HomeMy WebLinkAbout031057 ORD - 01/31/2017 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI BY ADOPTING THE MUSTANG/PADRE ISLAND AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN; DEFINNG THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES ON MUSTANG AND PADRE ISLAND FOR PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, LAND USE, TRANSPORTATION, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC SERVICES, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, AND PLAN IMPLEMENTATION; RESCINDING THE MUSTANG/PADRE ISLAND AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE #025725, APRIL 20, 2004; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has forwarded to the City Council its reports and recommendations concerning the adoption of the Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan, an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Corpus Christi; WHEREAS, with proper notice to the public, public hearings were held on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, during a meeting of the Planning Commission, and on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, during a meeting of the City Council, in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, in the City of Corpus Christi, during which all interested persons were allowed to appear and be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that these amendments would best serve public health, necessity, and convenience and the general welfare of the City of Corpus Christi and its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan (a part of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas), including the City's Comprehensive Plan policies on Mustang and Padre Island for protection of the Environment, Land Use,Transportation, Economic Development, Public Services, Capital Improvements, and Plan Implementation, and the Introduction, Policy Statements, Figures, Tables, and all other elements and parts of the Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan, are adopted by this ordinance as an integral part of the Comprehensive Plan to read as shown in Exhibit"A" attached to this ordinance and incorporated by reference. SECTION 2. That to the extent that the amendments made by this Ordinance represent a deviation from the Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan is amended to conform to the amendments made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3. That the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, as amended from time to time, except as changed by this ordinance and any other 031057 INDEXED ordinances adopted on this date, remains in full force and effect. SECTION 4. That the Mustang/Padre Island Ara Development Plan adopted by City Council Ordinance#025725, April 20, 2004, is hereby rescinded. SECTION 5. That any ordinance or part of anyl ordinance in conflict with this ordinance is expressly repealed by this ordinance. SECTION 6. The City Council intends that every section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision hereof shall be given full force and effect for its purpose. Therefore, if any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, that judgment shall not affect any other section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance. SECTION 7. Publication shall be made in the official publication of the City of Corpus Christi as required by the City Charter of the City of Corpus Christi. The foregoin ordinance w s read for the first time and passed to its second reading on this the c- ay of CL.( AO._ , 20 11, by the following vote: V -O n ""„,�ei, ` aL Ben Molina 1 Rudy Garza Lucy Rubio Paulette Guajardo �; Greg Smith Michael Hunter lel 1 Carolyn Vaughn Joe McComb 4 Th t tforegoing ordinance was read for the second time and passed finally on this the day ofi,.2017, by the following vote: -Dan McQucen Va Ben Molina (1.. 1 iLg. i Rudy Garza ./: Lucy Rubio �,Paulette GuajardoGreg Smith Michael Hunter '' Ott.Carolyn Vaughn Joe McComb I . .; PASSED AND APPROVED on this the ") I day of A 1 A 017. I ATTEST: c la.e.,,,t-e„--/-1t,.."- --. I b • A. .4 di i LeccaHuerta '_ • -e . --- CavoI / 0-A-t02h- City Secretary Mayor P VD -1-- 031057 Mustang/Padre Area Development Plan January 31 , 2017 Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan January 31,2017 Page i MUSTANG/PADRE AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN Adopted by City Council Ordinance#025725, April 20, 2004; Amended by City Council Ordinance#031057, January 31, 2017 The preparation of this document was financed in part by a Community Development Block Grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and a Metropolitan Planning Organization grant from the Federal Highway Administration. Corpus Christi City Council 2017 Mayor-Vacant Michael T. Hunter Carolyn Vaughn Greg Smith At Large District 1 District 4 Joe McComb Ben Molina Rudy Garza At Large District 2 District 5 Paulette Guajardo Lucy Rubio At Large District 3 Corpus Christi Planning Commission Philip Ramirez, Chairman Eric Villarreal, Vice Chair Jeremy Baugh Heidi Hovda Carl Crull Marsha Williams Mike Lippincott Frank Hastings Dan Dibble Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page ii Island Strategic Action Committee Brud Jones, III David Perry William Goldston Jodi Steen Alex Harris Libby Middleton Rick Sowash Carter L. Tate, CCIM Stan Huse Aaron B. Huffman Kathleen Pratt Charles I. Knoll Cheri Sperling Bryan Gully Paulette Kluge Jay Gardner Island Strategic Action Planning Subcommittee Libby Edwards Greg Smith William Goldston Maybeth Christensen Brud Jones Gabrielle Hilpold Rick Sowash JJ Hart Jodi Steen Carter L. Tate, CCIM Kendra Kinnison City Staff Margie Rose, City Manager Miles Risley, City Attorney Mark Van Vleck, Assistant City Manager Julio Dimas, Interim Development Services Director Daniel McGinn, CFM, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning/ESI Administration Kent Meek, Executive Assistant to ACM Annika Gunning, Senior Project Manager Jeremy Mecom, GIS IT Team Coordinator Bob Payne, AICP, Planning Consultant Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page iii Significant contributions to development of this Plan were also made by: Paul Schexnailder Gaye White David Pierce Nicole Davis Chemaine Koester David Perez Tommy Kurtz Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page iv Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 1 POPULATION 3 INCOME 5 HOUSING 5 CURRENT LAND USE 5 AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNING PROCESS 8 STAKEHOLDER AND CITIZEN INPUT 9 A. ENVIRONMENT 10 B. LAND USE 13 OVERALL LAND USE PLAN POLICY STATEMENTS 13 ZAHN ROAD TO THE SOUTH CITY LIMITS 17 ZAHN ROAD TO NORTH CITY LIMITS 17 JOHN F.KENNEDY(JFK) CAUSEWAY AREA 18 C. TRANSPORTATION 19 BEACH ACCESS 24 EXISTING BEACH ACCESS 24 D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 27 E. PUBLIC SERVICES 34 PARKS &RECREATION 34 PUBLIC SAFETY 35 STREETS 35 STORMWATER SYSTEM 35 WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS 36 F. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 37 PARK AND RECREATION 37 PUBLIC SAFETY 38 STREETS 38 STORMWATER 39 WATER AND WASTEWATER 39 G. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 40 Figures Figure 1: Plan Boundaries 2 Figure 2: Corpus Christi Population 4 Figure 3: Mustang/Padre Island Population 4 Figure 4: Padre Island Existing Land Use 6 Figure 5: Mustang Island Existing Land Use 8 Figure 6: Future Land Use 14 Figure 7: Urban Transportation Plan (excerpt) 21 Figure 8: Bikeway Network (excerpt of City Network) 22 Figure 9: Removal of Proposed Collector West of SH 361 23 Figure 10: Packery Channel 30 Figure 11: Padre Island Tax Increment Financing District 31 Figure 12: Packery Channel Enhancements 33 Appendix Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page v Appendix 1: Island Overlay .42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This updated 2017 Mustang-Padre Island Area Development Plan contains the following recommendations: ENVIRONMENT Encourage protection of the coastal resources; Encourage an expanded canal system for better water exchange; and Maintain Packery Channel. LAND USE Implement the Corpus Christi Padre-Mustang Island Future Land Use Map; Encourage well-planned development; Encourage additional beach access roads and nearby public parking; and Encourage buffer zones around residential developments. TRANSPORTATION Amend the Corpus Christi Urban Transportation Plan to an "ultimate" street network to serve a fully developed plan area; Delete a collector street west of SH 361 and north of Mustang Island State Park; The City's Access Management study will examine the impact of traffic flow on Sand Dollar, currently a paper street; Encourage walking, cycling and golf carts as alternate forms of transportation; Encourage sufficient long-term emergency egress off the islands, including a second crossing of the Laguna Madre; Develop solutions to address access and traffic congestion along SH 361 and PR22; and Improve beach access. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The beach is a major driver in tourism and residential development for the area; Continue to support tourism and residential growth, including retirement growth; Packery Channel offers passage to the Gulf and is a resource of sand for beach maintenance. The channel is and must continue to be maintained via the TIRZ#2; and The PR 22 Bridge nearing construction will stimulate retail development and enhance water exchange into Padre Isles. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page vi PUBLIC SERVICES Ensure sufficient funding for beach operations, maintenance and sustainable access through various sources; Pursue funding for park development; Develop a specific Beach Utilization Master Plan; Encourage festival sites on the islands for large events; Develop additional boat ramps; Develop a multi-use meeting facility; Provide adequate public safety facilities on the Islands; Establish a plan for street maintenance; Adopt a Stormwater Master Plan for the Islands; Continue to place a high priority on providing an adequate water supply to the Islands to support rapid growth; Support and facilitate a public improvement district to provide water, wastewater and other public infrastructure for development of unpaved streets; The City will continue to use effluent from the Whitecap Wastewater Treatment Plant to benefit the Islands; and Continue to work with the Nueces County Water Improvement District to ensure adequate services in the district. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Establish continuous funding sources and foster multiple partnerships for ongoing capital improvements on the islands. Parks and Recreation: Create a Specific Beach Utilization Master Plan for all Gulf Beaches, Packery Channel, and shoreline areas adjacent to the Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay; Create new boat ramps on Mustang Island, Kleberg County and other viable alternatives; and Billish Park is currently being upgraded. All other parks need improvements. Public Services: Facilitate improvements for alternative modes of transportation including along SPID and at major intersections; Landscaping and alternative transportation modes should be constructed in the public rights- of-way on major streets; Improve Sand Dollar, Tortugas, Palmira and other dedicated but unimproved streets; Adopt a Stormwater Master Plan for the Islands; and Establish a public improvement district to finance the construction of infrastructure to platted properties along SPID. