HomeMy WebLinkAbout152 ORD - 01/03/19131 MICROFILMED JAN 0 3 1969 AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the sale of railroad or street car tickets_or passes or other evidence of right of travel on railroad or street cars without license of the railroad or treet car company in the City of Corpus Christi; and providing a penalty therefor and•rrequi= ing the production of the certificate of authority to sell railroad or street car tickets r passes or other evidence of right of travel on railroad or street railwayn when demanded. nd previdin3 a penalty for failure to do so. BE IT OiiDAIN D BY THE CITY CODUCIL OF THE CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI Section 1. Hereafter it scall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation, *• t nor any officer or servant of any corporation for or in its behalf, or any other person or ersons, with or without license therefor in Corpus Christi, Texas, to sell, barter or transfer for any consideration'ii ChOle4or any pareof any railroad ticket or tickets, street car ticket or tickets, pass or passes._.unles duly suthorized to d2_so by the_iailroad or street railway issuing or authartzing.he_issuance of same; and unless ouch authority to sell same is in writing duly a4te?.tedi b * the corporate seal of sucl, railroad or,street rail- way, or signature of the officer whose name is signed uron the tickets_or coupons or other evidence of_r13kt of travel on same_thich such agent may be authorized to sell. Section 2. Any person biolatln3 any of the provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined net less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 for each end every offense. 0 Section 3. It shall be the duty of every person or persons, firm or corporation, of any officer or agent or servant for and in it's behalf, or any other persons or persons. with or wit eft license therefor in Corpus Christi, Texas, who shall be authorized to sell tickets or parts of tickets, or other eitt once of the holder's right to travel over any railydad or street railway, upon derratld, to exhibit to any persons desiring to purchase such tickdt or tickets or parts of tickets, or other evidence of the holder's right to travel over any railway, or to any officer to tle law who may request it, the certificate of his authority to sell such tickets, passes or ether rights of travel, and he shall keep raid certificate posted ins conspicuous place in his office for the inspection and information of travelers. Section 4. Any person violating. any of the provisions of Section 3 of this ordinance shall, upon conviction be fined not less than $25.00 and not more than $100.00 for each and every offense. Section 5. Tke fact that tiere is now no adequate ordinance in this city prohibiting the illegal selling of tickets an ticket scalping, and further that tiaket'scalping is being is being practiced in this city. creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity for the suspension of the charter rule that no ordinance or resolution shall be finally pawed unon the date cif its introduction unless declared to be a public emergency ordinance bT the Mayor, and the Mayor having declared in writing that such emergency a^d public necessity exists, and having in writing -requested that such charter rale be suspended and tlat this ordinance be passed finally or the date of its introduction, said rule is hereb•, accordin- gly suspended and this orclinanncP ehall tale effect and be inforee from and after its p asege and approval on the date of its introduction and it is so ordained Passed this the 3rd, day of January. A.D. 1913. Approved± this the 3rd, day of January, A.D. 1913. Attest ( Signed) THOS. �i. DZTtp1. ty=.Seeratary�of—Corp.uaa hrie-i (Signed) CLANK PFAV. i"ayor of the City of Corpus Christi. Q{sVoantlc lutibn got,