 2013. Written notice was sent via certified mail to owners of property abutting the proposed improvements on February 1,2013. 029769 INDEXED NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. During the February 26, 2013 City Council meeting, a public hearing was held concerning proposed assessment for the Project. The City Council considered: A. Written testimony by the City's Director of Engineering Services and a city - retained real estate appraiser. A copy of the appraiser's written testimony is attached as Exhibit A. B. Testimony, if any, by owners of property abutting the proposed improvements and their representatives; C. Additional testimony, if any, by the Director of Engineering Services, other members of city staff, and a city - retained real estate appraiser; and D. Other testimony and evidence, if any. After consideration of all testimony and other evidence, the assessment hearing is closed. SECTION 2. Proposed assessments for each property abutting proposed improvements are listed in Exhibit B. These assessments have been calculated according to the requirement of the Code of Ordinances, City of Corpus Christi, (the "Corpus Christi Code ") Section 49-2-1 and Texas Transportation Code Chapter 313. The front -foot rule was applied unless that would have resulted in injustice or inequality. In those cases, however, the City Council has applied special rates or made other equitable adjustment to the assessments, all considering the: A. Special benefit the property and the owner receive in enhanced value to the property; B. Equities of the owners; and C. Adjustment of the apportionment to produce a substantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed. SECTION 3. The City Council determines that the assessment on each property listed in Exhibit B is just and equitable and does not exceed the special benefit in enhanced value which that property and its owner will receive by construction of the proposed improvements. SECTION 4. The assessments listed in Exhibit B are adopted and fixed as a lien on the property and a personal liability and charge against the property owner. SECTION 5. The Director of Engineering Services, or his designee, is authorized to adjust these assessments and the corresponding liens and charges without further City Council action if it is determined after completion of the proposed improvements that the amount of property actually improved is either greater or less than the amount utilized for purposes of calculating the assessment. Under those circumstances, an adjustment may be made to ensure that the assessment for each property corresponds to as -built conditions. The adjustment will be made using the same assessment method (front -foot rule, special rate, other equitable adjustment) which was used to calculate the assessment listed in Exhibit B. It is intended that these adjustments will not be substantial in nature. Thus, they will not trigger any statutory requirement for the City Council to hold a new assessment hearing to impose revised assessments. SECTION 6. The preliminary assessment role for the subject properties is hereby adopted. These assessments have been imposed after due consideration of all testimony and other evidence. They include any appropriate equitable adjustments. They also reflect the correction of any errors, inaccuracies, or irregularities noted at the public hearing. All protests against or objections to the assessments or to the contract for the improvements, other than reflected in Exhibit B. are denied. SECTION 7. In accordance with Corpus Christi Code Section 49 -21, a property owner may pay an assessment as follows: A. Any property owner against whom and against whose property an assessment as been imposed may pay the whole assessment, without interest, within thirty (30) days after completion and acceptance of the improvement by the City. B. Alternatively, an assessment may be paid in 120 or fewer monthly installments. The first installment will be payable within thirty (30) days after completion and acceptance of the improvements by the City. Installments and accrued interest will be due each month thereafter until the assessment is paid. C. Alternatively, an assessment may be paid in 10 or fewer monthly installments. The first installment will be payable within thirty (30) days after completion and acceptance of the improvements by the City. One installment and accrued interest will be due each year thereafter until the assessment is paid. SECTION 8. The interest rate on assessments will be the greater of: A. Eight (8) percent per annum; or B. The interest rate paid by the City on its most recently issued General Obligation bonds. Assessment installments may be paid at any time before maturity by paying the principal and accrued interest. If a property owner does not timely pay an assessment indebtedness or any part thereof, then the whole indebtedness remaining unpaid, will, at the option of the City, immediately mature and become payable without notice, demand, or presentment of payment. SECTION 9. These assessment liens are first and prior liens on the property affected. They are superior to any other lien or claim other than one for county, school district, or municipal ad valorem taxes. The liens date from January 29, 2013, the date when the Corpus Christi City Council ordered the Project. SECTION 10. A lien against property or the personal liability of a property owner that arises from an assessment under this Ordinance may be enforced by suit or sale of the property assessed in the manner provided by law for sale of property for municipal ad valorem taxes. Further, the assessments may be collected along with interest, expense of collection, and reasonable attorneys' fees. SECTION 11. The FY 2013 Capital Improvement Budget adopted by Ordinance No. 029565 is amended to increase funds in the amount of $147,809.38. SECTION 12. Unspent funds in the amount of $99,217.38 in budgeted Storm Water funds and $48,592 in budgeted Water funds from the Rodd Field/Yorktown Intersection at Airline Road project are added to the Project. SECTION 13. The City Manager or designee is authorized to execute a construction contract in the amount of $2,381,270.55 with Bay, Ltd. of Corpus Christi, Texas for the Project to include the Base Bid and Additive Alternates 1 and 2. ATTEST: Armando Chapa City Secretary T CITY OFtQORPUS CHRISTI Nelda Martinez Mayor That t e fojegoing ordnance was read or the first time and passed to its second reading on this the "'ay of Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb y the following vote: Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott Th t foregoin rdinance as read for' the