HomeMy WebLinkAboutC2008-002 - 1/15/2008 - ApprovedTURNER INDUSTRIES GROUP DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES T~is Turner Industries Group Development Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into by and between the City of Corpus Christi, Texas (City}, a Texas home rule municipality, and Turner Industries Group, L.L.C. (Developer), a limited liability company authorized to do business in Texas, hereinafter colIectively referred to as the "Parties", upon the premises and for the purposes set ou~ herein, and is effective as stated in this Agreement. ~NTRODUCTION A. The Developar is pursuing the development of property it owns located at the intersection of Interstate Highway 37 and Clarkwood Road as a pipe fabrication and assembly facility to include a new administrative office building, fabrication facility, lay-down yards, and material storage area, as depicted on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; B. The Developer desires to begin improvement of the property for use for temporary outdoor assembly work prior to plat recordation or issuance of permits for canstruction of the permanent improvements; G The City's Platting Ordinance prohibits the issuance of building permits prior to the constr~.iction of water and wastewater facilities to serve the developrnent; D. Construction of the water and wastewater facilities required to serve the develapment will significantly delay the recording of the approved plat and issuance of the required permits; E. The Developer proposes to construct the required water, wastewater, and storm water facilities simultaneous with the canstruction of the permanent improvements for the facility, •, providing an alternate means of vuater and wastewater service until the required water and . wastewater improvements are designed, constructed, approved and accepted by the City, and ta post an adequate security to assure the construction of the water, wastewater, and storm water improvements; F. The Developer desires ~he City to record the plat and issue permit~ for the construction of the permanent improvements, upon Deveioper's posting of sufficient security for construction of the required water, wastewater, and storm water impro~ements with the City, Developer's provisian of a sufficient potable water supply, pravision of alternate wastewater disposal, and provision of temporary storm water management m~asures until the water, wastewater, and storm water facilities are approved and accepted by the City, and that the City wi~l not issue a permanent Certificate af Occupancy for any facility constructed on the property prior to completion and acceptance of the water, wastewater, and starm water improvements; and ~oas-oa2 oi~is~as M2008-009 page 1 of 9 Turner Indusfries Grp o~izi~ G. All other ordinances, rules and regulations concerning the development shall apply. NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual assurances set forth herein and good and valuable consideratian, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. Developer's obii at~. 1.1. The Developer will pay 100% of the total cost {including engineering, permits, testing and construction) of the amendment of the wastewater master plan, wastewater improvements, the water improvements, and storm water improvements subject to applicable reimbursement fram the appropriate water and/or wastewater trust funds. 1.2. Developer shall temporarily provide a sufficient patable water supply and provision of alternate wastewater disposal, acceptable to the City-County Health Department, (as described in Exhibit "B1" attached), provide temporary storm water management measures acceptable to the City, until the water, wastewater, and storn~ water facilities are approved and accep~ed by the City. 1.3. Develaper shall pravide a site plan for the temporary use of the property during the construction phase. Such site plan shall include provisians for access, screening, security, and work areas (as described in Exhibit `B2" attached). 1.4. Construction of the infrastructure improvemer~ts shall begin prior to April 1, 2008, and shall be diligently pursued to completion, with completion on or before November 1, 2008. 