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page vii PLAN MISSION STATEMENT The ultimate goal of this plan is to guide the transformation of the Mustang/Padre Island area into a world-renowned tourist, resort and residential community. The City will encourage the highest development standards within the area's boundaries to create a unique "sense of place." Economic development and growth will be tempered with common sense and environmental sensitivity to the significant coastal natural resources on the Islands. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 1 Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan INTRODUCTION The City of Corpus Christi envisions Mustang/Padre Island as a regional, national, and international resort destination. The recreational amenities, leisure and resort facilities, and residential communities will be among the finest along the entire Gulf Coast. Moreover, the recreational opportunities will appeal to a broad socioeconomic range of clientele, allowing all to enjoy what Mustang/Padre Island has to offer. Whether for sport fishing, beach combing, wind and kite surfing or rest and relaxation, visitors will want to return again and again. The character of the residential neighborhoods will attract new residents who appreciate what the area has to offer. Visitors and residents alike will come to appreciate the unique sense of place created through requiring the highest quality of development. This vision will make Mustang/Padre Island a preeminent destination of the Gulf Coast and a brilliant asset to our sparkling city. The City Charter mandates the Corpus Christi Comprehensive Plan. The Charter requires the City Council to ". . . establish comprehensive planning as a continuous governmental function to guide, regulate, and manage future development . . . "and that " . . . all city improvements, ordinances, and regulations shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan . . . ". The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of various plan elements such as Policy Statements, Area Development Plans (ADP's), Capital Improvement Programs, and Master Utility Plans. The comprehensive planning process is a means for citizens and community leaders to guide community development. The Comprehensive Plan, by definition, is general, long range, and broad in scope. Its purpose is to guide the City in policy formulation and in the implementation of strategies related to population, housing, environment, land use, transportation, annexation, economic development and public services. As part of the planning process, planning staff developed the Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan Issues Report based upon the input of the Mustang/Padre Island Stakeholders Group. This document was used to identify the important issues related to the ADP. The Mustang/Padre Island Area is located in the easternmost part of the City, offshore from the mainland. The Plan area is bounded by Port Aransas on the north, the Gulf of Mexico on the east, Padre Island National Seashore on the south and the Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay to the west. The area also includes the John F. Kennedy Causeway. (See Figure 1 - Boundary Map.) Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 2 Parr A+im.411' Cfrieva CrePitt14$ i pSM v h�4:fivm2-'... t A, L 0 4 4q, r 9 �? i 2 4 I Plan Area Boundary(69.386 Acres) Figure 1: Plan Boundaries Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 3 The principle objectives of this plan are as follows: 1) To recognize the unique characteristics of this area and establish policies for development standards that may not apply citywide. 2) To recognize the regional economic significance of this area and develop policies that advocate responsible economic development strategies. 3) To propose techniques or methods by which the environmentally sensitive areas must be preserved and/or developed with minimal adverse impacts. 4) To propose appropriate land uses and a corresponding transportation network to serve future land uses and public access to the Gulf beaches. 5) To facilitate infrastructure planning through a reasonable estimate of future land use. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS (U.S. Census Bureau) POPULATION This area is the one of the fastest growing areas in the City. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate population growth in Corpus Christi as a whole and within the Mustang/Padre Island Area. These figures include actual census counts projections through 2050. Area population growth is significantly influenced by land availability and density of development. Being an island, with significant amounts of natural resources, land availability is limited. A comparison of population between the City and the Island (Figures 2 and 3) indicates that the rate of growth on the island has been much faster than the City as a whole and is expected to continue to at least 2050.The historical growth rate over the last 20 years has been about 1% per year for the City while the growth rate for the island has been about 10% per year. With the construction of Packery Channel and the opening of Schlitterbahn Water Park, development is expected to rise sharply through the next 20—30 years. Over the next 20 years much of the vacant areas on North Padre and Mustang Island will fill-in, such as the undeveloped portions of Padre Isles west of Schlitterbahn/Aquarius Drive, the Lake Padre area and land along the seawall. South of Padre Isles is the "Jones Tract" which contains about 1,200 acres of private undeveloped land, nearly as large an area as Padre Isles. The anticipated increase in development is primarily due to the overall economic growth in the State, as well as planned future amenities on the Islands. The demographic makeup of the Mustang/Padre Island Area is not consistent with that of Corpus Christi. Within the area, about 70% of the population is in the 21 — 64 year age group. Meanwhile, the City has about 60% of the population in the same age group. The 0— 20 year age group makes up about 15% of the Mustang/Padre population, as compared to about 29% for Corpus Christi's population. This is indicative of the area's status as a resort community. The bulk of the population is working age adults, with fewer children than the remainder of the City. Also, there is a slightly higher percentage of retirement age (65+) individuals within the area (17%) than the rest of the City (12%). The proportion of households with children citywide is about 36%. Meanwhile, within the area, only about 17% of households have children. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 4 CORPUS CHRISTI POPULATION 414,659 387,218 359,777 332,336 304,895 277,454 257,453 231,999 204,525 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Figure 2: Corpus Christi Population MUSTANG/PADRE ISLAND POPULATION 26,444 22,444 18,444 14,444 9,235 6,444 2,941 134 667 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Figure 3: Mustang/Padre Island Population EDUCATION Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 5 Educational attainment for individuals age 25 and over differs greatly between the area and Corpus Christi. Citywide, about 15% lack a high school diploma or equivalent. That statistic is about 5% for the area. About 54% of Mustang/Padre residents have a bachelor's degree or higher. In contrast, only about 21% of Corpus Christi residents have a bachelor's degree or higher. INCOME Median household income in the area is significantly higher and the poverty level is significantly lower than the remainder of the City. The median household income in Mustang/Padre is about $95,871, while that of Corpus Christi is about $49,675. Also, less than 5% of households in the area live below the poverty level, as compared to the City's 13%. HOUSING According to the 2014 American Community Survey, 10.5% of the total housing units citywide were vacant. For the island, 34.7% of the total housing units were vacant. This is largely due to the preponderance of seasonal housing units in the Mustang/Padre Area. While a figure for seasonal housing units is not provided in the 2014 ACS, the 2010 Census did show that 23.6% of the total housing on the island is for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use. This information suggests that vacancy rates on the island are typical of the city's vacancy rate. There is a significant difference in median home values between citywide values and Mustang/Padre Island. Citywide median home values (Texas A&M Real Estate Center) have increased from $155,169 in 2011 to 195,275 in 2015, or a 27% increase. The American Community Survey shows that the island census tract had a median home value of$284,900 in 2011. Assuming a 27% increase the median value of a home on the island is likely to be at least $360,000 or higher. The difference in price goes back to that old real estate phrase "location, location, location" and the favored value of living on the gulf coast. CURRENT LAND USE Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the existing land uses on the Island and Table 1 provides a break down for land use acreages by category. For the first time, the city can also track land use changes between 2004 and 2016. The total study 2016 area contains 27,751 acres which is slightly less compared with the 2004 Plan as less water area has been included in the plan boundary. The Low Density Residential uses have experienced an increase of over 50% since 2004. The Medium Density Residential use category has also expanded, however a portion (about 13 acres) of that expansion is due to a reclassification of High Density uses to Medium Density since 2004. Clearly, the Park category is far and away the biggest use of land on the island with over 16,000 acres reserved for park or recreation uses. The reduction in Park land of several hundred acres since 2004 is the conversion of the Padre Isles Golf Course to the commercial use category, i.e., Schlitterbahn Development. As expected the vacant land use was reduced slightly due to new development but still contains approximately 20% of the total land in the study area. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 6 ‘;qt Corpus Christi Bay Ce' •�•r 1. AIly 0:. I 't fpm 1 J A I r 11 -e cacti EXISTING LAND USE P' Agriculture qQ Water • / Y`'''-'-' .L 14 Cons/Pres i''+Drainage Corridor Railroad Right-of Way Vacant Estate Res _.-.Low Density Res Medium Density Res -High Density Res °rMobile Home IIII� ? �,. Park -Pubic/Semi-Public Professional Office -Commercial ........:::1 Light Industrial -Heavy IrWustnal 0.5 1 2 Miles Figure 4: Padre Island Existing Land Use Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 7 .Port , I 4•74111F f 111! lb s .