second time and passed finally on this the 11 day of , 7-013, by the following vote: Nelda Martinez Kelley Allen Rudy Garza Priscilla Leal David Loeb Chad Magill Colleen McIntyre Lillian Riojas Mark Scott PASSED AND APPROVED, this the 11 th day of ATTEST, Armando Chapa City Secretary Nelda Martinez Mayor 029769 . „ GEOR Ei ..N PARASKEVAS. REAL feART PATIO PLAZA 5446 10,1h1144-41" COldrUS CHRISM, ltXAS 78411 peremborialoi 2 Preliminar Assessment kali Clare Drive Ivy Lane \fatty Street My name is George N Paraskevas and I am a State Certified Residential appraiser - and have been evaluating properties and ,practicing real estate in Corpps.Chrtati area since 1971. I have experience in appraisng.residentiai properties, and 1 arn 'farnilar with the real estate market in corpus Christi. I am faMilia(withlit,Preliminary'Assessment, roll Clare Drive, . . . taneend'Vaky:Street. I agree'vOith yrr.:::Etisabld:earaadeseription af the conditions to changed and ::f am ..f.enoiler with the improvements to be!niadebyiih0-gtvOteot00orphOeti, 1 :tiave,revie**1 the project assessment roll; and '..personalty examined ;e0OkOf the 96 parcitile,000 therein. In My-ppinipneech each parcel wilt be:..:ePecigdelhf.:poototodbyetacb':imlirovernent'itibi assessed against itr.,90ithatikregaritte*OrnMunity benefits. In additioni,Ais my opinion that'eaehsuchiparcel'vvili:.he: Specially enhancedbyttohl„ nPrOVemen.„ ts at r. eastiothe extent'ofthei assessment ttated. Thank you h. Gcor� N Pamca Cenifierd ApOider I 0 FICX (6I) 9100.24.44 rAX tzei) o$02.2,u42 opmccbor.ozj fotwatiorttotaraolvalimm , PRELIMINARY Clare Drive Paving Assessments ADDRESS PAY ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL COST 6358 S.P.I.D. Morteza Shafinury & Mostasa Bighamian Lot 11 & 12, Block ;4` Woodlawn Estates PO Box 270152 -78427 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) $19.50 ILF Curb Guttarrv& Pavement (Stdirgt.11:s 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4` Sidewalk'(Siding) Driveway A (In ROW) /SF /Srrvi Driveway A (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) Driveway C (In ROW) DriVewaY C;(BebindYROW) (CONC CONC} 360.0 SF $5.20 /SF 267.5 SF $5.20 /SF 259.5 SF $5:20 /SF' Total Assessment Cost: $0.00 $3,997, $9,50 5676.60 $1,869.40 51,872.00 $1,391.00 $1,349,40 $11,164.80 6402 S.P.I.D Morteza Shafinury Lot 14R, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates 7614 Stamberg Lake Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78413 Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) _ 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 14'Sidewalk(Siding) :: Driveway B (in ROW) Driveway B (Behind ROW) (ASPH -ASPH) riveway D (In ROW) riveway'D(Behind;ROW) (ASPH ASP!{"`', °' $19.50 /LF $0.00 19.50 /LF.:-2 $39:4:50" $1.00 /SF $0.00 51,00 ISF $710.50 $5.20 ISF $1,105.00 $25 00 5461.11 - SF 55.20 /SF 5751.40 0 0lSF $25 O01ISY $0.00 Total Assessment Cost: $7,085.51 212.5 166.0 144.5 1429 Clare Drive Irma D 18osque C/O Reno Del Bosque 4,0t168't3lock4 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb C(ifter &Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4'' Sidewalk (Siding) • _. Driveway E (In ROW) Driveway E (Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH] , 50.0 LF $9.75 /LF $487.50 LF -. 7.54.86 /LF r 80,00 171.0 SF $1.00 /SF "$171.00 0,DISF • $e;50 /SF $0'00 95.0 SF $5.20 /SF $494,00 ,-43.;•5 7 $254)0 /SY 3;120'83 Total Assessment Cost: 51,273.33 F $9.75]/LF i,, $731.25 1425 Clare Drive JesuslJaqueline Maqueda SW25' of Lot 9 & NEnHaif of Lot 16 Block 4 Woodlawn WEstates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement ($ding) • 4'- Sidewalk x - µ j4 Sidewalk (S €ding)M f Driveway E (In ROW)µ Driveway E (Behind ROB) (ASPH ASPti) 75.0 0 258.5 SF 7$U0 $258,50 00 SF 129 0 SF 6251SF $2500 /S'( Total Assessment Cost: $0.40 $670.80 $17861 51,834.16 1426 Clare Drive - Mary beatri e%Smith' S67' of Lot 15, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Glitter : &Payernent(Siding).. 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) ' Sidewalk ;(Siding) Driveway F (In ROW) ,DrivewayF:(Behind'ROW) (ASPH GRVL) 67.0 LF X20 221.0 SF Clare Drive Cladcilreirs R Pizana_ NE33' of Lot 15 & S34' of Lot 16, Block °3 " ' Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb,,Gutter &Pavement (Siding) ^' -._.. SI 5653.25 ,$8 /LF ". $1.00 /S $221.00 -so oa 159.5 SF $5.20 /SF 59.,0 SF $25 Qp ISY.. Total Assessment Cost: 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Stdewalk(Sidmg) _ Driveway G (In ROW) Driveway G (Behind ROW) (CONG CONC) 67.0 CF D 0 LF $4,88 227*SF $1.00 $9.75 /LF 140.0 SF SF $829.40 $16380 $1,867.54 ILF /SF,,. :50 /SF $5.20 /SF 5'20 /SF Total Assessment Cost: 1 1419 Clare Orve Jean Pierre Albrecht Lot 9A, Block 4 Woodlawn Estates 017 Waldran;Rd Corpus Christi TX 78416 uriN Gutter;& Pev ment (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) :14',2,Sidewaik (Fronting) ;; 4' Sidewalk (Siding) away Iin ROW) - - Driveway H (Behind ROW} (ASPH -GRVL) D0 LF $9 75 $653.25 : $0 00 $227.50 0 00 $728.00 $418.00 $2,024.75 $4 88 ILF 26t5SF - 0.0 SF 152.5: 111.5 00, /SF $0.50 /SF $5 20 /SF 525.00 ISY Total Assessmer* Cost: $731.25 $0.00 X261.50 50.00 sloapo $309.72 S2 098 :47 12/20/2012 1 of 4 PRELIMINARY Clare Drive Paving Assessments 1418 Clare Drive Concepcion L Esparza Lot 16A, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates 6334 St Denis Corpus Christi, TX 78414 u>b, Gt1tCe�rp ui3i,,& Raven ent (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Sldewi )k (F ontrhg) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Dtiv8way 1 (In ROW Driveway 1 (Behind ROW) (CONC- CONC)) 65:0tLI= 1 $:9.75 0.0 LF $4,88 230.0. SF i_...e - $1 {0o ISF 0.0 SF 50.50 /SF $5;20 /SF 80.0 SF $5.20(/SF Total Assessnent Cost /LF /LF 5643,50 -16.17-5 230 00 $000 $728.0 5416.00 $2,017.50 1409 ClareDrive Robert E. Gilley _ W Lot 8 BIOck 4 Woodlawn Estates PO Box 81139 -7$412 1414 Clare Drive Do- ris E. Jordan 887 pfLot 17, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates 1,202 Lake Forest Dr. Marble Falls, TX 78654 Curb, Gutter & pavement (Froltm0) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4': Sidewalk (Fronting) fa' Sidewalk (Siding) i Driveway J;;(In ROW), DrrVeway J (Behind ROW) (ASPH GRVL) Driveway L (In 20W) _ Driveway L (Behind ROW) (CONC- CONC)�' 1401 Clar Drive Bradley Wayne Dirksen NW' of Lilt 7,:Block 4 Woodlawn Estates rb Gutter &Pavement (Fronting) ICurb,,-Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Sidewalk ( Fronting) • . __. 