1.5. Construction of the infrastructure improvernents shall not begin untiI the City has reviewed and approved the plans for construction of such improvements. 1.6. The Developer shali deposit with the City security equal to 110% of the estimated cost of constructing the infrastructure improvements. The estimated cost is set forth on Exhibit "C" attached. The security may be a letter af credit issued by a bank in Corpus Christi, Nueces Co~nty, Texas, in a form and content acceptable ta the Finance Director and the City Attorney of the City. The security may be cash ar other security approved and accepted by the Finance Director and City Attorney of the City. 1.7. Developer shall consttuct the permanent improvements for the facility substantially as depictcd on the site plan (Exhibit "A"). 1.$. Develaper shall provide screening by providing a fence with a minimum height of six (6} fee~ constituting a visual obstruction along the defined perimeter of the material storage areas and the lay-down yard, and the fabrication/asssmbly area. Page 2 of 9 071213 1.9. Developer shall provide for landscaping along the Interstate Highway 37 frontage af the property for a depth of at least one hundred fifty (150} feet which area may include the adminisnative office building and parking far the facility. In addition all zoning regulations will be applied for the development of the site. 1.1Q. Landscaping along Clarkwood Raad will be required to meet the regulations of the Corpus Christi Zoning Ordinance. Section 2. Plat Recordation. Upon submission and approval of the amendment to the wastewater master pIan, approval of the preliminary and final plats of the property, delivery to the City of the security required in 1.6 above, upon submission of an approved final plat and upon payment of all applicable fees and charges, the City shall record the final plat, at the sole expense of the Developer, in the Real Property Records of Nueces County, Texas. Section 3. Issuance of Permits and Certificates of Occupancv. 3.1 The City will issue a temporary autharization to occupy the outdoar assembly area, lay-down yard, and material starage areas, as depicted on Exhibit "A" upon compliance with 1.2 above. Such temporary authorization shall expire upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the permanent improvements on the property for the conduct of such activity or or~ November 1, 2Q08, whichever accurs earlier. Th~ certificate of occupancy for the permanent improvements will not be issued until off site improvements are in operation and serving the subject property. 3.2 Upon the submissian of a complete application for construction permit, fully compIiant with all applicable ordinances and technical codes, the City wi11 issue permits for the construction of the permanent improvements on the property upon compliance with 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7. Section 4. The following general terms and conditions shall apply to this Agreement: 4.1 Term. The term of this Agreement will commence on the Effective Date {as defined below) and continue until completion of the objectives of this Agreement, unless terminated on an earlier date under other provisions of this Agreement or by written agreement of the City and the Developer, as provided for in Section 4.2 below. The Effective Date of this Agreement will be the date of full execution by the Parties. This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. Page 3 of 9 071213 4.2. Amendment b A eement. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of the City and ~he Developer, or its successors or permitted assigns. 4.3. Ass~ent. This Agreem~nt and the rights of the Developer may be assigned to any subsequent awner of the property, subj ect to the priar written cansent of the City, which consent will nat be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment wili be in writing, will specifica~ly set forth the assigned rights and obligations and will be ~xecuted by the proposed assignee. 