� 4 II, -y , / ' 4 i ', A '','' f tom! iirOMil4 sin $40010410%. AidMr as OwRrtkr-:mons* ir MailimillipaiiampallMlismame -IftMMiWrwi r Figure 5: Mustang Island Existing Land Use Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 8 Table 1: Existing Land Use Existing Land Use 2004 % 2016 Low Density Residential 440 1.6% 680 2.5% Medium Density 84 0.3% 161 0.6% High Density Residential 105 0.4% 87 0.3% Mobile Homes 1 0.0% 0 0.0% Professional Office 4 0.0% 6 0.0% Commercial 107 0.4% 335 1.2% Light Industrial 5 0.0% 1 0.0% Heavy Industrial 0 0.0% 104 0.4% Park 16,118 58.1% 16,058 57.9% Public Semi Public 66 0.2% 57 0.2% Right-of-Way 754 2.7% 822 3.0% Vacant/Agriculture 5,973 21.5% 5,346 19.3% Water/Wetlands/Beach 4,094 14.8% 4,094 14.8% 27,751 100.0% 27,751 100.0% Note: Acreages for the 2016 Existing Land Uses have been adjusted to match the 2014 plan boundary. The Figure 1, 2016 Study Area Boundary Map includes a larger water area that has not been included in the above table so that land acreage development could be compared. The Conservation/Preservation category has been combined with Water/Wetlands/Beach and the Estate Residential category has been combined with Low Density Residential. For this plan a calculation for the area of the Gulf Beach, measured from the Line of Vegetation seaward to Mean High Tide, was estimated to be 445 acres. AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNING PROCESS The purpose of the 2016 planning process for the Mustang/Padre Island Plan was to update the existing plan rather than create a whole new plan. One of the major recommendations of the 2004 Mustang/Padre Island Plan was to create a neighborhood committee to help shepherd the implementation of the adopted plan. Shortly after Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 9 adoption of the 2004 Plan, City Council established the Island Strategic Action Committee which has taken a leading role in this plan update. The planning process for the Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan consists of the following steps: 1. The Creation of an Island Strategic Action (ISAC) subcommittee to work with City Staff and Stakeholders to formulate an update to the Plan. 2. The ISAC ADP Subcommittee formulates planning process and schedule for plan update and begins inventory of land use, infrastructure, etc. 3. Subcommittee, which includes Staff and Stakeholders identifies island issues to be addressed in the plan. 4. Subcommittee drafts the Plan updated to address issues of concern. 5. ISAC presents draft Plan to Islands Stakeholder Group for review and comment. 6. Subcommittee revises draft Plan based on Stakeholder Group input. • 7. Subcommittee presents the revised draft Plan to the ISAC and ISAC recommends a revised plan for City Council Adoption. 8. The revised draft Plan is presented to Planning Commission for public hearing input. The Planning Commission revises the plan if necessary and then recommends City Council approval of revised draft Plan. 9. The revised draft Plan is presented to City Council for public hearing input. The draft Plan is revised, if necessary, based on recommendation by City Council and Plan is approved. STAKEHOLDER AND CITIZEN INPUT A primary goal of the planning process is to obtain input from citizens interested in the Mustang/Padre Island Area and from stakeholder groups. Stakeholder groups and professions that have been involved in the planning process include: o Padre Isles Owners Association o Padre Island Business Association o Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce o Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority o Convention and Visitors Bureau o Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization o Water Shore Advisory Committee o Architects o Engineers o Real Estate Professionals o Nueces County o Business Owners o Property Owners o Residents o City Staff e.g., Engineering Services, Park and Recreation, Marina, Public Works (Utilities), and Development Services. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 10 A. ENVIRONMENT Preservation and protection of the Islands' ecology is critical to the public health, safety and welfare of the Corpus Christi community and entire region. The Islands' ecology, including the Gulf beach, dunes complex, and wetlands areas, provides significant benefits to the rest of the region. It is a well-known fact that the Islands' beaches and dunes complex provides the first line of defense to the mainland from hurricane storm surges. The Islands' wetlands and estuaries provide an aquatic environment to support many species of fish and shellfish for sport and commercial fishing. In addition, the unique beauty and recreational opportunities of the Islands, specifically the beach areas, benefit the local and regional economy significantly. Tourism studies have shown that the Gulf beaches are the number one tourist attraction to the Corpus Christi area by visitors from both inside and outside of the State. In order to balance the need to.protect the coastal natural resources of the Islands and to promote economic development on the Islands, the following recommendations are proposed. Some of the recommendations are being implemented by other governmental agencies, i.e. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nueces County, State of Texas, etc. The Plan recommendations are intended to assure City support and are not intended to substitute or establish an overlap or duplication of authority. POLICY STATEMENT A.1 Gulf beaches between mean low tide and the line of vegetation must contain no structures or improvements except erosion control measures and limited public recreational structures that support public access, including, but not limited to, life guard towers, fishing/surfing piers, open- air public showers, portable restrooms and traffic control devices. POLICY STATEMENT A.2 Due to the complexity of the Islands development and the need to protect environmentally sensitive areas, the City recommends an interdisciplinary site plan review process for all commercial and multi-family residential development on the Islands, in conjunction with the issuance of building permits. All projects on the Islands shall be compliant with all local, State and Federal requirements and executed in accordance with best practices. POLICY STATEMENT A.3 Mustang and Padre Islands will not be considered for sanitary landfills or other solid waste disposal, except for dredge materials. POLICY STATEMENT A.4 The design and use of naturally regenerating systems for prevention and control of beach dune erosion are encouraged and preferred over bulkheads and other hard structures provided the protection system is a reasonable solution to the site where it is proposed. Regenerating systems include, but are not limited to: A) Beach nourishment; Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31, 2017 Page 11 B) Adapted beach management practices; C) Planting with short-term mechanical assistance, when appropriate; and D) Any other method consistent with the recommendations of the Texas General Land Office's Dune Protection and Improvement Manual for the Texas Gulf Coast. POLICY STATEMENT A.5 The City will encourage the protection of sensitive wildlife habitats and the Islands' environment by considering innovative design techniques, implementation of incentives for developers and allowing higher than typical development density in uplands where practical. It is not the intent of this plan to initiate requirements for protection of non jurisdictional wetlands. The City encourages any developer to voluntarily preserve the existing natural environment by concentrating the total number of units allowed, based on gross acreage(including wetlands) into a multi-story building or buildings. This "cluster development" results in large setbacks, buffer zones,reduced infrastructure costs and more permanent open space. POLICY STATEMENT A.6 The City should develop a revision to the landscape requirements in the Zoning Ordinance to create an indigenous species and wetlands allowance for landscaping on the barrier islands. New development may incorporate natural wetlands and vegetation to partially satisfy landscape requirements where such features can meet the screening performance criteria. POLICY STATEMENT A.7 Encourage development of an expanded canal system, including the bridge on SPID, to connect Lake Padre/Packery Channel with the existing Padre Isles Subdivision. The expanded canal system is consistent with proposed developer plans and would benefit Padre Island in several ways as follows: A) Improve canal system water quality in Padre Isles; B) Improve surface drainage along SPID, i.e. a canal system parallel to SPID could provide outfalls for storm drainage along the roadway; C) Provide a convenient water transportation system for small watercraft between the Padre Isles residential area and future commercial development in Lake Padre/Packery Channel. POLICY STATEMENT A.8 Development should be consistent with the Joint Erosion Response Plan for Nueces County and the City of Corpus Christi. POLICY STATEMENT A.9 The City will continue streamlining the process for permitting. POLICY STATEMENT A.10 Encourage use of native coastal plant species and discourage the use of invasive species. POLICY STATEMENT A.11 Encourage development of future expanded canal systems on North Padre Island and Mustang Island. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 12 POLICY STATEMENT A.12 Continue ongoing maintenance of the Packery Channel as it is a valuable resource for material to re-nourish the beach. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 13 B. LAND USE OVERALL LAND USE PLAN POLICY STATEMENTS PLAN STATEMENT B.1 The City's adopted citywide Future Land Use Plan map is a guide for future land use decisions concerning zoning, capital improvements and any land disturbing activity in the City and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. An excerpt from the Citywide Future Land Use map for the Mustang/Padre Island Area is shown on Figure 6 .1 For the Mustang/Padre Island area the intent of the Future Land Use Plan is to support environmentally sound, high-density tourist related growth, medium density mixed uses and the growing permanent residential neighborhood on the Islands. The plan provides for a compatible configuration of activities with emphasis on the protection of residential lifestyle from incompatible activities, the placement of commercial activity at locations with good access and high visibility, and the identification of environmentally sensitive areas that should be protected. POLICY STATEMENT B.2 Tourist oriented business and development will continue to be encouraged and promoted by all agencies of the City as illustrated on the Future Land Use Map. This includes commercial ventures, condominiums and resorts, fishing and outdoor recreation facilities, and recreational vehicle parks outside the current Island Overlay(See Appendix A). POLICY STATEMENT 8.3 Development that is visible from designated arterial thoroughfares must have a well-planned urban design theme creating a sense of place, enhancing the visitor experience and the overall quality of life. POLICY STATEMENT B.4 To create a unique sense of place, the Islands' landscape requirements for street yards adjacent to SPID and SH361 will be of a higher standard than is typically required elsewhere in the City. Variances, special permits, or other means to reduce the landscaping requirements for development in this Plan Area will be discouraged. POLICY STATEMENT B.5 Signage requirements should promote a coordinated and cohesive design and reinforce a desirable identity of the Islands. POLICY STATEMENT B.6 Encourage placement of public art on roadway medians and other public or private properties. The Future Land Use Plan contained in this ADP may be generalized and incorporated into the City's Citywide Future Land Use Plan. If there is any conflict between the Future Land Use in this ADP and the City's generalized Future Land Use Plan,then ADP Future Land Use shall supersede. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31, 1017 Page 14 Inset 1 4410 • 111 11 4‘, UIt. O 25 05 =El Ili Mixed Use Low Density Residential Flood Plain Conservation Planned Development Medium Density Residential Water IIIII Commercial High Density Residential Planning District Government Transportation Ell Institutional Permanent Open Space Figure 6: Future Land Use Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 15 POLICY STATEMENT B.7 The designation of"Mixed Use" in the Future Land Use Plan expresses the City's desire to mix residential and non-residential uses. Development objectives for the Mixed Use categories are to incorporate the latest design innovations, the highest quality construction, integrated land uses, a safe and efficient transportation network, and pedestrian, golf cart and bicycle amenities. A "Mixed Use" area should be developed using a PUD zoning district or other equivalent zoning category. A) Mixed use/residential -A high percentage of land designated for Mixed Use Residential should be developed for residential purposes. Low density neighborhood-serving businesses may also be appropriate (no more than 10% of the area). Clustering of development density with large setbacks or permanent reserves of open space may also be acceptable in combination with high density uses, provided high density uses are integrated into the surrounding neighborhood and any negative impacts are eliminated or mitigated. B) Mixed use/tourist - The mixed use tourist land use is characterized by high density residential and high density business uses. High density business uses may range in character between either serving the region or be targeted to the island population. Uses may include bed and breakfasts, hotels, condominiums, marinas/vessel repair and maintenance, convention facilities, ancillary commercial uses, etc., along SPID, SH361, seawall and Gulf of Mexico. POLICY STATEMENT B.8 Work to create a conveniently located permanent Islands visitor center. POLICY STATEMENT B.9 he City will continue to protect residential neighborhoods from encroachment of non-residential uses by requiring non-residential uses to mitigate any negative effects on adjacent neighborhoods. POLICY STATEMENT B.10 Industrial uses and sexually oriented uses are incompatible with and may threaten residential land uses, the natural environment and the family tourist orientation of the Islands. Oil and gas exploration and production is exempted from this policy, where allowed by law, provided all pertinent requirements are met. POLICY STATEMENT B.11 Manufactured homes are prohibited on the Islands. POLICY STATEMENT B.12 Utility lines will be placed underground, where practical, and will minimize disturbance of wetlands, dunes, or other sensitive habitats and wildlife. This will improve the aesthetics of the area and improve public safety, particularly in times of weather emergencies. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 16 A) The installation of new electrical, telephone or other utility lines, where practical, along expressways, arterials, and collector streets, or the substantial expansion of existing electrical, telephone, or other utility lines along these roadways should be accomplished underground or underwater, where practical. B) Existing utility lines are to be relocated underground wherever practical, as the City and/or State undertake street or highway projects or when a utility company replaces overhead utility lines. POLICY STATEMENT B.13 To insure compatibility of energy production activities and tourist-oriented development, the City will develop design compatibility guidelines and require new oil and gas producers to conform to these standards. Development plans for extraction or support facilities will undergo site plan review and inspection for compliance and appropriate screening will be required. POLICY STATEMENT B.14 The City, County and State will work together to promote public parking areas in proximity to public beaches. POLICY STATEMENT B.15 ISAC (Island Strategic Action Committee) will be notified of all zoning and re-zoning cases that come before the City regarding the Islands at the time of public notification. POLICY STATEMENT B.16 Vehicular access along the Gulf beach shall not be restricted unless necessary for public safety. POLICY STATEMENTS FOR THE PUBLICLY OWNED LAND IN THE CITY'S FIVE MILE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION LOCATED IN KLEBERG COUNTY SOUTH OF THE CITY LIMITS POLICY STATEMENT B.17 This area is publicly owned by Nueces County or is within the Padre Island National Seashore. Currently, the land is undeveloped with only a few oil and gas extraction activities on the property. Regarding development in this area, the following policies apply: A) This area must be preserved as an area of natural coastal habitat while providing for increased public access to the Gulf beaches and the Laguna Madre Shorelines. B) Any use or development of the land or a portion thereof must have a significant beneficial impact on the region or the State. C) Potential uses for this area include: Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 17 1) Beach and Laguna access roads at a spacing of approximately 2 miles apart (current spacing is 8 miles) are critically needed for emergency vehicle and enhanced public access. 2) Camping, fishing, hiking and general recreation. POLICY STATEMENTS FOR THE AREA FROM ZAHN ROAD TO THE SOUTH CITY LIMITS POLICY STATEMENT B.18 Commercial proposals providing substantial acreage and planned commercial clusters are encouraged in large developments of substantial acreage. POLICY STATEMENT B.19 Low and medium density mixed use tourist facilities will be encouraged. High density mixed use locations will be planned to accommodate ingress/egress in neighborhoods. POLICY STATEMENTS FOR THE AREA FROM ZAHN ROAD TO NORTH CITY LIMITS POLICY STATEMENT B.20 Buffer zones will be encouraged next to single and multi-family residential areas from Mustang Island State Park to the north city limits. POLICY STATEMENT B.21 North of the Mustang Island State Park on the Gulf side of SH361 high-density tourist oriented development will be encouraged. POLICY STATEMENT B.22 The area located on the west side of SH361 is planned for residential mixed uses and conservation/State Park. Large portions of this area are composed of low-lying wetlands. Due to the sensitive nature of these lands and because the area does not have direct access to the Gulf, a maximum overall residential density of 12 units per acre will be allowed. Cluster-type developments will be encouraged through the use of incentives and are preferred over traditional residential development patterns. Commercial uses at intersections with collectors along SH361 are appropriate. POLICY STATEMENT B.23 High quality planned commercial uses at the intersection of collector streets are encouraged. Strip commercial development will be prohibited along SH361, unless access management techniques are provided (marginal access, shared driveways, etc.). Access management will enhance public safety and the traffic capacity of SH361. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 18 POLICY STATEMENT B.24 City and county will pursue construction of a public-access boat ramp and associated amenities at Wilsons Cut. POLICY STATEMENTS FOR THE JOHN F. KENNEDY (JFK) CAUSEWAY AREA POLICY STATEMENT B.25 Regarding development in this area, the followingpolicies apply: p PP :Y A) The bait and fishing stands located along the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Causeway are at the primary entrance to the Islands and are among the first sights visitors see of the Islands. The City will place a high priority on the visual enhancement of this area. B) Paved parking and structural improvements will be required. C) The City will encourage efforts to beautify, enhance, preserve and protect the area. D) The entrance to the Islands should be enhanced by using prominent signage or another type of structure. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 19 C. TRANSPORTATION POLICY STATEMENT C.1 The City Council adopts the Urban Transportation Plan, which is part of MobilityCC, the Mobility Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan to guide future transportation decisions. The transportation section of this Area Development Plan recommends amendments to the Corpus Christi Urban Transportation Plan recommendations are based on the "ultimate" street network necessary to serve a fully developed plan area. Unless otherwise specified or where not feasible, all streets are recommended to contain sidewalk, curb, gutter and underground drainage. This transportation section recommends amendments to the Urban Transportation Plan map and to the Bikeway Plan as follows: A) Sand Dollar is currently a paper street; the City should evaluate the need for Sand Dollar Street and potential impact the street could have on relieving traffic congestion. The proposed collector streets on the Islands are conceptually located and some alignments may change depending on efficient and functional alternatives presented by the property owner at the time of development. B) Integrate the bikeway system with the new bridge and water exchange being developed on Park Road 22 and SH 361 and Whitecap Boulevard. The vision for the bridge is to provide water access from the neighborhood in Padre Isles to Lake Padre, to create better water quality in the Padre Isles canal system and to connect the Padre Isles residential neighborhood with the Lake Padre area. C) The area immediately west of SH 361 and Beach Access Road 2 has been acquired by Mustang Island State Park, and therefore the proposed collector street located on the west side of SH 361 between Beach Access Road 2 and Seaway Drive extended should be removed from the Urban Transportation Plan. See Figure 9. POLICY STATEMENT C.2 The City will encourage implementation of the pedestrian and bicycle amenities as prescribed in the MPO's Strategic Plan for Active Mobility Phase I: Bicycle Mobility (completed 2016) and Phase II: Pedestrian Mobility (under development 2016) Figure K1. These plans are intended to foster cycling and walking as safe and viable transportation alternatives to enhance access to essential goods and services for all residents and visitors in our community. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 20 POLICY STATEMENT C.3 The City, in coordination with the Federal, State and County governments, will prioritize a long- term emergency action plan for maintaining sufficient emergency egress from the Islands, which will include a second crossing of the Laguna Madre. POLICY STATEMENT C.4 SH361 and SPID are the emergency access roads on and off the Islands. All future modifications to these roads and new collector streets and modifications to existing collector streets within 500feet of SPID shall be designed to assure that low elevations in these roadways do not critically limit evacuation of the Islands. The City will conduct a study to evaluate flooding on PR22. POLICY STATEMENT C.5 A high priority will be placed on transportation improvements, including the PR22 bridge, that will directly benefit the local tourist industry and are multi-modal, i.e. accommodate transit and active (non-vehicular) modes of mobility. Future canal systems should accommodate multi- modal means of transportation where possible with emphasis placed on multi-modal accessibility. POLICY STATEMENT C.6 Encourage a second crossing of the Laguna Madre, as included in Segment A of the seven segment Regional Parkway Mobility Corridor project, as described in a 2013 Feasibility Study and a 2016 Planning and Environmental Linkages study. Recognition of the potential need for an alternative crossing is documented in studies from the 1980s and 1990s, including the South Loop Transportation Study (1999). Segment A would be intended to: A) Provide secondary emergency evacuation route from Mustang and Padre Islands. B) Serve the growing residential population on the south side of Corpus Christi and facilitate regional mobility and connectivity. C) Alleviate mounting congestion and operational/safety issues on the SH358 corridor Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 21 ,1,,,,,,,4, •:, • • r r •r Delete Collector Street ,r Segment—See Figure 9. � s 361 ittik ii r 1 Conduct a Traffic Study to determine if Sand Dollar Street is needed. Urban Transportation Legend Street Type&Required Right-of-Way UNan Streets Design Feature Mo.d Lanes Exaimg Proposed r.., '„ Cafiectvs cvsoz — '� CZ 65' cosi T 3 • t �y— i I - Parkways3ult Beal:Access L 2 ` .a Ps6p' etewry •• f 'Qfa w cud Sean Matt I a FA6d' aeadtt Parsing 361 a Aru.im a A2.ICD' swoon .y . a *, A3,ICC Mean d east_ M IN n t- , �`} `� .;i ` Rural Streets 4 r ArterWs �„ RAI 115Capt VT = --- IRA2'tes woo 5 �".. rtAd 24 a wawa. Freeway'Expressways '-, a flidW' Barrer asp �. interchanges Erlsting Proposed Foil Interchange W Ramps IR ;) Runway # .A Grade .eparatwn WO Ramps a Ralroad ±f4 22 7 Pawed Interchange W/O Ramps 2 C I _. .4, j ,. Transit Stations or Parti Ride Lots A A V t �\; I a INTERSTATE HWY \� STATE HWY A57 US HWY ll FR RD 2444 y„_ a Not:Umdespnated Collectors two an alphaMOMr.<reference dAoo ton are desAnated as C ahs nave 2lanes lothet7 right-of way.Local street<Lassficatans are not refected Iles d on map Dashed Loon srdcze+here addmanal sT R ghf of Way is needed Rarer to tat for detaih. .it Note Mete a street a desgnated as a Bikeway on dee Transponz.on Plan acklaronal street wdenng maybe requ rxc 9 Figure 7: Urban Transportation Plan (excerpt) Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31, 2017 Page 22 I4 " IPORASTRAIrrl 13 14 r � 44..1AST000TIAt lw taMlinl.w.. .** rw lyy.4 Js.4... f Vices. KI K1 Mweaermem K1 1 — ,...W ,,.,r.,n•••• =''"*+ .M.r1•14.nrr.....ww bar.. 43 Figure 8: Bikeway Network (excerpt of City Network) Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 23 et �aP " Collector Segment Deleted from the Urban Transportation Plan Seaway Dere Eat,to Beach Access Road 2 Figure 9: Removal of Proposed Collector West of SH 361 POLICY STATEMENT C.7 For public safety and to protect roadway capacity on SPID and SH361, future development will require access management controls, i.e. shared driveways, interconnected parking, etc. Implementation of the recommendations derived from the 2016 Padre Island Access and Mobility Study should be prioritized. POLICY STATEMENT C.8 Encourage working with the appropriate agencies to develop a solution for traffic congestion at PR22 and SH361 interection and access road. POLICY STATEMENT C.9 The City will continue to work with private landowners,TxDOT and the Texas General Land Office to identify potential beach accesses and get them constructed (i.e. Access 2A, 2B and 3A). The City will also continue to maintain these access roads for the benefit of the public. The access roads should be re-named to correspond with their adjacent mile marker. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 24 POLICY STATEMENT C.10 The City will pursue grants, capital improvement programming, hotel/motel tax revenue and other sources of funding for acquisition and improvement of public beach access. BEACH ACCESS PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this section is to preserve and enhance the public's right to use and have access to and from the public beach and to support standards certifying construction on land adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico is consistent with such public rights. The geographic scope of the City's jurisdiction for beach access includes all areas within the City's corporate limits and its extraterritorial jurisdiction on the Islands located between the Gulf beach and the closest paralleling public roadway or 1,000 feet, whichever is greater. In addition, the City is authorized to regulate the platting of property and to annex properties within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Two areas are exempted by the GLO rules from local beachfront construction certification requirements. These exempted areas are the Mustang Island State Park and the Padre Island National Seashore. The City is requesting County, State and Federal agencies controlling beachfront property provide enhanced access and parking facilities. In addition, certain uses and development such as oil and gas exploration and livestock grazing are exempted from the requirements of a dune protection permit, but not a Beachfront Construction Certificate(BCC). Shoreline areas experiencing erosion are of particular concern, as any structures located adjacent to these areas will be at the highest risk of damage in the shortest time period. Under rules established by the GLO, which are applicable to both beach access and dune protection review procedures, construction in the eroding areas must be responsive to the risk of erosion in the future. An erosion area boundary has been identified through utilizing erosion data provided by the Bureau of Economic Geology. This boundary projects potential erosion 50 years into the future. Additional construction standards will apply within this area. These standards are included within the Nueces County Corpus Christi Joint Erosion Response Plan and the Dune Protection and Beach Access Regulations. EXISTING BEACH ACCESS Approximately 24.7 miles of public gulf beach is within the city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. Currently, seven vehicular roads provide public access to the 14.7 miles of public beach within the City of Corpus Christi's area of control with 3 additional beach access roads located within State and National parks. An additional 10 miles of beach are in either the exempted areas of the Mustang Island State Park or the Padre Island National Seashore. Beach Access Road #2 is located approximately one-half mile north of the northern boundary of Mustang Island State Park. This is the only beach access road between the State Park and Beach Access Road #1, located approximately 7.3 miles north of Beach Access Road #2 and 3.6 miles north of the Port Aransas city limits. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 25 All of the remaining ten beach access roads within the City of Corpus Christi's area of control are concentrated within a four-mile area between Beach Access Road #3 and Beach Access Road #6. This area includes the Seawall and Nueces County's Padre Balli Park and Packery Channel. The Mustang Island State Park entrance road provides the only vehicular access to the two-mile long public beach between Fish Pass and south to the vehicular barrier located 0.3 miles north of Beach Access Road #3. Beach Access Road #3 is located within Mustang Island State Park and approximately 3/4 mile north of the State Park's southern boundary. It provides access to the beach between the State Park's vehicular barrier on the north side of Corpus Christi Pass and Zahn Road. Beach Access Road "North", as it is commonly referenced, is located approximately one mile south of the northern boundary of the Padre Island National Seashore. This road provides the only beach access road between Beach Access Road #6 and the vehicular barrier just south of Access Road "North" at the north end of the National Seashore, a distance of approximately eight miles. A barricaded parking and day-use area exists on a portion of the public beach between Padre Balli Park entrance road and Bob Hall Pier. Vehicular traffic is routed immediately landward of both of these areas. Currently, most of the public beach within the City's jurisdiction is fully accessible to vehicular traffic and public parking on the beach. The only restriction on vehicular traffic and public on- beach parking exist along the Seawall. Public parking and vehicular traffic in front of the seawall shall comply with the current City Ordinance. POLICY STATEMENT C.11 The City shall consider renaming existing and future beach access roads to correspond with their beach mile markers for safety and emergency purposes. POLICY STATEMENT C.12 The City will continue to protect the public's right of access to Gulf Beaches through the BCC process. The purpose of the BCC is to protect public access to gulf beaches as development occurs adjacent to the Gulf Beach. POLICY STATEMENT C.13 Numerous natural and man-made processes have caused significant changes of the public beaches along the Gulf Coast, including Mustang and Padre Islands. If these processes continue, as they are projected to, the public beach may become so narrow that continued vehicular use of the beach might be physically impossible or pose a threat to public safety. Future opportunities for providing public access to the public beach may be seriously diminished as development of private property landward of the public beach occurs. Also, the increased use of public beaches will create conflicts with vehicular and pedestrian movement. The City will strongly encourage the following policies and objectives: A) The purchase of pedestrian beach access points and associated parking. The primary Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 26 funding mechanism for these acquisitions will be State and Federal grants, capital improvement programming and hotel/motel tax revenue. B) Regulate pedestrian and vehicular beach access, traffic and parking on the beach only in a manner that preserves or enhances existing public right to use. C) Except for in front of the seawall, the City will not pursue closure of any portion of the public beach to vehicular traffic except for emergency purposes or by voter approval. POLICY STATEMENT C.14 The City, County and State will work together to promote public parking areas in proximity to public beaches. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 27 D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Corpus Christi is the gateway to more useable ocean beach than any other community in the nation. Twenty-one miles of Gulf beaches lie within Corpus Christi City limits or ETJ and another sixty-two miles are only accessible through Corpus Christi. The Islands are home to three major Beach Parks: the seventy-mile long Padre Island National Seashore, the 4,200-acre Mustang Island State Park and the Nueces County Coastal Parks with 4,500 acres of Mustang and Padre Island. Corpus Christi Bay and the Upper Laguna Madre system are the western boundary of the Islands providing access for fishing, birding, water sports and other outdoor activities. From the City's economic development perspective, public investment in infrastructure for new development on the islands will have one of the biggest returns on investments in this nationally unique area. The point to be made on these figures is that almost any investment by the City to make the Islands more attractive, better able to accommodate new growth, etc. will reap large returns in increased property values. The Islands are one of only a few coastal areas near a metropolitan area that have ample undeveloped property. If growth and development of the Islands occurs similar to other areas on the east and west coasts then Corpus Christi can see an increase in Island property by multiples. In 2016, the Islands represented approximately 15% of Corpus Christi's total taxable valuation. Island Goals THE CITY AND THE ISLANDS WILL WORK TO PROVIDE: A) Well maintained, safe, attractive beaches. B) Mixed destination use, including retail, entertainment, restaurants, meeting facilities, water and boating access that are accessible by pedestrians, bicyclist, golf carts, shuttles and motor vehicles. C) Improved access to the Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay. D) A developed and unique identity for the Islands including branding, clearly identified gateways and landscaping; E) Sufficient funding to promote tourism to the Islands, including a coordinated effort to promote the Islands. F) Festival facilities. G) A grocery store to service the growing residential population. H) RV Parks in appropriate locations. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 28 I) Plan for large scale developments on existing large undeveloped tracts, i.e. Lake Padre Area and the Jones Tract located south of Padre Isles. Residential A) Safe, attractive orderly neighborhoods. B) Well maintained neighborhood parks, an athletic center to include tennis, dog park(s), swimming pools, etc. C) Improved bicycle and pedestrian access to and within existing residential neighborhoods in strategic locations. D) Promote the Islands as a retirement destination. E) Promote home ownership benefits in Texas. POLICY STATEMENT D.1 The City will analyze and pursue alternative means of creating special funds for capital improvements, public facilities and beach operations/maintenance. These funding mechanisms include bond program funding, hotel/motel tax, beach parking fees, grants, tax increment financing, and other local, State or Federal programs. PACKERY CHANNEL Packery Channel (Figure 10) was constructed as a joint project between the Federal Government (US Army Corps of Engineers), the State(the Texas General Land Office) and the City of Corpus Christi. The local share of this project is financed by the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 2 (TIRZ #2), also known as the Padre Island Tax Increment Financing District (PITIF) (Figure - 11). The TIRZ #2 is a means of allocating a portion of the property tax revenue collected from the zone to pay for public improvements in the zone. The TIRZ does not create a new tax or additional tax burden but is intended to encourage private investments and increase the value or properties in the zone. The Packery Channel Project has several purposes: A) Providing a convenient recreational water passage from North Padre Island to the Gulf of Mexico. B) Providing a valuable source of sand for beach re-nourishment. C) Providing funding for ongoing maintenance of the channel. D) Providing an additional attraction for economic development of the Islands. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 29 • Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 30 E , Figure 10: Packery Channel Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island DlPlan Januaryeveopment 31,201 Page 317 . . _ Vi''µ i,. c/ -,... 17tom$' { ,' r,'*i10 \ i 164P# . te r >ys}' yr , .Padre island . A w, ii iTax Increment aka Financing District (TI 1 ,,,,, ' r "; a " a a i i:'1: ; I 4,,* him3 vika ,. x �. ♦ z r A LEGEND 1111 Ti-gest/ -«wry` ��m^.. UM? y� "�F,ya. .. �. a Ml�t Y�fe 1st tilt h 1#1 . . . if eimiscos is cm,*004 nosy awaro ii Figure 11: Padre Island Tax Increment Financing District Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 32 POLICY STATEMENT D.2 Capital improvement projects located in or serving areas in the TIRZ #2 are of the highest priority. Extension of TIRZ #2 is vital for continuing maintenance of the Packery Chanel project, providing funds for rehabilitation projects as a result of natural disasters and continued improvement of the Islands. Capital improvements that support development of the TIRZ #2 will generate tax increment dollars that must be spent on public improvements in the district. POLICY STATEMENT D.3 The City will vigorously support and encourage the continued development and improvement of Packery Channel for the purpose of providing a recreational boat pass, enhanced water exchange to the Laguna Madre and a destination attraction on the gulf coast POLICY STATEMENT D.4 Promote tourist oriented development east of State Highway 361/Park Road 22 and between Zahn Road and Whitecap Boulevard by providing public and private amenities to make the area more attractive and "people friendly". These amenities should support a multimodal transportation system (pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and water transit), and uniquely attractive developments, both public and private, with facilities using the highest quality design and materials. POLICY STATEMENT D.5 Private land located south of the Packery Channel and landward of the seawall should be developed with a mix of high-density tourist oriented commercial and residential activities. Development standards for this area will be of a very high order requiring abundant landscaping, a consistent urban design theme and public improvements that exceed standard requirements. A development concept provided by a major land owner of vacant lands in the area is shown on Figure 12. POLICY STATEMENT D.6 A navigable connection between Lake Padre and Padre Isles with a PR22 bridge is considered a priority for development and water exchange. POLICY STATEMENT D.7 Encourage development of a full service marina in Lake Padre opening up Padre Island to recreational sailing and power vessels with unfettered access to the Gulf. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 33 • N W I. O C _ 0 Ts i 1 ua W p n.,‘„, 1:- --\ J O od/• as e• \ J\ iv• Z Ji z3 K �\.,. N a e N a; \'v 70 W O .L C ti <-7;-,&\ Nm X C. giro. xs \ V OV iimm �� • d I z m ��� . \ Iii I R Y I a *6<1.C.I.°55)\) .0): ), t It , nL. ti a r 1� z a ae .r•ter.- < a 0 a 0LI U I ` O F n 0 ` J Z N ' U r, , et , (5 / ;.1:41,_____JL___ E E 1 F. z ,..,. _____ ...„_--- , , .a r--- J n o F o F ° .3. o 0 4 g x $ : ? m 3z p4p FF g ! TA F a ' ' § Fg s § z8 A..i E 6 c £ 4 £_ O a E - a c n rYi`g . 5 L' f "11 K S-gC if k a i i gill 1 Flu. .f.EC '; // &f = m le b `t ! ,Q,Ery 1.2 4 8 n ; I t•o =I 1 .9-111 'o �gq�ry}!!{s s e .. ` M s c i E , i `a a I , q q,a � a a — 6 p � ^y •� o �G ,ti I GG, i gil;o q 2 1%. I is n ` i si> 5 "i 1 � a � r1 1111 " rt _ ,-,°1 g+k m p tbg �8 ° ^ri 4 v b m Xy a' .h gC c ;Q V O O t L i s 5] 9 .'4a. i .&a kw“' m E tt aA.a ¢> i2 m0. . . L • . . • . . • f •. . Lp . . . x . . • . • • . . u z Figure 12: Packery Channel Enhancements Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 34 E. PUBLIC SERVICES PARKS & RECREATION POLICY STATEMENT E.1 Gulf of Mexico beaches are the region's number one tourist attraction and will be maintained in a manner that promotes the public's access and use in a sustainable manner to the sensitive beach/dune ecosystem. Beach operations headquarters and equipment storage facilities are needed in close proximity to the beach. The City will investigate additional funding mechanisms for these facilities to ensure sufficient personnel and equipment are available for this important program. Possible additional or expanded funding operations may include: A) Increases in the current fee and permit system. B) Federal and State grants. C) Local and State dedicated Hotel/Motel Taxes. D) Special districts. In addition, the City will continually seek to use "adaptive management practices" for beach maintenance through continuous dialog with the GLO and Nueces Protection Advisory Committee County. POLICY STATEMENT E.2 The City will pursue alternative avenues for park land development, in conjunction with the Nueces County Coastal Parks and Mustang Island State Park. POLICY STATEMENT E.3 The City will develop a Specific Beach Utilization Master Plan for all gulf beaches and Packery Channel and should include shoreline areas adjacent to the Laguna Madre/Corpus Christi Bay. Development of the plan will include a public participation process designed to obtain input from island property owners and residents, including the several existing Islands advocacy groups, as well as citywide input from citizens. The plan should include recreational improvements to be placed on either side of Packery Channel, the need for ADA accessibility on all improvements, compliance with FEMA flood elevation requirements and the City and County's beach management plans. POLICY STATEMENT E.4 The City will encourage festival sites on the island for large special events. Facility improvements are intended to make the Corpus Christi gulf coast the premier location for hosting special beach events on the Texas gulf coast. Festival site facilities and locations may be developed as joint ventures with the County, State or with private property owners. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 35 POLICY STATEMENT E.5 The City will pursue additional public boat ramps and parking for access to the Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay. Joint public agreements between the County, the State or other entities could facilitate this objective and reduce overall costs. Potential sites for consideration should include: existing park locations; Wilson's Cut on Mustang Island and Kleberg County, Laguna Madre shoreline or other viable alternatives. POLICY STATEMENT E.6 A high recreational improvement priority of the City is to fully develop existing parks on the island. These parks include Jackfish, Aquarius, Commodores, Billish and Douden Parks. The improved parks will be regularly maintained according to the City's Parks Master Plan. POLICY STATEMENT E.7 The City will pursue development of a multi-purpose meeting facility as a place for resident public functions, senior citizen activities and other public/recreational functions. If land on existing city parks is not suitable, the City should consider a joint agreement with the County on County park land in the area. POLICY STATEMENT E.8 The city will pursue development of dedicated park lands on Mustang Island. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT E.9 The City will provide public safety personnel and facilities to serve the Islands. STREETS POLICY STATEMENT E.10 Establish a short, medium and long term schedule for street resurfacing of all existing streets on the island. Collector and arterial streets and beach access roads will have priority for street resurfacing. STORMWATER SYSTEM POLICY STATEMENT E.11 Development of a Stormwater Master Plan for Mustang Island is a high priority for supporting new development. A key element of any new development is the manner in which the property will efficiently and effectively drain, tie into an overall storm drainage system, and, most importantly, not drain or damage downstream properties. Currently, there is not a Stormwater Master Plan for Mustang Island. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 36 WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS POLICY STATEMENT E.12 The City will continue to place a high priority on providing an adequate supply of water to the Islands to support rapid growth. The City will continue to explore conventional and innovative methods of supply including: extension of additional water transmission lines, aquifer storage and recovery and desalinization, etc. POLICY STATEMENT E.13 The City will support and facilitate the creation of a public improvement district to provide unpaved streets, water and wastewater and other public infrastructure improvements in portions of the area not adequately supported by existing public infrastructure. For example, many of the vacant lots (known as "A" and "B" Lots) along SPID and Palmira Streets do not have both water and wastewater lines. The City would finance such improvements and assess the costs in an equitable manner among district property owners in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code. POLICY STATEMENT E.14 The City will continue to reuse effluent from the Whitecap Wastewater Treatment Plant to benefit the islands as a source of water for landscaping on the Islands POLICY STATEMENT E.15 The City will continue to work closely with Nueces County Water Improvement District No. 4 in the future to identify issues and ensure adequate provision of water and wastewater services to the District's service area. The area south of Mustang Island State Park receives all services from the City of Corpus Christi. District No. 4 provides water and wastewater services to the State Park and areas north of the State Park, with the City providing all other services. This arrangement will continue for the foreseeable future. This will include: A) Creation of joint/compatible development standards between the City and District No. 4. B) Provision of adequate and reliable water and wastewater services to all area property owners. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 37 F. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The purpose of this chapter is to outline the capital improvement needs as identified in the Mustang/Padre Area Development Plan. The project list below should be used to provide input to the City's Annual Capital Budget and Long Range Capital Improvement Program. POLICY STATEMENT F.1 Establish continuous funding sources and foster multiple partnerships for ongoing capital improvements on the islands. In addition to equitable distribution of future bond programs, funding mechanisms include tax increment financing, public improvement district, tax abatement/credits, State hotel/motel taxes or similar mechanisms. Multiple partnerships should include, but are not limited to, the RTA, Nueces County, MPO, and impacted private organizations. Care must be taken to insure that funding is reserved only for those projects that create a measurable increase in quality of life and tourism. Following the adoption of this Plan, City Staff will incorporate the Plan's capital improvements into the overall citywide Capital Improvement Program in keeping with the overall prioritization and funding available at the time. PARK AND RECREATION POLICY STATEMENT F.2 Create a Specific Beach Utilization Master Plan for all Gulf Beaches, Packery Channel and shoreline areas adjacent to the Laguna Madre/Corpus Christi Bay. Elements to be included in the plan will include: A) Facilities such as showers, pavilions and restrooms, etc. B) Access facilities — beach access roads, day use areas, public parking and dune walkovers etc. C) Boat ramps and/or portage areas. D) Pedestrian access for viewing natural habitat areas. E) Shade structures and pavilions. F) Beach maintenance and operations facilities. G) Signage. H) Festival facilities. I) Other associated recreational facilities. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 38 POLICY STATEMENT F.3 Public boat ramps on Mustang Island and Kleberg County or other viable alternatives to facilitate public access. POLICY STATEMENT F.4 Park Improvements. Billish Park is currently being upgraded. All other parks need to be upgraded as well. PUBLIC SAFETY STREETS POLICY STATEMENT F.5 Facilitate pedestrian and bicycle access along Park Road 22 with the highest priority for the intersections of Commodores Drive and Whitecap Boulevard. The purpose is to make these intersections and roadways safer for alternative modes of transportation. Such improvements may include: A) Joint sidewalks, bicycle and golf cart lanes. B) Signage; C) Enhanced and or more frequent street maintenance. POLICY STATEMENT F.6 Landscaping and pedestrianfbicycle improvements and facilities should be constructed in the public rights-of-way on major streets, or other streets in accordance with any adopted mobility plans. POLICY STATEMENT F.7 The JFK Causeway was elevated for safety. Park Road 22 should also be elevated for safety, particularly as an egress, as well as improvement to drainage, primarily on the west bound lane. The City and TXDOT should work together to establish and implement a solution. POLICY STATEMENT F.8 Improve Sand Dollar (portions that have not been developed), Tortugas, Palmira and other dedicated but unimproved streets. POLICY STATEMENT F.9 Provide sidewalks to connect the seawall with Whitecap Boulevard and construct new sidewalks on designated Urban Transportation Plan streets where there are no sidewalks. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 39 STORMWATER POLICY STATEMENT F.10 Development of a Stormwater Master Plan for the Islands. Include in the plan an assessment of Park Road 22 to determine if underground drainage could be a means to assure better drainage and to provide a narrower curb and gutter street section on Park Road 22. Currently, there is at least 200 feet of right-of-way on Park Road 22 to accommodate roadside ditches. A curb and gutter section, could be constructed in only 100 feet of right-of-way. A narrower street section could allow the construction of marginal access roadways (similar to frontage roads) to serve businesses and residential uses along Park Road 22. WATER AND WASTEWATER POLICY STATEMENT F.11 Establish a public improvement district to finance construction of wastewater service lines to platted properties along Park Road 22. A Public Improvement District would establish a cost sharing mechanism between the City and property owners. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 40 G. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION During the formation of this Plan, staff found that there are many very active and energetic organizations that exist on the island. Many of these organizations have diverse interests in the island but the common thread between all of the organizations is that they are all very interested in the island's future development. Some of these groups include the Padre Island Property Owners Association, the Padre Island Business Association, the Sea Wall Owners, many condominium associations, Schlitterbahn, and others. POLICY STATEMENT G.1 This Plan constitutes the primary guide for the development and redevelopment of the Mustang/Padre Island Area. The Plan provides the overall basis for which the City makes determinations concerning zoning, capital improvement projects and improvements, infrastructure improvements, and to a somewhat lesser degree building code issues. POLICY STATEMENT G.2 The Mustang/Padre Island Strategic Action Committee has been established to implement this Plan. The primary charge of this Committee is to aggressively pursue the implementation of this Plan. The committee shall develop specific strategies for implementation of the Plan with specific timelines to implement the respective strategies and a clear determination of which agency or individual is responsible to implement specific projects or programs. The highest priority projects for the Strategic Action Committee include: A) Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan projects to be recommended for inclusion in the next City Bond Program. B) Implementation of sustainable new or additional funding sources for the Mustang- Padre Island Area, i.e., Tax Increment Financing District, Municipal Management District, Public Improvement District, or other mechanisms to fund projects. Identified funding sources should be in place within 12 months of adoption of the Mustang/Padre Island Area Plan. C) Annual input into the City's Capital Improvement Program. D) State legislation pertaining to Island concerns. E) Other appropriate areas of concern. Exhibit A Mustang/Padre Area Island Development Plan January 31,2017 Page 41 LEGEND --•� moi,II ji Island Overlay N. III VSA Vinyl Not Allowed -,----ii' j '-ti l" .ll -1 / � La I ` � 2 a B hi PI,C-- C "JCOMMODORES L j$,, / LEEWARD DR. ; t, I r .U I'll ti' uJ I l� U t I 5sft371-`: , I WHITECAP BLVD. , l �. ,,,,,,,----,_.4 .- v:- .d - ii. i �, - -4s `-t$N ��1 I I .�� r, L i' �1E r ,.:,'\'',;%,-, --,fid' k F �Y� ✓i �� \ 66 ENCANTADA AVE L"'AMs'> ����n 'Ars,.., r I( 14 F , 3 p + �i __— � ,C�fy c�• sem,�tk"a � .j r: ``r- v'v'J - _ l U,4r Gary-c -_� \.% _ 4�4 a4�' ,,,,.,,r_ ,z-„,„r_ita \ n • � LRG % r-% `s I i • .-' .r . IJJ\' l I 1 it1 i I, L I Appendix 1 : Island Overlay Exhibit A 2E Monday,February 6,2017 Caller-Times Trucks:. Ir a ® Dogs Livestock O LegalS Oym¢n! R¢al Estate INVITATION TO BID Rentals ' r I The City of Corpus Christi, Texas,Eng,nee'ing Depart- '14 FORD F150 Domestic Help r r Homes Unfurnished ent I,requesting bids for 109k miles,auto,loaded the con st'u'n on of the fol- $12,900 CAREGIVER NEEDED. AKC Paperetl Siberian Husky EX CHOICEoBLA SHEIFERS lowing prof''to): Pups,ready logo Valentine's EXPOSED TO BLACK BULLS Latly paralyzetl.Wheelchair Day,vet check d,now taking SO TEXAS SOUTH , YORKTOHARTRDBOULEVARD- bountl.9p-8x'361-8]]-1931 deposits.361-904-521] TEAS CROSSBRED COWS I F / EVERHART RBOND2 PALPATED BRED STAPLES STREET(EL309619) Help Wanted pKCMIm DAWxSxuxDS, SCHOICES EXPOSED PRO......FEBRUAY22, Parents on to 3M 1F, HEIFERS E%POSED TO Con, din 3/2-large ditch- BID DATE:FEBRUARY 22,2017 BLACK BULLS. on, Gln a living a' Maltlonatlo Nursery&Lantl- Available No 8]6-565] (;61)992-6132(361)368A005 Pt.Garage&fenced yard, at 2:00NG: apinsg,Inc.1960 Holly Rtl, $1450/mo.+dep.Contact PRE-BID MEETING:FEBRU- Corpu Christi, T% ]891] Carine(361)548-5334 ARY 14,2017 At 10:30 A.M. '02TOYOTATUNDRA Lo"Psaic" Gash e' and . ' — To vin—bid,ofi',tatio-d- .0.0- 30k miles,a to,loadedFitter hand sots and forms for these $12,900 ols such as si'ovels,rakes, •r r •r Condos Furnished um e pruning s ws,saws,hedge Prole DO,co tractors r brush trimmers,or ax r r C• I. qnk qmu d to ister on the CKC REGISTERED DALMATIAN aa operate powered quipment PUP PIES for sale,1st shots C Ca,t 0b,lte.Contract s 1,as mowers,chain-saws, 2000 big bales,net Documents may be down- &dewormed&papers. loaded o -owed free of electric clippers,sod cutters, Ready 02/14,$900ea.