4'- Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway K (In ROW)' Driveway K (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) 1.00..01 LF j ; $9.75/LF 0.0 LF $4.88 /LF 315:518F 51.00 /SF 0.0 SF 50.50 /SF $5 20 /SF $2540 /SY 5,20 ISF 164.0=SF 97.5 SF 149.0.'SP 50.0 SF 55.20 otelAS eesmentCosti $975;00 50.00 $315::50 50.00 5852; $0 $270.83 5260.00 53,46E 13 67 0 LF $9 75 ILF 0.0 LF - $4.88ILF 208 5jSF r$1 001 /SF OE O S F L $0.50 /SF 1914 b"f7 $5:20 ISF 0.0 SF 55.20 /SF Total AssessmentCOSt. 716-5-3:25 50.00 $208.50 80.00 $1,011.40 50.00 $1,873;15 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting." Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewelk,.(FSenting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway M, (In ROW) ;.Driveways M (Behlndt±OW) {ASPH p,SPH) Driveway P (In ROW) Driveway P (Behind ROW) (ASPH -GRVL) $4.88 318.5 SF ° ! $1 00 /SF 0.0 SF $0.50 /SF--"- $5.20; $25;00 14Q,0 SF- $5.20 4fl.0 SF $25.00 /Total Asse.Senent Cost : 0.0 LF $4.88 /LF 211,5rSF si d 7 ) $0.50 !SF $5.20 /SF', SF $5.20,,/SF otal Assessrtteht Gosf; 1410 Clare Drive" Lawrence E. Daniel N33 of lot 17 8;534!2,6 Lot 18, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates Curb cGU & Pavernan `(Fr onting) , Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) ;4 Src(eMla_k (Fron(Ing 4' Sidewalk (Siding) 'Driveway N (In ROW) Driveway N (Behind ROW} (GONG CONC) 975.00 $0.00 5318 5Q $0.00 728.00 $83.33 $728.00 5111.11 52;943.94 0.0 SF 1408 Clare Drive P at O4eda,ET LIX Lot 18A, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates 7440 Convair Cl Orpus Chrisli, TX 78412 . 1345 Clare Drive Catherine Y Stroud Lot 6, Block 4 Woodlawn Estates 8653;25 50.00 $211.50 $0.00 $1047 80 80.00 $1,912.55 5643.50 $910 8224.50 $.004 $728.00 38.69 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb; Gutter &Pavement (Sidi; g)'•, 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' 1S dewalk (Slomg) ' . __ Driveway 0 (In ROW) Xiveway 0 (Behlnd:ROW) (ASPH ASPH) 66.01 LF 0.0ILF: 224.5 SF 0.0 $F Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urb Gut(er & Pavemen€ (Siding) ", 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4!1ESldewa(k:(Stding) 7 Driveway Q (In ROW) iDriveway0(Behmd.ROW) (GONG- C,ONC_), Driveway S (In ROW) riVewatjS=(Behifd"ROW)"(CONC CONC):: 59.75 /LF 11.14.88 $1.00 /SF 140.0 SF 55.20 /SF 50,0 SF $25.00 /SY Total Assessment Cost: $1,734.89 12/20/2012 100.0 LF 59.'75 /LF 0.0 LF $4:88 /LF 302.5 SF [ $1.00 /SF 0.0 SF $0 50 /SF 185.5 SF $5.20 /SF 113.5 SF $5 20 /SF 157.5 SF 55.20 /SF 93.0 SF $5.20 /SF;; Total Assessment Cost: 5975.00 0:00 $302.50 7750 nl 5964.60 5940 5819.00 $443.60 $4,134.90 2 of 4 PRELIMINARY Clare Drive Paving Assessments 1346 ClareDrive Travis Martin Williams S67 of Lot 19, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gt fier &:Pavement (Sid. ing} 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4,� Idewa,k; Sidm .._h )Driveway R (In ROW) Driveway R (Behind ROW) (ASPH GRVL) 67.0 LF $9.75: /LF O :O:LF $4:88 179 51S 31.00 OO SF 30;,50 275.5 $5.20./SF 178.5 SF $25:00 /SY�< Total Assessment Cost: /SF /SF 3653.25 000 $179.50 0.00 $1,432.60 495.$3 $2,761.18 1340 Clare Drive GwyrtardlesieyiJbhnson N33` of Lot 19 & S34' of Lot 20,',Bipck 3 .., woodrawn Estates 4230 Key West r it Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb .Gutter &Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 StdewaJk (Syliii§ Driveway T (In ROW) DrivewayT'.(Behind RQW) (CONCiCONC) 254.0 142.5 $9.75 /LF T6g�3653725 $41'88 /LF $0.00 $1.00 /SF $254.00 '30 501/SF soipo $5 20 ISF $741.00 5 5 ( 5:20 /SF 34 3:ar)� Total. Assessment Cost: 52,072.05 1337 Clare Drive Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Francis &;Florertoe,Carrrga .Curb Gutter,& Pavement Nicholson 14' Sidewalk (Fronting) Lot S, Block 4 (4'�Sidewalk_(Sidtng) Woodlawn Estates (Driveway U (In ROW) 1 &06 Brazos -1,5-r-7.7 Drtv$y ay U.(Behlris?,ROW) {C(3NGCONC) Cor us Christi TX 78412 riveway W (In ROW) h9eway:W (Behind.ROW)(ASPH GR L $9.75 /LF ;,$4.:88. /LF $1 00 lSF $0.:501 /SF $5,20 /SF ---$5-:,'.b !SF - -$5.20 /SF 136.0 SF [ 325.00 /SY Total Assessment Cost: 3975.00 $0O0 $283.00 50::00 $834,60 $494.09 $1,128 40 $377 78 $4,092.78 1334 Clare Drive eo)tel Hernandez lr NN66 of Lott°2't Brod Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Cute Guttr& Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 44 Sidewalk- (Siiding) ' Driveway V (In ROW) Driveway V (Behind ROW) (ASPH GRVL) 68.0 LF D ,LF 332.0 332.0 SF 09. SF 140,0 SF 30,0''SF 39.75 /LF 54.88 /LF $1.00 /SF 0.50 /SF 35.20 25:00 /SF ISY Total Assessment Cost: $643.50 $0.00 3332.06 $OOa 3728.00 $83..33 $1,786.83 1329 Clare Drive Lind8Thompson B Lot 4, Block 4 Woodlawn Estates `Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Barden Curb, er & I eve nent ( Stding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 14' Sidewalk - '(Siding) is 1 100.0 0's 366.0 ,priveway X;(Behind ROW) (C9NC CONP}} 39.75 ILF $4,43 ILF. $1.00' /SF 00SF� $0050 /SF 179.0 SF $5 201/S0' mm 0 SF $ 208 /SF Total Assessment Cost: $975.00 '$000 3966.00 $O 00 $930 80 $353;60 52,625.40 1326 Clare Drive Lee & Yolanda Montoya ET UX Lot 21; Block 3 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb,Guttei &Pavement (Siding} 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) t,Sldewalk Siding)!,,; $9 75 $4".888 $1.00 $0.50 DrivewayY (In ROW) ivewayY (Behind`ROW) (GONG -CONC) mm /LF /IF. "' $975.00 (SF 0 :00 • $321.50 $5.20 (SF 20 (SF Total Assessment Cost: 59.0 31,279.20 $306,$0 $2,882.50 1321 Clare Drive Moises George ETUx Dolores Cantu Lot 3, Block 4 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 100.0 $975 /LF Curb Gtitier& Pavmenf (Siding} OHO; LF 367 5 SF 4`SideWWik?(Siding) !-' 00(SF Driveway Z (In ROW) _ 140.5 SF lDiiveway Z (Behihd ROW) (ASPH GRVL) f 80.55 SF i 5975.00 $4,881 F 0;00 $1.00 '/SF $367 50 $05lISF $000i $5.20 /SF $730.60 25 001 /SY $223 61 Total Assessment $2,296.71 12/20/2012 3 of 4 PRELIMINARY Clare Drive Paving Assessments 1318 Clare Drive Eriilio Reyes ET UX Lot22, Block 3 Woodlawn Estates 5325 Williams Dr. Corpus Christi -rX "78411 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb :Gutter & aVdment (5id(ng) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalkk (Siding] Driveway AA (In ROW) DnvewayAA ( ehlnd ROW)" °(ASPH GRVL) 1313 Clare Drive __ Ernest Kenneth Lowe Lot 2, Block 4 Woodlawn Estates Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Guitar & Pavement (siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (hiding) Driveway AB (In ROW) 1310 Clare Drive Prooth Sibnunhet1ang ET UX W100-ix129' of Lot 23, Blocckk 3 rr T.r Woodlawn Estates Driveway AB (Behind ROW) (ASPH -GRVL) Driveway AC (In ROW) Driveway AC (Behind RQW)(ASPH GRVL);' Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, .Gutter & C'vement (Siding) _ 100,0 LFVm� 0.0 LF 363.6 SF O:OeSF :: $9.75 /LF 488 /LF $1.00 /SF $050:1SF 147.0 SF $5.201 /SF Total Assessment Cost: $9.75 448.8 $1.00 $0.50 156.5 SF 1 $5.20 92.0 SF 159.5 SF 100.0 LF --7[)".0 LF- 3011..0 SF 0.0tSF 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 14' Sidewalk (Siding) �D..