4.4. Cooperatian. The Parties will cooperate with each other as reasonable and necessary to carry out the intent af this Agreement, including but not limited ta the execution of such further documents as may be reasonably required. 4.5. Notice. Any notice given under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given: (i) by depositing it in the United States mail, certified, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party to be notified and with ali charges prepaid; (ii) by depositing it with Federal Express or another service guaranteeing "next day delivery", addressed to the party ta be notified and with all charges prepaid; (iii) by personally delivering it to tne party, or any agent of the party listed in this Agreement; or (iv) by facsimile with confirming copy sent by one of the other described methods of notice set forth. Notice by United States mail will be effective on the earlier of the date of receipt or three (3} days after the date af mailing. Notice given in any other manner wi11 be effective only when received. For purposes of notice, the addresses of the Parties wili, until changed as provided below, be as follows: City: City of Carpus Christi Attn: City Manager 1201 Leopard Street PO Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78469-9277 With Required Copy to: City of Corpus Christi Attn: City Attorney 1201 Leapard Street PO Box 9277 Corpus Christi TX 78469-9277 Developer: Turner Industries Group, L.L.C. Attentian: John M. Golashesky 3850 Pasadena Blvd. Pasadena, Texas 77503 Page 4 of 9 071213 The Parties may change their respective addresses to any other address within the United States af America by giving at least five (5) days' written notice to the other party. The Developer may, by giving at least five (5) days' written natice to the City, designate additional parties to receive copies of notices under this Agreement. 4.6. Severabilit • Waiver. If any provision of this Ageement is il~egal, invalid, or unenforceable, under present or future laws, it is the intention of the Parties that the remainder of this Agreement not be affected, and, in lieu of each illegal, invalid, or unenforceabie provision, that a provision be added to this Agreement which is legaI, valid, and enforceable and is as similar in terms to the illegal, invaiid, or enforceable provision as is passible. Each of the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto are separate covenants. Any failure by a party to insist upon strict perforntance by the other party of any provision of this Agreement will not b~ deemed a waiver af such provision or of any other provisian, and such party may at any time therea$er insist upon strict performance of any and all of the provisions of this Agreement. 4.7. Apnlicable Law and Venue. The laws of ~he State of Texas, except conflict af laws, govern the interpretation, performance, enforcement and validity of this Agreement. Venue will be in a court of appropriate jurisdiction ~n Nueces County, Texas. 4.8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties and there are na other agreements or promises, aral or written between the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement can be amende~ only by written agreement signed by the Parties. This Agreement supersedes all o~her agreements between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. 4.9. Exhibits, Headings, Construction and Counterparts. All schedules and exhibits referred to in or attached to this Agreement are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement for all purpases. The section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not enlarge or limit the scope or meaning afthe sections. The Parties acknowledge tha~ each ofthem have been actively and equally involved in the negotiation of this Agreement. Accordingly, the rule of construction that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party will not be employed in interpreting this Agreement or any exhibits hereto. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original, and all of which wiil together constitute the same instrument. This Agreement will become effective only when one or more counterparts bear the signatures of all the Parties. 