$200 peed,$20-$40, har a at this site. It is rpmning,aw,;wate'lawn', dep non-refundable.Cash/ HaulingA table. dgg trees,or Pl ants sing porta- Mo neo Orde Only!Debble (9]9)541-3103bhlityotonldetermineethatsi- ' ble sprinkler systems,hoses' (O,,),On y! a w tering prune o "umfl nedslntthepcuments, '07TOYOTA TUNDRA trim trees,shrubs, r hedog g'eement 100k miles,auto,loaded a "m I shears,pruners,or ® are received. halo'a 511.]0/hr 51].55 $8,950 O.T.]Xnya',M-F.Some O.T. To regcster go to: &wcekentls maybeavailable. www.Ivca tu,a.com 20 po„ti on s available fortem- PgSTURE IMPROVEMENT poary,full time,peak load FREETOGOODHOME Coastalliggggs& yp , Submission of bids will be 3work April 1,201]-October 2lar breed dogs pprox. Tifton-85, 'opted electronically 1,zo17 Nue'e,County a'ea l0,n,ola,knnei am, eermua gg s fresh paint,topfq Bidouwn tris Civca,t site. lob,ite,.Transportation Pro- (361)944-6893 (9]9)533-2559s BId, ill also be a"ept- vans. viaea m and from a lob- beautiful view eG n na'G opv fo'm -te,from a c trat Nne'e, Available Now. salsa env lope,ubmiiiea County area pick up location. Lost to: City of Corpus Ch'i,- contact Thaddeus Goettscn . $1450/mth inc.utilities ti;city se'etarv',offi'e; by calling 210-599-1219.Apply 201 6753511 1201 Leopard Street;Co' - fororinqunoaboutlobat the pus Christi,Texas 78401; Taaz_,.a,_Commiazion $1500 REWARD!! (ut,iae of v loge mu,t office @ 520 N STAPLES ST MINIATURE SCHNUAZER- Lost mother's diamond be clearly identified) Bid CORPUS CHRISTI,T%]8401- Mini Schnauzer$550 wed din band at Kiko's 7 Enclosed:Protect Name and '03 Ford Cargo an 3500 Series 2414(lob Order#]1]2508. 5M 4F,2-22-17 9 Real ESla!¢ Number. Bids over$50,000 diesel engine,low miles,ac/ Empl over well se _ Facebook.co /anne.rrve- on 01/02/1]. Commercial ill eq vire bid ec -t. heater,bunk-In pwrinverter ole workweek for co pI t- 'x.942$550.(361)815-2600 Pkaseeall:(361)B15-9268 Electrons' bid submittals for con a finda pwr tools, g work due.Pay ill be ust be accompanied by side tell h Iving,very bi-weekly.Assistance finding Commercial RE Lease lectron,'any submitted bid clean.(361)228-0123. lodging 1,available,If needed, Merchandise-Mise. bond. Bid se my In the at no additional'ha Oto the A form f a cashier's check kern Employer II ke annot be accepted by elec- II deductions romm red by law MOVING SALE: trom be and must be from each paycheck as well as KIF.s--berlan se washer&dryer,Singer P I r ) ubmitted In a sealed enve- ,¢� for optional health Insurance. tm trxcazpapers m/t]. 9 machine&table,36” lope,properly addressed,to If the worker completes 50°0 .slang hero,6cellRext offee table,2 glass pedes- the City Secretary by the of the work contract period, Cs6t�7o of tal5,edrawing board/desk w/ 200 SF-4,000 SF specified deadline.Bid pro- -- l chair,36"round coffee employer will reimburse the table(wood&leather),'om- Retail&Office Space Po,a1,received without the w ke'for transportation and quired bid s urity will s bned-ce from the placeE Put,'Toshiba tellite E205 Different sizes&locations be c n,,ae'ed invalid and '11 CHRYSLER TOWN&COUNTRY of recruitment to the place (]).To 00 'it non-e,pon,ive. Waz$13,995 Now$12,115 f work.Upon completion of owensmg[@vahoo.com the work contract or here 361-906-0033 No bid ubmittals ill be the work r is dii„ed ear- accepted past the deadline I I I I lier,employer will provide or Pemfied n the contract POfor work or,r as ble Offices/Warehouses/ documents. t,of return transportation and s b-ten-back home If you have any questions Flnancing Available w.a.c. or to the place the worker please contact City of Cor- Butl361-995-6892 0"T"any departed tow k AVAILABLE NOW!! Pius Christi Engineering Ser- ex pt where the worker will ' 6500SPID Ste#14 v'e,at 361182635 00. not return due to sub,eq uent Ranch Supplies In ac ordan'e with the o- emPloymentwith a th- VALENTINE'S 1,510 SF tract documents, bids employer.The amou t of POMERANIAN 4 SPID SIGNAGE c v d in compliance with rt PUPPIES!! HAY bales, the date and time specified, Recreation t eanburseamient will be equal 2 M,1F,$415ea.FI RM,Ready m d co a,taan d kl em; WWWOWENS-BAOTHEAS.COM wm be readatinn ata ifiod F. the st econom cal and to go 01/1],serious inquires Perebale;call(361)813-6545 361-906-0033 opening held t City Hall, ubi only!No inn,parents on site 1st Floor,1201 Leopard St., forsthebdistanma on­rrnor (210)355-]]92 Trade Items Corpus Ch rise,Texa,78401. Dally subsistence will be pro- BOats/Motors/Marine ided at a rate of$12.09 per CITY OF CORPUS CHR(STI, day during travel to a m - ® TEXAS Imo ,.$51 per day with pts, H.Edmonds,P.E. �_ -llx`!\Dty\(�Jl\!\\/]•\V/I/I H2B kers III be r ® Director of Engineering boated by check for visa and related firs Ovorkide, DIAED.BETICTEST LED&UNPSNEEDEXPIRED /s/R becca Huerta w k.Employer will provide, Cemetery Lots ED.BUY SEALED&UNEXPIRED 21, aeuSecuray City Secretary 16 ft,2012,Mako Pro Skiff, -thou[ harge or deposit, BOXES.(361)239-2954 Imyy m n-RFCS 40 hp four-st lee Mercury an tools,supplies ana equip- High`SchoP-000CSP engine.Less than 50 hours jo tit'eguireato Perform the #FY]]-P-0001 Ig.Loaded,' dyto nth, lob dunes.Optional health Waited Aluminum bi heel trailer. nsu an'e up!o$250/month / . • Request for Competitive $10,500.361bIS�0i5 or 361b54-tt56 employer paid (employee FREON 12 WANTED Sealed Proppowls are being portion aappproximately$89/ R12'olleding dust In you lidted by the Corpus nth. Th employer guar- 2gurial Plots at Rose HIII garsa We pay CASH&)ick Christi Independent School Campers&RV's antes,to offer work for hours Memorial9&10 at Sacred P.EPA' F`.1312)291-9169 D„M'tintheOfficeofPur- equal y i least''/a of the He art Lot24$2,500, sell@mfrigerantfind—ors hating and Distribution at workdays(in each 12 w k (361)]93-1642 801 Leopard Street,Corpus Period of the total employ- Christi,Texas]8401 on or HOWDY:::: 'vent Period) or(in h 6 before the time of: eek perlotl R the periatl of am�,psloyment 5 less than 120 �y 2:013 February From the folks here at Howdy Ranch RV. OLD COINS WANTED At which time the ppropr,- We have a one Of a kind, ROS HILL CEMETERY •Us/Foreign•Currency ate Propo,al,w,116e opened Pets 6pl ot,to aethto n$2,500each •Jewelry•Collections. and read publicly.Foraddi- likeneW,traileryou Idudest ransfer fee. IPey Collectors Prices Donal lnforman on'x,,(361) have t0 see! Negotiable will sell as group. CASH(361)985-0969 695-]350 d refer to the '10 KEYSTONE HORNET Email:INshellcou@yahoo.com ,pond nm Proposal umber.For -nforma- 30RKDS,#16093,super tion gardingothis RFCSP Lost Pets visit the CCISD Website at slide in living room,bed- 1 M cc d.u,and dick on room closet slide,1/2 500 REWARD•LOST Bidding Iopportunit ton towable,rear ditch- V�M SEASIDE MEMORIAL Pre-Proposal Conference to vy en,ducted air condi tion- t be held Thursday,Feb- 3sideby-tion[,,Holy inn,all popular featuresFa(3 1549 8566900 r o 9,t tho C'So at 10:00 a.m.In Working Order.This (361)5498560 Basemntl Leevel,801 Tr ojan L �trailer is immaculate rd, CorpusChristi, TXinside&out! aFuel&WOOd ProtectDrawingandSpecillficatios can beobtained by '” 32 taxing SomaNavaTS no, 11i TT1 T�TT�T� LLC,6262 Weber Rd.S IFe l�jj!jJ Here •CHIMNEY CLEANING 310,Corpus Christi,TX. A 400 rection&Repays $loo aepq,,t egw'ea Find andvisit rental ARD! •Seasoned f e'h tet of do'umnt,. cne'k or money g'an Pay. listings in town. SPECIAL PRICEqA er Coll ie MfSQNIte Or Oak Homes For Sale® bleto SolkaNavaTorno,LL C.eto - - k&White pick up or Free Chimney Deportofrproposerswl 11 beFINANCING ue collar Ipti /dliy. turned full If completelallenarea Contract Documcnnis Ph,e GdAir,Calllerry(361)993-2]80 tuned, good altion (allerlo6)Ifieds.comsked withintenU0)daysafter 91-2189 ' proposals Pen,ng. "The (x1136)$8;=1111 Furniture shipping a/or postage 9306 CARLTON,3/1 /Ir Pense f the delivery f HOW BY RANCH RV Dogs family rm.,1613sgft,$115,00O' Contract Documents will be NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF COME&SEE US Flnance av II (price at the proposer'sexpense:' ORDINANCE(S) 'f ow9)$]000 down.Now Wa! N0gththe]om rehe-vo end- Must see!(361)]]9-8891 Electronic Bid Documents are n�the Comprehensive Plan 107541H 37 EXIT 34• available from the Ar'hi- f the City of Corpus Christi MATHIS,TX tea's Office by requesin by adopting the Mustang/ (361)547-5600 Homes-Unfurn Email a sous,[vi Padre Island Area Devef 1) 2F SEAL BRINDLE BOXER PUPS R^riov..ruse. to SHardm C_sntarchite`et,, pment Plan;defining the www.howdyranchrYcom 3mo Id,big Tarp ps, up w- °/°o F II om. Instructions to obtain City's Comprehensive Plan $350e (361)296-5445 sets rtl azsiw documents will be emailed Po'dlro, o Mu,tan ria or(361)522-08]3 cell(36tja4z-]53] to each inquiry. Padre Island'on ent,lanon d of the env,o tit,land HOWDY:::: 20t7 1tg Reylazement tra ,rtaDon, LOO Hunt/Fish Supplies Proe[RFCSP#FY]]-P-0028 development,public Built in'14.3/2 on Hueces s c pmm imp�ove- Fromthefolkshereat River,large open living space. Request for Competitive menu, and plan ple- Ownerfinancing available. Sealed Proppos Is are being ,entation; es i din the Howdy Ranch RV.Co111e Call An 1361-248-1800 licited by the Corpus Mustang/Padre lsland4 Area See the excellenCondi- AKC LABRADOR-Reserve /I Sea Christi Independent School Development Plan do pted your AKC registered Labra- {/All 100AV.� District in the Office of Pur- by City Council Ordinance tion trailer.Just'in time dor puppl today. Farms&Ranches hating and Distribution at #025]25,Apri120,2004;pro- for SPRING BREAK! w Come vl itsus at MISC HUNTING EQUIP 801 Leopard Street,Corpus vidingg for,ev an­n e;and '13 JAYCO JAY FLIGHT wwAk'Lab'aao".net Feeders,hoatrap"game, Chri,ti,Texas 78401 on or provid-Ing for Publication. (361)]39-6496 &more before the time of: NO. 031058 Ordinance 26BH#16090.Sleeps 7, (361)991e8432 553-2]25 �OO ending t1'e City Code of ukra light towable,all major Australian 10:30 a.m.Thu dm Ethics bo revs a,'tions ,e rua�ry r,d to expand on flirt of inter- features in workin9order. Lawn&Garden ,t prohibitions;to prohibit Shepherd 9 AC m notes from town At which time the appropri- disclosure o of c AKC Regg stored pups. ear Sweeney Switch.2 br atopropon, will X,opened fidential information;oto Updated'hiots.$]00-$900. hou e.3 wells.Stock p d. rid read publicly.For add,- p h,b,t City Coumulmem- SPRING BREAK (512)644-1224 Hill top views.Loaded with Donal information call(361) bet from parndpating in www.,II ksaus[ralian game.Bob Wo sham Realror 695-]350 d refer to the anPointment f person SPECIAL PRICEycree 830-i39-0256 torr Spon din proposal ho c ntributed$2]00 shepherds.com umber.For nforma- ore to the Councllmemr 199]IOHN DEERE 59009WD tion gardina this RFCSP ber',c pal gC to ulmemt Adoptions -1991 John Deere 5400 Lots/Acreage for Sale visit the CCI SD Website at registration a lobbyist FINANCING4WD Farm Tractor Die- .'c d.u,and click on within 2 years ofleav,n g City sel,]0 Hp,5000 Hours,$3100 Bidding lOpportunitie,, ervic;toprovidedanfi'a- �ADOPTION: call me:(469)296-8140 lion of Ethics commission Pre-Proposal Conference to revs of Fnanual D„do- '''I AVAILABLElI be held on Wednesday,Feb- sure Reports;Providing for 11 Bubbly TV Personality& r y 8,2017 t 10:00 a.m. se ra a andnproviding for Suceessful Executive,LOVE, t the CCISD Trojan Room, publication;and becoming HOWDY RANCH RV 10-20 AC.Duval County Basement Leve1,801 Leop- ffe'tive upon final City Laughter awaits 1st baby. N.of San Diego;Dve Oak and Corpus Christi,TX.Prot- Council approval on l anuary COME&SEE US!! 1-800-561-9323 County,S.of Georga West; e't drawings a d specifl- e 2011 These rdin1nances 107541H 37 EXIT 34 SEAR565PEED LAWN TRAC- Kinney County,SVJ of cations can be obtamod by Ire r5epa,sed a d approved Expenses paid TOR-2014Sear,md0mm Bracketville.Deer,Hogs, contacting RGV Reproa ph- cod r ad,ng by the MATHIS,TX EI1Dabeth Mower.Rear engine 6 mrkeo,Quail.30 yr.owner -s,Inc.,(955)686-1525 or Corpus ChrI'D City Coundl (361)547-5600 Peed.301n.Mowing Deck, Flnancing,5°o down, by'o nta'tin Ron Wheaton on January 31,201]. &Anthony Good Connition$550,Be,t 866-286-0199 at r healon healon-ee,. /s/Re becca Huerta www.howd ranchrv.com 0 Offe'.(361)214-1499 tezazbrushcountrymm com to obtain digital copies. City Secretary