�riveway AD (In ROW) Driveway AD (Behind (.O N).(CONC`CQNC) 100.0 00 306.0 288.5 235:0 5975.00 TT-$57'00 5363.50 '50:00 5764.40 $265;28, $2,368.18 /LF 5975.00 1LF ' 513;j99 ISF $301.00 fSF j 7 $0 00 /SF�� f 5813.80 $25.00 /SY $255.56 S $5.20l/SF $829.40 SF $251001SY Total Assessment Cost: LF $9 75 LF „ $4;.88 SF $100 SF $0 ,5D SF $5 20 SF $520 Total Assessment C $3,435.87 ILF $975.00 ILF t $0 00 ISF 5306,66: 306 00 $0 00 �ISF~�I $1 500 20 /SF $1;222.00 Cost: $4,003.20 1301 ClaroDrive GarottnaAvaya Lot 1, Block4 Woodlawn Estates Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) 1Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) -14' Sidewalk (Fronting) 14' Sidewalk (Siding) r 'Driveway AE (In ROW) 1DrivewayAE (Behind°ROW)_(ASPH- GRVL)��l 1306 Clare Drive 92.5 358.0 34. 5 140.0 0l 0 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) AbeliaeSnyder _;Curb Gutter & Pavement ( Siding) • Lot 24A, Block 3 J4 Sidewalk (Fronting) Woodlawn Estates �9' ideweIk (Siding) Driveway AF (In ROW) Driveway A F (Belsjnd ROW) (CONCCQNC). 92.5 16,0 LF r $9.75 !LF .L $901.88 "54,86 ILF SF 51.00 /SF SF.r $050ISF '1 SF $5.201SF SF t $25,00 IS...D.,Y.... Total As' ssessment Cost LF $9,75 /LF LF $4 88 1LF SF I $1.00 /SF $050 /SF 1 $18825 $5.20 /SF mm 5803.40 154.5ISF $68.32 5358.00 $17.25 5728.00 $0.00 $2,073.45 5901.88 $78 08 $348.50 L5 ('SF $5.20 !SF` Total Assessment Cost: 5366.60 $2,516.71 12/20/2012 4 of 4 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments ADDRESS PAY ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL COST 3140 Gollihar Road Churchs G,hickentitt Lot 1A & 2, Block c Ave Cooper Subd i Coastal Mx Consultants Bandera, TX 78003 3937, Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter &, #Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewaik (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) (Behind ROW) 0.0 LF 0.0 Total $19.50 /LF $19:50 ILF;' $1.00 /SF $100 /SF I $5.22 /SF 1 $5,22 /SF. Assessment Cost: $0.00 1:;784:25 $22.00 $414.00 "$0.00 $000 $2,220.25 3940 Ivy Lane Church s# Chicken of CC Lot 12A Ave CooperSUbd' Coastal Tax Consultants Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urb Gutter& Pavement (Sidiljg)' 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Siuewalk(Siding) Driveway (In ROW) ,Driveway (Behind.ROW) Bandera, ;TX 78003 -3.137 0.0! LF $19.50 /LF 500lF 0.0 SF :200 0 SF $19.50 ILF. $1.00 /SF" _. $1.00 /SF.. 0.0: SF 1 $5.22 /SF O 0 SF $5;22 /SF Total Assessment Cost: $0.00 $975.00 $0 00 200,00; $0.00 $©O0 $1,175.00 3126 Gollihar Road Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Te nplo Cristo Rey de Gloria' Curb; Gutter & Pavement (Siding} Lot 13, Block 2 If' Sidewalk (Fronting) BrooksideSubd 4 Sideway (Siding) PO Box 71706 Driveway A (In ROW) [Driveway A (Behind :ROW) (GOING COt C) 00 LF 5 00LF 0.0, SF 284.5 SF .231.0 5F 5 2 15 $9.'75 /LF $0.00 $4,138' Oq 80.00 Total Assessment Cost: $$3,75 31,485.09 $1f21$2 $2,988.66 3126 Gollihar Road Tempo CrlstoRey de Gloria- Lot 14, Ex. SW Brookside Subd. PC Box 71706 c Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urb; Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) .Sid Siding) • Driveway (In ROW) riveway (Behind RO.W): 4417 Ivy Lane Bobby DHarris Lot 12, Block 2 Brookside Subd 0.0; LF $9.75 /LF 25 0 LF 41i8 /LF 23.5 SF $1.00 /SF 1,56:5 0.0 0.0 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) 50.0 Curb; Guttet& Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 ';Sidewaik-;(Siding): Driveway B (In ROW) 160.0 E[3rlveway.B (IOehind ROW) (CONC CONC) SF.: ( $D 5D 15F SF.v.. $5.22 /SF- SF $542 Total Assessment Cost: LF $9.76 /LF LF $488 /LF SF $1.00 ISF SF' $0.50 /SF $5,22 /SF S_F $5;22 fSP Total Assessment Cost: $23.50 $79.25 " $0.00 30.00. $224.75 $487:5 $160,00 $730.80 $;1'56.60 $1,534.90 4413 Ivy Lane 'Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Templo Cristo Re)+de Gloria- ;Curb; Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Lot 11, Block 2 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) BrooksideSubd i(lewalk (Siding).; N 3128 Gailihar Driveway C (In ROW) Corpus Christi, TX 78415 Driveway C (Behind ROW) (ASPi-I GRVL);; 50.0 LF $9.75 ILF OM 162.0 SF 4414 Ivy:Lane Curb; Gutter & PaverTtent ( Fronting) Karla Reyna & Husband Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Lot 1 IA -& Portia. of Lot 91 t4 Sidewalk {Fronting); Ava Cooper Subd. 4' Sidewalk (Siding) iveway D (in ROW) :: ", 4.88 /LF`; $1.001/SF $487.50 �D Da $162.00 e0 $845.64 $243 79. $1,738.93 .50 /SF' $5.22 /SF $26.12 /SY '6 Total Assessment Cost: LF „$9:75 /LF $487;50 $4.88 /LF $0.00 $1.00 !SF_ $1480.0 $0.50J /SF 30.00 SF' $5:22 /SF. $997„(2: SF $5.22 /SF . $535.05 Driveway D (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) 0 102.5 'otal Assessment Cost $2,1;67:57 12/20/2012 1 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4410ivy Lane Santos A. ET UX & Virginia Herrera sH Lot 10A Ava Cooper Subd Curb; Gutter:& Pav€nient {Fronting) ;' 450 LF Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 0.0 i44 SPdewalk"(Frontrtng) ' 129 0 SI= 1,4 Sidewalk (Siding) 0 0 SF Driveway E (1O 'ROW) 1665 4F Driveway E . 1 4 9 . 0 $5.22 /SF Total Assessment Cost $9;75 !LF $438.75 $4.88 /LF $0.00 $1.00 /Sr, '£ $0.50 $5.22 /SF $129.00 $0.00 $869.13 $777.78 $2;214.66 4409 Ivy: Lane Jesus A. Soto ET UX & Jacqueline Lot 10, Block 2 Brookside Subd.' Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting).. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) j4' Sidewalk (Siding) !Driveway ,F (In ROW) Driveway F (Behind ROW) (ASPH -ASPH) 0.0 LF $9.75 /LF $4.88 /LF /SF 44051vy0Lane Irene Haeber Lot 9,,Block 2 Brookside Subd. 6055 Last Creek Corpus Christi, TX 78413 1CUrb', Gutter8i Pavement (F,rbrttk1g) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk' (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) 1Divveway G (In ROW) Driveway G (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC) F $0.50 SF 3 $5:22 /SF SF $26.12 /SY Total Assessment.COst: 5o O1 LF' 0.0 LF :1600 SF' 0.0 SF 1p7.7.,,57 8o as 81.2600 80.00 $1,224.# $377.29 $2;21227 $915 LFv $487.50 $4.88 ILF $0.00 8160 00 $1.00 $0.50 $5.22 /SF SF 1 $5.22 /SF l $0.00 30.80 $3 3.26 Total Assess inarit OSt. $1,691.5. 4402 Ivy Lane Ourb Gutter&'Pavement (Fronting) • Safeguard System Inc. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Lot48A 1,4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Ava Cooper Subd. '4' Sidewalk (Siding) 4401 Kostopz Corpus Christi, TX 78415 Driveway H (Behind ROW) (ASPH -GRVL) Driveway H (In ROW)`: 4401 Ivy Laney... • Irene Haeber Lot 8 Block 2 Brookside Subd. 6955 Lost Creek Carpus Christi, TX 78413 $9.75 ILF $45 13 F $0.00 $115.00 $0.00 $4.88 0.0 SF $050 ISF '236.0 SF $5;22 ISF. 0.0 SF $26.12 /SY � Total Assessment,Cost: $1,231 92 $0.00 ICurb Gutter &:Pavement (Fronting) Curb,Gutter & Pavement (Siding) ,4 Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Iriveway 1(In ROW) Driveway 1 (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) 4406 Ivy Lane Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Safeguard System Inc - Curti; Gutter &: Pavement (Siding); Lot 9A 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Ava Gooper Subd. 4'401g <Eostaryz Corpus Christi, TX 78415 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) Driveway (Beliind ROW) (ASPH -GRVL) $1.00 /SF $4 $0.00 $159.50 SF $0.50 /SF 80.00 SF ti 85,221/SF Yfr $738,63 SF $5.22ISF $44.37 Total Assessment Cost $1 430:00 47.5 LF $9.75 /LF $4.88 /LF $1.00 /SF /SF. $5,22 /SF SF $26,12 /SY Total Assessment Cost: e _ $653.13 $463.13 80:00 $190.00 $066 1i766 $000. 4365 Ivy Lane Joe Rangel de la Rosa Lot 1.�....��,.._.� Nicholson subti:: Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement ,c'.-'.--~, 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) . Driveway J (In ROW) IDriveway J. (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) 50.5 $9.75 /LF $4.88 /LF $1.00 1SF $0,50 /SF $5.22 /SF $5.22 /SF $492.38 $0.00 $198.00 $QQO, $730.80 `$261.00 Total Assessment Cost: 1 $1,682.18 12/20/2012 2 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4358 Ivy Lane Encat'nacion Villanueva Lot 7H Ava Oooper Subd. 4350 Ivy Lane FT fR Corpus Christi, TX M 4361 Ivy Lane EncarnacionlMatia Villanueva Nicholson Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) rb:Gutter -& Pavement (Siding) • 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4�57dewatk�(Sidmg) - Driveway K (In RGW) ._ Driveway K :(Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH) 54.0 LF 0.0 181.0 140.0 $9.75j/LF $526.50 $4 8811LF -50:00 $1.00 !SF $181.00 -77-$.6766 1SF 50 00 $5.22 !SF $730.80 $26.12J/SY 50,00 Total Assessment Cast: - $1,438.30 Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) (Curb Gutter: &'Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) �� Sidewalk (Siding) riveway L (In ROW) riveway L (Behind ROW) (ASPH -ASPH) 23'O $5.22 /SF $26.1.2 ISY Total Assessment Cost: $487.50 sp'; 0 $164.00 $0.00 $730.80 $0F 75 4354 Ivy Lane Thomas -R: Riddick Lot 7 Ave Cooper Subd P0-66x-2703e6-78427 4357 Ivy Lane Encarnacion Villanueva NkI olson`Subd 4350 Ivy Lane Corpus "Christi TX Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urb; Gutter &: Pavern nt (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway M (In ROW) 52.0 LF 51,449.05 Driveway M,(Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH)u Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) 'Curb; Gutter :& Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting( 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway N (In ROW) Driveway N (Behind ROW) (CONC- CGNC);; 4346 Ivy Lane Encarnacron Villanueva Lot 7D Ava Cooper Subd, 4350 Ivy Lane Corpus Christi, TX 4350 Ivy Lane Encarnacion Villanueva Lot 7C Ava Cooper Subd. 161.0 SF 0.0pp r SF. $0.59 14o. sF .. . $5.22 !SF 30 0' SF $26.12 1SY Total Assessment Cost: 50.0 LF $9.75 /LF $507.00 $o.00 $161.00 50,00 $730 80 $1,485.87 00,LF 1640 SF 00„ SF 140.0 SF 0.0 F`'. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter: &~Pavement {Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway 0 (In ROW) - Driveway 0 (Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH)' Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter &:Pavement (Siding) Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway 0 (In ROW) Driveway 0 (Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH) 4353 Ivy Lane Encarnacion Villanueva ET UX Lot4 Nicholson Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' SiS iewaik (Siding) Driveway P (In ROW) Driveway P (Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH 4.68 $1 00 /SF $0 50 =ISF $5 2.2 VST , 55.22t1S Total Assessment Cost: /LF 500LF 71,0111 --1 154.5 SF 0 0 S- 768 SF $487.50 50.00 5164.00 $0:00 $730.80 $$6 :40 $1,747.70 $9.7-511F $487.50 $488F ; $0 Q0: $1.00/SF $154.50 $0:50 /SF ; $0'00 $5,22 /SF $305.37 $'11.7:54 $26 1 2 7SY; Total Assessment Cost: 51,064.9 .m_ 50.0 LE $9.75 !LF 0}LF $4 $8i /LF 181 5 SF $1.00 !SF 0.0 SF $0 50 i!SF 785 SF $5.22 /SF 29 0 NSF. $26,12ISY", Total Assessment Cost: $487.50 50.00 S-181.60 5409.77 ;$B4. a $1,182.93 50.0 LF [ $9.75 /LF 0.0 LF $4.8/3' /LF .m 1625 SF $1.00 1SF 00 $0.50 /SF 140.0 SF $5.22 /SF 50.0 SFr " -: ;$25.12 1SY Total Assessment Cost: $487.50 $000 $162 50 sa.00 5730.80 $1.45.1'1 $1,525.91 12/20/2012 3 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4349 Ivy Lane Ernesto.Reyes Lot 5 Nicholson Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urbi Gutter& Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) SideWalk,(Sidmg).. Driveway Q (In ROW) Driveway,Q (Behind ROW) (ASPH GRVL 4342 Ivy Lane EncarnaciobiliMlaria Villanueva Lot 7E Ava Cooper $9.75 /LF $4.88 '/LF $487.50 ',?$0 00 $170.00 $0.00 $730.80 $145.11 170.0:SF $1.00 /SF 00 "SF $0.50 ISF,' 14OED SF $5 22 1SF 1 500;SF $2612 1SY Total Assessment Cost: 51,533.41 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) (Curb Glitter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) f4';5idewalk (Siding) DrivewayR (In ROW) Dtiveway R;(BehmdROW) (GONG -GONG) 50.0 0:0 178.5 O,O L5 140.0 (SF 50DdSF,< 59.75 /LF 5487.50 $4.88 ILF, $0:00 $1.00 1SF $178 50 $0:54 /§F $0 00 $5.22 ISF $5.22 /SF $261:00' Total Assessment Cost: • 5730.80 4345 Ivy Lane Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Sang Lot 6 Nicholson Subd 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Driveway (:,. nvewa Inn RO OW) Driveway,S (Behind. ROW) (ASP -ASP 4338 Ivy Lane Encarnacio n "Villanueva Lot 7F Ave Cooper Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Cdrb Gutter & -Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) - - -� 14' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway T (In ROW) Driveway T (Behind ROW) (ASPH .ASPH); 59,75 $4,88 $1.o0 $1,657.80 /LF 5487,50 /LF 5 $0.00 ISF- $160.00 $0, 00 $730.80 7fl7 $0.54 ISF SF $5.22 ISF F: 1 . $21i 12 ISY ,. !Total Assessment Cost: J50.5 LF" 0,0 166.0 $9.75 /LF F $4.88 ILF $1.00 7SF $0.50 /SF F $5.22 !SF 700gSF $26.12 /SY Total Assessment Cost: 62.5 LF $9 75 IILF9 F 4.8-4 /LF mm Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Juan M IAlia_ry G. Macias Curb Gutter &.Pavement (Siding) W Half of Lot 6 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Ave Cooper Subd, � 14 Sidewalk'(Sidhngg) JDriveway tJ (In ROW) Driveway U (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC, 4334 Ivy Lane 4341 Ivy lane Ofilta Basaldu Lot 7 icholsonSub d. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting)" urb; Gutter &:Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (SSiding) Driveway V (In ROW) iveway, V'(i3ehmd ROW) (ASPH GRVL) 51.00 /SF 50.50 /.F $5.22 ISF $5.22 /SF Total Assessment Cost: 500 LF� $9751LF $4 86 LP' 162.5 SF J� $1.00 ISF $0.50 ISF $5.22 $26121SY Total Assessment Cost: $1,465.37 $492.38 �f$166.00 50 :00 $689.04 $203,16 $1,550.57 4328 Ivy Lane Enrique JR/J uanita'M." Reyes VII -Half of Lot 5 Ave Cooper Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Cu b;,Gutter &:Pavement (Slcling).,, 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway W (In ROW) ;Driveway W (Behind ROW) (ASPH ASPH) 66.0 0.0 216.5 175.5 79 5 $9.75[ILF $4.88 1LFmm' $1.00 /SF 50,56' .- 55.22 ISF SF` $2612/SY Total Assessment Cost: 5609.38 $0.00 5209.50 $0,00: 51,023,12 $441.0$ $2,283.09 5487.50 Saga $162.50 ':$0.00 $730.80 1:45.11 51,525.91 $643.50 $000; $216.50 :50,00 $916.11 523€.73 $2,006.84 12/20/2012 4 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4337 Ivy Lane Kimberly Puebla Lot 8 Nicholson Sub 4709 Phillip Dr. Corpus Christi, TX, 78415 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement ( Sding), 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4'•Sk ewalk (Siding) DrivewayX (In ROW) IDriveway)C(t3ehind ROW)(ASPH GRVL) 50.0 LF ] $9.75 /LF 0 0 LF 44.88 1LF: 156.0 SF $1.00 /SF ,0 .0 6F $0:501SF 162.0 SF $5.22 ISF 600.'SF $26 1:2ISY Total Assessment Cost: 50.0 LF $9.75 /LF (;10 .LF $4:88 /LF. 168.5 SF .._ $1.00 /SF 4333 Ivy Lane Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Leon Rolando Castaneda ,Curb; Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Lot 9 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) Nicholson Subd )4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway Y (In ROW) Driveway Y (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC).:; 4326 Ivy Lane Marco /Maria'Moreno Lot 4A ... Ava Cooper Subd. TY /SF $5.22 /SF $522)ISF Assessment Cost: $487.50 30.ob $156.00 $845.64 174:13 $1,663.27 $487.50 $0.00: $168 50 �s :30 00 $730.80 $.41760 $1,804.40 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk ( Siding) Driveway Z (in ROW) rive-way Z (Behind ftOW) (GONG CQN0) $9.75 /LF $804.50 $4.88 1LF 30.00 $1 oopSF 0OiSF $0.50 /SF I $000 171 $5,2Y $5.22ISF $730.60 304 SF „$522ISF ;' : $15660 Total Assessment Cost: 1 $1,699.90 $208.00 4329 Ivy Lane Jose Noe /Aurora Garcia Lot 10 Nicholson -Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb,, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 1-4 Sidewalk (Fronting) �4 Sid@walk'(Siding)� Driveway AA (In ROW) nveway AA `(Behind POW) (CONCGCONC) is - .. €. ) =. 50.0 LF $9.75 /LF i $487.50 0 0 LF $4 88 /Lc i 1700 5F $1.00 /SF_. $170.00 0 OFSF ( $0 501 /SF $0:00 1400 SF I $52211SF $73080 70.5 SF i $5.22 ``/SF 0-667.15-1 I : Total Assessment Cost: 4325 Ivy Lane Reynado P. Le Loll NIcholson`:Su Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter &: Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) 0.0 Driveway AB (In ROW) -272.5 Driveway AB (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC) )144 0 50.0 0;0 104.5 $1,756.31 $9.75 ILF $487.50. $480LF -750,00 $1.00 /SF $104.50 $0 50 !SF „ $t] 0L1 $5,22 /SF $1,422 45 SF .',$5.22 /SF' 68 Total Assessment Cost: $2,766.13 4317 Ivy Lane Rafael LuislEIrsa Garza Lot 12 Iicho,lson'Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curti', Gutter & Paverent (Siding). 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway AB (In ROW) riveway AB'(Behind: ROW) (ASPH GRVL) Tota $9.75 ILF $945.75 $4788 /LT' 30 00 /SF 1 $305.50 $0:50.ISF ' $o.00 $5,22 /SF 51,346.76 $26.12 1SY Assessment Cost: $2,921.61 $1.00 4322 Ivy Lane Irene H.aeber? NW Half ofLot3C A,Va Cooper Subd.:` Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' (Siding) Driveway AC (In ROW) Driveway AC (Behind °ROW) (ASPH GRV/L) :. 62.07 LF 208.0 SF 005E 140.OSF $9775 /LF --$6-64750 4$S $1.00 /SF 1 5208.00 $0.50 /SF $0.00 $5.22 /SF $730.80 3Q 5 SF , e $2642 1SY $88.5 Total Assessment Cost: $1,631.82 12/20/2012 5 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4318 Ivy Lane Carolina P. Flores Lot 2B Ava Cooper Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Cui b Gutter &r Aaveme_ nt (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sirewalk: Siding) Driveway AD (In ROW) iDnveway AD.(Behind ROW) (CONC_CONIC) 62.0! LF O tl LF 213.0 SF 3125 Ivy Lane Grace Bible-Church Lot 1, Block 1 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) 2 _ 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway AE (In ROW) Driveway AE (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) Driveway AF (In ROW) Driveway AF: (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) $9.75 /LF:.� $488,ILF $1.00 /SF i.0 Sr : i SO 50;1SF 1400 SF 3 $5.22FISF 82 5 SF I $5 221ISF )Total Assessment Cost: 3604.50 $0:00 $213.00 $O.tlO 3736 80 $430.65 $1 978.95 50.5 LF tl.0 LF 113.0 SF 140.0 SF 70.0 162.0 $9.75 $4.88 /EF $1.00 /SF $0:50 /SF $492.38 $0:00. $113.00 $01:00 $5.22 /SF $730.80 SF $5,22 /SF $365.40 SF ' $5.22 /SF $845.64 $443.70 ;85.0 SF I $5;22 .110E Total Assessment Cost: $2,990.92 3125 Ivy Lane 'Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Grace Bible Church Curb .Gutter &s'Pavement (Sidit?g). 'Cot -2, Block 1 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) TowerSubd 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In tDriveWay (Behind ROW).r 42.5 LF $9.75 $4:$8 $1.00 $050 SF i $5.22 0 SF $26:12 1SF Total Assessment Cost: ILF 3414.38 /LF" $0.00',. /SF _m $169,00 1SF 30;00 /SF.,,� . _ ...$0.00 3125 Ivy Lane Grace.Bible Church Lot 3, Block 1:_ .. Tower Subd.m Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb •Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway AG (In ROW) Driveway AG <( ehind ROW). (ASPH. ASPFI) 42.5 LF $476" $414.38 -$4.88./LF $9.00 132.5 SF � $1.00 ISF __. $132.50 °•° SF $Q 50 dSF $0:00 140.5 SF $5.22 ISF $733.41 736.5 SF $26.12E/SY $88.52',. Total Assessment Cost: $1,368.80 3125 Ivy Lane Grace BI ble Church.' Lot 4, Block 1 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter &< Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Tower Subd 14 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) 42.5 LF $9.75 4 4 LF : $4 tl8 178.5 SF $1.00 1LF $414.38 $0700 $178.50 $0 00 30.00 w0.00 592.88 0 0 $0 50 ]ISF 0 0 5F I $5.22 ISF SF $26.12 /SF Total Assessment Cost: 4314 Ivy Lane Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Juan Pablo; Duran Curb;: Gutter &:Pavement (Siding) Lot-1 E ..�...... 