HomeMy WebLinkAboutC2005-514 - 10/11/2005 - ApprovedI'.U~IU( ¢ CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI RINCON BAYOU DIVERSION PROJECT- AMMONIA AND BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: 2006-2(X~ CONTRACT FOR SERV1CES The City of Corpua Chd~. Texae, hemlnafl~ caJ~d "City", end lyre C.,eflt~ for ~ Studlei It rex~ A&M Unlvermty - Corpu~ Chd~. herinafter called 'CCS', hereby agree aI fo~lowI: S~RV1CES TO B~ PER~ORM~I~ 'e~x~t th~ re~utl:l of e itudy for · Coilectior~ of Arnrrlo~ ~mpkea~ of treated ~ et ~ Alison Wl~evnahkr D~n Project C~ls a~m dlvmlk)n emil I~l:~Ctk:x~ rrxmlb:~ng Rir~ ~ MoniO;)rlng- TO P~ ~:~e the rmce~ary dal~ to evluate the effecl~ of f/~g~wa~r ~ from the Nuec~m R~v~r i.,~.. Ri~ BI)~:~J, and to determl~ If ~ exlat ~ I~ divec~:m i~ m~l ~pirib~ n~. dlVe~k:m I~eI, ~ following m~ra~ne~t ~ will ~ perf~'med: 1. Speclea abundance, denmty, dlvemity, diatributfcm, and blomim of ber~hlc mac~,,~.,Jna, ind sediment grain m4ze anal)mis x~ll b~ ~m nekton in the Nueces Dei'm will be rneaa4Jred. 3. Number and type of avian species along xmdth habitat image Itmt nol~a ~, di~ and time w~l 4. ~lcal pararym~'~ fi'mt inciude but em ,-,or limited to watm' ~rnpl~txJm, dimaoNed oxygen (% saturation and rog/l_), pH, comluc~db/, and ulb-/ty wiB be rneiurmd. AJmoo W~et~,atef DtvemK~n Prolect I~;mrtorln~ cc~ w~ll per~orm foao~ng ~ will be performed dudm"i~ tho c(:dl~ ev~qt~: ~ Irmpect the entire above ground pipeline r~t~ from the Nuece~ Rlvmr t~ the bqme ~ ~ 2 In~oect all dlver~on ceil walls for po~ble ee~oe or o~er ~lur~ whlc~ may hinder o~.. atjor~ Irm~ct ail mbov~ grou~ Irrflow vah~m, plpem, e~ dim=4~ po4ntm w~dn t~ dlv~m~m ce~ for any ~gne of operaUonal failure: ~ ¢~ually in~p~c~ all p~nr~t~r fencing at the pro~ect for poea~e breaka; 2005-514 -' RAR I N C O NWear5~..ontra~ doc lO/Il/OS M2005-?,44 P~ge lof3 6 Provffie for Imrnec~t~ ~ rapports, on a 24-hour oe cai beale, ahould It~ C~ ot Corp~ Chrl~ determine tt~t a proi31em ~ at t~e I:XOJect area. Amrl~il and Ins~e,'~on Monlt~rlRg - AIIlaon Wa~ater ~ Prole~ Ba~ed on existing pen'nit mum ~ by t~e Tex~ Commission on Emmenl~ Qu~ th~ following m will be p~'~'med during co#ectkm m: Wat~' m will be co~lectl!KI from elic~ dram c~l fllrae flrm~ eact-i w~ ild t~ ~r Ammonia-Nit.gert analy~s at Itte O.N. S'e~ms VVat~r Quai~ La~, B RESEARCH PLAN AND METHODS The specific ra~e~rc~l p~n and mefl~oda fo~ tt~ 2006 - 2006 monltming period am act for~ In the Reeeamh Contract Pro~ Incor~ as Exhibit A of thll cofltr~c[ PRODUCTS will d~h~r an annuaJ ~ml In~. p~ m~ a~l The comprehensive arm ual report will deecrlbe the r~.~ of b~e taak~ aaamctated wflh lt~e RJr~,~n Bayou and AJIl~on Wasta~ater ~. Ftndl~ge will be Int~gra'~d and preee~'~d to ~ I~e ctzmnt a~att~ of ttte Stud~e~ at Te~a~ A&M UnNemlty~ ChriS. The principal Inveeti~ ~ ~ ~t~ proJe~___ w~ asaistlheCityofCorpusChrtstl, elt~mughwflffs~ o~per~3r~communlcatlonordlmCtl~, ~e datio~tol~e Texas Commission o~ Environmental Quality, ~ any pro~ c~ to l~e work plan be necea~ary. Pdmpal InveatJgat~ w#l p.., Ik,~,ate In any meetings nec~s~y t~ ,,Iow m c~ t~ coordlna'~ the flndlng~ Each chapter