4.10. Authoritv for Execution. The City certifies, represents, and warrants that the execution of this Agreernent is duly authorized and adopted in conformity with City ardinances. The Developer hereby certifies, represents, and warrants that the Page S of 9 071213 execution of this Agreement is duly authorized and adopted in conformity with the articles of incorporation and bylaws. 4.11. Relationship of Parties. In performing this Agreement, both the City and Developer will act in an individual capacity, and not as agents, representatives, employees, employers, partners, joint-venturers, or associates of one another. The employees or agents of ei~her party may not be, nor be construed to be, the employ~es ar agents of the other party far any purpase. 4.12. Survival of Terms. All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Parties, as well as any rights and benefi~s of the Parties pertaining to the ~ransaction contemplated hereby, will survive the original execution date of this agreem~nt. 4.13. Proportio~ality. The Developer agrees ~hat the public improvements contemplated to be made by or at the expense of the Developer are roughly proportional to the De~elopment under Section 212.904, Texas Loca1 Government Code. 4.14. Farce Maieure. In the event of unforeseeable third party delays in the construction of the improvements or force majeure and upon a reasonable showing by the Developer that it has immediately and in good faith commenced and is ditigently and con~inuously pursuing the correction, remo~al or abatement of such delays by using its best efforts, the City may consent to and excuse such delays, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Force majeure means severe weather such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floading, wars, riots and the unavailability of necessary and essential equipment and supplies from all sources. 4.15. Consequential Damages. Neither pat~y shall be liable to the other for any alleged consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of funds, loss of revenue, loss of financing, and/or any other damages that are classified as "special damages". 4.16. Canflict with provisions of City ordinances and codes. Should any term or provision of this Development Agreement conflict with any term, provision, ru~e, or regulation of any City ardinance or code, then to the extent of such conflict only, the terms of this Development Agreement shall controi. Tn all other respects and applications, the City's ordinances and codes shall apply to this development. 4.17. Other re lato re uirements. Developer, as its obligation and at its expense, shail comply with all other regulations and regulatory requirements that apply to the project. 4.18. Default. If developer defaults in any of its covenants or obligations under this Agrcement, the City Engineer will send the Developer and Project Engineer H:LegDirlgwslUevServlpevAg120071TurneiU7l2i3 Page 6 of 9 written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, advising Developer of the default and giving Developer thirty (30} days from date af receipt of the letter to cure the default. If the Developer fails ta cure the default relating to public infrastructure construction after receipt of the notice and opportunity ta cure, the City Engineer may transfer any monies received and interest eamed to the appropriate fund of the City to camplete the deferred infrastructure listed in Exhibit "C". In the event there are any monies received by the City from the Developer, plus interest earned, remaining after the City has completed construction of the deferred infrastructure in listed in exhibit "C", the excess monies, both principal and interest, shall be refunded to ihe Developer, within sixty (60) days of the completion of construction and settlement of construction cantracts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any reimbursements available to Developer shall be ap~lied to the public infrastructure construction costs for the benefit of Developer. The undersigned Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS a Texas municipal corparation By: Date: ~ ~ ~ TURNER INDUSTRIES GROUP, L.L.C. a limited liability company By: Jo . Go s Sr. Vice resident / e Region Date: December 13, 2007 ATYEST. .