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Ava Cooper Subd I4 Sidewallf (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) Driveway (Behind ROW), 63.0 LF 0.1) LF77 253.0 S $0.75ILF $614.25 $488 ILF _.. '$1.00 /SF Q.0 :SF mm $0 50: ISF; SF L $5.22 /SF SF L mm $26,121SF? Totat Assessment Cost: so.Qo; $253.00 4310 Ivy Lane J uan Palalo:Duran' Lot 1D Ava Cooper Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb'; Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) nvew?y ( Behind ROW) -m $9.71- 6T/LF 34.881ILF' $1.00 ISF 0,0 SF.' -$0.50 /,SF 0flIsr $522 /SF OOtSF e $2612i/SF�I 1Total Assessment Cost: $0.00. $600 $ti 00 $867.25 3945.75 $000 $383.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6700 31,328.75 12/20/2012 6 of 7 PRELIMINARY Ivy Lane Paving Assessments 4315 4315 Ivry Lane Armanda1Emma;Bntef la Lot 5, Block 1 Tower Subd !Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) "Curb; GutterR Pavement(Sidi'ng) 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) 14 Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) Drivewsy 6Tonind navvy 39.0, LF 38:5- 165.5 SF 200 SF 0.0 "SF 0,0 SF [Total Assessment Cost: $9.75 /LF $4:88, /LF $1.00 /SF SF /SF $0.50 $5 22 $26,12 /SF $ 380.25 $187.88 $165.50 S93,00 $0.00 0,00 $796.63 3141 Horne Road Steve L JRlMana Benavidez Lot 6N Ava Cooper Subd' 312e Horne Rd Carpus.Christ€ TX Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sdewalk.(5iding) Driveway (In ROW) - ' Driveway (Behind ROW) 33.5 LF $9.75 ILF $326.63 75 D LF $4 $$ fLF $366 00 x1535 SF $1 005E $153.50 -Y6176 F ! $0:50 /SF $W150 50 O0 SF $5.22 /SF $000 001SF $26.12 /SF 1Total Assessment Cost: $996.63 12/20/2012 7 of 7 PRELIMINARY Vaky Street Paving Assessments ADDRESS PAY ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE UNIT TOTAL COST 663 Vaky Street 'Lot 15 &W20'of Lot 16 Block 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) V1ckyL & John L ;Harnn Curb Golfer &'P m t {Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Siiieuwalk (Siding) rn Driveway A (In ROW) 1Driveway'A (Behind Row):(CONC -cONC) 80.0ILF $9,75!/LF 337.0 • 142..O[SF 136.518F OE0 SF ;. $780.00 881LF< $361.1 2 31.001SLF1 $337.00 $0 501SF .. ^ $71,00 36.10ISF $832.65 $610 /SF ' $0 :00 {Total Assessment Cost: $2,381.77 654 Vaky Street John Boyd <Graham Lot 14, Block 29 Lindale Park'3 Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) urb Gutter & Pavement(Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway [ ROW) Driveway,(Benind ROW) 77.0 LF $9.751LF 68.0 LF $4 a8 (LF 350.5 SF $1.00/SF 1430 ,'SF $05j /SF,: 0 0 SF $6710 1SF 0 {5F $6.10 /SF Total Assessment Cost: _I 3750.75 3331.84 $350.50 $715. $0.06 $0.00 $1,504.59 649 Vaky Street Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Sophie Ruiz Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding;_; E40' of Lot 16 & W25' of 4 Sidewalk (Fronting) Lo 17, Bieck 32 4 Sidewal(s (S�d�ng) �' Lindale Park 3 Subd. Driveway A (In ROW) Driveway A (Behind ROW) (CONC CQNC) 650 Vaky Street Gilda Garcia, Lot 13, Block 29 Lindale Park'3 Subd ",' $9.75 !LF $633.75 $4.88 iLF $0:00 "1-1765 ISFy 1 R 8'07:00 $0.50 !SF $0A0 $6.10 /SF $817A0 6.101 /SF ' = $0.00 Assessment Cost: 31,688.15 Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) 61.0 urb Gutter & >avement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 221.5 A' Sidewalk (Siding) . . 1Driveway B (In ROW) Driveway '6 (Behind ROW)_(CONC,:CONC) $9 75 ILF r $59475 31.00 /SF- $221.50 $0.50 /BF " 3000 $854.00 0;00 140.01 SF $1,670.25 646 Vaky Street John JOsefftr haw; Lot 12, Block 29 Lindale Park 3 Sub, Curb, Gutter &Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' SwIevialk {Siding) Driveway C (In ROW) Driveway G (Behind ROW):' (CONGQNC) 61.0 LF $9.75 IF 0 �1 ILF $4;)8 1LF 250.5 SF $1 00 /SF Q0 SF I $050 /SF. 149.0 $6.10 !SF $6.10 ISF Total Assessment Cost: $594.75 $O.DD $250.50 $0.00 $908.90 :$0.00 $1,764,15 645 Vaky Street Genny J McNabb,: E35' of Lot 17 & W30' of Lot 18 Block 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb xGutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding} = Driveway D (In ROW) Driveway >D (Behind ROW) (GONG COC) 65.0 LF 0A'LF $4.88 /Lt" 223.0 SF $1.00 /SF $0.50 !SF':._: 148.0 SF $6.10 /SF 6,10 /SF Total Assessment Cost: 642Vaky:Street ,- Gurb, Gutter & Pavement(Fr "opting) 60 S!LF Mary L. Hoeckte Curb, Gutter & pavement (Siding) 0.(1 LF eJo;Donald Hoeckle ET AL 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Lot1 i, Bieck 29 4 Sidewalk (Siding) Lindale Park 3 Subd Driveway E (1rl ROW) Driveway E (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) ' $633.75 $Q00 $223.00 $0:00 $902.80 $1,759.65 $9.75 $ ILF 71i'2110 $F4: !SF $221'00. 0: 0 SF $0.50 /SF $0.00 140 Or:SF $854.1}0 O.D 5F $6.10 1SF `� $0.00 • Total Assessment Cost $1 664 88 12/20/2012 1 of 4 PRELIMINARY Vaky Street Paving Assessments 639 Vaky Street Rebecca A. Dulin 630' of Lot 18 & W35' of Lot 19, Block 32 Lindale :Park 3 Subd. ' 638 Vaky Street Juanita R. Almelda Lot 90 8to.etc as Lindale Park 3 Subd. Gurb ;Gutter & 'pavement{Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway. F (In' RQW) Driveway F (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4'. Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway:G (In ROW) Driveway G (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) 5 OILF $9.751/L F 001LF $4.88ILF 39 0t5F $I OO11SF 0.0 SF $0.5O JSF 140 0 SF $6.10I/SF. 0.0 SF $6.101/SF !Total Assessment Cost: 60.5; LF m o:OFLF $9:75tlLF�� . $4.88'JLF $1700, 1SF .' $0.50 /SF $6:10ISF $6,10ilSF otai Assessment Cost: 635 Vaky Street Curb, Gutter & Paverent (Fronting)m. -_ Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) E25`.:of Lot 19 & W40 of �4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Jennifer M. Perales Lot 20, Block 32 Lltdaie Park 3 Subd 414 Cape Hatteras Dr. Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 ".. 634 Vaky Street Elizabeth A. Foster Lot 9, Block 29 9 Lindale Park 3 Subd. 4' Sidewalk (Siding) )nveway H (In ROW) Driveway H (Behind ROW) (GONG CONC) $633.75 $0.00 $239.00 $0766 $854,00 $0.00 ;726.75 -$589.88 $0.00 $203.50 $0.00 $854.00 q $0.00 $7,647., 65.0 :LF $9:75 !LF $633.75 0.0115 LF 54.88 ILF t $0.00 243 <OjSF . $1 ;001 /SF 824390. 0.0 SF $0.50IISF $0.00 0 0 SF $6 10 15F $854 00 0.0 SF $610 15F" $Q 00 (Total ,Assessment Cost: 60.5? LF Curb , Gutter & Pavement (Frotiting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4 SSidewalk (Frontirig)�� 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway I (In ROW) �n. Driveway I (BehindROW) (CQNC CONC) $1;730:7.5 0.75 VLF -� $589.88 $4.88 /LF $O.00 $100i1SFF $228.00 SF $0.50 /SF u E $0.00 140 0 SF $6.10 ISF 00.5E $6.101/SF $O.Ofl ;Total Assessment Cost: 629 Vaky Street TCurb', Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Leticia Yvette Castaneda Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) E20''of Lot20 & Vii45'Fof 4'- Sidewalk (Fronting), Lot 21, Block 32 r4' Sidewalk (Siding) Lindale PakSubd ;Driveway'J tin ROW) Driveway J (Behind ROW) (CONC-CONC) $1,671.88 $9.751/LE, $638.63 LF I $4.881LF $0.00 . $1;00 ISF $245.50 -$0.50 1g- .:_ $OAD 1.