will Incorpor~e tt~e reeults o~the curmet year wlffi It~t of prior y~ar data. Temporal ~ ~ comm tt~t disptay algnll~m mi o~ pattm among varl~m parame~ ~1! be pmee~l~d In graphic or t~bular format Cornpadm w~ past indies and o~her nelghborlng atudlee w~ be made where D ORDER OF SERVICES The morlltoring period wlll be for 12 montha, from Octofler 1, 2005 ltlrough ~ber 343, 2006. lelter ~aJl stye I~e number of tile curmflt Involce, the to~l aufl'x)rlzed fee, tile amo~mt ~ ~, and tt~ ct.m'e~ amount due. St~temem e,lll be baaed upon percent of project c~rnplel~l. I-Iow~, a flnaJ ~¥ TERMINATION OF CvONTRACT t. he acld r~sea ~oecifled below. If termlnaMon __nc~_-m prior to ttte final comple'do~ of al wo~'k ¢ontamplat~KI by as of t~e effec~ve mrmtn~Jon ~ Including sa~arl~ of ap~x~nte~____ for tt~e remainder of their al~olntment Page 2 o1'3 H ~H OM E'~KEVINS~GE N~WATE R~RINCON~Yea~~loc T ne tomgom~ ~ r~, be c~3r~trued to require the C~ to COml:~msate CCS for a~'~y servlce~ n~ pedom3ed ~ a 13~mer, ~ mann~ ..~ NOTICE AnDREi~,S Corr~-~ cortcem~ng thl~ contr~ ~3all be ~ent to the Clly and CC8 CW: D, rectm' of Engineering Sennces C~y of Corpu~ Chrl~a P O. _Rox 921'7 COrlX~ Chrtsti. TX 7848g.-g277 5'~ 2.-880.-3500 Fax:. 512-880-.3501 Erin M Albert ~ ~ A. Nlcalou Cent~' for Coll.tal Studtee Texa~ A&M Unlv~ - Corlx~ Chrl~J 630(] Ocea~ Drtve Coq~s Chd~. TX 78412 381-825-2736 Fax 381.825-2770 ~icola ~t~alcon. ~- m ucc.~lu vi. V~l. 6~SlG II ITY CCS will not ~n, ~ or de~ any of ~ o~ or dutlee under lh~ ~ to a~y olher pe~aon The City a~all no{ ~ the feea of e~pert ~ technical miat~'~ce and cor~al~nt~ unleea .uch ~ · ndud~g the rata of coml:~'~aflon, ha. been apl:re:wed In wrffing by ~ Ctty. Ordlnanc~ No. 17112. CC8 agmee to c~mplel~ the Clty of ~ Chris~ D/sdo~__Jre of Int~'ea~ form ~ u Exh~it 'B' CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI CHRISTI TEXAS A&.M UNIVERSITY - CORPUS '~,onald F. Masaey ".-~Date ErinM. Albert Assistant City Manager Prlndpal Investigator City Co-Pflncipal InveatJgak3r APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,./~fartam City Attomey ,Oat~ Texas A&M Univemlty - Corpus Chrl~l ,¢,/,,' H' ~O~ E~KEV! Nb-RGEN~WATER~RINCON\Y~ doc COAITAL PO Box g27T O:xpua C:hrlt[, Texan 7844~ D88r Mr. S'a3wem: Dtvemion Project celia and dlvemton cel Inat3ectlon m(xdt~ from Octob~ 3. Aeatat the City In devek)pk~ an opUmal ~1 nmnagemer~ ixocedure Exhlb~ A Plge 1 of 6 r To provtde t~e rmcesaary c~b= to eval,~e tt~ effe(~ of fmsl~vat~r diversions from ttm Nuec~s River I~o Rlncon Bayou, and ~ deeesmine If differences e3d~ bebvaen 1. Species abundance, denaity, dlve~ty, dlslrltmtlon, and bioma~ of ben~c mecroi~fauna, and sediment grain size anah/Ma will be measured, 2. Specie~ abundance, Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), dlvemJty, cllatrlbution, and biomass of ep~aunal Invertebrates, and neklon In the Nuecee Delta wll be 3. Number and type of avian apedes along w~th habitat uaage that no¢~ location, date, and time will be mordlomd, 4. Phyaiochemlcal parametem that Include but am no{ Ilmlted I~ water temperature, dlaaoNed oxygen (% sat~-~ and mg/t.), pH, conduclMty, and ~ wa be conduced et W (e) kxwa:,n~ vathln the Nuecm Derm. The expmtnmmd replicate (~m, ~, ~ I:wy) e~aUon, w~hln ette, (Tai:de 1). for a de~alled site location description. BenlJllc Macroinfaul~ 2 I:~ge 2 of 0 semi, lng and analysis will be conducted to date,.,Ine sediment grain size. Re~i(ate (3 cores) aamping will take place using a PVC cormtn. K~l cy~ndrlcal push corer, 10.12 crn in diameter (80.43 ~ surface area), Irmerted to a depth of 10 crn at each ~flon. Samples will be preserved In h'm tlek:l and returned to the Center for Coaxial Studies for analysis, with organlsrns sorted, counted, and Idenffited to I~ lowest possib~ taxon. Blomass data will be ob~ined by d~ng ail specimens, for a minimum of two days, at 90~ centigrade In a stamJard Fischer Sdenttflc d~jlng oven be;om weighing in a Denver A-160 analytical balance scale. ~nal Invertebrates and ~ Macrofauna coa.~,; fisheries It la Imporl~nt to understand I~ effects that Increased fma~wmter and t~'eatad ~ diveratons may have on the hea~ and su~tainabillty of this critically important habit. Monthly sampling to dat~'mlna ~ atxJndance, CPUE, dlvemRy, distribution, ,and blornass will take piece at all slx (6) stations. Sampling of eplfaunal minimum of two days, at 90~ centigrade In a star. lard Fischer Sctentific.d~jing oven before w~ighlng In a Denver A-160 analytical balance scale. Wetland areas are Important for many resident and migratory avian apeclea. AJflx)ugh usage maybe of short dura~on, theee mmpomry habltam provide for forage, rearing, and refuge areas that am esserfflal to the species' .urvtval. During these clttic~ requirement foe many reaident and migrattxy avian species by Ixovkllng access to a increased mmge by evian species. Surveys will be conducted Tm' 30-minute I~vais at all six ($) slalJons to detavnlne type of spedes and I~tal numbem present. In ~ldEIon, visual obsen~lmts vail be made of av~n behavkx' (i.e. fly-ov~, msang, or feeding) and recon:led for staLl.leal analysis. To aeaess the p~u~ea~lan and effecl~ of dlverl~l and nalural flows through the pH, conducbMty, nnd aali~ty) wil be made at all n~x (S) kx:ationa uaing n por[nb~ YSI Mumm h'm~'umenL 3 I E~gtllt A Coi~ of Ammonia ~af'nole~ ~ Irmna:'AJon Mo~Ml~"k'p-'., 04' #1o ,NIMon Water marnplee will be collected from each dive.on cell three flmee each w~mk and l~8nsported for Amrnonla-Nltrogen analy~ at Ute O.N. Stoverm Water Query L~-~or~. Duo to the imporbmce of the ,AJIhK)n [:Xveraton DemonBb'BUon Project io the ~ of Corpus Christi and the dttzene of lhe CoBetBI Bend, meeeurea must be implemented to eneum the overall w~rklng integrity of the proJec[. Becauee of the 8Mni-remote IocstJon of the project t~ foNowing teaks wilt be cokcflon even~: 1. Inspect lhe entire above ground plpellrm route from Om Nuecea RJver to the three divemion celle for possible leaks ~ opemtior~ failure; 2. Irmpect all diversion cell walls for ~ eo:mton m' other ~ which may hh'xJer Op(h uLk:x18; 3. Inspect all above ground Inflow valves, ptpee, and dlKharge points wlth~ the dlvemlon cells for aay signs of operational failure; 6. Provide for Immediate Irmpec~3n reqxx'me, cma 