~ AR~1Mlp0 EA,AFA C1~Y SEG~~T'~t" aqp~+rea~ ~tam: .~.~.~.~ ~~ Fo cny,~ro~y ~`~~9'~' l~.~. aoo -o,~...~+~~~~~«. ~r c~~ci~ ..,~..~ 08` ~ ~ SECREI'ARY ~ ~ ~ H:LegpirlgwslDevServlbevAg120071Tumer071213 Page 7 oF 9 EXHYBIT "A" H:LegDirlg.vslpevServlDevAg120071Turner071213 Page 8 of 9 .~\ , e~ .y i ~ : ~~~ ~ ~ ~• ~ - ~. ~ ~ ~ `' .\ ~ ~ ~';1` ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ . Q g~~ ~ `~z ~ ~ _ ~ . ~ ~,-, ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ,,~~~ r ~1 ~~s - ~.~~ ~ F s i ¢~~~ :,\ ~ d ~' ~ ~ ~ f7{ F ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~a°~~~~~ ~ _ . y ~ ~ b''.~' ~ ,~~9~ i ~ A1o~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ ` ,-~ 3 ~gf ~l' ~~~ ` '\ I I ~ d'i~~ ' ~ :tDS• \ l ~ ~ I ~ ~~\ •~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~ "+~.`~\ '• ~ • ~- i ' I I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~w , , f ~ b~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~,~. _`~ ~ *e~~. . ~~~ ~ ~ `~ . b ~~ '~ ~h • ~ ~'& ~ ~j~ I f ~.h - -- I ~ fR ~-- - I ' 1; t ~ ~. ~~ ~[ ~ ~ ~ .~h P~~I ~ ~~ 1 ,~ ~~~~: ~~~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ :~,~~~~~~ ~~~v:~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~^~~. . ~ ~ W ti V t~"~ • i ' ' ,yp1 3 ~ .w- ~;~:~~~~SCi: .`Op s~F ~~ ~ ~ • ~ js~ ~-~' ~9s ~~~i ~ ~ .:,, ~ ~ ' d`S. ~~~ ; ~~ F. ' - ~ ~ 4, ~ ~ >~~E~a; ~f _ :~: ~~~ ~ - ..nw ,p' :: f`~~.._., I ~ ~K+-`'.f-"-~ =,u~-:'~r:=:,;::;-.~: pn ~ "'Wrn~ :~.J }~ • 'x..;;-s.I}:o:.~^'rV/~ . -''Y r-Yr~ •, . ~. ''•I rll. , ;'A ~`.t - '.~~:s.. "~~„~,,~. ~'""~`'~'a, ~•~,~",~ , _. ~ ~~~~± ~l ~} w~ ~~ yk ~o ~r~ :i~'' EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "B1" Temporary Use Plan 1. The nutnber of employees working on site will be no iess than 6 and not more than 25. 2. Temparary toilet facilities and hand wash stations will be pravided through a private vendor, proposed to be Skid-A-Can upon the following conditions~leaning will be dependent upon the number of people using them. 3. Potable water will be provided in sanitized sealed containers. The containers will be sanitized and sealed daiiy and delivered to the job site. Paper cups will be provided. 4. Access ta the t~mporary facility will be from Clarkwood Raad as reflected on the general site layout in exhibit `B2" on the next page. H:Leg~irlgwslpevServll7evAg120071Tumc~71213 Page 9 of 9 ~.~ ~ .~ ~ i~ `-. ~ ~ .~ ~~. `~`-~ ,` ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~_ ~ ~ ~~r :,~. ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~.,. .~~<<z ~~~. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ :~ ~W~~ ~ ''~~=~s£ '~. ~ ~ ` ~ r '~•~~, °~'~;F~~s ` "~ ~~ a°~=e~d~ ~ ,n ~ ~. • ,~, - c~. I ~ y'• `s'~"c~' • ~ T~'y`~ `~' ~. r '~' \ ~~, 1 ~ ' ~ , \ s! `~~ ~lp,~ , `~ ~ ! +~~ 1 • ~9F8 ~ \ r ~ ~ ~a;~.:\ ~~BS '-~ _,'~ ~~. ~-^.'qv ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "\ ,`• `'\ r~ ~ ~" y,°i~'•~ -,` .~OS~F i • i -~ ~'~ts~ ~9S ~ ~ ~ • s x ~ ~~ ~~i ~ 1 -~f ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ a~~ ~~ ~~ rx ~ " 9 ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ e °°„$ ~,$, ~'~ k,~, _ ~~J~~ i~f~•~~~ ~1 ,`, 1 _`~~1 '° '"~'°f0'~°~a'a w~ _ . ~~~ ~~I ~~ ~i: a; ~ry ~ t~ la ~ ~ r . EXHIBIT "BZ° Eng: Murray Hudson, P.~. Pre~iminary Platting Cost Estimate Dec. 4, 2007 Client: 7urn~r lndustri~s Group, LLC for Job No. 40821,A7.00 sy~ c.R.~. I.OT 1, BLOCK 1 TURNER INDUSTRIES TRACTS ITEM DE3CRIPTI~N 4UAN. QiJAN. + UNIT UNI7 1'OTA~ 5°/a PRICE COS~' A. PAVING lMPROVEM~NTS: No avin improverrtants are required far plattin therefore no casts far avin improvements _ were estimated. ____ _ S. STORM SEVtiIER 1MPROVEMENT5: No starm sswer improvments are req~ired far plat fin therefore no costs for storm sewer im ro~ements were estimated. __ ~ C. WATER IMPR~VEMENTS: 1 18" PVC C-900 2,323 2,439 LF $225.00 $548,775.00 2 8" PVC G9~0 2,997 3,147 LF $26.50 ~ ~ $83,395.50 3 16" Gate Valve and Box 2 2 EA $1,2DO.A0 $2,400.Oa 4 8" Gate Valve and Box 8 B EA $650.00 $5,200.00 5 16"x8" Reducer 4 a EA $950.00 $3,80Q.00 6 1S" Ductile Iron Cross ~ ~~ 2 2 ~A $750.00 $1,50Q.00 7 96"x8" Ductile Ifan Tee ~~ 1 1 EA $700.Q0 $700.00 & 8" Ductife Iron Tee 2 2 ~A $65~A0 $~,340.QQ 9 Fire H drantAssembi Complete In-place 14 ~4 EA $2,500.0~ $35,040.04 14 96"x8" Tap~ing Slesve wiB" Tapping Gate Valve ~ 1 i.S $2,850.00 $2,850.