$6.10 ,is ?! $78a:86 $6.101SF $0.0{l ssesstnent,Cost: $1664:93: 0OiLF $9.75 ILF $68250 0 0ILF $4.88 ILF $0.00 261.0 'SF 81.00 SF, m .x $26100 0.015F $0 50 /SF i $0.00 125 0 SF $610 !SF $762 50 6.0 SF $6.10 /SF __ $000 otai Assessment Cost: 625 Vaky Street William Allan Stark E150'ofLot21 &W55`o Lot 22 Block 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Siding)������� "� I Driveway J ROW): Driveway J (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) $1,706..00 630 Vaky Street Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Martha :S. Loftin Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) Lot 8, Block 29 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Lindale Park 3 Subd: 14' Sidewalk (Siding): Driveway K (In ROW) 60.0 LF" 001LF 229 0 SF OO SF $9.75ILF $585.00 $4 8S kLF $1.001/SF $229 00 0.5SF , 7$0.06 1400lSF 86.10'!SF $854.00 nvewaq.IZ (Behind ROW) (GONG CONOJ 00 SF ¢ $6'.10 ISF $0'.00 Total Assessment Cost: 81,668.00 12/20/2012 2 of 4 PRELIMINARY Vaky Street Paving Assessments 621 Vaky Street Richard Lee Grimes:' E5' of LotT22, All of Lot 23 W5' of Lot 24, Block 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) curb, Gutter & Pauei ent (Siding) , & �4 Sidewalk (Fronting) Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway L (In ROW) DrivewayL (Behind 90W) (CONC CONC) 70.0 LF 626 Vaky Street Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Marilyn D. Brenek`M [Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding), Lot 7, Block 29 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Lindale Park 3 Subd. 13406 Langtry 4' Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway M (In ROW) DrivewayM (Behind ROW) (CONC -CONC) San Antonio TX 78248: $9.7511LF $4.88; /LF,' 51.001/SP $01501ST' $682.50 $0,00 $261.00 $0.00 $6.101/SF 5854.00 $6101ISF .. 50'00 Total Assessment Cost: 1 $1,797.50 1LF ® ®558918 $4,881LF $0.00 51 00 5226.50 $Q 50;/SF $0 p;0 se.1011Sr $854.00 $o.00 $6101 /SF Total Assessment Cost: 622 Vaky Street Jesse Albert Bueno. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) utter;& Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Sidewalk (Siding) Driveway N (In ROW) Driveway N (Behind ROW) (GONG GONG Lot 6, Block 29 Lindale'Park 3 Su6id' 60.01LF- $9775ILF O:0iLF $4:8811LF,; 227.5 SF $1 00a1SF 0 Q SF $0.50 /SF 140.0 SF i r6:10 /SF p 0(�SF 10 /SF _., Total-Assessment Cost: 51,670.38 5585.00 $0,00 5227.50 5p.p0 5854.00 $000 $1,666.50 617 Vaky Street Debbie Ann'; Garza E55' of Lot 24 & W15 of Lot }25 , Block 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Side calk (Siding); Driveway 0 (In ROW) Driveway Q (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC). 71.0 250.5 $9.7511LF L 54.85,1#-F SF $1.00 ISF 001SF $0501 /SF's 140 OF $6.101SF 00iSF $f- 10115F Total Assessment Cost: 611 Vaky Street ii-aMona Garcia Gonzales E45' of Lot 25 & W30' of LQL26, dock 32 Lindale Park 3 Subd. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (yidrrtg) Driveway P (In ROW) nvewayP (F3ehm OW) (CONC CONC ); $9.75 5692.25 0 00 5250.50 $t]OQ 5854.00 a $p,tio. 51,796.75 W $488(ILF;: $1.00 /SF $ 0(iSF $6.10]/SF '$6.101SF 1Total Assessment Cost: 5736.13 $0.04 5281.00 $4:00 -5T54.00 51,871.13 Vaky Street Robert W ]McLain Lot 5, Block 29 L ndale.Park:3 Subd.'': 4113 Harry St. CerpiisChristi, TX78411 614 Vaky Street Leticia Garza Lot 4 Block 29 - Lindale Park 3 Subd.!m Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement ;(Siding) J4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' Sidewalk (Sidrng}'r Driveway Q (In ROW) DrivewayQ (Behind, ROW) (CONC CONC) 60.01LF $9.75 /LF F $4:88 1LF' 208 S�SFg $1.00 1g-- 00SFµ as $0;501SF 209,0 SF $6.10 /SF SF $6.1011SF "., Total Assessment Cost: Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) rdurb , Gutter & Pavement (Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4' SideWaik (Siding): 60.0' LF i $9.75 ILF 0,0 LF .,, $4.88 !LF 220.5 SF $1700i1SF `0 SF $0.501/SF `.'. SF I $6.10 /SF L® 5854.00 $6110 /SF 50 00 Driveway R (In ROW) 140.0 Driveway R (Behind ROW) (CONC CONC) ( 0:0 SF 3585.00 $0.0d 5208.50 • 3000 $1,274.90 $1):00 $2,068.40 $585.00 $000 $220.56 $0100 Total Assessment Cost: $1,659.50 12/20/2012 3 of 4 PRELIMINARY Vaky Street Paving Assessments 607 Vaky Street Arthur /Angelica Floret; Granada E30' of Lot 26 & W45 of Lot 27, Block 32 t iridaIe Park 3 Subd.^ 610 Vaky Street Cartert C Torres Lot 3, Block 29 indale Park:B:Subi 606 Vaky Street D avid R, Powell Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Cub Gutter& Pavement,(Siding): 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4 Sidewalk (Siding): ... ,= {Driveway S (In ROW) I-_ IDriveway::S (Behind•ROW); (CONCCONC) 140.0 SF 0.0 ;SF .: Total Assessment Cost: $9.75ILF $780.00 $48' /LF .' $0x70 __.. - $1.00ISF $306.00 $0.50 /SF $6.10 !SF $854.00 6.101/SF $0.50 Curb Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) >... 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) idewalk Driveway T (In ROW) Dtrveway T (BehindLROW). (CONC =CCNC; 220.0ISF O OSF 140.OISF 0.0 S $9.75 /LF ff $4.88 ILF $1.00 /SFm $0.50 ISF $6.10 /SF $6 :10 /Sr Total Assessment Cost: $1,940.00 $580.13 $0.00 $220.00 $854.00 0:06 $1,654.13 Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) I 60.0;LF curb .Gutter &Pavement(Sidin 118.OI5F 0.0 SF Lot 2, Block 29 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Linttale Park3 Subd 4: Sidewalk (Siding);; • 4118 Holly Dr. II Driveway (In ROW) Corpus Chnstr,TX 78411 pµXX XX 1pnveway'(Behind ROW) (CQNC CONC) /SF 0. .50:ISF: $6.10 /SF 5 M $6 iOj /SF Total Assessment Cost: $9.75 /LF $4;881lLF ,�s $1.00 /SF $0S011SF 0 O[SF $6 10 ISF 0 0 SF i $610 /SF T Total Assessment Cost: 602 Vaky Street L ynda Actisa Janet[ .),ones Lot 1, Blo ',24:.r-L'"'" 9 ... Lindale Park `3 Subdr. Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Curb, Gutter & Pavement (.Siding) 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) 4kSidewalk (Siding) Driveway (In ROW) Driveway (Behind t20W) (GONG CONC) $585.00 ,$0:00 $118.00 $0.00 30.00 $Soo $703.00 $243.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 10.60 $243,75 601 Vaky Street Curb, Gutter & Pavement (Fronting) Mary Ann Shaw ' Curb Gutter & Pavement (Siding) E15 of LA 21 & All nf Lot 2t3 4' Sidewalk (Fronting) Block 32 4 Sidewalk (Siding} Lindale Park 3 Subd1 Driveway (In ROW} Dnveway,(Hehind "ROW) (GONG -CONC) $1.00 $050 $6.10 F pm $6-10 /SF Total Assessment Cost: $594.75 $Oi00. $143.00 $600; $0.00 $O.00 $737.75 12/20/2012 4of4