24-hour off call bea~, should the City o~ Corpus Christi de~m*mlne b"mt a i:N'oblem exists at the DFI ~'F~ A draft annual report will be produced by December I each year clemd31~ lhe rem. J~ Texas A&M Unl'~ ChrlstL In addition, prlfx:tpM Inveetlgetx:~ Involved this project w~ pmtldp~iu In an 8nnuaJ workshop to discuss project resulls and to communication o~ direct pre~mtati~ to ~ Texas Cc.,-,Jeel=n off Ouetlty, shouk:l any proposed changee to the work pian be neceMary end will make IExhl~ A 1~4ofe I:~esentatlons to the Nuece8 Eatuary Advls(x7 Council aa requMted. No d,a~ annual re~ort ia required for the ammonia water sample collection or In~~ltorlng ~C~IFDI.II F OF ~ The Center for C, OaL~i ~Klles hereby agrees fo4' tfm dura'~n of one year (October 1, 2005 l~rough September 31, 2(X)6) to perform all services necessary to provide FFF FOI~ The Center for Coastal Studies requests mat the City of CoqxJa Christi peya yeady fee of $114,875.00 (Attachment A), which wi be billed at the quarterly ,a~ of $28,718.75 Corpus Christi for Indualon In ~ City's annual budget and may Indude propoeed changes to ~ work plan and fee structure. This fee will be full and to(al compermatlon for all services rendered or experme8 Incurred by Center for CoastM S1]Jdlee. Erin M. AJbert Texa~ A&M Univemlty~a Christi Brle~ A. Nlcolau Texas A&M Unlverslty-Corp~ Christi 5 ATTACHMENT A BUD(~-I' - F~ 200~ ~Fdnge Beneflt~ Equipment O~r R]ncon Ammonia $52,[~.16 $14,040.00 2,206.83 1,415.47 ,890.00 13,260.00 Tot~ INtact $69,518.99 $28,715.47 To~l Co~ $66,962.16 13,622.30 15,150.00 Indirect $13,230.54 $a2,7#.53 $3,510.00 t. 2,22S.47 $16,740.54 $114,875.00 IEx~l~ A CITY OF ~8 CHRISTI DISCLOSURE OF INTT=REST8 ~ of Corpus C.hrf~ti Omar*me 17112, a~ amended, requlr~ all perm3na or f'rrrm ___~_ t~ do ~ wflh lhe Cry to prov~e the fl311owtng i.fun'nat~:m Every que~lo~ must be answen~l, ff fl'm queel~on 1. not eppilca~e, ~ writ FIRM la: 1 DISCLOSURE QU Es'rloN8 3% or more of the owner~lp In the Mmve n~rrmd firm. . Stare the rmm~ of ~ch ofi~Jal of the City ~f Corpus Chrl~l h~lng ~n owner~dp W ~ 3% or more of the ownerMflp ~ ttm Mxwe nmtmd firm. St~t~ the name~ of ~ch board member of the City of Coqxm Christi h~lng ~n owne~ldp Ird~r~et cormtltutlng 3% or mom of t~e o~mer~dp In b'~ Mxwe n~med firm. / / '] C~ty of CormJe Chrl~l. Texas as c~anges occur. SlgnatureofCe~Pemon: q~xOL,k.~,' d~. -- DEFINmONS a Boarcl Member. A me~nbe~' o' arty board, commlsaio~ or commit~e apix~nted by t~e City Coun~ of the City o~ :;orpua Christi, Texas. '~ ~mp~oyee. Any person ernpioyed Dy the CdT of Corpus Chriatl. Texas, elfl'~r on a full or part time bea~ but not · 3s ar` Ir~c~oende~lt contractor ~,rm. A~¥ ~ ~ f~ __,~_ oml~ gain. wh~he~ pro~m~l, i~du~'~l ~' ~,,~,,~-~ ~1 ~ =~ ~le prOl~k~'~ip. ~m ~-~nployed per. n, par~mr~hlp, coq~'$~, ]o1~ ~'~ ~I~Y, ~ v~'~u~, .'~k~ar~-~, a~l Drv~.,~n Head~ a~d Mumc~al Co~d Judg~ of bhe CI~ ot' ~ Chd~§, T~. · ~,~ch in~e~ ~ h~l bhmu~h an a~, ~ ~ ~r n~d~ng enb~. ~ h~l ~ ~ h~lln~ ~ rm~ e~b~l~h~l f~gh v~lng h~u~. p~ox~ o~ ,~pe~ial ~rn,~ ~ v~n~um o~ p~ne~lp ~n~. ~ns:,lb~n$ A~¥ pe~n o~h?. ,~uch ~ ~gi~ ~ a~. h~ ~ ~ C~ ~C~ Ch~ ~ ~