~0 11 Tie to ~xisting 48" Waterline 1 1 ~A $1,D~0.~0 $1,Q00.00 12 160' Bore w/3Q" casing l.eapard Street 160 368 ~ LF $300.04 $50,404.RQ 13 Bare Pit 1 1 LS $i0,0(30.44 $10,OOO.QO 1~4 18" P[ug 1 1 EA $445.00 $445.00 15 B" Plug ~ _ 5 5 EA $285,00 $1,425.40 WA7~ R SUR-TOTAL: $748,'190.50 D. SA NITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: 1 15" PVC (22'-24' Cut) 469 492 L~ $11Q.00 $54,124.00 2 'i5" PVG {20`-22' Cu#) 469 492 L.f $100.~0 $49,204.04 3 8" PVC (2~'-22' CUt) ~~ 438 460 LF _ $95.04 $43,7Q0.00 4 8" PVC 18'-20' Cut) 454 477 ~F $85A4 $40,545.00 5 OSHA Treneh Protectio~ ~ 1,830 1,922 LF' $9.75 $3,363.50 6 ~mbedment ~ 1,83fl 1,922 LF $6_50 $12,493.00 7 Well Pointin 1,830 1,922 ~F $22.50 $43,245.00 8 Directional Bora w124" Casing Leopard Streek 160 16B LF $25q.Op $42,000.00 9 ~ore Pit 1 1 ~S $25,400.U0 $25,OQ0.00 10 5' Diarneter Manhole ~22'-24' Deep) 1 ~ 1 EA $6,500.~0 ~6,500A0 11 _~__ 5' Diameter Mar~hole (20'-22' C?eep} __ 1 ~ ~A $6,250A0 $6,250.00 12 5' Diame#er Manhole (18'-20' [3eepj ~ 2 2 EA $B,OQ0.00 $12,Q00.00 i W ~~ SANITARY SEW~ R SUB-TO~"AL: $338,416.50 _...__~_._.~.._~._......._ ~ I I - -_._.. Urban Eng9neering 2725 Swantner Corpus Christi, TX 7840A 1-36~-85Q-3101 1 of 2 ~.e1171~i 1 14~f) Eng: Murray Hudson, P.~. Prelirr~inary Platfing Cost Estimate Dec. 4, 20~7 Client: Turner ]ndustries Group, i.LC for Job No. 4Q821.A7.q0 ~Y~ ~~a~R~ LOT 1, BLOCK 1 TURNER INDUSTRIES TRACTS ITEM - DE3CRIPTlON - -- ~ QUAN. QUAN, ~ UN1T UNIT TOTAL 5% PRICE COST E. MISCELI..ANEOiJS I7EMS: --....---- _------- 1 Bondin and Insurance ----- --- -- 1 ---._._..._----..._.._.. 1 ___------ L8 ----.._......._..___-- $60,OtlQ.Qp $50,aoo.oa 2 Construction Entranee ~~~ ~ ----- - T~m~m 1 ~ EA $5,000.00 $5,004.U0 3 Siit Fence ------- -- -J_... 1 -------1 ~ LS - - $5,000.40 _._...._ ~5 000.00 ~ ~ MISCELLA NEOtJ S StJB-TOTAL: $64,000.00 ..__.---.. ._ _.~-.---_____._..__._.__.---- ~ .~____ _. _ . --_~.__~____.._ . TOTAL. ES TIMAT~D tM PROV _ __~ __. EM~NT COST. $1,146,Bb7.00 - F. ~ADMlNISTRATIVE iTEMS: ~_ ______._._.__. , ------ -----.. ~~~_~~_,_ _ _- _ _.___._ -- - -----__.....-----....---- i ~ng~neerin @ 8% of construction ~ - ~$9~,728.56 2 Topo ra hic 5urve for d~si n ~ ~ ~ ~ $2,500.00 3 Cnnsfrucfion Testing ~ $5,400.04 4 Construction Staking @ 3% of cons#ruction ~ ~ ~ $34,398.21 5 Sform Water Palluiian Pre~ention Plan $1,850.pp ~ _ 70TAI. EST IMAT~~] A~M INIST RATN~ C4~T: $'f35,47B.77 _ I ~_... _..-----......... _....._......__ ..............--- -.....--------- ---- I TOTALCOST: $9,282,063.77 .~_ __ __ __- ________ AD D1Tf~NAL 10 % R~QUIRE D FOR DEFERMENT: $~2$,20$.38 v ~. .W~~.~ ~ - _ TOTAI. R~4UIR~D p~F~RM~NT (110%): $9,a1o,292,15 _._ ._.. .__.. ._~ -_ ___._____ ._...__.. _...._. ... ._ . . .. .. _____.. . __ . . --- __ _ . . . . ... .. _. ............._.._._. _..__....._.._..--------- _ _ ~__._._.___._. _ i - -- __ ~ ----- ------- ~ ----._... - __......_.._..._____._.._._._..._--- - - -~ _.__.._ ..... ___.___ _~, ; ._._._ ._. . . _._______.__~_._._...__.___~ _....____ ____._. i ~_- -- ---.- --- .. . -----._.. ~.. _~.... . _~ _.__... .___ ...__ __~. -- - --- - - - - ---. - -_____~____~.. _....._..; ' ~...______~ .__ --______ ._.....~___ _. . _ . ~ __ ~. ~ . __. _._......--~-- .. ...... .. ........ ----- --- - _._. ..._ . _ _ _ ._...__.._. _ _-~ ___. __. ' -_ ___-_ -- - -- -- ------ . ~_-- -___-__ ' __.._._._..____.___...._ ...............................____------------........._ ---- . ~ __ __....----._..._..... --- -- _ _....._._............._ -- - - ____ _ _ ._ --- - - ~-. ....._....--- - ---- _ _ .._ . .. ._. _ . - ------ ------ - - f ! ~__._ __ --~- _ _ - ____ ....... ......._...._.... ~ _-__-___ -_ _ .......------.._! ---.. ~ __.. __ _._. ..- ----- ---- -- ............._ _.........._._... .. . _ _.. ~ --~_ - .._._.._..-----...._..._ ..............._ ._._._.__. . Urban Engineering 2725 Swantner Corpus Christi, TX 78404 ~-361-854-3~09 2of2